Three Mysterious Stickfigures

De Tinnylace

3.3K 77 270

It was a normal night in Alan's PC. After Alan and Tsc (the second coming) finish their animation, Tsc went t... Mais

Mysterious stickfigures
Meeting Alan
Secrets and confessions
Painful Memories
Potion Trouble
Purple Hollow head
Y'all (request closed)
Good news guys!
Purple hollow head (pt2)
Full introduction
Another One?
Another One? (pt2)
Actually, FUCK
Pls give me a color
What happened?!
Searching for them
im not crying
not dead
Time for the plan
Long time no see

Embarrassing situation

252 5 19
De Tinnylace

Here's a chapter about TCO running away from tdl. Continue reading^^ (Also TW:swearing, a tiny bit of spicy🌶🔥)

Second was the first one to wake up, even though he doesn't get any sleep. He wants the time to past by so he tried finding something like Minecraft or just drawing. Let's go see him!

~With Tsc~

Second was still walking cause he didn't find anything to do. After a few minutes of walking, there was a sudden noise like a portal appears which is true.

He did find the portal and a little bit confused. 'Chosen usually didn't come this early, weird..' Said second in his mind.

And there is the black hollow head stickfigure that second was questioning in his head. Chosen face is quite red and when chosen saw second, he immediately ran to him.

"Second listen to me and you gotta help me hide from dark!" Chosen said almost stuttering as if dark was doing something to him "Why do you need to hide from your own boyfriend?" (They are not siblings in this au)

They then heard someone voice and that someone is the dark Lord himself "Chosen~ where are you darling~?" They heard dark said, now second understand what was happening here

Chosen is getting more brighter with red blush all over his face "I'll explain when we got to the house, now let's go!" Chosen said before dragging second to the stickfigures house.

~When they got there~

"So let me get this straight, you did something that make him mad and now he's looking for you to fuck the life out of you?" Yellow said almost broke down with laughter.

The others were laughing too but then someone walks in the living room, chosen look at the lavender coloured stickfigure in confusion "Uhm.. Who is that?"

"Oh her name is lavender rose but you can call her lavender. She's here cause one of her brother push a button that teleport them here with her other brother." Blue said while calming chosen face down with a cold potion.

Chosen face was still a bit red but not so much "I wonder where is da-" red was cut off by someone knocks on the door "Shit! Hide me! I want to walk tomorrow!" Green and purple pointed to the room before chosen rush in

Second went to open the door and it was in fact dark, Chosen's dead as fuck- "Hello Second." Jeez his voice is deep, Second quickly think of a lie so he would save chosen's legs "Hey dark uh.. Can I help you..?" Second ask while dark is just staring at him

"Is Chosen here? I need to give him something =)" "Oh uhm well he went back at the hollow head place" (the showdown) dark then look him in the eyes to see if his lying

"Hmm.. Okay then I have to go now, see ya later." Dark then flew to the portal. Second close the door in relief. "Alright chosen he's gone you can come out now." Second shouted to the room that he's in.

"Phew.. Thanked God he didn't know I was here." Chosen said in relief "You're lucky I save your ass from getting fuck. You owes me one." Chosen just sigh in annoyance. Little did they know....

There's someone watching.

Chosen then gets up before saying goodbye and waving. He went to the door and then open the door only to reveals a tall red hollow head standing in front.

The others looked confuse to why he didn't leave yet and then they heard "Well hello there love...." He's using the deep voice again and at that moment chosen knew, he fucked up "Shit-" that was the only thing chosen said before getting picked up by dark.

Chosen struggle to get out of his grip with no success, chosen signaling the color gang for help but they didn't know what to do at this point

Dark then flew them over to the portal before going inside "Welp that comfirms it, chosen is not going to be able to walk." Purple said as everyone nodded in a agreement.

Now let's go see the two hollow head, shall we?

~In the hollow head place~

The two finally arrived at the place and chosen still trying to get dark's grip off him.

Dark arrives at the House's door with chosen still in his arms. Dark went inside while finding his room, when he finds it, he goes inside with chosen

Locking the door. He walks to the bed and just throw the black hollow head on it. Chosen sits up a bit while look at him.

"Dark listen, I didn't mean to broke it! It was an accident!" Chosen is getting a bit red by dark's action, dark climb to the bed before going above chosen. "There's nothing to talk about darling~ now you gotta pay for what you've done.." Dark said with his deep and lusty voice.

Chosen's face was practically very red that he looks like a ripe tomato (Lmao) the red hollow head suddenly kissed the black one causing him to lose his mind.

They ends out making out with dark sliding his tongue in chosen's mouth. After a few minutes, they broke the kiss to breathe. Chosen then saw a bulge on his lap (don't know if they wears clothes so bare with me)

"Oh~ you saw it~?" Chosen eyes keeps traveling down and dark realise it "Eyes up here darling~" dark said as chosen look back to his face. His eyes pupils are heart shape like a yandare. Dark then proceeds to bite chosen neck

"A-Ah~! D-Dark?!"

~After they 'you know'~

"Now do you finally understand what happened if you broke my stuff~?" Chosen then turns away from him "Y-yes dark Lord.." "Good boy." Dark pats the black hollow head well... head

"Stop being so dramatic, princess. It wasn't that bad." Chosen then turns back to him "Well now I can't walk and my ass hurts thanks to you!" Chosen said with a slight anger in his voice.

"Well your moans says otherwise~" "whatever... Give me cuddles now." The last sentence sounds like he's done with his bullshit. Dark was surprised, usually hes the one who ask for it.

"Wow~ The chosen one himself asking me for affection? I love that." Chosen rolls his eyes before spooning each other.

~With the color gang~

"Thanked God it's over, I can heard them all the way over here-" Lavender said as her nose bleeding

"Next time, let's ask Alan if he can draw us soundless headphone." Second said

"Agree." All of them said together

"What the fuck was all that noises?!" Black star came out of nowhere.

We don't think you needs to know.

~The Ends Of Part 4~



'Clear throat' y'all thought it was gonna be full smut didn't you? >:)

Anyways, that's all writings for today unless I have an idea for next chapter which I already have just to think of the way how

It's fucking 1:11 am rn, I need to go to sleep-

Also chosen broke one of dark's spider lol


This chapter is so cheesy 😭

Word couth

Continue lendo

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