Wednesday's Child Is Full Of...

By BaguetteManOfficial

438K 18.9K 7.7K

New cover is courtesy of the wonderful @Aikon_MJ5 Apparently this story has been"Hand picked by Wattpad amba... More

Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe
Making Friends
The Semester Begins
M Is For Murder
Classes Resume
The Investigation
The Rave'N
The Week Of Despair
I Wrote This Late At Night. I Love It.
The Addams Family
The Family
I Cant Think Of A Good Chapter Title
Thing's Mission
Another Sleepover
Making Friends
Very Productive Writing Time
Date Night
A Day Out
Wednesday's Birthday
Wednesday's Conundrum
The Better Birthday Chapter
Baby's First Torture
Waffle Aftermath
Swap Part 2
The Thinning Of The Herd
Abyssinia Enid
Muffin Of Death
Courtney's Home
Video Chats
The Blood
Wednesday Returns (Is This Clickbait? Read And Find Out)
Enid Returns
Last Day Of Freedom
March; School Starts Up Again
May; Plans
Puppy Love
"The End"
Winds From Another World Pt. 1

Winds From Another World Pt. 2

1.8K 68 16
By BaguetteManOfficial

(Part 2 of the crossover written by Mikexlrose for his story and this one!)

"Eyes as blue as the azure sky...that is the symbol of The Contractor"
"Do you even have the faintest idea as to where we're going?" Wednesday asks, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rushing winds as she and Y/N flew over the endless sea of forest that surrounded Nevermore. The trees were shrouded in a vast and ominous fog, making it difficult to see where they were going. Wednesday's grip on Y/N tightened as they soared over the treetops, the winds whispering all around them.

"Not a clue, but I know that the winds wouldn't lead us back here without a reason." He says before a powerful gust came roaring in, wrapping all around them as it whispers in Y/N's ears and guides him toward a clearing in the forest. "Hang on, I think we're about to get all our answers real soon." Y/N and Wednesday descended into the clearing, the wind gradually subsiding. The fog lingered, creating an eerie atmosphere as they landed softly on the dew-covered grass.

Wednesday glanced around the clearing, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow before turning back to Y/N. "Well, isn't this just delightful, a foggy clearing in the middle of nowhere once again, your winds have proven to be as reliable as you are, Yagami." She says coldly, Y/N just chuckles, moving on a bit ahead of her, his hands in his pockets. "Hey, they may be a bit unpredictable at times, but they've always led us to where we needed to be." He replied, stopping dead in his tracks before turning back to her flashing his signature contagiously pure, loving, and idiotic smile. "Just like they led me to you and you to me, Addams." He finishes with complete sincerity as a calm and gentle breeze brushes across Wednesday's face she looks at him for a moment, the smallest of smiles edging onto her.

"Well, if that's the case..." She begins as she moves closer to him, he smiles and does the same Y/N slowly closes his eyes and leans in, and Wednesday doesn't hesitate to do the same before, instead of kissing him, she pinches his cheek as hard as she can.

"Owwwww! That hurts, Wednesday wh--"
"I wish the winds had led me to someone who focuses more on the task at hand rather than his attempts at romantically sly remarks," She says, cutting through the momentary sweetness like a dagger, Y/N rubbed his cheek a bit and chuckled "Okay, okay, I get it no more messing around Contractor mode Y/N activated." He says playfully, Wednesday rolls her eyes, but a flicker of amusement dances in her gaze as she looks at him.


Y/N nodded, his smile fading slightly as he surveyed the foggy clearing listening closely as the winds whispered around him and played a strange song unlike anything he'd heard before. As his mind wandered, captivated by the haunting harmony, he found himself inexplicably drawn closer to the clearing's center, and with every step he took, his eyes flickered between their usual warm brown blue as the Azure sky. Wednesday watched him intently, her curiosity peaked by the change in his eyes. She had only ever truly seen them like that once before, and as then, the winds seemed to respond in kind, swirling around him with restless energy, growing stronger and more intense.

"Y/N, what's happening?" Wednesday asked, her voice laced with a mixture of confusion and fascination, and her eyes never losing focus on the young Contractor's face as she tried to decipher the enigma unfolding before her. Y/N's steps slowly grew more purposeful as he moved closer and closer, synchronized with the ethereal song carried by the winds.

"I-I don't know the song the winds are playing sounds so...different, and they feel so...strange."

"Strange how?" She asked, Y/N paused now in the center of the clearing, his eyes still flickering between their usual warm brown and the mesmerizing shade of blue, the winds swirled around him in a frenzy, creating a vortex of energy. Leaves and twigs danced in the air, caught in the powerful current, and the fog began to dissipate while the ethereal song finally reached its crescendo unit...there was nothing. A calming silence and a gentle breeze washed over the entire clearing, wrapping itself delicately around Y/N as he took a deep breath and glanced back at Wednesday, locking eyes again.

"As if they don't belong here."

In an instant, the winds erupted with an earth-shattering roar, breaking the ground beneath Y/N's feet and tearing through the atmosphere, unleashing shockwaves that spread across the clearing. The force of the winds sent Wednesday stumbling backward, her hair whipping around her face as she fought to regain her balance. The ground trembled beneath her, and the once peaceful clearing transformed into a chaotic battleground of nature's fury, with Y/N at its center. The tempest swirled around him, wrapping him in its chaotic embrace before forcing him to the ground, his hands clutching his head in unbearable pain as the once gentle whispers of the wind now screamed in his ears while the mysterious melody tore through his mind, all the while his eyes continued to flicker shining brighter and brighter with each passing second.

"Y/N!" Wednesday yelled, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched Y/N struggle against the overwhelming force of the winds, fear and concern flooded her mind, and without hesitation, she fought against the gusts, making her way to his side. She dropped down beside him, shielding her face from the debris swirling around them.

"Y/N, hold on!" She shouted, her voice fighting to get through the deafening roar of the storm. With determination in her eyes, Wednesday reached out her hand, braving the relentless wind to touch Y/N's trembling shoulder. Her touch, though gentle, carried a strength that seemed to ground him.

"Wednesday...I can't...control them," Y/N gasped, his voice strained. "They won't...stop-" Y/N struggled to finish his sentence but was quickly cut off as a calming breeze brushed past his face, whispering in his heart with a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. At that moment, a blinding flash of Azure blue light shattered the clouds above, and both of them...vanished into the winds.
When Y/N finally opened his eyes once again, he found himself lying on the ground in the middle of the forest. Groaning in pain, he tried to sit up, but his head throbbed, and his body ached. As he looked around, he realized that he was all alone with Wednesday, nowhere to be seen, and the only sound he heard was the birds chirping and the sunlight shining down as if whatever he had just been through had never happened at all.

"Wednesday" He called out, his voice weak and hoarse, but there was no answer aside from that of the winds whistling through the trees. A gentle breeze slowly wrapped itself around him, coating him in a blanket of ease as Y/N got to his feet, his mind reeling as he tried to understand what had just happened. He remembered the winds, the song, Wednesday, and then...nothing. Y/N stumbled forward, his legs weak and wobbly but filled with determination to get back to her. He slowly closed his eyes and focused on the winds around him until finally, he found her.

"There!" Y/N yells, and immediately a massive wave of wind gathers underneath his feet, lifting him up into the air before blasting off toward Wednesday, clenching his fist as he flew faster and faster, feeling Wednesday's presence growing stronger with every passing moment. Eventually, he caught sight of a cleaning up ahead, and his heart leaped in his chest as there in the center stood Wednesday, seemingly lost and confused yet safe and sound.

"Wednesday!" He called out, relief flooding through him as he landed gracefully in front of her with one final burst of wind. Her eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, she simply stood there silently, staring at him while his eyes locked onto hers. He approached her slowly, trying his hardest not to startle her. As soon as he was close enough, Y/N reached out and caressed her cheek.

"Thank god I...I thought I lost y-" he began, but he was forced to lean back to safety as Wednesday sent a kick aimed right at the side of his head. He glanced at her, only to see daggers staring directly into his soul, which Y/N met in surprise.

"What the hell Wednesd-

"Don't touch me." She says, cutting Y/N off before lunging back at him Y/N stumbles backward, caught off guard by Wednesday's sudden aggression. He raises his hands in defense, confusion and hurt etched on his face.

"Wednesday, what's gotten into you?!" he pleads, his voice filled with concern. "I don't understand what's going o-" Before he can finish his sentence, Wednesday throws a rapid series of punches and kicks at him, each one narrowly missing its mark. Y/N tries his best to dodge and block her attacks, but he can't help feeling a mix of fear and disbelief.

"Who are you? And why do you look like (y/n)!?" She shouted, her voice laced with anger and confusion before charging at him once more and leaping into the air, aiming to land a powerful kick right onto Y/N's head. " What the hell are you talking about Wednesday!" He yelled, casually raising his hand, and meeting Wednesday's kick with a wall of wind, the force of the impact echoing throughout the entire forest like a sonic boom.

"I am Y/N!" He yelled, his arm outstretched as he held Wednesday in place, a whirlwind now surrounding them, and as Y/N looked into her struggling eyes, an eerily similar yet just as strikingly different cold yet pleasant breeze gently brushed across his face, and Y/N sighed.

"You're not my Wednesday...are you?"

"Get away from her!" A voice roared throughout the clearing, pulling Y/N's attention away from Wednesday as he turned his head to find a ferocious lion closing in from the air, ready to tear him apart.

"And just who the hell.."

Y/N slowly turns and simply raises his hand as the sound of slamming claws and jaws echoed against a barrier of dark wind that held the lion in place before meeting its gaze with his now glowing crimson-red eyes.

"Are you?"

The lion unleashed a mighty roar, its eyes ablaze with a seething mix of rage and primal fury as it struggled against the barrier of dark wind, desperately trying to break free and tear into Y/N while he remained calm and cold."Is that all you got? Ok, th-" Y/N tried to finish before instantly clutching his head in agony as an excruciating wave of pain surged across his skull, breaking his focus as his eyes flickered once more, and his winds dissipated. In an instant, the lion broke free from its invisible restraints hurtling towards him, forcing Y/N to leap back, just narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp claws that tore across his shirt. Y/N slowly looks down and chuckles.

"Wow, not bad ya big fur ball almost got me there. Guess it's my turn now." Y/N's eyes flashed once more, and in an instant, he vanished into the winds and reappeared, sending a powerful kick right to the lion's stomach, the force of the wind it created sending him flying and crashing through multiple trees. Wednesday's eyes widened in shock and awe, a frigged wind running down her spine as Y/N grinned twistedly before turning back to her, shooting her a cold stare before flying off after the lion, and as Wednesday watched him vanish into the forest, fear gripped her heart unaware of the world around, and the footsteps that fast approached as she had but one thing on her mind.



The names echoed in perfect sync as Wednesday's voice called from beside her, pulling her out of her thoughts. Slowly turning her head, her eyes widened in disbelief as standing right beside her...was herself.


"...Are you?" The second Wednesday finished for her as both stared at one another, their eyes mirrored by the same mixture of confusion and disbelief. They stood there, silently studying each other, searching for answers in their expressions. Both were identical in every way, perhaps the slightest difference in age, from their dark, flowing hair to their piercing gazes and yet there was something different about each of them. Finally, the second Wednesday stepped forward.

"What are you some kind of imposter, a shapeshifter perhaps?" she asked, her tone laced with suspicion, to which the first Wednesday scoffed in response

"I could ask you the same thing. But rest assured, I am the real Wednesday Addams," Wednesday fired back, her tone laced with confidence, and The second Wednesday seemed to consider this, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Prove it. Tell me something only I myself would know." she challenged, her voice daring the original Wednesday to convince her.

Taking a deep breath, the first Wednesday gathered her thoughts before locking eyes with her doppelganger. Her expression turned serious yet composed. "When we were six years old, we endured the heart-wrenching experience of being ambushed, helplessly watching as our beloved pet scorpion Nero was mercilessly crushed... until there was nothing left. The only other person we ever confided in about this was..." She trailed off, but before she could finish, the second Wednesday interjected, "Enid." Her voice held an air of certainty as she completed the sentence. The first Wednesday nodded, a flicker of recognition and relief crossing her face. The other Wednesday sighed, seemingly surrendering to the peculiar situation they found themselves in.

"I apologize for my earlier hostility. There are still many unanswered questions, but I'm certain that something much larger is at play here, something beyond our control. I don't know why, but we need to figure it out," the second Wednesday admitted, her voice tinged with determination.

"It's understandable. Given the circumstances, I wouldn't trust myself either," the first Wednesday replied. They stood there, locked in a silent understanding. Amidst the confusion and disbelief, the second Wednesday nodded, acknowledging the words of her counterpart.

"You called out named (y/n) earlier. I can only assume you were referring to that lion boy...the ailuranthrope, correct?" The second Wednesday asked, and the first Wednesday nodded once again.


"Then we need to go right now..." the second Wednesday declared, determination filling her voice. "Before either one of them ends up dead.
The lion groaned in pain as it landed roughly through the dirt, Y/N wasted no time following through, not giving the mighty beast a moment to think, quickly grabbing him by the back of his mane and driving him back into the ground a small crater forming underneath them as a result.

"You know, I've fought a bunch of different and crazy things in my life, but I gotta admit this is definitely a first." The lion let out a furious roar, its eyes gleaming with a mix of rage and desperation as it struggled beneath Y/N's grip, the pressure of the winds forcing it down like an anchor. The ground shook as the lion's massive paws thrashed about, digging deep furrows into the earth before suddenly, with a sudden burst of strength, the lion twisted Its body, breaking free of Y/N's grasp. It instantly lunged forward, its razor-sharp claws extended, aiming straight for Y/N's chest. A rush of adrenaline flooded Y/N's veins as his eyes widened, and he barely manages to dodge to the side, the lion's claws grazing his shoulder and leaving behind searing gashes that sent waves of pain coursing through him. Y/N winced before sending the lion sliding back with a powerful blast of wind.

Y/N gritted his teeth, the pain throbbing in his shoulder as he quickly regained his footing before the lion charged at him once more, its growls and roars filling the air, and Y/N chuckled through the pain. "You're not bad, I'll give you that." Y/N taunted, his voice laced with a mix of arrogance and determination. "But Wednesday still hits harder!" He says, extending his arm and creating a massive wave of dark wind that launches the lion into the air, Y/N's eyes flickered with intensity as he brushed off the agonizing pain coursing through his brain. He swiftly followed through with unwavering resolve, unleashing a relentless barrage of razor-sharp wind blades that shredded the lion to pieces before propelling it back down to the ground. Y/N slowly lands back down on the ground and calmly makes his way over to the lion, who miraculously managed to stand as injured as it was, and Y/N couldn't help but give it a slow yet genuine chat. "Well, look at you, actually managing to stay conscious through all that. I gotta give some points for that alone, although..." Y/N raises his hand, and a small vortex of winds wraps around it.

"I think it's time I finish th-" Y/N quickly cut himself off, clutching his head in agony as the pain ripped across his brain like never before, the flickering in his eyes intensifying evermore, his vision momentarily distorted as the excruciating sensation threatened to overwhelm him, causing Y/N to stumble backward. The lion sensing the opportunity, quickly recovered, unleashing a powerful swipe of its massive paw, catching Y/N off guard and sending him flying through the air, and crashing into a nearby tree, the feeling of bones breaking jolting through his entire body on impact before he dropped to his knees in anguish.

"Yup...those are definitely broken." Y/N groaned out before the sound of the lion's roar forced him back to reality, urging him to fight through the pain. He slowly looked up just in time to witness the ferocious creature pouncing upon him and desperately avoided its monstrous jaws as it aimed for his throat. As the adrenaline surged through his veins, Y/N's reflexes heightened, his eyes glowing brighter than ever, reflecting his unleashed fury. A tempest of rage consumed him, and in a split second, he summoned a powerful gust of wind, launching the lion high into the air. Seizing the opportunity, Y/N swiftly vanished into the winds, only to reappear instantly, grasping the lion's tail, and he hurled the creature back down, causing it to slam into the ground and bounce off slightly before materializing again, swiftly descending upon the lion and slamming it into the earth once more. The ground trembled beneath the force of the impact, a crater forming as the lion let out a thunderous roar, its body wracked with pain. Y/N stood across the wounded creature, his eyes ablaze with determination as he summoned his powers once more.

"Now...It's over." Y/N panted and watched as the lion miraculously stood once more, roaring in defiance of the young Contractor. Their eyes met before Y/n began to close his fist slowly, the air around them growing thinner and thinner until...a familiar cold and gentle breeze brushed across his face, and he stopped dead in his tracks as the winds settled around him.



The names echoed in perfect sync as both Wednesdays came emerging from the forest. Y/N slowly turned his gaze toward the two identical figures, his eyes widening in surprise and relief. The pain from his broken bones and the throbbing in his head momentarily faded into the background as he saw Wednesday...his Wednesday, as even though they looked the same, her winds had said it all. She rushed over to Y/N's side, concern etched on her face.

"Are you okay?" She asked, and Y/N flashed his signature pure, contagious, loving, and idiotic smile

"Now that you're here, never better." He chuckles, Wednesday rolls her eyes as she helps him to his feet, supporting his weight as he winces from the injuries. Meanwhile, the other Wednesday walks past the two and toward the injured lion as it struggles to its feet, its movements sluggish and weak. Y/N's gaze turned back to the creature, his determination resurfacing.

"Hey, be careful that thing is--" Y/N goes to finish, but Wednesday quickly cuts him off. "It's ok, Y/N, she's here for him." She says, and Y/N looks at her, confused, before he notices the other Wednesday kneeling beside the wounded lion. Her eyes meet Y/N's for a moment, and she nods as if silently conveying her intentions. Y/N and Wednesday watched in awe as the second Wednesday extended her hand toward the lion and stroked his mane. The lion's roars gradually subsided, replaced by low, rumbling purrs and meows.

"I'm not gonna be doing this forever, so hurry up and change back (y/n)...there's a lot we need to talk about." She said, and before long, the lion's massive form began to shift and shrink, its body transforming into that of a young man, and Y/N's mind completely froze when he saw his face...because it was exactly like his own, and as both Y/N's eyes finally met only one thing was said between the two.

"Dude...why are you naked?"
(y/n) sat on his and Wednesday's bed with her beside him as they listened to the other Y/N and Wednesday's story, now completely clothed and patched up with a large bandage wrapped around his head and arms for good measure. He was something called a Contractor, and because of that, he was now able to control the winds and their spirits. He and the other Wednesday were also slightly younger, and yes, wherever they came from, he and Wednesday were together.

But unfortunately, neither of them could answer why they were there and how or why everything between the four of them had happened in the first place.

"So, let me get this straight," (y/n) began, his voice filled with curiosity. "You two are from a different place or time, just like us? And you're... me?"

The other Y/N nodded, a wry smile forming on his face. "Yeah, it looks that way. We found ourselves here without any explanation, and somehow, our paths crossed with yours and Wednesday's."

"And until we can learn exactly how or why all of this is happening in the first place, we can't even consider the possibility of finding a way back," Wednesday added in, and (y/n) just nodded, trying his best to process everything that was just thrown at him before looking on Wednesday and sitting back up.

"Alright, so we're in this together, We'll figure out why this is happening and find a way to get you guys back to where you belong." (y/n) said, his voice filled with determination, The other Y/N smiled and nodded before walking over to him and held out his hand.

"Sounds good to me, I might as well get introductions out of the way now. My name's Y/N Yagami...I'm The Contractor, and uhh, sorry for fighting you." He chuckled, and (y/n) looked at his hand before he shook it.

"My name's (y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you, and uhh, I'm sorry too." Both Y/N's happily laughed alongside one another, and both Wednesdays couldn't help but crack the smallest of smiles as they shook their heads at the sight...before both their bodies stiffened like corpses, and their heads snapped back as visions ran through their minds.

Both Wednesdays watched as the two Y/N's stood side by side  ready to confront a colossal monster. The vision then jumps to all of Nevermore burning to the ground as screams of students are heard echoing in the background, Suddenly, the vision shifted once more, revealing a battered and bloodied Y/N, his azure eyes locked onto an adversary, his arm pinned against a tree. "Do it now!" he exclaimed with unwavering determination. Finally, the vision settled on a mysterious figure concealed within the dark recesses of Jericho's mountains. Slowly, the figure turned around, unveiling Tyler, whose sadistic smile seemed to penetrate both Wednesday's souls. "I'll be seeing you soon, Wednesday," he declared as the haunting glow of two deranged pairs of eyes flickered behind him. The Wednesdays snapped out of their reverie, their eyes widening at the sight of their respective Y/Ns.

"Wednesday?! Wednesday?! What's wrong?"

"Yeah, what is it, muffin?" They asked frantically, and she stared at them before the second Wednesday starts

"I think I understand why we're here now, Y/N," She said, Y/N looked at her, confused. "Why? What did you see?" Y/N asked, their voice filled with concern. The Wednesdays exchanged a quick glance, silently communicating with each other.

"It's Tyler he's back."

"And he's found others."

"Others? What others?" (y/n) asked and his Wednesday gently rested his hand on his before meeting his eyes.

"Other Hydes."

Final Word Count: 4247

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