Their little puppy

By CrustyDustyWhore

56.3K 1.4K 117

In a world with filled with vampires, werewolves, witches, and humans. Everyone is classified when the turn 1... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

4.5K 139 17
By CrustyDustyWhore

The two survived a week at the facility with only a couple meltdowns here and there. Sam was currently in the media room on Amelias lap with a couple other littles all watching wall-e. Sam has decided that the movie is her current favorite movie of all time and asks Amelia constantly to watch to movie.

The two have been inseparable as Amelia is only allowed to leave for a couple of minutes before Sam has a full blown tantrum, but she can't help it. Sam can't remember the last time someone took care of her like Amelia has and is growing attached to the woman. Amelia has taken note of Sam's clinginess and can't help but feel the same way as the girl. The little has Amelia wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.

Sam who has barely blinked not wanting to miss anything hasn't noticed Amelia watching her the whole movie. Occasionally Amelia will take a big inhale smelling Sam's head, or start to grip the girls waist tighter. Once the movie was over Sam turned around meeting Amelia loving gaze with her big wide innocent eyes "again".

"No more baby, we need to get you to bed it's bedtime." That only got a groan out of the little girl."but I'm not tired" the girl tried to argue hoping she'd get to stay up later.

"You say that every night and every night you fall asleep before I can finish your bedtime story." Amelia has also been putting sleeping pills in her bottle knowing the girl has been struggling sleeping through the night. A couple of days ago Sam had pushed the red button 7 times that night and every time Amelia would have to put her back to bed and after a long night Amelia had finally fallen asleep in Sam's bed with the girl on top of her. After the second night and the pure exhaustion coming from both of them Amelia had asked Dr.Raven for some sleeping pills. So when Amelia makes Sam's bottle for the night she puts a nice dose in so they both can get the sleep they need.

Amelia carried the sulking girl to her room and put her down. She immediately ran to her favorite companion and started talking about her day to the green dinosaur. With the flick of Amelia's wrist a bottle appeared in her hand as she walked over to Sam." Go pick out a book love." Sam ran over to the bookshelf to scan her options finally deciding on The Berenstain Bears. She ran over to Amelia to hand her the book as Amelia gave Sam the bottle. It was tough the first couple of days getting Sam to actually drink from it, but with some convincing she finally took the bottle. Sam was growing addicted to the sweet milk inside and happily drank from the bottle as she got comfortable sitting in between Amelia's legs as her back was pressed against her front. Amelia started the book while Sam drank her bottle and not even halfway though the book Sam was asleep. She adjusted the girl on the bed sticking a pacifier in her mouth and kissing her forehead before leaving the room.

Amelia pulled out her phone going to her contacts. "Hi love" Amelia smiles at the sound of her wife. She missed her dearly after being away from her for a week. The two lived busy lifestyles with Amelia's job of catching and taking care of littles, Rory on the other hand was an alpha of one of the biggest packs on the east coast. The academy was around four hours from the house that they shared but with Rory and Amelia being gone most of the time the house was hardly ever used. Both the woman were caregivers and have just been waiting for the right moment to leave their jobs and stay home to have the perfect family.

"Hi love. I miss you! How has the pack been?" Amelia blurts out. She's been in love with her wife for 70 years and she still makes her giddy.

"It's been good." There was a long pause from Rory after that though. "So good I've... thought about- stepping down as alpha." That statement shocked Amelia she thought that Rory wasn't going to be ready to step down for a couple more decades.

"Wow, I must say im surprised. I thought both were gonna stay for a couple more years but if that is your decision I will always support you." Amelia has been supporting Rory since the moment they met when they were still young and stupid all the way to when Rory was named alpha. The love they both share for each other doesn't have words. "Thank you love. I was actually thinking I'd come up and visit you in a couple of days. Maybe I can finally meet that little that has been giving you so much trouble and keeping you away from me."

"Yeah she's a little spitfire but she reminds me of you." I say realizing the similarities between them. Rory has the personality of a child sometimes so when she was classified as a caregiver everyone was shocked and while she does act a little childish she knows when to be an adult.

"I already like her. Maybe I can come up there tomorrow and we can get some lunch?" Rory asks. She desperately wants to see her wife after their time apart.

"Tomorrow would be good, but I don't know if Sam is going to like that idea." Amelia knows the girl hasn't been apart from the woman for a whole week and her severe separation anxiety may throw a wrench into her outing, but all she can do is hope for the best.

"She'll be fine. We'll just be gone for an hour." Rory said. Amelia thought about it and agreed knowing it's been to long since she's seen her wife let alone had any alone time. Sometimes when Amelia would visit Rory she would be so busy with her pack that the couldn't get away.

The two talk for a while more before Amelia falls asleep with Rory still on the phone. She's trying to think of a way to avoid a meltdown tomorrow when she has to leave Sam.

The next morning Amelia did her morning routine with sam before telling her the news. Picking up the tired little she washed, brushed, and cleaned the girl before going to get her breakfast. Sam happily ate her pancakes and strawberries getting syrup all over her face which Amelia had to clean off with a wet wipe. Afterwards Amelia and Sam went to the playroom hoping to get out as much of her energy as possible before she had to leave. Amelia planned to leave while Sam was having her afternoon nap to keep the tears at bay. After a couple of hours of playing Amelia picked up the tired girl and took her to her room putting her in bed and tucking her in. Once the girl was asleep Amelia made her escape to tell Calum of her plans.

"She should be asleep for a while but do check on her every once and a while." Amelia says to Calum as he pushes her out the door.

"I know, I know. Now go spend some time with your wife. I'm getting tired of seeing you every day." Calum and Amelia laugh at each others antics before Amelia finally leaves.

The drive there Amelia can't help but feel her heart tighten. She hasn't been away from the girl for a whole week and has a the same feeling a mother would leaving her baby. Amelia knows she shouldn't feel this way about the girl because in two weeks it'll be adoption day and she knows someone will snatch Sam up from her hands. Finally making it to the small diner Amelia walks inside seeing Rory sitting at a booth. Rory jolts up running to her wife to pick her up and spin her around. In Rory's eyes their is nothing more perfect than Amelia, from her beautiful green eyes to her long blonde hair.

"I missed you" Amelia says to Rory as she holds on tighter. "I missed you more" Rory says with her head buried in her wife's hair.

The two sit down talking about all the things that have been happening lately when a waiter comes to get their order. Rory practically order the whole menu while Amelia sticks with a simple breakfast of eggs and bacon.

"So have you picked someone to take over as alpha?" Amelia asks curiously.

"Yeah do you remember Cora my beta." Amelia nods her head remembering the red haired woman with a feisty attitude. "Today will be her first day as alpha and my first day of retirement." Rory says proudly. She loved being alpha but really wants to start spending more time with her wife and possibly get a little to take care of. She was always babysitting her sisters littles and lately has been thinking about adopting.

"I think once Sam finally gets adjusted I'll go ahead and quit and we finally start living in that house." Amelia says with a sigh. She's trying to put on a brave face at the fact of leaving Sam but inside her heart is breaking. Rory goes to grab Amelia's hands sensing her change in mood.

About halfway though eating Amelia get a call from Calum and her heart drops. She answers the call quickly and starts to hear the sound of Sam's cries and screams as one of the other caregivers tries to calm her down. "Hey Amelia, I know I said to get out but we need you back. Sam hasn't stopped crying for an hour and we're starting to worry." Calum says trying to stay calm but his ears are starting to hurt.

"I'm on my way" Amelia ends the call as she looks at Rory with guilty eyes. Rory however chooses to smile at her reassuringly and says "guess I get to meet Sam today" Amelia holds in a tear as she kisses Rory's cheek.

They leave the restaurant and start their drive to the academy with Amelia slightly speeding as she desperately tries to get back to her little girl. Once they enter the front door Amelia races to the west wing with Rory hot on her tail.  Walking through the locked door Amelia sees the pathetic sight of Sam with snot rolling down her upper lip fresh tear coating her red eyes and the absolute wailing coming from her mouth. Once Sam sees Amelia she reaches out with grabby hands and within seconds she's in Amelia's arms clutching on for dear life.

"Mommy" Sam said so small Amelia barely heard it. While Rory who has been watching everything unfold can't help but have a smile tugging her face when she hears the word from Sam's mouth. Guess it pays to have super hearing.

Amelia freezes when she heard that oh so special word but after a moment she grips Sam even tighter. Sam has finally calmed down enough for the tears to stop and now only takes in shaky breaths as she buries her face in Amelia's neck. She thought that Amelia was never coming back and that thought of being alone terrified her enough for a full blown panic attack. Sam has fistfuls of Amelia's shirt to scared to let go.

"What happened Sammy?" Amelia knew the answer and knew Sam wasn't going to respond. Amelia starts to bounce the girl in her arms as she instructs Calum and the other caregiver to leave. She sits on the bed keeping Sam in her lap and gently pulls the little out from her hiding place. Whipping her face with her sleeve she takes a good look at the girl. She looks exhausted with bags under her red eyes so Amelia lays Sam down in her bed but she knew she wasn't getting the girl down without a fight.

"I'll stay right here Sammy. I promise." Sam nods hesitantly and get comfortable in her bed while Rory finds a stray dinosaur on the ground. She picks it up and hands it to the girl who takes it quickly as she stares with wide eyes at Rory.

"Thank you" Sam says almost inaudible as she gets out of her bed and into Amelia's lap when she sat down in the chair. Amelia sighs with slight amusement as she scratches Sam's head. Rory can't help but feel a twinge in her heart watching her wife with this adorable little girl. After a couple of minutes Sam is out cold in Amelia's hold.

"Sorry about lunch" Amelia says to Rory feeling bad about having to leave.

"Don't. It was worth it for this little girl." Rory says as she goes over to Sam and strokes her cheek lightly. Rory can't help but feel some type of way after seeing their interaction earlier.

As Sam slept the two women talked, well mostly Amelia talking about Sam and all of her adventures. "Do you want to hold her?" Amelia has been watching the way Rory looks at Sam. She can see to desperation and longing in her eyes when the girl cuddles into her. Rory looks at Amelia almost shedding a tear when she gets handed the little girl. Sam's head flops back like and infant scaring Rory half to death as she takes the girl in her hold. Sam begins to cling onto Rory subconsciously hiding her face in her neck as Rory sits down on the bed to get comfortable.

Wolves can build better and stronger bonds faster than any other species so Sam wolf part is craving the feeling of another werewolf. Amelia can physically see Sam's body relax and melt into Rory as she holds her protectively. Werewolf's that are classified as littles usually tend to stay in their packs for that extra comfort instead of them going to the academy but in Sam's case she never had a pack.

Eventually Amelia joins the two on the bed as she snuggles into Rory's side and starts to rub Sam's back. Amelia uses her magic to get a pacifier to the girl currently sucking her thumb. With a few grumbles Sam starts sucking on her pacifier cuddled up to Rory and Amelia dreaming away. If only Sam knew how much these two woman have fallen for this little girl.

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