Erotique : The Zodiac Journals

By YourWorstKeptSecret

897 17 6

A collection of 12 short, naughty oneshots about some of our favourite J-metal stars. With an overall theme o... More

Yoshiki X Oc : A Scorpio's Heart
Ruki X Oc : The Love of Aquarius
Sena X OC : In The Arms of The Virgo
Hakuei X Oc : At The Mercy of The Sagittarius

Kamijo X Oc : A Blissful Dance with The Cancer

124 3 1
By YourWorstKeptSecret

A.N: Hello my lovelies. Tonight it is Kamijo's turn to get some love. So please enjoy this sweet, short journey of introspection of devotion and love. Adult themes as always, so please look for the normal markings.

With a soft groan, she nuzzled into my hand, as I ran it through her hair and down her face. I watched as a small smile graced her full lips, in the light of the moon streaming through the gossamer fabric of the window hangings. My best kept secret, someone who, through her own choice, did not want to be pulled into my light. 

She had never wanted to be part of my public life, from the moment we met at a Versailles fans only live event, ten years ago. She had been visiting Japan with a group of her international girlfriends and had come to see us perform. She wasn't the fan, her friend Amana was. Emberly had just come along so Amana wouldn't be alone. Amana who, since then, had been living a blissful life with Masashi. Emberly however, had rather unexpectedly, become mine. It hadn't happened overnight mind you and at one point, we couldn't stand each other. 

I gave a quiet huff of amusement, thinking back on that period of time, where we would have sooner throttled each other than kiss one another's lips. But now? Now my world didn't turn without her, she was my everything. The one I could come home too and strip away the layers of my intricate and well cultivated disguise. With her, I was simply Yuuji Kamijou. A husband, a confidante and a regular, everyday man. It was bliss. It was refreshing and I loved her dearly. With her, all I had to focus on was loving her and helping her build our beautiful and peaceful life together. 

It was domestic. It was comforting and it was addictive. Some would call it boring and utterly maudlin, given who I was and the myriad of lifestyles that I could've chosen to live. And while it was true and I could live a life of splendor, star spangled events and spending nights in cloud-soft beds with starlets galore. I instead chose to spend my nights at home, in a lush four poster bed, with my beautifully normal, regular wife. I say regular, in the most societal focused way, because to me she was anything but regular. To me she was the epitome of special, unique and a gift of the most exceptional kind. But then, I was biased and she was mine. 

An author of multiple best-selling fantasy novels, she held her own in the world. She did not choose to live the life of a pampered and primped trophy wife as so many other V-Kei wives were. In fact, she hated the very idea of it for herself, but did not judge others for choosing that kind of life. She was very much a believer in the phrase 'each to their own' when it came to people. As long as they weren't harming themselves or others, she encouraged them to keep doing what worked for them. But knew it would never work for her. And I supported and understood that. Though, that hadn't always been the case to say the least. 

I had, shamefully, tried to push her into that lifestyle at the beginning. Not out of a need to control or be negative in any fashion. But because I wanted to take care of her. Provide for her and make it so she never had to worry about anything ever again. I wanted to shed my blood, sweat and tears, simply so that she didn't need to. Because to me? She deserved that. She deserved the world. And while I could never give her the actual world, no human being could. I could at the very least, give her a personal and private version of it. I could ensure she could see the whole of it. Experience all of the different cultures, values and mystery of the world in our immediate vicinity and further afield. But she hadn't wanted that. She had simply wanted me. 

She had made it clear that she wasn't cut out for that kind of life. To have her husband work, while she stayed home and became a lady of the finest leisures. Because she would have the finest with me, I would have made sure of it. She had told me that it simply wasn't in her genetic makeup, to sit idly by everyday, while I worked my ass off to provide for us. It had been a hard pill for me to swallow without almost choking. I had been raised completely differently. 

I had watched my father lay himself bare for my mother, even though she was, in her own right, a successful woman before marrying him. But his love for her was so great, that he wanted for her, what I wanted for Emberly. My mother, although finding it difficult at first, had finally adjusted and realised that it had given her all the time she wanted. Time she had given to me and my upbringing. My memories of my mother were fond, as I was always with her and we were always doing something together. My father joined us every chance he had and was always very present. But I had grown watching him love my mother in a particular way that had worked splendidly for them. I had thought that was the proper way to love your spouse or partner. 

So when I attempted to apply that to my life with Emberly and it had backfired in a sense. I had been left rather adrift and confused as to how to proceed. So I had tried to force the issue and almost lost her at one point. Then, I had begun to listen and realised that the way my wife needed to be loved, was completely different to how my mother had needed to be loved. I understood then that Emberly wasn't saying that the way my parents loved each other was wrong. She had simply been saying that it was wrong for her. I had pivoted then and began learning how to love Emberly specifically. 

I had cast away the notions I had developed regarding how to be a good husband. And instead, used the foundations my parents had laid, to build mine and Emberly's vision of love and commitment. It was the best thing I had ever done because she and I had become nigh on indestructible as a unit. We had understanding, trust and a level of mutual respect that was phenomenal. All safely tucked under the wings of that bittersweet mistress called love. It may not be perfect for everyone, but it was perfect for us and that's all that mattered. 

"Kami, you're petting me, like Mas pets Pi after a long trip away. I'm not complaining, but are you OK?" 

Emberly's tired, soft voice broke through the haze of my stream of thought and startled me for a moment. Looking down, I realised that I had kind of been petting her like I would pet a cat. Complete with soft, gentle head scratches, all that was missing was the purring. Or in Pisuke's case, drool. I pulled my hand away then and felt my cheeks warm a little. Before I chuckled lightly. 

"Yes, ma cherie. I'm fine, now that I'm home. I didn't mean to wake you." I replied apologetically, placing a small, lingering kiss to her forehead. Before pulling away to speak again. "I was just lost in thought and I know how you like me to run my hands through your hair. Whether you're asleep or awake." 

"It's ok, lover. I was just concerned for a minute. Mhmm. It lets me know you're there and that I'm safe again. What were you thinking about?" She asked sleepily, clearly struggling to stay awake. 

I lapsed back into my thoughts, not replying right away, as I attempted to figure out how to best articulate where my stream of consciousness had been flowing. But I jumped a little, not expecting when I felt a nip on the palm of my hand. Looking down, I couldn't help but laugh. Emberly had bitten me. Not hard, more a love bite than anything. It was a habit of hers that I found endlessly entertaining and remarkably adorable. She called it cute aggression. She had done it from the beginning really, even when we were at each other's throats. 

She would often, in the middle of a spat, bite at my finger or my arm. Usually in the heat of the moment, or when I wasn't rising to her goading and remained calm and collected. It drove her mad. And I had thought it was just a weird as hell quirk that she had when she got pissed. But then, after we had settled our differences and realised that we actually liked each other, she would often end up nipping at me, if I love bombed, or wooed her enough. Love bombed in the good sense mind you, not in the narcissistic sense of the term. 

I was very affectionate naturally and quite romantic, not that that would come as a shock to anyone. Given what I modeled my stage and by extension Versailles stage presence after. Vampires? French Vampires. Which, let's be honest, is the epitome of darkly romantic. To have your life, literally sustained by another's presence in it. Devotion. Need. Love. Life. Then to add to that, make them fucking French. Clearly, I had some unresolved issues that I was unaware about. But hey, it made for good entertainment and everyone had fun. So where was the harm? But in private, I was most assuredly a lover. 

Pulling my hand away from my decidedly bitey wife, I raised it up and lightly flicked her forehead. "Behave yourself, ma cherie. Lest I decide that I want to take a bite out of you instead." I spoke, my tone lazily seductive. A thrill ran through me, when I watched her shudder and her eyes open again, though they remained hooded. However, this time, it wasn't tiredness that gave them their relaxed appearance. She was looking at me with her bedroom eyes. 

Unable to resist the temptation that she presented, as she knew fully that I wouldn't. I leaned down and kissed her slow and deep. She hummed into my mouth in appreciation, before pulling me down fully and adjusting herself so that I could slide over her. An invitation that I happily accepted. We'd been separated for a while and I had missed her. 

She did try to come along with us and at least spend a few weeks on the road with me. But this time she had been unable to, as she had a deadline to meet for her newest book as well as finalizing the plans for her book tour starting. A tour that I would be happily joining her on, as my commitments were done for the moment. It was my turn to go on the road with her. Something I hadn't been able to do the past few years, due to the clashing of our schedules. It was something that excited us both. 

I enjoyed traveling with her and giving her the same support that she so often showed me. Her successes were mine, as much as mine were hers. We both loved to see the other thrive and succeed in whatever we had endeavored to do. And both of us did everything we could to help make those things reality for the other. We'd been together for ten years, but had no children. But that was something we were both fine with. 

Children weren't a priority for us, nor a particular want. We enjoyed one another too much as well as our freedom to do as we pleased, when we pleased. Children, while a joy to have I was sure, would be a hindrance to that freedom. So we had elected not to have any. Maybe later down the line we could adopt if our feelings changed. But otherwise, we were perfectly content to remain childless.

I felt my thoughts fade to silence, as Emberly stripped me of my last piece of clothing. It had always been that way with her, when our bodies would connect without the barriers of clothing. Our thoughts would flee, our minds silencing as we sank into our sensual moments. I was struck again by how much I still wanted this woman with every fiber of my being. No matter how many times we moved together in the age old dance of love and desire, I never seemed to become bored of her. If anything, I had only become more insatiable for her as the years drew on. Even though my hands, mouth and tongue knew every sacred area of my wife, as I knew my own. She still remained as exotic and mysterious as the first night we took to bed together. 


I played her body expertly, taking command of her senses and her pleasure as strongly as I took command of my voice and my music. I knew all of the secret spots of her and how best to combine them to fill our bedroom with the sounds of her cries of bliss. A decadent orchestra of pleasure, pleading and want. Gods, I often wished I could bottle her voice in these moments. Because no music I could create would be as beautiful and appealing to my ears as the way she moaned out my name, as I devastated her with my fingers, mouth and tongue. I didn't need any help with her any longer. We had long since stopped using toys and other sensual implements in our bedroom. We no longer needed them. We just needed each other and our bodies. 

The moment she crashed for me, was the moment I drove myself into her. I had always been a studious lover and had learned quickly that she enjoyed it the most when I entered her mid-fall. Tonight was no different and I released an almost growl of bliss as her nails sank into my shoulders and dragged down my back. The feeling of the pain, mixed with the ecstasy of her walls squeezing me, was a feeling unlike any other. I could never get enough of it or of her. 

Her legs came up for a moment before she moved to let them drop again. I however, did not allow this and instead urged her to wrap them around me. I loved feeling her lock herself around me in this way. Even though I, being on top of her, had control. I greatly enjoyed feeling caged against her, as though I couldn't escape her nirvana. It let me know without a verbal cue that she still very much wanted me, in the same way I wanted her. And for me, that was a reassurance of the most heady kind. For a moment, I almost felt sad that we had decided to not have children. Because I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that the act of creating those children would be an experience unlike any other between us. But I quickly chased these intrusive thoughts aways as Emberly and I began to move together. 

Our pace was slow, deep and filled with passion. I kept my strokes long and drawn out and sighed in bliss when I felt her match me perfectly. As she always did. We rarely fell out of step with each other, when it came to our love making. It was like we instinctively knew how the other was going to move and then adjusted for that. Cradling her face in my hands like she was my fragile china doll, I kissed her. Soft and deep at first, but then it grew in its passion as she reciprocated almost immediately. Soon our tongues were at war and I could feel her hand tangling in my blonde hair. 

I had grown it out for her, after she had made an offhand comment about preferring it longer. She had seen an older photo of me, taken for a single cover. I had been wearing extensions at the time. But she had loved the look so much, that the idea of not growing my hair out again, almost felt sacrilegious. It wasn't as long as it was in the cover she had seen. But it had grown down to my chest, enough to provide a curtain to surround her when I kissed her. 

I felt her curl into me even more then, as our kiss grew in intensity and our movements became progressively more frantic as well. Her moans were coming quicker and louder now, although they were half swallowed by our kiss. But I could hear my name as clear as day regardless, as it pulled from her throat forcefully. She didn't have long, as I was also grinding against her with each thrust I made, causing friction against her bundle of nerves. I always tried to pleasure her from both inside and outside and for the most part, I always succeeded. And it seemed tonight would be no different. Because soon, I felt as the change took hold of her. 

Our kiss was broken as she sucked in a sharp breath and then within moments, she crashed with my name falling from her lips in an almost scream. The strength of her walls taking me hostage once more, proved to also be my undoing and I soon followed her into the abyss of that only sex could bring you too. Her name spilled from my lips, as if in prayer, as I fisted the sheets below us. I hated collapsing against her, when my release was so strong. I was always scared of hurting her. She was so slight in comparison to me. But grounding myself like this, as my seed spilled into her and I was momentarily blinded with pleasure, helped to prevent that. 


Eventually though, as the last of our releases were wrung from us, my arms could no longer hold me above my little wife. Recognising what was about to happen, I managed to pull free of her and roll onto my side, bringing her with me. She came easily, curling into me and nuzzling her head against my chest. I heard her contented sigh, as her arms wrapped around me, as best they could. We didn't speak as we basked in the afterglow of our love making, we simply snuggled closer together. 

I could feel sleep tugging at me incessantly, I was exhausted from the travel and then reacquainting myself with Emberly. But even though our activities had been shorter than I would have liked, I knew I would be making it up to her in the morning. Besides, I could already feel and hear that she had quickly fallen asleep again. Content and sated for the moment. So with the last of my energy, I covered us with our goose down duvet and let sleep win this battle. 

Emberly and I had all the time in the world now. So it wasn't like we couldn't wait a few more hours before we had a proper reunion. 


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