
By Lilicoul

21.3K 475 77

Louis is a desperate hybrid, abused and abandoned to himself, who just wants to be saved and perhaps loved, i... More

I'll always be by your side
Discovering new feelings
Haunting thoughts
Never fading away
Late Sunday Mornings

Just feeling a little insecure

1.4K 68 7
By Lilicoul

I'm tired as hell so I don't really know what it'll look like, but hopefully it's still be good and you'd still enjoy;) So here goes nothing, I'm kinda running out of ideas of what to write in all honesty but I'll try nonetheless. Yeah, and it took me a whole lot of time 'cause I was a little bit lazy so:)

Hope you like it and the usual rambling on comments and feedback being welcomed:) xx

Note: it's just pure fluff once again I guess... and well insecure Louis:)and it might feel a little angsty to be honest; I don't know, I'm just in a bad mood and I hope it doesn't show that much in my writing? Anyways...


The first time Harry left him alone to go hang out with Nick, Louis hadn't thought too much of it, knowing that Harry needed some time with his friends, away from Louis. He discarded the feeling crushing down on him and buried it deep within himself, because he was lucky enough that Harry was going out with him and he wasn't going to complain and restrain the other lad from meeting Nick. Only, he couldn't erase the frown on his face as Harry left after pecking him softly on his lips, closing the door behind him, not even looking back at Louis.

Sure, Louis was a grown up lad and didn't needed supervision but he liked it when Harry took care of him. But if hanging out with Nick made Harry happy then Louis couldn't object, because a happy Harry meant a happy Louis; or so he thought.

The second and third time, he had pushed away the feeling of hurt and buried it deep within himself, because he was obviously overthinking. Harry was just hanging out with Nick and Louis shouldn't be as jealous as he feels, because he's Harry's boyfriend and he has nothing to fear.

But after the sixth time in a week and a half, the sadness and hurt crashed upon him; he had pouted, his ears flattening themselves on his head as his tail curled around his middle as Harry told him he was going out. He had planed to cuddle, but seeing as his boyfriend didn't even seem to feel bad, he shrugged. If Harry wasn't going to hold him and cuddle with him, then he could manage just fine by himself. However, his frown was soon washed away as Harry petted his ears, rubbing and caressing them just the way he knew Louis liked."Sorry, love. I'll be back in the blink of an eye sweetheart. Don't you worry." Harry had whispered as he walked away. And as the door closed, his smile faded away once again. He sat on the couch, his chin resting on his knees as his tail wrapped around himself. It felt odd, to have the house to himself on weekends when they usually stayed inside together. Louis swore to himself that he wasn't going to be sad about it, because he found it selfish of him, and yeah, Harry had every rights to go hang out with whoever he wants, and it shouldn't bother Louis at all... but it did. And it wasn't as if Nick was bad or mean or anything, and Louis felt guilty for hating the guy so much and he knows he shouldn't feel that way but perhaps Louis is just possessive and he definitely doesn't want to lose Harry, because Harry was all he ever wanted.

Losing Harry was the last thing he wanted, because without Harry by his side, Louis was nothing. He would still be lingering somewhere in the streets and he wouldn't even have a home to return to. Harry is the only person left he could return to, and the last thing he wants to keep it that way; so he kept his mouth shut, because Harry doesn't want someone as clingy as him.


Little did he know that Harry was actually feeling so so bad for leaving Louis alone each single time. He saw how his boyfriend's smile had faded away from the corner of his eyes. "God, Nick, you should have seen his face. He looked so heartbroken." He spoke, as he arrived. "Mate, you're the one who wants to prepare a birthday party for him, y'know?" Nick told him, a smirk plastered on his face. "Yeah, but if he looks that devastate each time I walk out the door, I don't know if I can keep this act up." Harry said as he tugged on his curls. He had wanted to organize a surprise party for his boyfriend since, well, they didn't really know his birth date, but Harry just wanted Louis to forget about the little things that made him remember the past and just focus on his life right now; and setting a date he could call his birthday had seemed like a very good idea. "Harry, the party's tomorrow, I mean, it's the last time so stop fidgeting will ya?" Nick spoke with a smile, the couple were surely the cutest he ever saw.


That day, as he came back, he found Louis sprawled on their bed, clutching his pillow. "Hazza!" He screamed as he jumped into Harry's arms. "I'm sorry I took so long." Harry apologized as he hugged the smaller lad, one arm wrapped tightly around Louis while the other played with the feathery strands. "If you're happy then Lou's happy." Louis muttered softly as he hugged back. It felt good to have Harry's arms wrapped around him and might as well enjoyed. Thoughts of Nick were long gone since the very moment his boyfriend stepped into the room, because he just had that kind of effect on Louis, making his mind go blank no matter how many times he saw the curly lad in a day. Perhaps he was way too much head over heals for Harry but he was in to deep to even bother anymore. And as he decided to discard the mere thought of it and concentrate on enjoying the fact that Harry was finally home, a familiar ringtone echoed through the room. Louis almost cried out but he bit his tongue; he didn't want to be seen as desperate.

"Nick?" Harry spoke and Louis felt his heart shatter in a million pieces when the curly haired lad let go of his grip around the smaller lad and left the room in a hurry, as if he was hiding something. That mere action was enough for Louis to completely break down, his emotions and tears he tried to push away made their way to his eyes. And yeah, maybe he wasn't what Harry needed anymore. Maybe he just wasn't enough

Louis let the tears pour down, not even caring that Harry was just on the other side of the closed door. He fell on his knees by the bed with a small thud! and his hands flew to his cheeks. He wiped away the tears with the back of his hands but the tears kept coming, how could they not? Harry had lost interest in him and he was being replaced by Nick, out of all people. 

He didn't even register when Harry came back in the room muttering under his breath and looking down on his phone. "God, he's annoying. Sorry, love, I'm all yours now." But when he looked up from his cellphone and he saw Louis on the ground, tears running down his cheeks, he dropped it on the floor, not caring whatever happened to it. "Lou, love what's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?" He asked as he crouched down to the other lad's level. When Louis only sniffed and shook his head slowly from left to right, he brought his hand up to cup the other lad's face gently. "Speak to me, baby. What's wrong?"

"I-it because of the ears isn't it?" Louis managed to stutter out. "Because I'm a cat and you're tired of taking care of me? Y-you could've told me,you know? it wouldn't hurt as much. But no, you just had to go and pretend you still love me and try to be sneaky when you can't even come up with a lie to tell me." Louis kept on rambling as Harry blinked quickly, trying t understand what his boyfriend was talking about. "What are you going on about, Lou? What's this about me pretending to love you?"

"You're replacing me with Nick!" Louis cried out and Harry was quick to shush him as he wrapped his arms around Louis. "Lou, listen to me. Nick's just a friend, nothing more, nothing less. You're the only one for me." Harry said, mentally killing his stupidness -is that even a word?- for not seeing any of this coming, too caught up in organising a perfect birthday party for Louis. "Oh, yeah. Because you totally leave your boyfriend alone for a whole week to spend time with your so-called  friend." Louis spoke, his anger clearly showing, so what if he looked jealous and desperate? Harry was ending it anyways. "Louis [...] Louis, look at me, hun." Harry cupped the other lad's face with both hands, forcing their eyes to meet. "Trust me. There's nothing to worry about. I only love you okay? I love all of you, evry single part of you. From the tip of your toes to the point of your fluffly kitten ears. Nothing will ever change that, especially not Nick. He's just helping me with something. It's suppose to make you happy, but if it's going to make you cry like this, then there's no use in it."

"W-what's this something?" Louis asked after he made sure that Harry wasn't lying; his eyes always gave him away when he lied and Louis concluded that he was indeed telling the truth. "You'll find out tomorrow. [...] but if it makes you uncomfortable then I can say it now." He told Louis quickly when the other lad's face dropped. "I-I trust you." Louis whispered after a while.

"Shh, stop crying, love. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Harry apologized when Louis cried yet again. "I-I just feel bad. I'm always overreacting and it's not fair, because you don't deserve it and Nick doesn't deserve being hated by me without no apparent reason." Louis cried out as he clung to Harry. "No, it's okay, baby. It's okay, there's no need to cry over that. I still love you, you still love me and Nick's just a friend, that's all what matters, everything's okay." The curly lad said in his boyfriend's ear while he rubbed his back, trying to soothe the crying lad. 

He kissed Louis' forehead before kissing him lightly on the lips, trying to distract his boyfriend from further reflexions like that. "I love you." He whispered against Louis' lips and he felt the other smile before muttering a small "Love you too." 

For now, as he holds Louis tighly, not letting go, Harry just wishes they'll make it to tomorrow without a major breakdown, and hopefully, Louis was going to like his present.

Note: I feel like it's just very rushed? God I'm sorry, it's been like two weeks and I can't even make it up to you guys, I'm kinda disappointed to be honest, but let's just pray some idea will magically pop out of nowhere next time. Oh, and I have nothing against Nick? It was just for the purpose of the story:)

Thanks for reading 'til the end, love you:)

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