By Damn_Girl_10

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After her heart transplant, Lauren begins to see a woman with warm eyes and an adorable smile. She doesn't kn... More



19 2 0
By Damn_Girl_10

«Miami, Florida»

She felt like everything was spinning around her, like in a whirlpool, and even though everything was in absolute darkness, gradually the voices that emerged from her surroundings, seeping through her ears to her subconscious, pulled her out of the collapse. She weakly opened her eyes and felt a sharp pain in her vision due to the intense light falling on her.

"Oh my God, Laur, my love..."

She heard her girlfriend's familiar voice filtering through her ears and felt her warm and soft hands caressing her face. Then her eyes adjusted to the intense light and she could discern the image of her girlfriend's hazel eyes.

"Ashley..." blinking several times to fully wake up and clarify the surroundings.

"Yes, my love, I'm here," distributing kisses on her cheeks. "Oh Lauren, you don't know how worried I was. Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Do you want me to call your doctor?"

"What happened...?" salivating excessively, because she felt her mouth dry.

"You fainted at the doors of this clinic. Doctor Campbell called me to inform me that you had fainted, and I didn't understand why you came to see him without me, until he explained your situation."

Then, her clouded thoughts cleared up, remembering what had happened and therefore, she looked away from her girlfriend.

"Why didn't you tell me that your symptoms had returned?" grabbing her cheeks to guide her to confront her, so that she couldn't escape her gaze. "If you had told me..."

"It wouldn't have changed anything, only made you worry more," she completed with resignation.


"No, Ashley. This is my reality. I am condemned and..."

"No, don't say that," Ashley interrupted immediately. "Campbell talked to me about the possibility of a heart transplant and..."

"Did he also explain that it is a remote possibility given my medical history?" Lauren interrupted with a frustrated gesture, placing her hands on top of her girlfriend's, which captured her face, and pushing them away from her cheek while maintaining eye contact.

"But you have money, Lauren. We can look for contacts, call in favors, ask your father for help."

"The last thing I want is for my father to intervene."

"Can you put aside your pride when it comes to your life?"

"I don't want his help," she replied firmly, furrowing her brow.

"Then what do you propose?" Ashley returned the harshness of her voice. "To give up? To ask me to stand idly by and watch you slip away without being able to do anything...?" And her determined voice was overwhelmed by tears that rose up her throat and, in the form of tears, were reflected in her hazel eyes.

Lauren was moved to see her crying and her defenses crumbled, so she hurried to sit up slightly from the hospital bed, and hugged her girlfriend's body, who released sobs battered by tears. She felt guilty for being so inconsiderate.

"I'm sorry," he apologized near her ear, with her chin resting on Lauren's shoulder. "Forgive me, we'll solve this. We'll find a way, but for now, I don't want to talk about it until I come to terms with it. Please, love, understand me."

Ashley pulled away from her body to admire her glassy green iris and nodded, then planted a chaste kiss on her lips. She understood how difficult the news must have been for Lauren and would allow her to come to terms with her new fate as she had asked.

That night, with the loom of Destiny interweaving the threads, Lauren's fate would cross with someone who would leave a tattooed mark on her soul. She didn't know, no one knew, only Destiny knew.

Lauren insisted on going home and resting in her apartment, in her bed, away from the smell of alcohol, away from bright lights, visits from nurses, the beeping of machines; away from all that comes with a hospital. Dr. Campbell had no choice but to comply with her request and provided her with the discharge order. So, Lauren and Ashley got in the elevator and waited at reception to sign out.

"Lauren Jaoguar," Ashley informed the receptionist to search for her status on the computer and allow them to leave. "We've been authorized to leave."

The receptionist nodded and immediately began searching the records on her computer.

Lauren's phone suddenly rang, stealing her attention while they waited at the reception, and she didn't have a good reaction to the name she read on the phone screen.

"Who is it?" her girlfriend asked, separating herself from the reception desk.

"It's Samuelle," she responded with reluctance, stepping away to find a more secluded spot. The best place for her was outside the building so that the voices from the speakers wouldn't interfere in the call with her boss and she could discern where she was.

"Take the call, I'll take care of the paperwork here," the green-eyed woman nodded and answered the phone while moving away from the reception area.

"Good evening miss, could you please tell me where Regina Hamon's room is?" Karla asked when she arrived at the reception desk with Peter.

Lauren never saw her, nor did Karla see her; they were in the same building, but their gazes never crossed paths. However, Destiny did cross their paths.

"Excuse me? I was being helped first," Ashley reproached Karla, who now stood in front of the receptionist due to her momentary absence. "Don't be disrespectful and wait your turn."

Karla was taken aback by the hostility of the dark-haired, long-haired, fair-skinned woman whose hazel eyes glared fiercely at her.

"Well, the reception was empty when I arrived."

"Yes, because I stepped away for a moment."

"How was I supposed to know?"

"Karli, it's okay. Let's leave the young lady alone," he said, holding his girlfriend's hand to guide her away. "Excuse us," he apologized with a smile, while Karla looked at Ashley with a scowl.

Ashley gave a fake smile and turned her attention back to the receptionist, rolling her eyes with disdain and tossing her hair over her shoulder, leaving the Cuban woman boiling with anger.

"But Pete, how was I supposed to know she was first?" she protested as her boyfriend pulled her hand.

"Let it go, it's okay."

"She's a snob who needs a good knock on the head to straighten out her brain," she said with a very pronounced furrowed brow.

"And what's with that expression? Do you plan on intimidating her like that?" Peter teased, taking her waist. "Because you're more likely to make her melt with cuteness."

He managed to make her change her scowling expression into a curved smile.

They paid no more attention to the woman and let her finish the paperwork; it didn't take long, so she soon left through the door to meet Lauren, who was still talking on the phone outside the clinic. Then Peter and Karla took their place, but before they needed to request access, Jane appeared through the elevator doors, her eyes filled with tears. And as soon as her gaze met her friend's, she ran towards her for refuge.

Karla cradled her in her arms while Peter caressed the back of the woman who was releasing her uncontrolled sobs.

Jane adored her siblings. She had to take care of them from a young age when her father passed away, leaving them adrift. Her mother had to start working extra shifts while Jane took care of them at home. Some of her siblings had been very rebellious, but Regina was definitely the exception. Regina had been awarded a scholarship for her excellence at a prestigious school in the city, which also paid for an excellent insurance policy, the reason why she was now being well taken care of in that exclusive clinic and the copay she had to contribute was quite low.

"What happened, Jany? Is Regina okay?" Karla asked worriedly as she cradled her in her arms.

Jane separated from her embrace to find her friend's brown eyes.

"Oh Karli, my little sister's heart is failing. They said she has a congenital heart defect and needs a transplant..." and her voice broke down with each word.

Karla hugged her again, while she and Peter exchanged compassionate looks for the girl.

That day, two names were added to the waiting list for organ recipients, one with more possibilities than the other, although to everyone's eyes they seemed dissimilar.


Time is the only thing that never waits, that follows its flow like a river current, it is unstoppable, you cannot swim against it or reverse time; and now, for Lauren, time has never been so precious, every day, every minute, even every second was a treasure, but she could not freeze it, it slipped through her hands like water. It was her against time, and she was withering in spring.

Months passed and with those months, spring said goodbye to make way for summer. It was months where the rhythm of their lives continued; Karla's, prosperous and radiant, while Lauren's, declining and dull.

Lauren's symptoms had returned with all their might and were deteriorating her dreamy life. Dizziness assaulted her during her working hours, taking her out of her office, as well as fatigue in closed spaces and weakness with any physical activity; her appetite was on the floor, sometimes she spent the whole day with just breakfast; she suffered from suffocation during her nights and swelling in her limbs. Her life as she knew it was no longer the same.

"Love, I'm going to take a walk in the park," he told his girlfriend, who was engrossed in her laptop while sitting on the huge bed, so busy that she didn't even respond. "Love?" He adjusted a red sports hoodie over his sports top as he headed to the door. "Ashley?" He knocked on the wooden door to get her attention.

His girlfriend disconnected her eyes from the computer to finally focus on Lauren. "Huh?" She was confused.

"I'm leaving, I'll be around in the park," he said. "What are you doing? Why weren't you paying attention to me?"

"I found out on a website that there's a black market where you can find and buy organs, and you can also hire doctors to perform the procedure," she said.

Lauren looked at her perplexed before exhaling in frustration. "Ash, please forget about that..."

"No, Lauren, it's real. It's an underground market, yes, it's illegal, but it's about your life."

"Ashley, damn it!" Her explosive mood detonated once again. "Those people are sadistic and they traffic in organs from people they killed. How do you expect me to want to pay for someone else's life to be taken and save mine?"

"You can't know that, those are just theories. Maybe they get the organs in some other way."

"Oh, really?" she snorted. "What other way do you think?"

"I don't know, Lauren. Maybe they're doctors and they steal organs from donors once they're in the organ bank."

"Get off those damn websites, it's illegal."


"No, get off, damn it!"

An eerie silence followed her harsh tone, their gazes meeting as the tension filled the air. Ashley couldn't take it anymore and broke down in tears, slamming the laptop shut. On the other hand, Lauren regretted being so harsh, but her frustration followed her everywhere she went, like a malevolent aura that shattered her life into pieces.

She walked slowly to the bed where Ashley was sobbing and covering her face with her hands. Lauren knelt down and gently moved her hands aside to reveal the pain etched on her girlfriend's face.

"I'm scared, Lauren. I'm scared of losing you..." she confessed, her voice trembling with tears. "You're not the only one suffering, I suffer with you. I see how your symptoms worsen as the months go by, and I feel powerless not being able to do anything..."

Tears filled the eyes of both women.

"I know, I'm sorry... I promise to be more understanding, okay? Everything will be alright..." and the knot in her throat hurt.

"I should be the one saying that to you..."

"Yes, but... Sometimes you also need to hear it," she said, attempting a faint smile as tears escaped from her eyes.

Ashley captured her girlfriend's cheeks and sat up, guiding Lauren to do the same. Then she placed a kiss on Lauren's lips and embraced her tightly, holding her with fervor.


The scattered anemones at the submerged feet of the long, balustraded pier swayed gently in the salty water's light waves as beams of light turned reddish, signaling the setting sun that would soon sink into the waters, while seagulls played their funeral sonata. It was under this sky that Jane and Karla were lying at the seaside club where one of Peter's coworkers was getting married. He had brought Jane along to help her disconnect from the worries she had been dealing with over the past few months since her sister's diagnosis. That's why they were there together, while Peter was lost in conversation with his coworkers. Karla and Jane had grown bored of the formalities and had isolated themselves to talk about anything they observed in the surroundings.

They looked beautiful in their long dresses, their hair free and swaying in the breeze. The Cuban woman's dress had a slit from the thigh to the floor, her shoulders bare with straps and a neckline, beige in color, while Jane's was a pale pink, fitted to her thighs, also with bare shoulders.

"Do you feel better?" Karla asked before taking a sip of champagne.

"Yes, well... As long as I don't think about it, everything's fine. Regina aspires to great things, she wants to study and be the best, she's a good girl, and it's frustrating that her dreams are fading away because time is passing and there's no donor."

"They'll find one," Karla reassured her, "those lists are long, but you heard what the doctor said: Regina has a lot of potential to be an optimal recipient. She's so young and it's not fair that her life is limited like this because of a genetic defect. But I know she'll be okay, her donor will appear. You just have to trust."

"I pray for it every day," she said.

"I know. You know, Peter and I have become very aware of the issue of organ donation and the other day we were talking about registering as donors ourselves. He even wants to bring some flyers to work to encourage his coworkers to do it too. I don't want to die young, of course, but if that were to happen by chance, I would at least like my organs to save someone else's life."

"That's sweet. Thank you for all your support."

"I'll tell Peter to print more of those flyers and I'll hand out some in the cafeteria. I think we could even come up with a promotion. How about 'Get 25% off your Cuban coffee by signing up for the organ donor list'?" She waved her hands in the air as if announcing an amazing title.

Jane laughed.

"Thank you, Karli. I really don't know what I would have done without you to help me face this, and Peter too, he's been amazing."

"You don't have to thank me, we're friends and friends support and take care of each other."

"You are more than a friend to me."

Since they met, they began to forge an unbreakable bond, where they always had each other no matter what.

They smiled at each other and held hands, Karla stroking the back of Jane's hand with her thumb.

"Speaking of Peter, where is he?" Jane asked, scanning the surroundings, specifically the crowded area.

"I don't know, I've lost him already."

"Let's go find him."

"No, Jany, I don't want to interfere in their architecture conversations."

She was lying, it wasn't that she didn't like it, she loved being close to Peter all the time even when he talked about boring topics with his colleagues, her heart even dictated it to her, but in those gatherings, Peter's colleagues, all professionals, presented their psychologist, architect, interior designer girlfriends, and a plethora of professions, and then there was her, a waitress in a café, and that made her feel so small. But Peter never cared about that, he always introduced her with pride because he saw how beautiful and magnificent she is, he always felt lucky, never had a problem telling his friends about Karla's work. No, he loved her just the way she is, wouldn't change a single thing. But Karla found it hard to understand, so she preferred to be isolated while he mingled with his friends.

"Are you sure that's it? Isn't it your prejudices about people with a professional career again?" Her friend deduced, and deduced correctly.

"No..." she dodged her gaze, as Jane knew her like the back of her hand and knew she had been caught.

"Forget about that crap. Peter adores you no matter if you're a waitress and he's an architect. He sees the big catch you are."

"I just can't help it."

"Yes, but I think he likes showing you off. I see it in his eyes and the tone of voice he uses when introducing you. Plus, he always mentions that you're Cuban and likes it when you speak in Spanish to prove it. It's very sweet, Karli, that's why have more confidence and mingle with his colleagues, don't leave him alone there."

Karla sighed with a view of the sea.

"You're right, Peter is amazing..."

"That's not what I said, but okay."

"Every day he gives me reasons to love him more. And now with him helping me raise money so that my parents can come, I'm even more in love with him."

"They'll end up married at this rate."

"I would love that, actually, but... I don't know. Do you think he'll ask me to be his wife?" Karla asked, catching Jane's eyes filled with hope.

"I suppose, I think if he hasn't already it's because he wants to wait until he has more financial stability and..." Jane suddenly stopped, her eyes pointing towards the crowd of people. "Oh no..."

"What?" Karla asked, breaking her gaze away from the sea to look at Jane.

Both of them were surprised when they saw Peter coming towards them, accompanied by a person they both knew.

"What's the toucan doing here?" Jane whispered through gritted teeth as they watched them advance towards them.

"I don't know," Karla replied, drawing a smile to welcome her boyfriend.

"Karla, Jane, I want to introduce you to my boss, Matheo Hewitt. Matheo, these are Karla, my girlfriend, and my friend Jane," Peter said.

Karla stood still, unsure of what to say, while the man smirked and focused his eyes on hers, extending his hand to shake both girls' hands.

"So, she's your girlfriend, Peter," the man commented.

"Yes," Peter replied confidently, puffing out his chest.

"Pleasure to meet you both," the man said.

Karla breathed a sigh of relief that the man was behaving himself. She didn't want to have to explain to her boyfriend that this was the man who had been pursuing her at work.

"Likewise," she said, smiling uncomfortably as she shook the man's hand.

After greeting Jane, the introductions were over, and the two friends exchanged glances.

"Why are you guys standing over here? The party's over there," Matheo asked, his eyes fixed on Karla.

"We were just chatting about non-architectural matters," she replied, holding his gaze.

"Look at that, Peter, don't let your girlfriend get bored with work talk. A beautiful woman like her deserves all the attention," the man said.

"Well...yeah," Peter responded, scratching the back of his neck.

"And he does," the Cuban woman interjected, defending him. "I always have his attention. He just needs his space. I don't want to smother him all the time."

Matheo smiled, unable to take his eyes off Karla. "That's fantastic. How long have you been together?"

"Three years," Peter answered proudly.

"That's a long time. Haven't you guys gotten bored of each other?" Matheo joked, eliciting a chuckle from Peter and uncomfortable smiles from Karla and Jane. "I'm more of a short-term relationship guy, but they're full of emotions and experiences. And when I set my sights on someone, I always get what I want. I just need to find their breaking point."

"He must be quite the ladies' man," Peter remarked.

"Yeah, well. I'm not used to being rejected," he said, his eyes fixed on Karla.

The tension in the atmosphere was almost palpable, but Peter was exempt from it, as he did not understand the hints that his boss was dropping to his girlfriend.

"Well, I won't bother you any longer with my presence. I'll go congratulate the engaged couple," the man excused himself. "It was a pleasure meeting you ladies, keep having fun," he said, holding both women's hands and then looking at Peter. "Congratulations again, Peter. You have a very beautiful girlfriend, take good care of her."

"Thank you, Mr. Hawitt."

The man left them there, as the three watched him walk away. Then Peter was the first to break the gaze and point it at his girlfriend, marveling at her presence and his impulses awakening, driven by the beats of his heart, breaking the distance that separated them to wrap his arms around her waist and bring her in for a kiss, stealing her breath and leaving her spellbound and surrendered to the kiss.

"Oh no...not in front of me again," Jane protested, causing the two to laugh in between the kiss.

But she wasn't the only one who saw them, Matheo did too, from a distance.


The weather wasn't so kind this time. A couple of weeks went by during which Lauren faced an endless struggle with her symptoms, doctor visits, and useless medications. There were days when she simply gave up, didn't want to get up, and her girlfriend had to be there with her, supporting her, injecting her with strength. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Jane faced a similar situation taking care of her sister. Regina's symptoms weren't as advanced and in her case, medicine did help her a little, but that didn't take away the hellishness of her ordeal.

Peter and Karla were committed to spreading flyers to raise awareness among people about how important it was to enlist as organ donors in case of premature death. It was difficult; people usually didn't want to think about dying young, and it wasn't something that concerned them, not until they faced similar situations with a loved one, but they still managed to make a difference. Besides, they were very aware of Regina. They used to visit her on weekends, and the girl had immense affection for them, especially for Peter, who was even her crush, and she blushed when she saw him. Karla knew about it too, but she wasn't going to be jealous of a fifteen-year-old girl who suffered from a congenital heart deficiency. She even encouraged Peter to sit next to her and ask her about school.

On any random summer day, when the sun dimmed out and darkness spilled over the city, Peter and Karla went to visit the boy's parents because they had been invited to a family dinner after reconciling with their son. Karla despised seeing them, she couldn't stand them because they never stood her, specifically Peter's mother, Kate. Kate never believed that Karla was good enough for her son when his previous girlfriend was, in her opinion, the better option; she graduated in architecture like her son, belonged to a family with a lot of money, who owned a construction company in which she hoped her son could quickly ascend. Besides, she was friends with the woman's parents. In her eyes, she was perfect, and she always saw Karla as an intruder who obstructed a reconciliation between Peter and Rhode. But the reality was that Peter never loved Rhode in the same way he loved Karla, and he would never love another woman in the same way in his entire life.

They never accepted Karla, so Peter, with a heavy heart, distanced himself from them to prevent his girlfriend from experiencing bitter encounters because of his parents. But now Kate had reached out to them again because she missed her son, and he ended up accepting her back into his life, so he accepted the invitation to dinner at his parents' house. Karla reluctantly agreed, she did it because she knew how important it was for her boyfriend that she could get along with them, so she would try, she would try once again.

"Do you want more lamb ribs, son?" Kate inquired, recreating the gesture of picking up another piece of meat with tongs displayed on a tray in the middle of the table.

"No, mother, I'm very full," he denied, rubbing his bloated belly. "Do you want more, love? Normally Karli eats more than me, even though she looks so small," he said jokingly.

"No, I'm good too."

She lied, if she had been alone with Peter, she would have eaten another portion.

"It's good that you refrain from another portion, Karla," Kate added. "You have to take care of your body, you won't maintain that figure forever. I know you're only twenty-five, but it won't last forever, and you have to always look beautiful next to my son, otherwise, what will he brag about you?" she chuckled as if it were a casual joke.

Karla clenched her jaw, while Peter shifted in his seat, immediately feeling uncomfortable, analyzing his girlfriend's forced smile with his gaze.

"To me, Karli will always be beautiful, no matter how she looks. Besides, I have many other things to brag about her," her boyfriend defended her. "But let's not digress from the topic. Alaia, keep telling us about your ballet recital," he asked his little sister to disperse the tension.

"It's about Swan Lake and everyone will come to see me at school. Will you come too?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it. Karla and I could accompany you, just let us know when," Peter replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry, son," his mother intervened, "but the school only gives three spots for the performance. I'm afraid Karla couldn't go. Right, dear?" she asked her husband while taking a bite.

"Yes, we only have one spot left," the patriarch agreed.

"Schools usually aren't very strict with spots, there will always be someone from the other girls' families who won't attend," Peter emphasized.

"It's better not to risk it, son. It would be cruel to have Karla attend only to not be able to get in later," his mother replied.

"Mom..." he reproached her with his expression.

"What, son? It's the truth."

"It doesn't hurt to try."

"No, Peter," the Cuban woman intervened, feeling her patience reaching its limit. "Your mother is right; it's something for the family to share."

"See, son, Karla understands. Plus, I suppose Karla has a very important job at the cafeteria that she can't neglect for even a day."

The sound of cutlery hitting plates suddenly stopped, and the tension escalated to toxic levels. Karla's insides twisted, her blood boiled between her veins; she was smart enough to know that this woman was once again mocking her job and coating it with brazenness.

"Excuse me," Karla said wearily, getting up abruptly and then quickly leaving the room.

Peter looked at his mother with a mix of reproach and disappointment as he dropped his utensils onto the table.

"What? What did I say wrong?" she feigned innocence.

Peter didn't respond, he simply got up from his seat and hurried after his girlfriend, catching up to her on the porch as she was leaving the house.

"Karla, wait," he pleaded, running up behind her as she took long strides towards the street.

"No, Peter. Stay for dinner with them, I'll take a taxi home."

"Please, wait," he said, grabbing her wrist to stop her after she had crossed the front door.

"I can't deal with her!" she exclaimed, exasperated. "I'm sorry, I know she's your mom, but I can't deal with her. You stay, but please don't ask me to stay there when it's clear she doesn't want me in your life. I'm sorry if I'm not perfect for them..." and her eyes filled with tears as she recited those words, a gleam of distress in them.

"I'm the one who should apologize for making you come," he caught her cheeks to meet her sad gaze. "I really thought my mother wanted to make things right, but if she doesn't accept you, then she doesn't accept both of us because we're a team, you and me," he brought his forehead to hers. "And you are perfect, you are perfect for me."

Karla couldn't hold back her tears, and they streamed down her cheeks, prompting Peter to kiss them away.

"I adore you, Karli," he said, hugging her tightly against his solid body before pulling away a bit to see her distressed expression and wiping away her tears with his hands.

"Wait for me in the car, I'll get our coats," he said, kissing her forehead before heading back into the house to retrieve their coats and bid his family goodbye. When he returned to the dining room, he found them still gathered around the table.

"Are you leaving?" Kate asked after noticing her son holding their coats.

"It's clear that you're only interested in making Karla feel bad," he walked over to his little sister and planted a kiss on her head. "Goodbye, Alaia. Behave yourself, I'll be writing to you."

"Goodbye, big bro."

"Peter, son, please. Can't you see that woman wants to separate you from your family?"

"No, mother. You're the one doing that."

"Peter, don't be arrogant with your mother," his father warned him.

"I'm not being arrogant, I'm being honest. If you can't get along with Karla, then I'm wasting my time here."

"But Peter..."

"No, mom," he interrupted. "I love her, is that so hard to understand? She's the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, and if you're not willing to accept her as a part of your lives, then you might as well kick me out too. Goodbye," he concluded shortly, turning around and leaving the place, ignoring his mother's pleas.

He stormed out of that house radiating anger, he was very upset, with traces of disappointment and frustration for not being able to make their fights stop, but he would stop trying. He just wanted to be able to live in peace with his girlfriend, continue to sow dreams by her side and see them bear fruit to harvest them with her. It hurt him that his family wasn't a part of his life, but he would learn to accept it. That day, he chose Karla over his family and he would have chosen her over anything else.

They arrived home disheartened, even greeted Trueno with low spirits, and that night they went straight to bed. They didn't watch their favorite show on TV as they usually did, nor did they make love, no, they just went to sleep and Peter hugged his girlfriend from behind.

"Please, never abandon me because of my parents," he pleaded with a murmur tinged with terror in the ear of the Cuban woman, after more than an hour had passed and neither had managed to fall asleep.

"I would never abandon you," she whispered in time with the hoarseness of the night.

"Thank you, now I'll be able to rest more peacefully."

Karla let out a chuckle and then began to turn in his arms to find his gaze. He offered his arm as a pillow while she entwined her thigh over his abdomen. Their gazes connected.

"The truth is, I won't be able to sleep," he confessed with a murmur.

"Do you want me to sing to you?" she proposed with a slight smile on her lips.

Peter nodded, lost in her brown eyes. He adored when she sang to him; her melodic voice immersed him in his subconscious when he faced worries that kept him from sleeping, but his girlfriend always managed to overcome that obstacle with her sweet voice. So that night, she sang to him until he fell asleep, while subtly tracing his features with her fingertips.

She sang to him one last time.


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I hope you're enjoying this reading😊. Please, don't forget to leave a star⭐ as a sign of support and a comment telling me what you thought of this chap☺️. Thank you, and see you in the next chapter.🙌🏻

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π’πœπžπ§π­ 𝐨𝐟 π‹π¨π―πžγ€’ππ² π₯𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐒𝐞𝐬 γ€ˆπ›π¨π¨π€ 1〉 π‘Άπ’‘π’‘π’π’”π’Šπ’•π’†π’” 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕 ✰|| 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝑴�...
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Beau HATES Oliver Fowler. But Oliver doesn't hate Beau.. quite the opposite actually. Oliver is the univeristies 'Golden Boy', adored and admired by...