Not so Sworn Enemies | 5sos (...

By _lovelife1_

51.8K 1.8K 395

After Lucia figuring out the guys' secret. She met loads of new people. People she befriended and people who... More

Not so Sworn Enemies.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Quick message.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five.
Chapter Thirty Six.
Chapter Thirty Seven.
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine.
Chapter Forty.
Chapter Forty One.
Chapter Forty Two.
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Four.
Chapter Forty Five.
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven.
Chapter Forty Eight.
Chapter Forty Nine.
Chapter Fifty.
Chapter Fifty One.
Very Last Authors Note :(

Chapter Thirteen.

950 38 2
By _lovelife1_

Heyguys :)

I hope you all enjoyed the last Chapter,

Enjoy this Chapter....



"Come on Scar, let go of mommy's t-shirt" I beg for the last time. She continues to cry.

"Can I try?" Ivory asks. I nod and hand Sacrlett to her, she continues to cry.

Ivory shakes her head and laughs. "I don't think she likes me" she says, I nod.

"Nope" I laugh. Luke comes into the lounge and puts out his hands to Ivory.

"Let me" he says, I raise my eyebrow and he sighs. "Come on Paige, please?" He asks. I give in and nod for Ivory to give Scarlett to him, she gives her to him and she stops crying immediately making Michael laugh.

"It's okay Ivory" he laughs making Ivory hit him.

"Are you going now?" Luke asks.

"Yep" I nod and walk to the door. "Take care of Scarlett for me please" I beg, they nod. "She's alerg-"

"Yes we know Paige, stop worrying now go and get Lucia" Ashley interrupts.

"O-okay" I nod. I should've just got a babysitter.


"Hey Lucia, how weird to see you here" I say when I see Lucia in the park.

"What? You rang me and told me to meet you here" she says and I laugh.

"I know"

"I thought you had a child, where is she?" She asks.

"Oh, emm... She's with her babysitter" I smile, she nods.

"What did you want me to meet you for anyway?" She asks.

"I was just wondering if you were okay from the other nights events. Luke's a dick for lying to you like that" I say, she nods.

"He is. I thought the guy he was pretending to be, 'Ted Mosby' was really sweet... God I feel so stupid" she sighs.

Ted Mosby? Of course he would.

"You're not stupid, he's stupid for playing you like that" I tell her, she smiles.

"Thank you" she says quietly. "I could've never said this to my Master or he would've punished me for interacting with a guy" she tells me.

"Master?" I question.

"No. Forget I told you t-" she says panicked but I stop her.

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone. Just tell me a bit about your 'Master'" I say, she looks around.

"I-I don't think I should" she stands up. "I have to go" she almost walks away but I stop her.

"No wait!" I shout, she looks back at me. "Just his name?" I beg, she sighs.

"Vincenzo Torres" she says. I smile.

"Wanna come to my place tomorrow?" I ask. "It's just going to be me and Scarlett" I smile.

"Tomorrow?" She asks, I nod. "Okay" she nods with a smile on her face.



"She's coming to my place tomorrow. Wow, am I great or am I great?" Paige asks proudly plopping down onto the couch.

"None of the above" I answer.

"Ha-ha" she laughs sarcastically.

"So I made a drug to make her weak for twenty four hours, so when we kidnap her we inject her with it" Ivory says opening a box with a needle inside.

"How did you make it?" I ask.

"Magic" she waves her fingers.

"Are you sure it will work?" Ashton asks.

"Do you want me to test it on you?" Ivory asks, Ashton shakes his head vigorously.


"What's the plan?" I ask, I haven't actually gotten the real plan. I don't know what to do.

"We're just going to be in a different room then Paige. When the doorbell rings, we know it's Lucia. When she's distracted, you can be the one to inject her" Ivory explains as I drive to Paige's house.

"What? Why do I have to inject her?" I ask.

"Because I hate needles" She answers making me roll my eyes. I park a few houses down from Paige's and we both get out.

Ivory walks up the steps to Paige's house as I lock the car. She was about to knock but I open the door and walk right in. "Oh, come in" Paige says sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Where do we go?" I ask rudely, Paige walks over to me.

"With that attitude Mister, you'll be going back to your car, because you will not be aloud in my house" Paige says poking my chest roughly, I sigh and sit down on a chair. "In the lounge" she points to a door next to the kitchen table.

"Make sure to bring her close to the door so she doesn't have time to escape" Ivory tells Paige.

"I hate when we talk about her like this. It's Lucia, the girl I'm in love with, the girl that's practically your sister" I say pointing to Ivory. She nods.

"I do too, but we have to do this" she sighs. "I really don't want to do it tho-" she's cut off by the doorbell ringing. "Shit" she curse's.

We quickly go to the lounge, making sure to keep the door open a bit so we have more time to get through the door.

I hear Paige opening the door and greeting Lucia. "I could've sworn I heard another female voice in here, are you sure there's nobody else?" She asks, God her voice. I miss her sweet, calm voice.

"Nope. No one else but me and Scarlett here" Paige says.

"Aww. This picture is so adorable" Lucia says, her voice sounding like it's getting closer.

I look at Ivory. 'I think she's coming' she mouths, I nod and look through the crack of the door. When she's finally near enough I quickly open the door and stick the injection into her. It felt horrible.

She weakly falls into my arms, her eyes slowly blinking, looking up at me. "I'm so sorry" I whisper.

"I hate you" she mutters with all the strength she has left before fainting.

"Ugh, that was terrible, I stuck a needle into my girlfriend" I say looking at Ivory, she shrugs.

"Actually, I don't think you guys are going out any m-"Paige says with her arms crossed and her eyebrow arched.

"Paige! Shut up" Ivory cuts her off. "Now lets get her back to the house" Ivory says walking towards the door. "Thanks for helping by the way" she says looking at Paige.

"Anytime" Paige winks at me. I shake my head rolling my eyes.

I lift Lucia's small weak body up and follow Ivory out the door. Ivory opens the back door to my car. I gently place Lucia down on the leather seat.

"She looks so peaceful" I coo looking at her beauty.

"Yeah now hurry up, lover boy" Ivory says. I close the door and hop into the driver seat.


"Do you have her?" Ashley bombards us as soon as we open the door. She looks at Lucia in my arms and sighs. "Finally"

"Where will we put her?" I ask, ignoring Ashley's comment.

"In mum and dads room" Ashley tells me, I nod and walk up the stairs to the bedroom. I place her down on the bed and brush her silky blonde hair behind her ear.

"Here" I turn around and Michael throws me a pair of hand cuffs. I sigh and lock her to the bed.

"Will she need blood?" I ask Ivory. She shakes her head.

"What Vincenzo did to her made her eat proper food. She's not a Vampire anymore. Didn't I tell you this?" She asks. "I don't know what she is but she doesn't drink blood" she explains.

"When will she wake up?" I ask.

"Soon" She answers.

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