Beast Or Friend?

By jojoeyg

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Trunks and Gohan were training for the andriods. The Andriods were a threat to Planet Earth. Andriod 17 and 1... More

Chapter 1: Trunks Meets A Saiyan
Chapter 2: Saiyans vs Andriods
Chapter 3: Training and Time Travel
Chapter 4: A Reunion/Warning
Chapter 5: Trip to Namek
Chapter 6: Andriod Chaos
Chapter 8: Android Reunion
Chapter 9: Perfection Acheived Again!?
Chapter 10: Broly Babysits
Chapter 11: The Talk
Chapter 12: Let The Cell Games Begin
Chapter 13: Let go

Chapter 7: The Deadly Destruction Between Perfection and Imperfection

177 3 4
By jojoeyg

Broly and Trunks were able to get Goku on the ship. It was a good thing they managed to get Goku before the androids would decide to come looking for him at his place. Krillin was in the ship Bulma let him use to transport Goku to go to Roshi's house. When they were flying inside the ship to the location, Bulma calls them on the ship. Krillin picks up the call.

Krillin said "Hey Bulma whats up."

Bulma said "Tell me if Trunks is here."

Trunks said "I am" Bulma felt a little awkward about the situation, since she recently found out from Piccolo about Future Trunks being her son and Vegeta's son and was from a different timeline. 

Bulma said "Well I got some recent reports from a local farmer not far from where your heading right now. Says it looks like a time machine. Looks like yours. but a bit damaged." She sents a picture of it from the machine in the ship. Trunks grabbed the picture and was shocked. 

Trunks said "Oh no...Cell...I think he finally made it to this timeline." Broly grabbed the picture and saw it too. 

Broly said "Trunks your going to stay here. I am gonna find Cell and kill him once and for all."

Trunks said "But we don't know where he is. He's an android.."

Broly said "Just listen Trunks let me handle this." He then leaves to go find Cell. Trunks sighed as Bulma then told Trunks that she would meet him up by the location of where the second time machine was at. Broly leaves the ship as he went to find Cell. Trunks went a different direction flying off to the location of the broken time machine. 

//An hour Later...Meanwhile in East City//

Piccolo was flying through the city of East City. Kami mention something was happening there. So he went there to check what was happening. What he saw got him very strange vibes. He sees a lot of human clothes on the roads, the city looked like a deserted mess. 

Piccolo said "Where are the humans?" Then he sense a powerful aura which got him surprised. He turned around and saw nothing at all. But then he sees a human man crawling. He was crawling hurt and scared. 

Human Man said "H-Help me...Please take all my money..." He was holding his money up as Piccolo looked and notice the human man's eyes went up as his eyes turned white and Piccolo noticed a bug man taking the human man's life. All he saw was the clothes of the human man. The bug creature laughs at this. 

Piccolo said "Who are you monster..."

Imperfect Cell said "That's rude...I am Cell. I am an android created by Dr. Gero and I am here to fight the toughest fighters seem surprised." He laughs a lot at Piccolo. Piccolo growled as he then notice Imperfect Cell disappeared and then sees Imperfect Cell's tail stab his arm. Piccolo felt his arm numb as Imperfect Cell was taking the energy of Piccolo. "Mmm. This power feels great!" Piccolo then ripped his arm and regenerates his arm.

Piccolo said "Well I am gonna end you!" Imperfect Cell then smirked at Piccolo. He put his hands back. Piccolo noticed it was familiar to him. 

Imperfect Cell said "You should know this move Piccolo...KA...ME...HA...ME..."

Piccolo said "That's goku's move..." Imperfect Cell fires the kamehameha wave at Piccolo as Piccolo barely dodged it as he was shocked. 

Imperfect Cell said "Oh my guess I almost got you. Haha!" Piccolo huffed as he then sees Tien come by as Krillin also came by.  "Well my time is up. Goodbye! Solar Flare!" Piccolo, Tien and Krillin gotten blind from Imperfect Cell's attack as he was gone before they could even look. 

Krillin said "Damn it...who was that Piccolo!"

Piccolo said "That was Cell. He is powerful thats all I can say...he knows Goku's kamehameha technique...even Tien's solar flare..."

Tien said "That's impossible, how does he know our moves.."

//Meanwhile With Broly...At North City//

Broly landed in North City. He sees the city had many destroyed buildings. He was walking around as he wonder if Cell was around here. 

Broly said "Where are you.." He walks around as he then stops as he felt an aura close to him as he slowly turned around. Perfect Cell was standing right behind Broly as Broly got slap so hard as it sent him into the broken building. Perfect Cell chuckled as he walks to Broly. Broly got mad as he went super saiyan and went to attack Perfect Cell, and well the result was Broly wasn't able to inflict damage to Perfect Cell. He just stood there looking at Broly. 

Perfect Cell said "Well well, seems like your not strong enough to hurt me. You seem so strong when you were fighting my siblings but now I am stronger. And now you will die!" He grabs Broly by the neck and punched him so many times. The punches suddenly get Broly to bleed a lot. Broly then was thrown in the air and blasted with a powerful ki attack straight to the face and body of Broly. Broly's clothes were ripped as Broly huffed and pant. He couldn't believe how strong Cell was. 

Broly said "You are gonna regret this..I am gonna kill you!" Perfect Cell laughs as he sees Broly very mad and seeing him charge at him once again. Perfect Cell sighs happily watching Broly try and hurt him but all Cell did was use his tail and whack Broly in the head. Cell kept walking to Broly. 

Cell said "No one will will die now." He was about to kill Broly as Vegeta blasted Cell in the face creating a dust of debris. Cell was annoying wondering who did that. Broly was now gone and so was Vegeta. Vegeta was holding Broly as he grunted at how heavy he was. "Guess he time he won't be so lucky.."

//With Trunks and Bulma//

Trunks said "This is the second time machine my future mom made for Broly. It was meant for Broly to use since the one I have could fit one person. Since he was very tall and built it was a little squeeze fit in my time machine. But I can't believe it...Cell is here now. I am afraid of what will happen to earth now that he is here..."

Bulma said "Well this time machine looks destroyed. Maybe I could try and fix it. Even though I don't much on fixing time machines. Maybe my dad could help me fix it in the meantime son."

Gohan said "Well from the looks of this, I am impressed on how Future Bulma made this to help save my dad from dying but now we must do our part by ending those androids."

Trunks said "Your right. I hope broly is okay..I can't stop worrying. Mom would flip if Broly got hurt even though I never see him get beaten. He's strong and I am glad he's trained me for this but I hope he's alright.." Suddenly Bulma got a call from her dad. 

Bulma said "Hey dad whats up?"

Dr Briefs said "Well honey, Vegeta brought over a saiyan in our home. Says its a friend of trunks. I think his name is broly. He's badly hurt and I am putting him in the healing pod. You better come quick. Its urgent. Vegeta is telling me that some bug creature beat broly so badly that he almost died." Bulma was in shocked as he looked at her son and gohan. 

Trunks said "What's with the look mom? Did something happen?" Bulma explain the situation as Trunks was shocked as he quickly flew to Capsule Corp to go see Broly. 

//Meanwhile at the Lookout//

Piccolo reaches the lookout as he sees Kami and Mr. Popo. Kami was looking at the world. Dark clouds were showing as the wind breezed a bit. 

Piccolo said "Kami..I think we should fuse."

Kami said "And why you think I would accept this fate?"

Piccolo said "Because we are dealing with a big threat. This big threat knows everyone's techniques and will use that to his advantages. Not to mention, all the people he killed and collected energy from. He's a monster and I won't stand by and watch earth die. So we must fuse damn it!"

Kami sighed saying "Look Piccolo. You realize that if we fuse, not only will I be apart of you but now you will be link to the dragon balls and if you die then no more dragon balls."

Piccolo said "Then I'll take that bet then." Kami sighed at this. He hopes Cell could be defeated and hope the world can have peace. 

Kami said "Okay fine. Lets do this." He puts his palm on Piccolo's shoulder. They do the ritual namekian fusion. Now Kami was apart of Piccolo. Piccolo felt a little different now but felt much powerful than before. Mr Popo came by. 

Mr Popo said "Piccolo,  you should go see Goku. I remember hearing from Kami that the androids are closing in on finding Goku. Piccolo nodded as he went to go find Goku which it was easy to find him because he felt his ki from a distance.

//At Kame's House//

Goku was resting as the pain of the heart virus was gone. Yamcha was relieved that the screaming was over now. Now all he had to do now was wait till Goku has awoken from his slumber. Suddenly Master Roshi tells everyone that he sees three people outside. Yamcha peaked to see the androids as he gasp. 

Roshi said "Damn it..goku isn't awake and they are here. They probably know he's in here.." 

17 said "Hey anyone home? We know Goku's here. So could you be  kind and send him outside so we can kill him." 

18 sighed saying "17 you do realize that they won't."

16 said "Well I believe Goku will meet his doom when he is outside." 

17 said "Screw it. I am going in." Piccolo surprisingly made it in time and stopped 17. 

Piccolo said "If you wanna kill Goku then I challenge you in a fight. But not here. Somewhere far and safe. Follow me.." 17 stretched as he didn't mind a challenge. Plus he wanted some competition. 


Imperfect Cell was flying through town to town, trying to find his siblings. It was annoying enough that he has to player hide and seek. Basically finding the two andriods to complete his perfect form. What he doesn't know is Perfect Cell was far away and destroying towns and land. He was not caring what he was doing because he destroying every single human in the world. 

And with Piccolo and 17 about to battle it off. Will Piccolo's new power help him defeat 17 or will he fail badly and possibly not be able to beat Imperfect Cell. 

//To be continued...//

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