High School Prodigies Have it...

By LordShinkenRed

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Eight genius high school students awaken from a plane accident in a medieval fantasy world, whereupon they vo... More

High School Prodigies Have Arrived in Another World!
Masato Is Serious About Making Money!
It Seems Roo Can Decide Her Own Worth!
It Seems Tsukasa has Resolved to Change the World!
It Seems Lyrule's Growing Closer to Him!

It Seems Akatsuki's Becoming God Akatsuki!

151 1 0
By LordShinkenRed

In Dormandt, people gathered at the central plaza. And for the first time in their era, they see a truck.

Female Bystander: Wh-What is that?

Male Bystander: H-How is it moving?!

The truck then stopped. 

Inside the driver's seat, Takeru pulls the parking lever and flipped a switch which causes the truck's trailer to open a stage.

Everyone was surprised by how it opened up.

On the stage are Aoi and Keine in bunny costumes. Everyone was attracted to the outfits they wore.

Ringo was wearing the same thing, but she was hiding behind a speaker. She then turns to the screen behind her.

Ringo: Bearabbit.

Bearabbit: Okay, bear!

Bearabbit then speaks through the speaker.

Bearabbit: Ladies and gentlemen! 

Then all of a sudden, smoke popped out and Akatsuki appeared in his magician outfit.

Akatsuki: I am... a god!

The crowd was amazed to see Akatsuki floating in thin air. Akatsuki then floats higher into the air. 

Akatsuki: Everyone! 

His baton flies to him.

Akatsuki: Watch closely! 

He then swings his baton in front of the obelisk making it disappear. Everyone in the city was shocked to see such an illusion.

Civilians: Th-The obelisk disappeared?!

He then swings his baton in front of the obelisk making it reappear. Everyone in the city was shocked to see it again.

Akatsuki: Well? Impressive, isn't it?

Then he waves his hand and smoke burst onto the stage and Masato and Roo appeared on stage with mayonnaise jars.

Masato: Now, here's a gift from God Akatsuki!

Byuma Bystander: That's...

Human Bystander: Mayonnaise!

Roo takes a bite of cucumber with the tip dipped in mayonnaise. 

Roo: Good! It's really good!

Everyone cheers at the hearing of the mayonnaise.

Keine: Now, everyone, have faith in God Akatuski!

Aoi: Those who worship him and have faith shall find salvation!

Everyone cheers raising jars of mayonnaise in their hands. Akatuski then laughs.

Akatuski: This is the power of a god

+ - - - - - +

+ - - - - - +

In Elm Village, in the kitchen, Winona and Lyrule are making mayonnaise with electric hand mixers that Ringo made.

Winona: Man, business just picked up!

Lyrule: Yes, it did.

She then stopped mixing, then Winona noticed.

Winona: Hmm? What's the matter?

Lyrule: To be honest, I haven't been able to thank Tsukasa for saving me yet.

Winona: Oh, really?

+ - - - - - +

Akatuski laughs as he made smoke burst and appears on the stage with eggs in his hands.

Akatuski: Now, everyone, worship your god! 

The eggs float up and then float back down, but not as eggs, as chicks. Then the chicks float up in the air and land down as fully grown chickens.

Akatuski: Worship me!

Tsukasa, Masato, Roo, and Takeru stand behind the stage of the truck.

Masato: I can't believe Akatsuki's our god.

Tsukasa: Takeru and I thought it would be best to use the power of religion if we hope to unite the region. Declaring ourselves a nation wouldn't be enough to win over the people.

Masato: Thus the magic show, huh?

Tsukasa: Yeah.

Takeru: Based on intel from Shinobu and some info from the soldiers after we raided Findolf's castle, most of Akatsuki's illusion magic was said to be the powers of a high-leveled mage. Using this and the beliefs of religion will help us in this case.

Tsukasa: A religion will be easy for them to understand.

Akatuski telekinetically juggles the blue chicks.

Tsukasa: Also portraying ourselves as a god and his messengers will enable a smooth transfer of power 

Everyone was amazed to watch Akatuski's magic.

Tsukasa: to the people of this world when we do return to our own.

Masato: I see.

Tsukasa: We're also calling ours the Eight-Light Faith.

He then looks up.

Tsukasa: We might eventually be contacted by someone who knows the real one.

Takeru: Giving the kingdom rumors about us and see if we can lure the connection of the real Eight-Light Faith. I like it.

+ - - - - - +

In the snowy mountains, Elch and Shinobu ride a horse to cross the mountains.

Shinobu: Oh, so that's the Ruruck Mountain Range. 

Elch: Are we really going?

Shinobu: Of course we're going. I have to get information on Buchwald, after all.

Elch: It's snowing a lot, though.

Shinobu: No problem, no problem. The world's top journalist isn't about to lose to a little snow. Now,

She then lays her head on Elch's shoulder causing him to blush.

Shinobu: let's go, El-kun!

Elch: Y-Yeah.

She then smiles looking cat-like as usual.

+ - - - - - +

The next day, in Dormandt, the Eight-Light Faith truck drives to the central plaza. 

Everyone was gathered to see them.

Female Bystander: It's Akatsuki-sama and the others from the Eight-Light Faith.

This time, Lyrule is in a bunny costume with Keine and Aoi.

Lyrule: Attention, everyone, we have a gift from Akatsuki-sama! 

Three Bunny Girls: It's mayo time!

Civilian #1: I'll follow you forever, Lord Akatsuki!

Civilian #2: Me, too!

They then start to chant, 'Eight-Light Faith'.

+ - - - - - +

At night, in the mansion of Mayor Walter Von Haizerad, he stares out the window of his office scared.

Mayor Haizerad: Dormundt is finished. I need to escape with my family as soon as possible.

He then hears knocking on the door.

Mayor Haizerad: Come in.

The door opens and a maid enters the mayor's office.

Mayor Haizerad: I'm leaving here tomorrow morning.

He turns to the maid.

Mayor Haizerad: Prepare my things...

His expression changed when he sees the face of the maid to be...

Tsukasa: And where do you think you're going, Mayor Haizerad?

Mayor Haizerad: Y-You're... of the Eight-Light Faith?!

Tsukasa takes off the headpiece.

Tsukasa: Mikogami Tsukasa, one of the angels serving God Akatsuki. 

Mayor Haizerad: Wh-What are you doing here?!

Tsukasa then strips off the maid uniform to his normal suit.

Tsukasa: I came here to talk. I had a feeling you had the wrong idea about us.

Mayor Haizerad: Wrong idea?

Tsukasa: We haven't come here to persecute nobles or throw this city into chaos. In fact, we'd like to cooperate with you and the nobility. After all, there's work that only you all can handle. Of course, we'll guarantee a fair wage for you. Or would you prefer to flee to some unknown land, exhausting the scant assets you take as you live in fear of both us and the empire?

Mayor Haizerad: What are you asking me to do? 

Tsukasa: Would you continue serving as Mayor of Dormundt and show allegiance to us and the Eight-Light Faith?

He ends with a smirk.

+ - - - - - +

The next day, the Eight-Light Faith truck drives to the central plaza, everyone is gathered because Mayor Haizerad has something to announce.

Civilian #1: Mayor Haizerad has an announcement?

Civilian #2: Why is he with the Eight-Light Faith?

Civilian #3: What's going to happen to Dormundt?

Inside the driver's seat, Takeru stopped the truck, pulls the parking lever, and flipped the switch to open the stage. Mayor Haizerad stands on a podium next to the High School Prodigies.

I am the Mayor of Dormundt, Walter Von Haizerad. Here today I henceforth proclaim that this city shall be governed by the Eight-Light Faith!

Everyone then cheers and chant 'Eight-Light Faith'.

+ - - - - - +

At the guard's post, the guard hears the announcement and the people chanting. 

They sigh with relief.

Guard #1: I'm glad.

Guard #2: Tell me about it.

But one guard was tense about this.

+ - - - - - +

In the Mayor's mansion, High School Prodigies have a meeting in a room with a big table as their meeting room.

Akatsuki: What is this?

Masato shows a photo of Tsukasa in the maid outfit on his phone laying on the table.

Masato: Right? It looks so good on him, it's kind of creepy.

Keine: My, I think he looks cute and lovely.

Aoi: I-Indeed. Besides, in order for Tsukasa-dono to sneak into the H-Haizerad mansion without raising suspicion, h-he had no choice but to disguise himself so.

Masato: Also, this one's...

He swipes the screen of his phone to show a lower-angled shoot. This widened Ringo's eyes.

Masato: A low-angle shot...

Aoi covers her mouth from laughing, while Takeru places his hand on her shoulder, understanding her locked feeling, because he too is holding his laughter looking at the picture. He just has his normal face on and trying not to change it.

Akatsuki: He's wearing his suit underneath?

Keine: Yes.

Ringo's face blushes as she looks closer at the photo.

Ringo: Th-This... U-U, um...

Masato leans to her ear.

Masato: I'll send it to you later.

Ringo took this by surprise and automatically turns to Masato.

Ringo: Th-Thank you.

Masato winks at her.

Tsukasa: If you all are enjoying it this much, then it was worth disguising myself.

Akatsuki: So, what do we do now? We've united Findolf, but...

Tsukasa: Yeah. I'll focus on domestic affairs here in Dormundt for a while, and shore up our foundation. You all can return to Elm Village and get some rest. Commander and I have worked you all too hard for the last few days.

Akatsuki lies on the table.

Akatsuki: Thank God. I'm all worn out already.

Aoi: It's been a while since we were in Elm Village.

Tsukasa then noticed something was up with Keine.

Tsukasa: Hmmm? What's the matter, Keine-kun?

Keine: I have a small request.

Tsukasa: Okay, what is it?

Keine: We're running low on medical supplies, so I'd like a facility to produce antibiotics. Could you spare me some labor and capital?

Tsukasa: Of course, I don't mind doing that, but are you sure you don't need any rest?

Keine: Yes. Compared to the battlefield, things have been relaxed here.

Tsukasa: All right. Then get me a list of what you'll need, and I'll have it arranged.

Keine: Thank you.

Tsukasa: Aoi, I'd like you to stay with Akatsuki while you take your break.

Aoi: Understood. I shall remain at his side and protect him at all times.

Akatsuki quickly looks up at her.

Akatsuki: Hey, at least leave me alone while I bathe and use the bathroom!

Aoi: I will not!

Akatsuki: Wha?!

Tsukasa then turns to Ringo.

Tsukasa: Also, Ringo-kun.

Ringo looks up at Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: We're starting to run low on electricity. I'd like to have a new power station, though a small-scale one is fine.

Ringo: I-If you're okay with thermal power, I-I can get that ready in no time.

Tsukasa: That's fine. Merchant can get you any materials you need.

He then turns to Masato.

Tsukasa: Merchant.

Masato: Yeah, leave it to me! We've got plenty of money right now, so I'll get you anything. Oh, right, Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: Hmm?

Masato: There are quite a few soldiers between those from Findolf Castle and the Dormundt Watch, but what's your plan?

Tsukasa: Yeah, with Commander's military background I left him in charge.

He turns to Takeru.

Tsukasa: Commander, may you tell us your progress?

Takeru: I'm merging both forces into a single army. I like to call it the Knight Order of the Eight-Light Faith.

Tsukasa: Excellent, I'm counting on you with this responsibility.

Masato: You'll need a leader for the soldiers to trust. They might not want to follow someone they don't trust or know as much.

Takeru: I'm already ahead of that. I compiled a list of respected captains of both parties. And I have one man on top of that list to make captain.

+ - - - - - +

In the barracks of the Dormundt Watch.

Guard #1: Hey, did you hear? The entire watch is being incorporated into the Eight-Light Faith.

Guard #2: Yeah, one of the angels is going to lead us. He said we'll get better pay than before, too.

Guard #1: Wow, really?

Captain: I'm out.

The guard looks at their leader with shock as he exits.

+ - - - - - +

In a tavern, the knight captain...

Zest Do Bernard

Is currently having dinner. He lowers his mug and sighs after drinking his wine.

Somebody walks up to his table and Bernard sees that it's Takeru.

Bernard: You are one of those angels. 

Takeru: The name's Shiranui Takeru. But, you are free to call me, Takeru. May I join you?

Bernard gestures to him, 'By all means'.

Takeru: You must be the Silver Knight, Zest Do Bernard if I'm not mistaken?

Bernard: You're not wrong, that's my name. Though only Imperial Knights get to have "Do" added to their names. So that doesn't fit who I am anymore.

Takeru: Well then, Bernard. I took the liberty of looking into you. You've demonstrated great courage, your fellow soldiers have great trust in you, and you're a reliable man, capable of making calm judgments at all times.

Bernard: I'm honored by all your praise. So what did you need from me?

Takeru: As a matter of fact, I'd like to ask of you. It's about our order of knights...

Bernard: Order of knights? Sorry, but I've already left the watch.

Takeru: I'm well aware. I asked your men where you were and what you did. But I must ask, why though?

Bernard: Because you all have come here.

Takeru: What do you mean?

Bernard: You all seem relieved after taking over Findolf with your mayonnaise and your divine power, but the empire will come to attack you. This place will become a battlefield. There's also something else that I have to do. If I can't do that, then there's no point in being a knight. So, I'm quitting. Choosing your own job is a part of this democracy you're propagating, right?

He then paid for his dinner and got up from his seat leaving.

Bernard: So, sorry, forget about me.

+ - - - - - +

Back at the mansion, Takeru returns and enters a room with a fireplace while drinking from his flask.

Masato: How'd it go?

Takeru stopped drinking and turns to Masato sitting on the couch.

Masato: With your top list for captain?

Takeru: He was exactly the kind of man I thought he'd be. He almost reminds me of my father. But he said he's stepping down as a knight.

Masato: Huh? What's that mean? 

Takeru: He's holding back for some reason.

Masato: So what's the plan now?

Takeru: Nothing's changed. I'm simply going to talk to him again, tomorrow.

+ - - - - - +

The next day, that Bernard's house, he kneels in his backyard chopping firewood.

He was about to chop another one, until, Takeru walks up to him. Bernard sighs at the sight of the claimed angel.

Bernard: You came all the way out here? What do you need, angel?

Takeru: I haven't got the chance to tell you the important detail.

Bernard: Important detail?

Takeru: I would like you to be the captain of my army of knights.

Bernard: Huh? I already told you, didn't I? I'm done being a knight.

Takeru: I still like to ask you about it. After all, you are on top of my list and after last night, I'm more certain than ever. I believe we need a man like you. 

Bernard looks down and rubs the back of his neck.

Bernard: Listen, Angel... 

???: Papa!

Bernard looks up and turns to see a little girl run up to him.

Bernard: Airi? 

The girl revealed to be Airi jumped and hug on him.

Bernard: What's the matter? I thought you were going out.

Airi: I missed you, so I came back.

Bernard: Oh, really? I missed you too, Airi.

Airi: Yay!

Takeru: Is this your daughter?

Airi looks at Takeru.

Airi: That's right! Papa's my papa!

Bernard: She's the precious treasure left to me by my wife, who passed away in an epidemic.

Takeru: I'm deeply sorry for you. I'm sure she's honored that you're raising Airi with all the love you have for her. So that's what's holding him back.

Bernard: I am.

He then turns to his daughter.

Bernard: Airi, Papa's having a discussion with this young man.

He then places her on the ground.

Bernard: Could you go play over there for a bit?

Airi then runs to the little pond.

Airi: Yeah, okay!

Bernard and Takeru watch with smiles on their faces.

Bernard: Angel, I served as a knight so I could live with Airi. 

They then turn to look at each other.

Bernard: There's nothing more precious to me than my daughter. So I'm willing to do anything if it means I can live with her. But I can't make any choices that would sacrifice my family. If it means I'll be sent off to fight when this town becomes a battlefield, 

They then look at Airi.

Bernard: or that I won't be able to live with Airi, then I have no reason to remain a knight. That's the only reason I ever became a knight in the first place. There are plenty of other knights with great loyalty who do it for an empire or the emperor. So I don't think a pathetic man like me would be good a fit for the leader of a nation's army.

Takeru looks back at Bernard.

Takeru: What makes you say cherishing your family above all else is pathetic?

Bernard was taken by his words.

Takeru: Bernard, you remind me of a man who too would fight for his family, meaning, you're perfectly welcome to continue putting your daughter first and foremost. What I'm seeking isn't loyalty. It's comrades who will fight alongside me.

Bernard: Comrade?

Takeru: We're not like those raccoon-brained rulers you've known before us. Our goal is to create a nation where everyone can live freely. I believe you have had these thoughts before: "It's not right for heritage and other unreasonable factors to determine whose life has value when we're all the same." We aim to smush that world. But to do that, we'll need people like you to change the way you've lived and thought before. We'll need you all to take part in the revolution. After all, it won't be a real people's revolution if you, the people, don't have the drive to shape this world yourselves.

Bernard: Are you saying you can really create a world where everyone is free to decide their future for themselves?

Takeru: With your help, we can.

Airi then throws a pile of leaves then Bernard turns to watch her.

Takeru: People like you are what I need in this army. Someone who fights to protect what's truly important. Someone who shows their status without having to be born of it. Someone who is willing to be a tool to protect everything precious to everyone.

Bernard was taken by his words.

Takeru: Bernard, if you'd wish to stay with those you love, then I'd like you to once more, of your own free will, choose to be a captain for my army and show the world that we are not weak and take the future that belongs to each and every individual living on this world.

Bernard then looks at his daughter and then she looks back at her papa and waves at him with a smile. Bernard smiles back and ten turns to Takeru.

Bernard: I suppose it might be better to fight to seize our own future when the empire attacks us anyways.

He then kneels before Takeru.

Bernard: I, Zest Bernard, shall dedicate myself to this huge responsibility.

Takeru then smirks at him.

Takeru: Then you'll have my full trust on the battlefield.

He then salutes his new captain. Bernard then looks up and was confused by Takeru's pose.

Bernard: Why is your hand like that?

Takeru: Because 'this' is my way of showing respect to you... Captain Bernard.

Bernard then gets up from his knees and stands up.

Bernard: Then I'll be honored to be given the rank captain from you, Angel Takeru. And I will show the same respect to you...

He then copies Takeru's salute.

+ - - - - - +

In the evening, Takeru walks through the street after getting Bernard on their army. A few nobles were drinking and bad-mouthing the Eight-Light Faith. But most of all...

Noble #1: That silver-haired brat! Angel, my foot! Sounds shady! And the red-eyed bastard thinks he's so tough!

Noble #2: You've drank too much.

He then noticed Takeru.

Noble #2: He'll hear you.

Noble #1: Huh?

Takeru looks at them, ignores them, and walks away.

Noble #1: I don't care if he hears me.

Takeru then takes out his phone and makes a call to Tsukasa.

+ - - - - - +

Tsukasa sits in the mansion office talking to Takeru through his phone. Takeru told Tsukasa about his success with Bernard and about the nobles bad-mouthing them.

Tsukasa: I see. Continue your progress with the army.

He then hangs out and puts his phone down.

Tsukasa: Nobles, huh? I expected some opposition there. However, I'll need to keep an eye on their behavior moving forward.

+ - - - - - +

In the mountains, in a tavern, Shinobu is in disguise getting information from drunk soldiers.

Shinobu: What?! Findolf was attacked by a rebel army?! I-Is that true?!

Soldier: Yeah. We heard it from a knight who fled, so it must be.

Shinobu: Scary! Do you think they'll come here, too?

Soldier: Y-You'll be fine. That's what we're here for, after all. Besides, there are more than just us Buchwald soldiers here. We have a large army from Arclide and the main knight unit here, too. So once spring comes, we'll blow that rebel army away!

Shinobu: Wow!

She presses his breast against the soldier's arm.

Shinobu: That's so good to hear!

The soldier stares at her breast and then looks down.

Soldier: But, you know, Duke Fastidious is telling us to go right now.

Shinobu: When you say Duke Fastidious, do you mean the lord of Gustave?

The soldier looks back at Shinobu.

Soldier: Uh-huh. He's an incredible man. His martial prowess is amazing but so is his magic. During the last battle with the Yamato Empire, he stood on the front lines himself firing away. It was the first time in history that a knight was granted the title of Duke and the authority to govern the northern lands.

Shinobu: Amazing!

Soldier: It is. He swore absolute loyalty to the emperor, and now he's a merciless perfectionist to those who oppose the emperor's will.

Shinobu: Wow! I don't know Lord Gustave was such an incredible person!

+ - - - - - +

In an Inn, Elch sits on a bed waiting on Shinobu.

Elch: She's taking her time coming back. 

Shinobu: Oh, you're back, Elch.

Elch jumped after seeing Shinobu appear out of nowhere.

Elch: When did you?! 

Shinobu then does her small feline laugh. 

Shinobu: Did you hear anything interesting?

Elch: Not at all. It's all talk about how they're going to march on Findolf once winter passes.

Shinobu: I see.

Elch: How about you?

Shinobu: Well, I heard there's this amazing mage, a special mage officer.

Elch: Oh, you mean Gustave, Duke Fastidious?

Shinobu: But while people say he's incredible, there's not much information about how good he actually is.

They then think for a few seconds and then...

Shinobu: Okay, I've decided!

Elch: Uh?

Shinobu: Let's go meet this Duke Fastidious they're talking about!

She then winks.

Elch: Go meet him? What?!

+ - - - - - +

In a castle, Inzagi kneels in front of the lord of the castle.

Inzagi: P-Please, gracious Gustave, I-I would like to request your aid in restoring the land of Findolf.

Oslo El Gustave

Gustave: You are a proud imperial knight, and yet you've shamelessly clung to life?

As Inzagi looks up at Gustave, in a blink of an eye, his neck is sliced and his head falls to the floor and his body drops dead. Inzagi's blood drips on Gustave's blade.

Gustave: Those damn rebels...

He fist glows and burns amber.

Gustave: I, Oslo El Gustave, shall burn them all to the ground.

He then lifts his fist and bursts into flames.

+ - - - - - +

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