Perfect Marriage ✔

By lemonmintdrink

21.7K 1.1K 500

Two idiots find love in arranged marriage. That's it. That's the story. Adaption of my story- Unexpected love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 4

931 55 20
By lemonmintdrink

Arnav's POV

My parents really seemed to like Khushi and her family. Grandfather too, who normally doesn't jell with strangers easily, was smitten with her. Guess that the first meeting went well, so we are off to a great start. I guess. Honestly, I don't know anything anymore.

However, a week later, the astrologer who our aunt (my dad's brother's wife) recommended, said that our astrology profile doesn't match. Upon hearing that, our mother is now planning on not proceeding further and is checking out other possible matches for me. Our dad is checking with other astrologers for their opinion.

I tossed the entire night. What if this proposal gets checked? Do I have to go through this tortuous bride-hunting all over again? Especially when I really didn't mind Khushi as my bride???

(A month later)

One thing lead to another and here we are, set to get engaged in another three months. And, our marriage would be six months from then.

Things are happening and I am really not sure if I should be glad or worried about it.

Khushi's POV

I'm not afraid of getting married; I fear getting married to someone I can't share my silence with.

(A/N This above line is from Sadia Hakim's Instagram account. So, full credit to her.)

Growing up as a single child, I love to be left alone to my devices. As much as I love my friends and friends, sometimes they exhaust me and I prefer to be alone. I love to travel alone. Let no one influences my decisions and choices.

I love the silence in the beach, listening to the waves as they go back and fro. I love quiet walks with Scooby, with my Bluetooth headphones connected and zoned out to the songs of my choice, rather than endure my dad lecturing me about how to be a responsible adult.

I enjoy spending my weekend doing nothing and everything. Cuddled back on the couch with a good book. Cooking something new.

I enjoy the little things. What if Arnav doesn't?

What if my marriage ends up crappy like that of my cousin (who is getting a divorce after being married for 2 years).

Why do I have to grow up and be an adult? All I want to do is go back to university and worry about my assignments & examinations. Things that I have control over. Things that I have the stamp of approval for and are my decisions.

Where did the time go that I am all grown now for marriage?

Honestly, I feel like a child myself.

Marriage is scary. I have seen many marriages fail and crumple apart, despite being years together and all loved up. All this is making me feel like getting into marriage is maybe not my cup of tea.

I hope Arnav and I give each other some space and respect each other's differences. After all, marriages are not about just love, romance and house chores, and raising kids and stuff. Right? In books, they bring a peaceful and mindful experience of togetherness.

But, that's all fictional. What's the reality?

God alone knows what he was written in my destiny.

With all these thoughts running around my mind, I ended up burning my cake. Damn it!!

(A week later)

Khushi's dad's POV

My brother just called me and cried that his daughter is planning to divorce her husband. They have hardly been married for 2 years and they want a divorce!

I remember my brother going to heaven and beyond, to find this match, and at the time, it sounded perfect on paper. Great job security. Good family. He checked all our boxes.

Urgh, then why are they getting divorced now? Maybe it's just fate or destiny.

This left me wondering what kind of husband will Khushi get.

Will he keep my princess happy?

I pray to the gods above that I am making the right decision.

I know that I am not going to live long until the end of her time. Given that she is the only child, I am honestly very worried that nobody will take care of her after we (Khushi's parents) pass away. Who is going to be there for my little girl?

I sincerely pray that Arnav will turn out to be such a wonderful, supportive, and loyal husband. And be with my princess through heaven and hell.

Khushi's POV

Nk and I were at the park, talking Scooby out of the morning walk.

There was this cute guy jogging past us and even Scooby turned his head to check him out. Yes, Nk and I shamelessly did too.

Nk told him that he knows that guy and they live in the same building.

And he tells me about that guy now, just when I was about to get engaged.

He tells him that he is single

How is he still single? - I wondered

But then, I am super charming myself but I am also single. - My heart consoled myself while my mind rolled her eyes at the self gas lighting.

Sometimes insecurities change into self-confidence.

And, we continued to walk more and I saw him nervously fidgeting, wanting to tell me something and not sure on how to broach the subject.

"What is it?" - I asked him

"So, there is this girl at work." - he started hesitantly, looking at my face for my expressions.

"You, dirty dog!!" - I almost yelled at him and hit his right shoulder playfully.

(A few weeks)

Khushi's POV

A couple of us met for lunch after shopping for our engagement.Myself, Arnav, Nk, Shyam, Anjali , Akash and Payal and Lavanya (Nk's crush from his office).


Since it's too many characters, please find below their character sketches as memory refresher

Nk = (Khushi's bestie from college)

Shyam = (Arnav's bestie from school)

Anjali = (Shyam's wife)

Akash = (Arnav's younger brother)

Payal = (Arnav's future sister in law); Akash and Payal met in school and dated in university.

Lavanya = (Nk's crush from his office).

(Back to the story)
Khushi's POV

To be honest, the only reason Nk agreed to go shopping with me was mainly because it was the perfect excuse to ask Lavanya out on a date of sorts.

Lavanya seems to be a really great person and clearly someone Nk deserves. The date.. I mean, the shopping went well.. Although I didn't buy anything. I will have to go again with my parents and my cousins. Urgh, I hate shopping and this is double torture. But, I want my parent's nod of approval for my wedding outfits. Either, they like what I choose or they convince enough to like one or we find some kind of common ground. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Seeing that we are having a lot of fun with this squad, Shyam suggested that we should go for the long weekend trip since next month, we have a three-day weekend. I suggested Hyderabad since I would be there that week and can take these guys out for sightseeing, on the weekend.

Everyone said that they would check their schedule and let me know.

Everyone, except Arnav. Apparently, that weekend was a holiday for him as well, and said that he honestly was in need of a break.

I noticed Akash and Payal give each other a weird glance. God alone who knows goes inArnave their dirty minds.

However, they said that they already have plans that weekend and won't be able to join. Shyam and Anjali too declined to join since they had to attend their relative's wedding.

This left behind me, Arnav, Nk, and Lavanya.

Lavanya declined politely, much to Nk's dismay. He was hoping that she would join us.

And of course, Nk looked at Arnav with that one look. Nk truly has mastered that brooding, older brother, protective glare. And gave me that look - I am not letting you roam Hyderabad alone with him.

I rolled my eyes at his over-protectiveness.

Nk said - "I am visiting some friend there, I can join you" - clearly not comfortable with me being alone with him.

Honestly, I would be grateful for Nk to join us since the trip would be awkward as heck.

Nothing can replace the amount of love and care guy best friends give to.

Shout out to him who always listens to female gossip. He is equally interested, as much as he likes to decline it . Convince me otherwise.

(A week later)

Nk's POV

After our work hours, we gathered at Khushi's apartment, to celebrate Khushi's birthday. (Her parents were in Mumbai)

Some of her friends from her school and college were also there. And boy, did we all have a blast.

Some of our friends left her place around the wee hours of 4 am, while others crashed at her place since their office was closer to her place. (And they didn't want to sit through traffic the next day, hehe)

Khushi's POV

As I blew the candle over my birthday cake wearing a shiny birthday party hat, I remembered that I was turning 26 now and getting old is making me sad.

I hit with the realization that this is my last birthday being single. As a single woman.

At the same time next year, I am going to be a married woman!!

Quickly putting these sad thoughts aside, I recovered myself and decided to enjoy my last birthday as a single woman to the maximum possible.

This is my day. It's time to get fucked up and celebrate! Today's all about me because it's my BIRTHDAY

My last birthday being single!!

Slicing my birthday cake, I fed the first bite of my bud, Nk. And everyone..I mean everyone took turns taking the icing from the cake and applying it to my cheeks. Toward the end, it literally looked like I had a cake facial.

We karaoke, until our throat hurts and danced like no one, was watching. I even managed to slow dance with Scooby and he enjoyed every bit of it.

It was pure craziness and I was surrounded by all of my favorite people.

Nk plans a damn good party, I will give him that. Movie. Karaoke. Cake. Food. And lot of drinks.

This was one hell of a crazy party, we are going to suffer tomorrow.

Arnav's POV

I went home dead tired after an 18-hour shift. I dragged myself like a zombie and all I wanted was food & my bed.

I reached home around 6 am and found Grandpa immersed in his newspaper.

"Good morning, grandpa" - I wished and watched him fold the paper away to take a sip of coffee.

"Morning. Did you wish her?"

Was it my mother's birthday today? I quickly glanced at the calendar and it was nowhere near her birthday or their wedding anniversary.

"Who?" - I asked him and headed to the kitchen to dig up the fridge.

Arnav's grandfather's POV

"Who?" - He asked him, clearly having forgotten the day. I rolled my eye in annoyance at my grandson

"Khushi. Yesterday was her birthday"

I watched his eyes widen in shock, as he munched on an apple.

Don't tell him that he didn't wish her. He has always been bad at remembering dates. We have come to get used to that now, but still, Khushi doesn't. I hope that she doesn't feel bad.

Arnav's POV

I laid in bed, wondering whether I should call and wish her for her birthday. I glanced at the clock in my room and it read 6:30 am.

Nk did mention that Khushi is usually up at 6 am. And so gathering up what little energy I have, I called up Khushi and it was Nk who answered the call. He sounded rather hoarse.

"KHUSHI! IT'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!" - He screamed, almost making my ears go deaf.

I hear a low husky voice Khushi - "That cute guy from the park?"

What??? What, cute guy is she talking about? I'm the only cute guy in her life. Period.

"NO, YOUR HUSBAND!" - Nk yelled again in a sing-along voice.

I heard a bout of laughter echoing behind him.

Where are they? I wondered.

"Hello, husband." - She answered after a few seconds, slurring her words. I could tell that she was drunk. And she sounded so cute. The alcohol made her voice deeper and her accent more pronounced and she barely sounded like herself.

The fact that she called me husband, sent my heart racing for a brief second.

"He is not your husband yet." - I hear a voice behind her. No doubt teasing her.

I hear some hush-hush commotion happening on her Arnave and I couldn't understand one single word of it.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" - she screamed randomly out of the blue and with that, the call ended. I called her back but her number was switched off. Her battery must have died.

Chucking to myself at her craziness, I left a WhatsApp message and caught up with much-needed sleep

"Happy belated birthday, peaches!"

Khushi's POV

We partied hard. Really hard.

My house was a mess. But I didn't care since today was my day. Well, technically yesterday but no one cares.

Everyone found their spots in the living room. And just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard a very familiar tone. It's my ringtone.

I was too tired to move and so Nk answered the call and put it on speaker.

I didn't even care to bother who the caller is. I just need to sleep since I have an important meeting at 10 and need to be wide awake for that.

"KHUSHI! IT'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!" - He screamed despite being right next to me, lying on the smaller sofa set.

My boyfriend?

"That cute guy from the park?" - I managed to ask him. How did he get my number? And why is my head hurting so much?

Is this what growing old feels like?

"NO, YOUR HUSBAND!" - He yelled again and went to my bedroom, no doubt to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

"Hello, husband." - I repeated, without thinking much, and heard my friends laughing next to me.

"He is not your husband yet." - My friend, Ajay whispered rather loudly. What's with everyone and their volumes today?

Just then, I watched my best friend from school, Divya, leave the door open. Her husband outside waiting for her to take her home. And Scooby, being the untrained puppy that he is, ran behind her.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" - I yelled at her, for leaving the door open, and ran behind her, to get back my Scooby.

(Three hours later)

Lord alone knows how I managed to drag myself off the ever-so-comfy coach and refresh up to be presentable for work meetings.

Right now, it's just an internal team meeting with our manager.

"Someone is hung-over for their birthday"

My colleagues howled at me seeing my face at one of our team meetings.

"Too loud, guys!" - I grumbled and wincing at my headache.

"Some birthday, huh?" - My work bestie, Deepa, snickered.

"Well, that was one hell of a party..." - I replied, remising last night and turning my video off on my zoom settings. I kept glancing at the door since Manik has gone out to grab us some brunch. And my stomach is already growling.

During the meeting, I managed to check my phone. I saw Arnav's message and the events from early this morning came flashing up to me, leaving me embarrassed.

Happy birthday, peaches!

I really wish that he stops calling me with that silly nickname. It's so stupid and lame.

Thanks, dude !

And just when I was about to keep my phone away and concentrate on the meeting, my phone vibrated with another message. It was Arnav.


I rolled my eyes upon seeing his message. Especially when he's hinting that the fact that I accidentally called him husband. In my defense, I was drunk.

No way, I am calling him husband now that I'm sober. Of sorts.
And, we are not even engaged.

I leave the message on read and get back to concentrating on the meeting.

My baby looks tired! But his mommy, unfortunately, has to attend a couple of meetings with a bunch of idiots. How I wish I too could sleep in, like him. I want to be Scooby in my next birth.


Chapter inspiration:-

Prompt #365:
The alcohol made her voice deeper and her accent more pronounced and she barelysounded like herself.

Thanks to everyone for reading.

Thanks to the below readers for voting. (Tried my best to type everyone's names. Apologies if I missed any)










Kind request to all my readers - Since there are many characters, I have mistyped a few names in the previous chapters. (Have corrected it now!) Will get better at editing.

However, in case you notice any typos or mistakes, please leave a comment against the error, so that future readers might find it useful. Many thanks.

2826 words!

1.05K reads! 77 Votes!

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