Big Mamas Assistant

By XxA1ien_Qu33nxX

1.5K 49 1

(Y/n) is a 14-year-old cat yokai who works for big mama in her battle nexus, after being abandoned at a young... More

Info sheet
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 6

96 3 0
By XxA1ien_Qu33nxX

3rd person pov

(Y/n) huffed as they followed the turtles around the rooftops, Mikey invited them to help find and fight off an evil hippo magician, they stood next to raph, he was in a hippo costume as he struggled to take off the head.

Once he did, he looked around as his brothers landed near by, "you sure that evil mutant hippo is around here? It's a million degrees in this thing" Raph said as Mikey quickly puts on the head "Um, I'd be happy to wear it, if you need a break" he offered as raph took the head back

"No, no, no, no. I'm the leader. The leader wears the suit, " he said as (y/n) went to sit next to Leo as they waited for the plan."Well, I mean, he's got a point. Raph is the most hippo-like" Leo said playfully as we laughed

"I'm gonna attract him, I need a little more of that female hippo scent" Raph said as Donnie tossed the perfume at (y/n) as they sprayed raph "Jazzy, fresh" raph said as (y/n) laughed but soon stopped as someone yelled for help

"Guys, that must be him" raph said as the others got up, as they all go close to the noise they ended up at an empty park but there was a cutting table with a worm in it. "Does anyone else find this while thing a little -" Leo was cut off by the rest of us "stupid?" (Y/n) said,

"Odd? Just -" Donnie was cut off by Mikey. "Magic worm?" "Totally legit" raph said smiling, he jumped down to help "Don't worry, raph will save you" he said while he landed on a paper glue trap but soon started to kick his feet as he tried to get out of it

"Uh... 'ey, 'ey. Raphs stuck," he said while he moved his arms around, (y/n) laughed as Leo groaned,"Not again." they jumped down to help as the other followed behind. Mikey played in the playground, Leo, Donnie and (y/n) tried to pull the trap off Raphs feet but soon stopped as the worm in the box began to laugh loudly, scaring all of them

"stepped right into mu goop trap" the worm yelled as raph pulled up the hippo costume "your what now?" "Goop trap," said the worm while Mikey slid down the slide amazed. "Talking magic worm?" The worm smiled as he spoke."That was all a ruse
, for I am Warren stone, your greatest foe, and-" he was cut off, (y/n) began to poke him as Leo talked

"I'm sorry, Warren who?" He said as Warren moved (y/n) hand away from him as he glared at them and Leo "stop it. Stone, I'm your great-" he was cut off again as (y/n) began to poke him again "Ah, don't tell me" Leo said smiling "what are you? Uh, worm-man?"

Leo asked as Warren slapped (y/n) hand away from him again "No, no, no, I'm Wa-" "can someone help me get unstuck?" Raoh said as the others got up to help him except for Mikey, he was still playing around the playground

"Um, greatest nemesis here" Warren said as the others didn't pay attention to him. He screamed and got on Leo, Leo began to panic as he tried to get him off once he was off Leo cut Warren in half. Everyone looked scared and surprised "Oh, what did you do?" Raph said as (y/n) held back a gag

"he was on my head! I panicked!" Leo yelled "is he gonna be okay?" Mikey asked consurned as raph looked disappointed "is he gonna be okay!?" Raph said while he covered his face with his hand, the other half of Warren fell down as they all looked at surprised

"he's in two pieces!" Raph yelled as (y/n) held back another gag "you fools!" Warren yelled while everyone moved back, they hid behind raph. Warren gripped on his chest, sweat came down his forehead, he had a serious look

"you unleashed my ultimate power. Now I can-" he was cut off again "you can clone yourself?" Mikey asked while Warren gripped on the floor "No, I regenerate" Warren said while groaning in pain as he had a serious face, (y/n) laughed at it

"it's an amazing power, but it's incredibly painful" he added while Donnie came closer "Fascinating, how long does the regeneration process take?" Donnie asked, as they talked (y/n) yawned, they were bored they looked at raph

"so when are we gonna dip now or?" They asked while raph nodded "now" as they walked away raph spoke "I'm hungry, can we go get some pizza now?" (Y/n) came back as she left some pain relief pills for Warren "I know how much regenerating and healing is a pain" they said while the left to catch up with the others

(Y/n) pov

"Now, you're sure the hippo is in there?" Leo asked as we looked down from the roof "Uh, yes, I picked it up on my scanner" Donnie said back "A current occupant called it in" he said while we snuck inside the building

"Ok now, explain it to me again, what can't I wear the suit?" Raph asked as I had the suit on "oh, we been over this" Leo said as raph crossed his arms "you ruined that woman's 95th birthday" I told raph as he huffed

"she's fine" raph said while I patted his back "I'll do you proud in this suit" I said smiling "treat her with respect. And be careful" raph said as I jumped down,

they began to put on music and moved the light to me as I moved around all feminine "what are they doing?" Donnie asked while Mikey smiled "some mating dace we saw on Nature Planet" he said.

"Judge me all you want, I'm being hot right now" I said as I moved around the area "Hippo, I'm right here" I said as kept dancing around "Hippo-man your biggest fan is here, she loves magicians animals" leo said through a microphone

"bunnies, doves, tigers and was hoping you brought some" he continued, I looked at myself at a near by mirror"I hope he likes me" I said as Leo laughed "he will, of course he'll like you. Your adorable"

I smiled while I laid on the table as I kicked my feet "really" I said as both Leo and I laughed, "stay focused guys" raph said while I got off the table "we are Raph" I said as I continued to walk around but stopped when someone talked,

the guys quickly surrounded me as we looked around wondering who was talking. "You may have beaten me before but I'm a little tougher this time, you see I've enhanced myself. I really grown into my role as your greatest nemesis" the person said as it was that worm guy and holy shit he was buff,

"I'm really pumped for our little tete-a-tete" he said angrily, the guys looked shocked and somewhat grossed out, everyone was quiet until I was laughing "oh my god! He looks like that one buff baby from the boss baby!" I cried out as I held my stomach, leo laughed with me.

"You're not a hippo are you?" Raph asked as I laughed harder "No, I'm not a hippo. Do I look like a hippo to-" he was cut off by Donnie who was examining him "maybe a baby hippo?"

"Dude a baby hippo does not look like that, they got legs.... this one doesn't-" I quickly told him "please stop interrupting me" Warren said "I called in the hippo sighting" he said as Mikey gasp loudly "Guys! He's Current Occupant!" Mikey yelled as he pointed at Warren

"Yes! He gets it. I am Current Occupant" "And we're here to save you from the hippo magician" Mikey said to him. As they argued I looked at Donnie as he looked back at me "can I help you (y/n)?" He asked as I nodded "rate my mating dancing bro, was it good?" I asked as he looked to the side

"I would rate it from 7 out of 10" he told me while an explosion came, I landed on Donnie as we looked up to see that hippo magician "Ta-da! Hypno-Potamus has arrived" the hippo said

"finally! It's the thing we actually cared about" Raph said as he pushed me to the hippo "You're up, (y/n)" he told me as I went over to the hippo. He pulled me closer to him, "Hello, future Mrs. Hypno-Potamus" he said while he kissed my hand and spinned me around,

catching me with his hand on my waist. "You tease" I said giggling as he looked at me before winking, "oh my" I said out loud. Raph and Mikey were wiping their tears as Leo and Donnie gagged and looked grossed out.

Hypno soon began to kiss the costume as I tried to pull away "Dinner and a movie first" I said while the head fell off, he was gonna kiss me as I quickly ducked and moved back. He looked surprised then disappointed "pulled the old false Jenny on me" he said before groaning

"I gotta say, this has been the worst mating season" he quickly pulled out sharp disk "Ah, feel the power" Leo looked impressed as I had the costume off

"that is one well-dressed evil mutant hippo" Leo said as I nodded "fellas and (y/n)" raph said as I nodded "let's smash this guy" raph continued as the guys pulled out their weapons while my mystic arms appeared behind my back,

we ran to him as we fought. One of the sharp disk almost hit Mikey as I quickly covered him "thanks (y/n/n)!" He yelled out as we continued the fight but soon was moved together as raph checked himself for any injuries as the guys laughed but soon stopped as we were gonna jump

"Mezmer-roo!" Hypno yelled as we froze in the air, everything was dark till I woke up on the floor. I look up to see the guys falling, i quickly moved out of  the way as Raph fell near by me "Uh what happened?" Leo asked "I think we won" raph said as Donnie smirked "my plan must've worked"

"and it was my plan to use your plan. You're welcome everybody" raph said while I leaned on Leo while looking at Hypno "I think by rejecting him I broke his heart." I said sadly as I tossed the costume at raph

"take it, that costume has too much power" I said to him as we heard someone yelling we look as Leo to see that worm Warren on Leo's ass as I held back my laughter

"No! I saved you losers by hypnotizing that beast! And saving your lives!" He said angrily while being pulled out of Leo "and you are?" Leo asked as Warren was mad "just leave" he said as we all shrugged before leaving


*(y/n) carrying Donnie up*

Donnie: *holding on to them* Do I even weigh anything to you?

(Y/n): *looking down at him* No, it's like holding a couple of grapes

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