You Are The One Amor | Carlos...

By AverageFan13

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"I love you and only you. You are the one amor." More

New Girl and Spain
Football and Ferrari
Crushing? and Faking
Dinner and News
Semi-final and Flowers
Friends Again
First Date
Family Time
Between Two
The One

Too Young

1K 23 12
By AverageFan13

*Cassie POV*

I was talking with Sebastian and Kimi trying not to freaking out as I was talking with two of my favorite drivers I grew up watching when I felt someone bump into my legs. I looked down to see it was Sophia with her brother Enrique close behind.

"Can you help us find our mom?" She asked in Spanish and as much as I had been wanting to avoid my family I had to get them to their mom as they had no fault in me not liking my parents.

"Sure where was the place you were with them," I said as squatted down to their level and Enrique pointed to the Alpha Tauri garage, "Come on I'll help you find them."

I stood back up when I saw Carlos coming over to me and I smiled at him.

"You are going to be here on Monday right?" He asked and I nodded, "Will you go a second date with on Monday?"

"Sure I'm free, can you help me find Gabriella so I can return her kids to her if it's not too much to ask?" I asked as Sophia tugged on my hand before grabbing my finger with her hand and with the other handing her brother's hand.

"I am happy you are free Monday and if you want I can take care of it. You have probably been avoiding your family all day," He said as he looked down at the pair.

"This is probably all the time I will get with my niece and nephew so I will take what I can get," I said as I looked down at them to see them looking back at me with their big brown eyes. They both didn't have their fathers eyes but Enrique resembled him quiet a lot.

"Okay then where are we heading off to first then Cassie?" He said as he slipped his hand into my free hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Alpha Tauri garage," I said before we started walking towards the garage.

They ended up not being there but Pierre did tell us they went back to Mercedes garage and Sophia had said she was tired of walking so Carlos gave her a piggy backride as she asked for one and she rested her head on his shoulder and I smiled at the site in front of me as Enrique grabbed my hand.

I knew there were going to be pictures and articles all over the internet us dating again and probably some other stuff but I knew they those rumours the more we spend time together publicly.

We eventually found Gabriella sitting with Juan outside the Mercedes hospitality.

"Mama!" Enrique yelled as he let go of my hand as he ran up to her. I turned to look at Carlos and saw Sophia fell asleep. I carefully took her from him and took her over to Gabriella. She took her from my arms with a smile.

"Thank you, where were they?" She asked quietly not wanting to wake her up.

"They just ran up to me when I was by the Alfa Romeo garage," I said with my voice at the same volume.

"Thank you for returning them, I will tell our parents to stop looking for them," She said smiling and I nodded.

"No problem," I said before heading back to where I left Carlos standing.

"I wish I could stay in your presence a lot longer but I need to get stuff ready for free practice," He said smiling.

"I wish the same but I need to get back to photographing Lewis," I said as I smiled back at him.

"See you later, hermosa," he said before placing on my forehead.

"See you," I said as I turned around as I felt my face heat up at the nickname and went off to look for Lewis.


I was sitting with Arthur and Charles eating dinner in Arthur's room.

"So what are plans after Baku, Cass?" Arthur asked and it got me thinking what was I going to do. Usually I like a million things to do but I actually had nothing to do.

"Probably go back to Barcelona, maybe go to Bajamar with my cousins," I said as I was not sure what to do with my free time as I haven't had free time in a long time.

"I see you are finally taking a well deserved break," He said before getting up because his phone was ringing, "I'm going to step out real quick."

He walked out leaving me with Charles. We sat there quietly eating before he decided to say something.

"Did you have fun photographing Lewis, today?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I got some really good shots," I said as I took another bite of my food as he reached over to take food from Arthur.

"I'm still really sorry for how I treated you all those years ago," He said.

"Like I said forget about it, it happened years ago," I said.

" you want to go out on a date on Monday?" He said quickly in a whisper.

"I thought I was too young to date you," I said as I looked at him.

"It was different then, 3 years was a big age gap when we were kids. Please give me a chance," He said as he grabbed my hand.

"I have a date with Carlos on Monday and you have a girlfriend," I said before removing my hand from his grip.

"I will break up with her if you let me take you on a date. I didn't realize how much I liked you until now. Now that I am jealous at just the thought of you and Carlos being together." he said.

I got up and grabbed my stuff before leaving just not wanting to see him. He tries to stop me but I still left.

My younger self would be jumping off the walls if Charles had asked me out on a date but he was only doing it out of jealousy. We were just starting to go back to how we were both before but he just had to throw that out. That he was jealous. Jealous that another guy was interested in me.

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