Dinner and News

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*Cassandra POV*

I went inside with Chloe, Arthur, Bella, and Carlos, leaving the other two Leclerc brothers alone outside. Arthur wanted to show me something of mine that he found that I had forgotten at their house.

"Here Cassie, you forgot your skateboard here and your football which I managed to retrieve from the neighbor's yard Chloe kicked over the fence," He said showing my skateboard that I haven't seen years and the ball that was always being kicked around in the street or in the Leclerc's backyard that was filled with the Barcelona logo that Jules got me after he kicked the one I used to have over to the same neighbors yard and it got punctured.

"Sorry again for kicking it over the fence," Chloe said remembering that day.

"Cassie your parents are here and you will never guess who is your sister's husband," Lorenzo said clearly out of breath as he came in running to where we were.

"Who is it?" I asked turning my full attention to Lorenzo.

"Juanfran, your ex boyfriend, he outside with your niece and nephew. I'm going to go tell mom what is going on and tell her about the lie Juanfran knows about you two 'dating' so she will go along with it," Lorenzo said before walking out.

"So he went for a pair of sisters, does he even know you two are related?" Arthur asked.

"I didn't know and she probably also doesn't know so my guess is he also doesn't. The last names in González and Suarez are pretty popular in Spain so there is no way he could come to that conclusion," I said as my phone started ringing and saw it was Jonatan.

After I had quit the academy and was hired as a photographer, Luis helped me work out a contract where I can play for Barcelona when I'm not in school and I have been talking with Jonatan on what games he can get me in and two see if I can extend my contract and get me into more games as this was my last year in uni and I wanted to play more. I am one of the best player they have so I know they will most likely extend my contract.

"Hello Jonatan what's up?" I said in Spanish and they left as they knew who I was talking to except for Carlos but he followed them.

"Can you make it to the semi-final match for Copa de la Reina? You will be on the field," He asked and there was no way I could fly to the US and back in time for the match.

"Can I think about it?" I asked as I needed time to think about it.

"Sure you have until tomorrow and I hope it's before you get on the plane to Barcelona. If you make it to this match it will be easier to get you into more match. Joan doesn't want you to drop you because he knows that you are a great player but he needs you on the field not across the world. Think about it and get back to me," Jonatan said.

"You'll have your answer tomorrow," I said before hanging up. I walked towards the back door and saw everyone out there around the table except for Pascale so I went into the kitchen to see her getting a tray of drinks.

"Let me take those," I said taking the tray from her.

"Thank you, Cassie. It seems like you have something on your mind. What is it dear?" She asked knowing something was up.

"I have to be in the US to do a photo shoot but Jonatan just called asking if I can play on Wednesday and if I don't make it will be harder for him to get me into matches and I might get dropped," I said and she looked at me.

"This is your decision so do what makes you happier. You finally get to photographer celebrities and athletes and you got into FC Barcelona after years of dreaming about getting into the team so you have to decide which one is worth it," Pascale said as she got two of the trays with food items and I grabbed the others and we headed outside.

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