The Wolf's Marine

By CamoflaugeForest

23.9K 749 82

Storm is a recently discharged Marine who lost her leg to an IED. Medically discharged, she returns to her ho... More

I'm Home
Thank You
Old Friend
The Legion
New Home
New Friend
Holding Hands
On the Deck
Badly Injured
The Beeping has Stopped
Emotional Damage
The Bite of Change
Our Friends Live
There's Another Kid
Going to the Store
Wilder has been Seduced
The Contest for the Puppy
and Then There Were Two
Read This
Alt. Ending I Didn't Want to Write
Alt. Ending Pt.2
Alt. Ending Pt. 3
Alt. Ending Pt.4


258 11 1
By CamoflaugeForest

"Boys come on in here, we're going to go over the plan." Lop calls out. The men and Storm go to Lop and find him spreading out a map over a table.

"The pack house is here," Lop points to a large house in the middle of the map. "Three of you will set it on fire to draw out the Alpha and his warriors. From there the three fire starters will set the houses around the pack house on fire. Three fourths of our men will fight the Alpha and his warriors, the other one fourth will slaughter those that try to escape their burning houses."

"What about the patrols? We can't just walk in there." One rogue pipes up. "I'm going to create a distraction that draws the patrol away so the fire starters can strike." Lop responds.

"My fire starters will be," Lop lazily looks over the men gathered around him and randomly points to three of them, "you three." The three selected are Storm, the skinny wolf, and some bald guy.

"We strike tomorrow at dusk."

The meeting disperses and the rogue's go back to what they were previously doing, nothing.

"Hey Devil Dog! Come over here, we're having some grub." A blonde rogue waves Storm over from the rock she planned on sleeping on. She reluctantly walks over and sits down.

The blonde plops a bowl full of green slop onto her lap. "Dig in! It's my specialty, leftovers boiled together!" He excitedly explains while handing her a spoon.

Storm takes a bite and shockingly doesn't recoil at its taste like the other rogues do. "This shit's terrible Poak!" One grumbles. Poak's excited look crumbles and he looks so sad.

"I don't think it's bad. I've definitely had worse." Storm tries to make Poak feel better. He smiles a little at this but still looks sad.

Slowly but surely the rogues finish the slop and none of them go back for seconds much to Poak's dismay.

"Serve me up another dish Poak, I'll gladly have more." Storm gives him a smile and offers him her bowl.

He snatches it out of her hand it quickly refills it. He thrusts the bowl back into her hands, almost spilling the contents everywhere.

"Whoa there partner!" She laughs. "I'm sorry." Poak rubs his neck nervously. "It's okay. It didn't spill so it doesn't matter."

Storm eats in silence as Poak watches her. "You really killed your parents?" Poak suddenly asks almost causing Storm to spit the food out. She swallows the mouthful and sets the bowl down.

"Yup, you gotta kill at least one to become a Devil Dog and I killed both plus their hired hand." She laughs.

She expects fear to be obvious on Poak's face at such disgusting news but there isn't. Instead there's a look of awe.

"You're so badass!"

The Next Day at Dusk

Quietly stalking through the brush is a lot harder when you only have one leg and are using a breaking broom as a cane but Storm manages to do it.

Her two companions on the other hand are as loud as a herd of elephants. "Have you two never stalked something before? You need to be quiet!" She whisper yells at them.

"I'm sorry Ms. Devil Dog." Skinny whimpers, doing his best to walk quietly now. The other man doesn't say a word but does his best to be quieter.

Though when walking through a patch of briars none of them can remain quiet. Since she's in the lead, Storm's facing the thickest part of the briars.


There goes the sleeves off of her shirt. The two rogues don't notice because they're too busy trying not to get their eyes stabbed out by briars.

Once out of the briar patch, the three stop at a rocky outcropping. They're to sit there and wait until Lop mind links one of them to say the distraction is in action.

"What's on your shoulder?" Baldy asks. "It's my Devil Dogs tattoo." She replies. "Then why is it an eagle with USMC? Shouldn't it be a dog with Devil Dogs?" Skinny asks. Baldy listens with growing suspicion that Storm isn't who she says she is.

"The Devil Dogs is one pack that falls into the USMC pack. It's basically a subsection of something larger. Other subsections are Leathernecks and Jarheads."

"I wasn't asking about the eagle, I was asking about the wolf. That wolf is clearly your mate." Baldy spits out, knowing now that Storm isn't who she says she is.

"Oh, that. I got that to trick him into thinking I really love him." She lies with ease.

"You see, I think you're lying." Baldy leans closer to Storm in attempt to intimidate her. "Why would I lie?" She answers, clearly not intimidated by him in the slightest.

"Zurk, pin her arms down. We're going to kill this liar!" Baldy exclaims with no care for the patrol hearing.

"Rath I won't touch her. She killed her whole family! Touching her is bad luck!" Zurk squeals in fear.

"You will do it right now or I will rip out your tongue!" Rath threatens.

Storm bows her head as she accepts her fate. Zurk timidly moves forward to grab her, not even noticing her hand slipping down to her boot.

He moves to grab her left arm and a quick flick of her wrist sends blood flowing from his throat. Zurk falls backward, clutching his throat in an attempt to stop himself from bleeding out.

Rath rushes forward to help the poor dying wolf. In a fluid movement Storm moves forward and stabs Rath in the neck. His hand moves to try to stop the bleeding and Storm takes this as her chance to escape.

She moves as fast as her one leg will allow. The briars rip at her clothes when she barrels through the briar patch and into the forest.

Rath holds Zurk's body in his arms as he dies. "I'll kill that bitch for this." He closes Zurk's eyelids and lays him down.

Rath closes his eyes and focuses on his neck wound stitching itself back together. It works and the bleeding stops. With the wound healed he shifts into his wolf form and puts his nose to the air.

Time to hunt a devious Devil Dog.

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