A Kingdom of Bloodshed

By ElleMoore23

356 71 64

Althea Alinac is of fae origin, born into royalty by Fae parents, yet mysteriously has human healing abilitie... More

Part One
*¬*Chapter One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Ten*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eleven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twelve*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fourteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fifteen*¬*
Part Two
*¬*Chapter Sixteen*¬*
¬*Chapter Seventeen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eighteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nineteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty*¬*
Part Three
*¬*Chapter Thirty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Three*¬*

*¬*Chapter Twenty Six*¬*

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By ElleMoore23

"Found what?"Ryder asks as we all stare at the rotting corpse of the tomb. My chest heaves, taking in the structure and the damage that's happened to it. "This is the tomb. This is where Myra put the blood crown." I whisper, my voice almost not believing that this is real. That this is happening right now.

Hello beautiful warrior. You've found me. Now come wake me.

The voice is back, whispering to me lovingly. Its soft melodic words caress me and seem to take control of my mind; guiding me towards it. I step forward, striding for the entrance of the tomb when a pair of arms wraps around me.

A strong body collides into my side and it takes me a moment to regain my footing. Kaz is burying his face in my neck, his body taught with disbelief before I can feel the damn break within him. Suddenly his arms shake and I can smell the tears pouring from his eyes.

"Are you really here? Is this a dream?" His voice is thick with hurt. I can't help but reciprocate that pain. "I'm here. I'm real."
"Oh Thea... I thought I'd lost you. I thought you'd died. I... I didn't want to keep going anymore if that was the case. Thank the gods that you're alive."

I chuckle, then remember his earlier question and push Kaz away from me, "I'm sorry. I had to glamour Fawn and I's bodies to trick Augustus into thinking I was dead. I had to do it to protect myself."

He shakes his head, eyes wide and filled with awe. "How... when did you learn to glamour?"
"Literally after I fell to my death. Myra's voice came to me and told me to do it. So I did." Kaz frowns, "That doesn't explain why I felt our bond snap." "Oh that... yeah well I also had to take a small piece of our bond and attach it to Fawn's body. That way you'd think I wasn't dead yet and follow that link. I smothered my end of it. So when Fawn died, you felt that fragment of bond snapping."

He stares at me dumfounded. "If that's what it felt like to lose a small piece of you, I never want to know what it's like to lose all of you."

His words make me blush and my skin flushes pink. I'm about to reply when Raven speaks, "Not to ruin this beautiful moment, but shouldn't we try to get into the tomb to get the crown before Augustus gets here?"

She's right. We should. Clearing my throat, I give Kaz's hand a quick squeeze before turning back towards the vine covered doors and exhaling a deep breath.

I'm waiting for you, Warrior Blood. That ancient voice again. Calling to me.

"How do we get in?" Ryder asks. His eyes regarding the door pensively, before turning to me. Suddenly, I feel all eyes on me. Like I should have the answers to this.

I should. But I don't. Striding forward I look the door over, there's no handle to pull or any kind of hinge to push the door inwards. It's simply a rock door sealed shut.

Touch it. The voice whispers again. I blink, confused. Touch the door. Blood calls to blood. I frown but then take my nail and drag it across my palm until it bleeds.

Hissing in pain, I place my palm against the door and wait. Nothing happens.

"I thought that would work." I mumble. I'm about to remove my hand when suddenly a loud groan tears through the silent ravine. Yelping, I pull my hand back and watch as the door shivers before groaning open. The rock wall sliding upwards into the roof of the tomb until it thunders into place and all that's left is dust and the faint smell of mildew and mold.

"I guess that's how." Ryder mutters. Kaz steps next to me, "How did you know that would work?" I shrug, "I didn't. I was just told to do it." He frowns, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that something, someone, keeps calling out to me. Telling me what to do and when. I just did as it asked me to do."

"Is it Myra?"

"Sometimes, but this voice was old. Ancient. Like it's been sleeping for decades and wants to wake up. I think my presence has woken it, now I just have to figure out where it is and set it free."

Just saying the words out loud sounds ridiculous but deep in my gut I know it's true. Kaz, Ryder, Raven, and Fin come to stand next to me; their faces grave and filled with uncertainty but also determination at the task ahead. We stare into the hollowed passage before us not sure what sorts of traps await us.

But I know. I've seen this place before. I've walked these corridors with Myra in my visions. We'll be safe. Or I will at least.

They each take a step forward, aiming for the door. I do the same. However, while I'm able to pass through the entrance, Kaz and the others cannot. "Thea, wait." I frown then turn around to face them, "What is it?" "We can't get through. There must be some sort of spell prohibiting anyone without Alinac blood to enter. This must have been done to keep my great, great, great grandfather away. Which means, neither myself nor my brother could have got in here."

It gives me a small hope, that Augustus couldn't get in here regardless of having my blood direct him here or not. My blood.

The thought strikes me. "Kaz, what if I gave you some of my blood?" He frowns, "I don't follow." "Well it's my blood that opens the doors, my blood that allows me inside. What if I gave you a drop of my blood, maybe it will let you in. To help me with this task."

Kaz smiles softly at me, "As much as I hate the thought of letting you out of my sight after just finding you, I know that this needs to be done by you. You alone have to find the crown and keep it safe. I cannot know of its whereabouts." He doesn't have to say the rest of that sentence. It's written on his face. He can't know in case he gets captured and asked for information by his brother or his followers.

I nod, letting out a sigh before turning to the dark path before me. This way Warrior Blood that voice whispers to me. Guiding me down the path and along dirt floors that haven't seen light in decades. Maybe even centuries. The air is cooler in here, sending goosebumps along my skin but I keep pushing forward trying to remember which way I went with Myra.

It's too dark in here to see. I close my eyes and call up a small ball of magic to light within my palm. When I open my eyes, I see the light against my skin, illuminating the way for me a few steps at a time.

It's not what I was hoping for, but it'll do for now. Step after step, I plunge deeper into the tomb, trying to understand how there's so many doors and passages down here. It's making my head hurt. How will I ever know which one to choose?

This way Warrior Blood, I can hear you.

That voice whispers to me in the darkness. I shiver again, suddenly unnerved by it all. But I keep pushing forward, this is important. It needs to be done. I've walked for another tense minute when I pass by a door on my left and hear a whispered, In here.

Pausing I turn to the door. It's nothing fancy, just a simple wooden door with no lock or handle to open it. There seems to be a pattern here.

Assuming that this must be the door to the room in which she placed the crown, I re-slit my palm and place it against the door. Waiting for my blood to work. Nothing.

There's silence echoing all around me. I frown and remove my hand. Trying again, I place it in the center of the door this time.

Still nothing.

"What the hell? Why isn't it working?"

Did you find it yet? Kaz's voice whispers to me from far away. Frustrated I reply, yes, but the door won't open. My blood won't open it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

He's silent for a long time. The silence is becoming my least favourite sound in the world right now. It's frustrating.

When Kaz finally does reply to me, it's been several minutes since I tried to open the door.

What about the saying? Do you remember? I frown trying to understand what he means.

What sayings?

The ones you saw in your visions. The ones Myra spoke to open the door and to hide the crown. You need both of them with your blood to activate everything.

Of course. I need the latin sayings. What the hell were they? Slowly I think back on that vision from months ago, trying to pinpoint what she said. Finally the first line comes back to me, flashing before my eyes.

When I place my bleeding palm against the door this time, I whisper the words Myra stated many many years ago. "Qui cum sanguine bellatoris et lucis in animabus suis huc intrabunt." After the last words leave my lips, the door groans open, sliding inward with a loud grunt as it hits the dirt wall behind it.

By the gods... this is actually happening. I'm about to step into the room that's held this Blood Crown for centuries. I'm about to touch a piece of my history. My heart is racing in my chest and I whisper to Kazimir, I'm in. I'm inside the room. Now I just need to find the crown. He doesn't respond. Not paying any attention to that, I press forward; entering the room.

The shiver that slides along my spine is like nothing I've ever felt before. Yes. I'm here. I'm here. You've found me Warrior Blood. That voice is loud, louder than ever. Giddy like a child who's been waiting for ages.

The light from my magic illuminates the entire room, and it's exactly how I thought it would look. Old, dusted shelves. Filled with urns and pots of clay. They all look unmemorable, and unimportant. But one of them is.

I just have to find it. It doesn't take me long to figure it out. I find the one Myra hid the crown as, the urn that faded to a dull rust colour but I know its beauty will shine once I touch it.

Breathing deeply I step towards the urn, my heart in my throat and reach for it. Once my fingers touch the side of the urn, the colour begins to change; shifting to that rose gold metal with the rose and pearl center.

Gasping I move my hand away and watch as it fades back to the rusted boring urn. By the gods...

Taking hold of the urn with both hands this time, I watch as the colour comes through in a blinding flash. The smooth metal, now gleaming. The pearl winks at me. Calling out to me and begging to be released.

Inhaling deeply I hold the urn away from me, letting my blood and magic pool together as I whisper the final line, "Sit modo illi cum sanguine bellatoris et lucis in anima sua inveniet te." After a tense moment of silence I feel the urn beginning to warm. The rose gold metal begins to melt and shift, my magic and blood melding together until the urn is unrecognizable and there within my hands, is the Blood Crown. This delicate looking object is what everyone has been dying over and I have it. Holy hell...

Hello Althea Alinac, ancestor to Myra Alinac. I recognize you, I see you. Now wear me with pride. The crown is speaking to me. It whispers my name and suddenly I feel as though I have no control of my limbs.

There's such ancient magic within this crown, I can see why it's dangerous. But I'm not scared of it. Instead I feel drawn to the crown, filled with this sudden purpose like I've finally made it home.

Taking the crown I curl my hand around it and exit the chamber, sealing the door behind me as I make my way to the exit. Before I slip out of the tomb I have a sudden uncertain feeling creep through me. This was too easy. Something isn't right.

Something is wrong.

As soon as I exit the tomb, I know why.

"Hello Althea." A familiar voice purrs from my right. Swallowing, I turn and come face to face with Augustus. He's alone. There's no one else here. Where are Kaz and the others? "Hello." I snap back. He chuckles, his mouth falling into a sneer, "Thought you could get away from me that easily?"

I blink, "How did you even get here?" Augustus huffs a laugh, "No need to worry about that. I just came here for the crown. Now that I've found the resting place for it, it's simply a matter of getting inside and retrieving it."

He hasn't noticed the crown in my hand yet. I have to hide it somehow. Shifting on my feet, I fold my hands behind my back. Creating a nonchalant stance and making sure my face looks bored.

"Is that so?" I ask. He smirks. "Hand it over."

"Hand what over?" Augustus snarls, "Do you think me a fool? I need your blood to get inside. Give me some of it." I snort, "You are a fool. Even if I did, you wouldn't be able to enter. You need to know the phrases Myra spoke to open doors and to find the right path. You'll never get inside Augustus. You've lost. Accept it."

He hisses, "I have not!" When he lunges at me, I dive out of the way. Rolling over my shoulder and landing on the pads of my feet. By doing so the movement has caused me to bring the crown into the light and it reflects off the pearl. Glittering brightly.

"You've already found it." He whispers. His eyes on the crown, filled with wonder and want. "Obviously." I spit. Augustus snarls, "Give me the crown."

I blink, "No."

"Please give me the Crown, Thea darling." I laugh gently, "Oh I'm sorry, you're right. I should give you the crown because you said please. Here you go." I say sarcastically pretending to hand over the crown. He reaches for it and I use that to my advantage; shooting a spear of magic at him. Sending Augustus sprawling backwards.

Not waiting to see if it hurt him, I bolt. Taking off down the dirt path and rushing through the open ravine. There's no coverage here, no where for me to hide. I need to Fold my way home. To get out of here before he catches me.

Where the fuck is Kaz and the others?

Footsteps approach from behind. He's chasing me. Run. Something whispers to me.

The crown becomes warm in my hand once more. Not sparing it a glance, I keep pushing further running as fast as I can. But I haven't taken more than a few steps when a shadow appears above me and then a blur of black spears towards me. Diving out of the way, I just manage to avoid a mouthful of dirt before rolling onto my back and pausing at what I see.

Augustus's Blood Horse Persephone stomps the dirt where I was moments before. Her nostrils flare, red eyes glowing.

"Fuck I forgot about you." I call out. She snorts at me, her eyes narrowing. Hide me. The crown whispers. But how do I do that? I can't do what Myra did. I can't just shift it.

You can. You glamoured Fawn's body and yours, it's the same idea. Focus Thea, you must.

When Persephone charges at me, I scramble to my feet and rush away as fast as I can. Augustus calls out to her, making the horse turn around and race for him. He's going to chase me on horseback. This is my chance to hide the crown. I don't bother to look back, I just keep running holding the crown close and trying to focus on what I can glamour it as. What can I turn it into to hide in plain sight?

Wear me. The crown whispers. I blink, a necklace. I can turn it into a necklace. Hidden in plain sight.

"God let this work." I breathe. My breath is becoming ragged, but I keep pushing forward. Blood and magic pooling together once more, shifting the crown changing it. Glamouring it until it's unrecognizable. I focus all my energy on hiding this from Augustus.

I know I can't outrun him and Persephone. I can't. But I won't let the crown be captured. Keep going. It whispers to me. So I do. I push harder, letting out a soft wail as pain rips through me.

My magic is beginning to deplete. I'm using too much. But I don't care.

Slowly the crown shifts, shrinking until it's become a small circular rose gold pendant with a pearl in the center. The pendant falls into my palm, a silver chain hanging around it. Stuffing the necklace in my pocket, I keep running.

"You can't escape Althea, you've got nowhere to go." Augustus crows to me. He's close. There's the river ahead, a straight shot to whatever is waiting beyond. If I can make it there, then I might have a chance to fold my way out of here.

Before I can even reach the river, my legs give out. My hands slapping into the muddy bank and the cool water kisses my finger tips. My lungs burn. My blood sings with exhaustion.

Hoof beats come to a halt behind me. "So you've given up. Smart." He doesn't dismount, instead we sit here in silence listening as the water flows and my heart begins to slow within my chest.

"Giving up? Over my dead body Augustus." Forcing myself to my feet, my legs weak and shaking, I grit my teeth and face him. He smirks at me. "Very well if you insist on being so stubborn."

I growl at him, hands clenched into fists. Magic at the ready. Or whatever I have left of it. "Although, before we start, I should tell you that it's a shame your mate isn't here to watch you die. Or your friends."

A sudden chill creeps over me. "What have you done?" He laughs, "Don't you worry. They're safe and alive, for now."

"Where. Are. They?" I ask through gritted teeth. Augustus laughs, "They're where they should be." "Which is?" I snarl. "I sent them all home." I frown, "Why?" Augustus dismounts from Persephone and strides for me.

"Because I have no use for them. Once I ambushed them, I dropped a sleeping spell over them and sent them all home. Though now that I think about it, trying to fold four fae while they sleep is a bad idea. They could be stuck in the in-between for the rest of their lives. Oops. Oh well."

I snarl, "You son of a bitch. I'll kill you. I'll tear you to pieces." He only laughs.

"Try me."

He stops a few steps away, not coming closer. The movement captures my attention. Why isn't he approaching? I look at the dirt, trying to understand if there's a trap but I can feel my magic pumping through me. I can feel my immortal still intact. There's no iron anywhere.

So what is it. As I back towards the water I see it. A slight tremor the ripples through him. Augustus is afraid of water. Who would have guessed that such a mundane thing could cripple a fae prince.

"What's the matter Augustus? Scared?" He sneers at me, "Never." I smirk at him and step closer to the river. Again his eyes widen slightly, pupils enlarging from fear.

"Enough games, Thea. This ends now. Give me the crown." I raise my hands, "I don't have it." He glares at me, "You must have done something with it. Where did you hide it?"

I laugh, "Up your ass Augustus." Then I turn and rush into the river. The current stronger than I thought and the water gets waist deep. But I keep trudging forward.
"Damn it." I can hear Augustus shout. I wade forward, hoping to find a way to get out of here, to find my way home. But my body is tired. I'm beginning to lag. Dark clouds begin to appear in the sky above. Thunder rolling in.

I hear Persephone enter to water, splashing towards me. Coward. He's making his horse wade through the water to get me. Pushing forward, I swim faster hoping to create some distance but it's no use. I won't be able to out swim a horse.

Stopping, I turn around and face them instead. Letting my magic rear up, and crackle through me. Dunking my hands beneath the water, I release a deep breath and aim my power at Persephone. I feel bad for hurting an animal, but she deserves it.

As my dark magic torpedoes through the water, it slashes at her legs then sends a shock through her. Persephone rears up with a loud winnie. Augustus tries to control her but ends up losing his balance and splashes into the water.

Persephone snorts before charging at me. I hit her with another blast which sends her bolting from the river to lick her wounds. The gashes on her are deep, she won't make it through the night. I know that.

May her soul find peace amongst the dead. I send a small prayer her way, before turning to Augustus. He's splashing in the water, becoming frantic until he realizes that he can stand.

"You're going to pay for that." He growls. I shrug, "Then do it."

I'm trying to buy time but I know the seconds are passing.

Thunder booms and lightning claps. I don't know where this storm came from but it's tearing through the sky quickly.

I reach into my pocket, hoping that the crown is still there. It is. Gripping it, I yank it from my pocket and with shaking hands, clasp it around my neck. I feel the clasp burn gently for a moment until it stills. When I touch it I realize that it's sealed itself shut. It won't come off. Not unless I change it back or die.

"You do have it." He spits. "No I don't. This was my mother's." I lie. Hoping he buys it. But Augustus snorts, "You think I'll buy that. You never wear jewlery." Shit.

I shrug, "Well it's true."

Augustus begins to growl, his skin turning red. Before I know it, his magic is pooling from him, much stronger than mine. I've nearly used it all but I have enough left to make one last stand. To hurt.

His fingers begin to crackle with red and orange sparks, the air smelling of iron and salt. "Now you die Althea."

I laugh, because he's probably right. I've lost. I can't go any further. But that doesn't mean I'll die without a fight.

The clouds press in closer, thunder booming louder. The first drop of rain falls from the sky and I glance up, letting it fall against my skin.

Then with a deep inhale, I let the rest of my magic pool together, feeling the remaining strength there. I guess it wasn't as endless as we thought. I let it pool and build, crackling within me. Then I aim my hand up towards the clouds, hoping to find some strength from the thunder. To use the power of the bolts. Augustus laughs at me, "Look how weak you are. This will be easy."

Then I can feel the air shift, the smell of his power as it barrels towards me. I release my magic and watch as it captures a bolt of lightning, letting it crackle and snap, like fireworks.

It fizzles out quickly, disappearing into the clouds. Augustus's magic hits me like a train. Knocking me backwards into the water pressing down. I try to fight it but my body has gone limp.

As I sink beneath the river, I watch the clouds from above, watch as thunder rolls once more and when another bolt strikes, my magic that got absorbed explodes. Sending the earth shaking and the sky alit with power. The bolt aims for Augustus, the air sparking and as I move my sight towards his shadow above me, I see him dive out of the way. But neither of us are spared from my bolt. When it strikes the water, I know pain like never before.

My body twitches and a scream is ripped from my lips causing me to drink water.

I try to stop it but I can't. This is the end. I know it. I close my eyes as the pain subsides, blood pool from my lips into the water. I never thought I'd die like this. When I hit the bottom of the river, I let the current carry me away, not caring about anything else because this is over. I've lost.

But then I feel like I'm floating. Like my body is being picked up and carried away. The water moves around me, getting thinner until I'm hit in the face with fresh air and wind.

This must be what it's like to go to heaven.

When I open my eyes, I see Augustus's body laying face first on the bank, his eyes closed and skin slightly charred. I see Persephone laying dead on the shore. Then I look at the clouds and smile, "I'm coming home." I whisper to them. Knowing that my death is approaching.

"Yes you are Thea. It'll all be okay now. Close your eyes Angel Heart." The voice is familiar but far away. I don't question them, I do as I'm told.

I close my eyes and let the sweet reprieve of darkness take me away, hoping that what awaits me at the end is peace. 

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