Words Amongst Many

By CastielsDream

1K 13 1

Nine year-old Dean Winchester usually spends the lonley nights when he can't sleep on the roof outside of his... More

- One - New kid -
- Two - Discoveries -
- Three - Movie Madness -
- Four - Impressions -
- Five - Revenge -
- Six - Never -
- Seven - Minutes -
- Eight - Leaving -
- Nine - Returned -
- Ten - Eventful -
- Twelve - Promises -
- Thirteen - Everything -
- Fourteen - Edge of Insanity -
- Fifteen - Bad Luck, Boys -
- Sixteen - Angel Business -
- Seventeen - The Hunt -
- Eighteen - Cas-tastrophe -
- Nineteen - Threads -
- Twenty - I'm here, Buddy -
- Twenty One - Death Wrapped Trap -
- Twenty Two - Stay -
- Twenty Three - Not Again -
- Twenty Four - Tic Toc -
- Twenty Five - Trying -
- Twenty Six - Subtle Differences -
- Twenty Seven - Bets Collected and Where it All Started -

- Eleven - Learning -

39 1 0
By CastielsDream

- Dean's POV -

My phones chimes with an irritating tone that makes me want to throw my phone at the wall. I shut it off immediately, I turn back around hugging Cas. I slide away from him reluctantly and make sure not to wake him up as I pack up our stuff. Sam opens the door as I buckle up the belt on my jeans.
"Mornin' Sammy." I whisper.
"Morning." He says walking over and hugging me. I rest my hand on his back and he tugs me outside after a bit. Bobby walks out of the main office. It's still raining so we talk quietly outside of the motel room in which Cas is still sleeping. I leave the door open as we talk.

After a long time of talking we agree on the plan that Bobby will take Sam and go to his cabin. They will get our laptops and Bobby will get a different car and we will meet in a Super 8 motel in Phoenix, Arizona. I nod and slide on my dad's leather jacket. I pack Cas and I's stuff into the impala and hug Sam again before Bobby and him take off. I lay my waterproof jacket over Cas and lift him up careful not to wake him up and lay him on the seat in the impala. He curls up in a little ball on the seat. I take a plush brown blanket out of the back seat and lay it across him. He pulls it against him tightly. I don't blame him. It's cold. I put the key in the ignition and start the car. She growls to life happily.
"Hey, baby." I whisper. I slide out and shut the door before walking across the parking lot to the main office. I open the door and the girl at the front desk looks about my age. She gives me a dumbfounded look.
"Dean?" She asks. I stare at her and almost jump up and down with joy.
"Jo!" I yelp happily. She runs around the desk and hugs me. I lean back and her feet lift off the ground slightly. I swing us around in a circle and she giggles. I set her down again smiling.
"I haven't seen you since you wanted the colt." She says.
"Yeah, when I was what. 15?" I say.
"Yep. You're how old now?" She asks.
"Same as you. 18." I say.
"That means Sam is 14. Growing up fast." She says.
"Extremely fast." I reply.
"Off to Arizona yet?" She asks.
"Absolutely. Got a new friend in the car. He's asleep so I gotta head out." I say pointing to the impala.
"Castiel Novak." She says. I nod. I'm not suprised that she knows him. A lot of people seem to. Well. Hunters do anyway.
"More like boyfriend the way he kissed you in the parking lot yesterday." Jo remarks.
"Snoop." I say.
"Alright. Well. I'll take those keys and let you head off." She says. I put the keys to the room in her hand.
"I'll see ya soon, Jo." I say.
"You know where to find me." She replies. I walk out of the office and shit the door. The roadside house. Course I know where to find her. My dad used to take me there all the time and Jo and I would have knife throwing competitions. Jo always won. She called herself "that freak with a knife collection" I get back in the impala and look at Cas. He is sleeping happily. I pull out of the driveway onto the backroads.

It's still dark out. It's only 6 though. We left the motel at 5:45. It's other 10 hour drive there. So we should arrive there around 4 in the evening. I stare out the window and drive. My mind goes blank and I just listen to the engine of the Impala. The sun rises from behind the dark grey clouds so it is still dark outside. It's around 10:30 by now. I check my phone. Yep. 10:28AM. Cas shifts and I glance over at him. He sits up and rubs his eyes. He pulls his feet to his chest and wraps the blanket around him. I extend my arm and gesture for him to come closer. He obeys and comes closer. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and he leans his head on my shoulder still curled up in the blanket and stares out the front window.

The entire ride is silent. Cas shifted awhile ago so his head was in my lap. He is asleep again. I run my fingers through his hair absent mindedly as we enter Arizona. It's only 3:30 as we pull into the parking lot of the motel. Cas sits up with messy hair. He slides on the waterproof jacket and crosses his arms following me to the office. He stands next to me and I slide my hand into his as I book a room. We get a key and go to the room. I tug Cas along behind me and he stumbles drowsily. I open the door and the room is even nicer than the last one. Good thing. We will be here for about a week. I drop Cas's hand.
"I'll be back. Gotta get our stuff." I say.
"Dean wait." He says tugging at my sleeve. I turn back to him and he hugs me. I hug him back hesitantly. He releases me and walks over to a little couch. He turns on the TV as I leave the room. I grab our stuff and lock up the Impala. I jog back to the room and drop our stuff by the door and slide off my jacket hanging it in the closet and slide off my shoes. Cas's jacket and shoes are here too. I pull the blanket out of my bag and walk over to Cas wrapping it around his shoulders. He pulls me down on the couch and wraps the blanket around my shoulders too. I look at the screen.
"What's on?" I ask.
"Night at The Museum." Cas responds happily. I shift us so Cas's legs are over mine and he is leaning on the arm rest. We watch the movie and warm up.

The movie ends and I just stare at the screen silently.
"The next one is on too." Cas informs me. He turns to look at me and I look at his blue eyes. They wave with emotion. I lean forward and kiss him gently. He looks at me blushing for a little bit before looking back at the screen to watch the movie. Over the course of the movie Cas and I have positioned ourselves so that Cas is sitting on the floor between my legs and I am just playing with his hair. I listen to the movie occationally glancing up at it. Sam and Bobby aren't here yet and the second movie has ended already. I slide my phone out of my pocket checking it. Nothing. I dial up Sam's cell and let it ring.
"Dean?" Sam's voice asks clearly from the device.
"Where are you guys?" I ask.
"Took us a little bit longer. We had to load the box in the car we have. There was some stuff missing from it including ammo and holy water." Sam explains.
"So how far?" I ask.
"Bobby says another 5 hours." Sam confirms. I sigh.
"Okay." I say.
"What room are you guys in?" Sam asks.
"182." I reply.
"Okay. Cya in a bit." Sam says.
"Stay safe." I say and hang up the phone. Cas looks up at me. I lean down and kiss him. He smiles and looks back at the screen. I lay on my side and keep playing with Cas's hair. He is watching a movie called Divergent now.
"I read the book series for this!" Cas cheers happily.
"I know. You stayed up reading all night remember?" I say. Cas laughs.
"Yep." He says looking at the screen. Throughout the course of the movie I watch the movie and I am not confused at all. Cas is a different story. He keeps making comments.
"That didn't happen in the book. That doesn't happen until the second book!" He complains. I laugh because to me, since I never read the book, it makes complete sense.

The movie ends and Cas complains all the way until the second one starts. It starts and before there is even a chance to watch 2 minutes.
"That's not how the book starts." He says.
"Nothing is ever good enough for you, is it?" I question. He shuts up and turns to me. He gives me a confused look and leans over the edge of the couch to kiss me. He looks at me for a bit.
"Asked and Answered." I say. He looks back at the screen, satisfied. He keeps complaining through the entire movie but I remember reading the end of Insurgent over Cas's shoulder.
"That doesn't happen. She isn't supposed to die. Why? What? No. Only Tris and Four are supposed to get out with a small group! Not every damn faction and their brothers!" I say. Cas laughs.
"Is that really what I sound like?" He says between laughs. I bury my head in the couch.
"Yes." I say with a muffled voice.
"I can let you read the other books. Michael gave them too me when he came to the other motel last night." Cas says. I sit up.
"Gimme." I say immediately. He crawls over to the door where his stuff is and grabs three books. He walks over and hands them to me. I look through them and open Divergent first. Cas sits on the couch and watches some more movies while I read.

Done Divergent. Mad at the movie slightly. I hand it to Cas and he puts it on the table beside the couch. I pick up Insurgent and start reading it.

Done Insurgent. The movie was nothing like the book. Hand it to Cas and pick up Allegiant.

Done Allegiant. Almost cried at the end. I hand it to Cas and look at the TV. Star Trek the 2009 version is playing. Chris Pine is a good actor.
"Anything to say about the books that took you 3 hours to read?" Cas asks. I turn to him and he pauses the movie.
"One. They should have included that dude getting stabbed in the eye with a butter knife. Woulda been awesome to see. Two. The second movie was like if you throw a dart at a target and end up throwing it five miles into space. Third. She wasn't supposed to die let alone be shot by Tobias's mother. That was rude. The first movie was okay except for their dad dying that doesn't happen-" Cas leans over and kisses me cutting me off.
"Anything else?" He asks leaning away.
"Uh. Uhm. That. It was nice of Tobias to go zip lining for Tris." I say blushing and curling into a ball.
"That was nice of him." Cas says.
"What other books do you read?" I ask him. He runs back to his bag and grabs 6 books.
"Is there any clothers in there?" I ask.
"Lots. I pack like Merlin." Cas says. He lays the books across the coffee table.
"The Mortal Instruments." I say reading the book titles. Cas nods.
"I love these books." He says. I pick up book one and open it.

It takes me about an hour and a half to read the first one and I put it back down on the table.
"So?" Cas asks.
"I would read the others but I wouldn't sleep and Bobby and Sam will he here real quick." I say. Cas laughs.
"Addicted?" He asks.
"Slightly." I say thinking about how Clary could see Jace and how her mom refused to tell her that she had Shadowhunter blood. I shake the book out of my remembering my hunter ways. Someone knock on the door and I jump up running to the door. I swing it open and see Sam. Bobby walks into the room next to ours.
"Hey." I say.
"Bobby and I are going to sleep. Here." Sam says handing me my laptop. He looks exhausted.
"Goodnight, Sammy." I say patting him on the back. I wave to Bobby and he waves back. I shut the door and set my computer on the counter and go back to the couch with Cas. The door opens and Sam leans in.
"Night, Cas!" He says from the door.
"Goonight, Sam!" Cas yells back. The door shuts and I smirk.
"We should sleep too." I say standing up and flopping onto one of the beds.
"You can, I'm not tired." Cas says.
"Okay. But if you do get tired then sleep, okay?" I say.
"Okay." He responds. The movies keep playing and I fall asleep quickly.

Sometime in the middle of the night I wake up sitting straight up and breathing heavily. Cas is still watching movies and doesn't register me so I lay back down quickly before he does. Nightmare. They are getting worse and worse. I close my eyes hoping not to have another and fall into a dreamless pit of black.

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