- Twelve - Promises -

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- Dean's POV -

I wake up in the morning and Cas is asleep on the bed across from me. The TV is still on. Still playing movies. I recognize the one playing now as Iron Man so I pull out my computer and sit on the bed. I begin doing research.

Sometime around 8 I unlock the door and walk back to the bed to do research. I pull out the notepad I have and write down a name.

Lyra Krosse.

Wow, my writing is messy. I scribble it out and write it neater. Looks decent. I look at everything I have written down.

Demon- Angry.
Lyra Krosse- Possession.
Rose Denx- Murdered.

I have more but the usual way to kill one is easy. Holy Water and a devil's trap. I look at some of the recent murders that have made the news.
They all seem to appear in a warehouse in the industrial part of town.
Sam comes saundering in the room with a notepad leaving the door open. Not that I mind. He compares our notepads and nods happily. I pluck them from his hands and look at them. His writing is actually neat. He has the same information as me.
"Gettin' better Sammy." I say.
"Thanks, Dean." He replies and walks out of the room shutting the door behind him.
Door opens.
"We're going to see Lyra in about an hour." Sam says shutting the door again. Always forgets to mention something the first time. What does he mean by we? It's me, Bobby and Cas. Oh yeah, Cas doesn't know the jist of hunting. I close my laptop and slide off my bed. I think of waking up Cas nicely but it just ends up that I jump on the bed.
"Cas! Up and Adam!" I say. He sits up staring at me. I laugh and throw him a bag with a suit in it.
"The hell?" He says. He's already fully awake.
"Today, you start as a hunter. Welcome to the family business." I say and walk into the bathroom. I get dressed and tie my little tie into a neat knot. I look atleast thirty in this suit. Jeez. I walk out and Cas is looking extremely confused by his tie. I walk over and silently tie it the correct way. I flip down the collar of the suit and look at him.
"Very fancy." I say.
"Handsome." He says looking at me.
Sam runs in the room.
"Dean! Let's go!" He says tugging me impatiently out of the room. Bobby is in his car. I remember that one. It was all old and rusty. It's a nice shade of acrylic Silver now. I nod and Sam runs to the passanger side. Cas and I professionally slip into the Impala and I start it. I can't be totally mature so I drift onto the backroad. Mature for me is foreign. We drive to the city and I follow Bobby to the location. I slip a fake FBI badge into Castiel's jacket as I straighten it out. Bobby meets us at the door and knocks. A lady with blonde hair answers.
"Can I help you?" She asks confused. I step forward.
"Yes," I slide my badge out of my pocket and Bobby does the same. Cas gets the reference and pulls his out. He holds it upside down. I flip it the right way giving him an annoyed look and turn back to the lady.
"He's new." I say gesturing to Cas.
"We would like to ask you a few questioms about your friend, Rose." I say.
"Oh, of course. Come on in." She says. We follow her in and I observe the house. Nothing suspisious yet. We sit down at the dining room rable and Cas looks oddly comfortable with everything that is happening. I commence the questioning process.

"Thank you for your time." I say.
"Absolutely." She replies. Before she closes the door I notice blood on the ceiling and scratches on the doorframes. The door closes and I trot down the stairs.
"Yeah. Tried to hide the blood." I say.
"Didn't get far." Bobby says. I nod. We drive back to the motel and change into regular clothes. Cas keeps the white dress shirt and black dress pants on. Along with the blue silk tie. Something is missing from the outfit though.
Castiel's phone buzzes and he looks at it. He walks outside and Michael is in the parking lot. He hands Cas a tan trenchcoat and leaves again. Cas slips it on.
"That suits you a little too well." I say.
"Michael says it's an angel thing." Cas explains. I look at him confused but we just get in the impala anyway. We drive to an abandon warehouse in the industrial part of town. Bobby tosses Sam some cans of red spray paint and Sam runs inside. Sam is the best at painting Devil's Traps so that's his job. Depending on how big the place is he calculates the most dangerous places and puts one there. Here is a pretty big place so I predict about 2 or 3 Devil's Traps. I open the trunk of the Impala and hand Cas a gun.
"Know how to use one?" I ask. He nods. I pick up a gun and make sure that it is fully loaded. I put some extra ammo in my jacket.
"So what exactly are we looking for?" Cas asks.
"Lyra said that Rose was extremely scratched up and there were puncture wounds. So that is a clear sign of a werewolf. A silver bullet will kill them. So don't be afriad to shoot." I say rethinking my plan. Cas has never been a hunter and I'm not sure if he's killed anything.
"I used to hunt with my brother Gabriel and shoot lots of animals. I won't miss." Cas says. I turn and look at him.
"Are you sure? They are stronger than them seem, Cas." I say.
"I'm sure." He says. I close the trunk and follow Bobby inside.
"What did Sam go in to do?" Cas asks as Sam walks up to us I hand him a gun. He takes it and takes his place next to me.
"This case is a little unusual. There are Demons involved too. Bobby deals with those." I say. Cas nods and stays quiet. Bobby splits off and Sam and Cas stay with me momentarily before Sam heads off around a machine towards another room. He's 14. He can handle most of whats thrown at him. Cas keeps turning his head to look at something so I follow his gaze. A werewolf. I aim my gun and it's eyes turn black.

A possesed werewolf?

That one is the strangest one I've dealt with by far. How do I kill one of those. I shoot it and the demon leaves as the creature crumples to the ground. It goes directly into a devil's trap and then just vanishes.
"That doesn't seem good." I say. No response.
"Cas?" I turn around and see Cas against a wall. A werewolf is holding him. Pure red anger waves over me and I aim the gun and shoot. The werwolf turns around and drops Cas. I aim for his heart and head. My hand kicks back each and every time a bullet rockets out of the barrel of the gun. Heart. Heart. Head. Head. Head. Done. Out of bullets. The animal crumples to the ground with no noise other than the thud on the ground. I look at Cas. He has a deep scratch from his shoulder to about mid chest. He looks at me but it isn't fear in his eyes. Or hurt. It's. Strength. I stare at him dumbfounded but at the same time I broke the promise of protecting him. I help him up and he lifts his gun and shoots. All I hear it the tiny whimper of pain and the thud on the ground. Sam and Bobby come back out. Safe and unharmed. I sigh. Sam's vision shifts from Cas to the animal on the ground. How there is five bullets in it. He opens his mouth.
"It wasn't a waste. Are we done?" I talk quickly.
"Yeah, we're done." Bobby says. I run outside and all three of them call after me. I turn right and run around the warehouse. There is a large field and I run into that. The grass is as tall as my shoulder. I'm running aimlessly. I can barely see anything. It's night time. Grass catches my ankle and I skid to a stop in the grass. My leg is bleeding too. I want to cry. I broke my promise to Cas. I lay in the grass breathing heavily giving myself reasons not to cry and stare up at the twinkling stars.

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