Kalos at War

By tmikeyboy2

233 4 0

4 years after the events of XYZ Ash returns to Kalos under the rumors of a brewing war. After winning two lea... More


White Cloak

76 1 0
By tmikeyboy2


The bright morning sun shined over the forest. The trees glistened in the sun and the pokemon rose from their slumbers. A girl walked through the wilderness being cautious of her surroundings.

The girl had on a pink backpack, and was wearing a very light pink, almost white, short dress. She had on thigh high black socks with black shoes. On the shoes was a pink pokeball design on each side. She had beautiful ocean blue eyes and short honey blonde hair. The girl was of course Serena. 

Serena POV

Out of all places in Kalos, I had to end up in a forest, in the middle of nowhere. At least I'm not in the eyes of the Black Bone. Even if I'm in the wilderness I hope the Black Bone never finds me. 

This forest is different from the other ones I've been in however. It's like this forest has an abnormal amount of life. From flowers, trees, and even pokemon. It was so isolated from other cities. I guess the best places are out there in the secluded areas of Kalos. 

I kept walking through the life filled forests avoiding pokemon. It's been 2 years but i'm still not ready for pokemon just yet. I made a large commitment to my partners and pokemon performances. I need a break from everything, hopefully people will just forget about me in a few... maybe more than a few years. 

Maybe I can build a house here in the forest and live near pokemon when I'm ready. "Oh there's a field up ahead." I start into a quick walk to find a field of multicolored flowers and cute little pokemon scurrying around the field. Bonnie would've loved this. 

The field had a variety of nature. There were flowers everywhere. There was a beautiful small lake. It was filled and surrounded by lots of water pokemon. In the middle of the field there was a small bump, on top of the hill there was an odd looking white tree, with two black lines on one side of the tree. Lying in front of the tree was a white figure, almost like a cloak. 

I sighed, there goes the peaceful forest. I smacked my head, uh Serena don't think like that whatever it is could be hurt. I ran over to the tree letting the smells of the flowers fill my nose. I moved my hair away from my face as I ran. Once I reached the tree I noticed that the figure was talking and there was a hand on the leafless tree. I crouched down and heard the mumbling "Xer- we have to compl- our" there were long pauses in between words "duti-." The person almost sounded like it was dying or just was really exhausted. 

"Excuse me, are you okay," I pondered wondering for a name I could use "Uh, white cloak sir." The man gasped suddenly and looked at me. The man had green eyes and brown hair that was just barely visible from the hood of his cloak. The real question was why was this guy talking to this tree in some Halloween costume. He grabbed my hands. "What are you doing!"

I tried to pull my hands away, but his grip was strong. "Young girl you must promise me something." I just met this guy and he's already asking for promises. Without my response he just kept continuing his speech "This tree believe it or not is a dormant pokemon. I act as its trainer, and I act as the protector of Kalos in these troubling times. Unfortunately I am closing in on my time of departure." 

So this guy is dying and this tree is a dormant pokemon, I was just walking through the woods and this happens. "Will you promise me, as my last dying wish, that you will take this pendant and act as Xerneas's new trainer, and the Stranger of Kalos." My eyes widened as my hands reached for the pendant, but my hands strayed away. "I don't even know you, how am I supposed to trust you in the first place?" 

He sighed and said "Choosing the next protector of Kalos lies in my hands. You, I can feel it, have the energy of a future Stranger of Kalos. The region needs a protector against the incoming war, and someone who can bring peace to the world."

"I have so many questions," I said as the pendant glimmered in the sun. "All of your questions will be answered in time. I have seen the future and war is underway. Xerneas is the legendary pokeon of life, and the only way of bringing peace to the future state of Kalos. I have seen your future and you are the only eligible person to wield the power of Xerneas."

"How do you know who I am?" I asked. "You are Serena Yvonne, daughter of Grace Yvonne. You had pokemon and traveled with Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont. You and your friends saved Kalos and you journeyed away from the region to pursue your dreams. Once you lost, you left your pokemon thinking they deserved a better life. A decision you grew to regret. All your decisions you made have led you here today. I made many mistakes much like yours and have led me to being the Stranger of Kalos. "

Then I asked my final question "Why me?" The man chuckled a little "The question everyone asks. You Serena Yvonne are strong and have hidden power you have not fully discovered. Xerneas will help you uncover that power and harness it." He stopped and coughed. "The world needs you, more than you know. I would take your place, but at this point it is not possible. Child, I am closing in on my death. If Xerneas is dormant for much longer it will stay dormant for 1,000 years until it's awakening. I believe in you, Serena. I don't care what decisions you made in the past, but right now I need you, Kalos needs you. Serena you are the decision, and you will lead Kalos to great things, but you must first accept what I have given you."

I wrap my hands around the pendant and grab it off the grass. Suddenly I see the man's eyes close and his breath is no longer alive. I looked down at him."No, no, no I needed you." Then an outburst is sent out from his body and life blooms extremely from his dead body. I have to do what he wanted me to. As his last dying wish. I grip the pendant and look up at the black butterfly shaped pattern on the white tree trunk. 

I stand up from the greenery and look at the pendant and to the tree. Looking for some kind of opening, like a keyhole. "C'mon how am I able to get Xerneas out." I look down at the pendant and see that there is something engraved on it. I put it closer to my eyes and see that it's the same butterfly formation. I put the pendant on the tree between the wings. 

Oh how could I have been so stupid, it connects the wings. I put the pendant there and the butterfly starts to glow a golden color. It's like the sun was concealed in the tree. I stumble back and 5 colored orbs fly from the sky to the tree. They all have different colors consisting of yellow, purple, red, blue, and green. They make a circle in front of the tree. Then they all fly into the tree.

Then the most beautiful thing I've ever seen happens. The tree emits a golden orb surrounding the tree making an angelic sound. The pokemon around start to move towards the orb. Around the orb there is a golden spiraling translucent spiritual ribbon. The golden orb dissapears in an "ohm" sound. Then the pokemon emerges with a golden coat. Once the action stops the golden coat is erased and lies the pokemon of life, Xerneas. 

Xerneas, was coated with blue and black fur. Its antlers were golden with multicolored gems at the start, middle and finish of its antlers. The top half of Xerneas was blue, while the bottom of the pokemon was black with white lines going up each leg and meeting near the upper part. It had a bushy tail that was both blue and black, but it was mostly black. It has a long neck and on it's torso it has two curves that go out. It's ears, I'm assuming, were also curved. 

Immediately all the pokemon stormed up to the phenomenon and exclaimed their own names, while Xerneas accepted their love.

Then it spoke to me psychically. "You must be the new Stranger. I can feel your strong aura, Thraxes chose well." Thraxes must be the white cloak guy. "Yes, he is." I exclaimed and looked at Xerneas. Of course you can psychically read me. "I can indeed." Xerneas shook off some of the pokemon to get to me. 

Suddenly he rose his head and his whole body went a rainbow aura. The pendant rose from the ground. "Woah." It flew over to me slowly and went around my neck. The aura continued as a white cloak was formed by floating pieces of white material that appeared from thin air.It floated over to me and dropped into my arms. 

The aura still continued and Thraxes's body disappeared in a golden storm of glowing aura particles. The cloak also disappeared, and that was left was what seemed to be a keystone and master stone, that only could've been xerneanite. The xerneanite was concealed in what was a headpiece that could've been some sort of crown for Xerneas. The keystone was in a silver brooch, probably for the cloak. The pin was silver and resembled a diamond with floral designs stemming out from the keystone.

I threw on the cloak and picked up the brooch and put it near my neck on the cloak. Then I picked up the crown and walked towards Xerneas. It leaned its head down and i put on the headpiece. "You can't wear noticeable clothes while being the Stranger of Kalos." The aura glowed again and Xerneas summoned a white tank top, and a pair of white pants and shoes. He also magically puts them on me without me even taking off my old clothes. My old clothes appear in my hands and my backpack turns into a white satchel bag. 

"Serena, you missed something," thought Xerneas to me. He nodded his head down, I looked down to where I saw a small silver and white pokeball. I pick it up and put it in the bag. "What am I supposed to use this for, I'm gonna have you out at all times," I said. "In case of an emergency when you journey somewhere where I can't be seen." 

I nod and the pokemon around Xerneas get bored and go on to do their own thing. I look at Xerneas as he begins "Kalos is under danger of an impending war, but I assume Thraxes already told you that. The Black Bone is making plans to take over Kalos. We must train so we can form a bond with each other, and so I can get stronger after my day of slumber. You are my new trainer after all. We must start immediately, or whenever you think it is necessary." 

"I think we can start whenever, I'm ready whenever you are." "Then we begin."

This is it, the triumphant return of Serena Yvonne. I won't be known as the national Kalos Queen runner-up. Just wait until I save the world with my new legendary pokemon. This is the start of something new. 

On the other side this is the thing I never thought would happen. I'm not sure if I'm even ready to have a commitment this large again. A commitment that makes me the protector of Kalos. I was a pokemon performer not a soldier in a war. Thraxes said I had a hidden power, and that Xerneas could help me harness and develop it. 

Funny, how one experience could change your life. I'm not sure if this is gonna be good or bad. Thraxes said it was going to be great for not only me and Xerneas, but for the future of Kalos. After I help Xerneas though, what if I don't want to be the Stranger of Kalos. Now I'm wearing his stupid Halloween costume and defending Kalos from an impending war. Just because I walked into a field that looked appealing, and listened and answered to the wishes of a dying man. 

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