Metal Soul, Heroes Heart, and...

De HarryThompsonHeap

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This fic will contain violence inflicted upon the human body and swearing: What if Izuku met Mei and Melissa... Mais

Meeting of the Minds
11 years of happiness and strife
Encounters of significance
10 months and entrance exam begins
I'll tear out your circuits, and bathe in your oil
Meeting the dean and the first day
Introductions, truths, and battle suits
Battle trials part. 1
Battle trials pt. 2
End of the battle trials and a prelude to chaos
USJ pt. 1
USJ pt. 3
USJ pt. 4
USJ conclusion
Aftermath and innovation
Preparations for war
Sports fevstival pt. 1 the race
Sports festival pt. 2 cavalry battle
Sports festival pt. 3 the tournament
Sports Festival pt. 3 tournament pt. 2
Sports featival conclusion
Hero names and upgrades
Internships, inventions, and introductions
Technology vs conviction
Another small step for mankind and preparing for finals
The Finals Pt. 1
The Finals Pt. 2
Movie 1: Three Heroes
Villainous recruitment, worrying revelations, and a day at the mall
Training montage
Assault on the Camp
Preparations and the Battle for Kamino Ward
Aftermath of Chaos, Innovation and Relaxation, and the Future
Super Moves, and the Bolstering of Dark Forces

USJ pt. 2

320 11 4
De HarryThompsonHeap

The plan was simple the remaining 14 students at the USJ entrance would split into teams of two, with Iida acting as speedy support for any injured who needed to be taken to the entrance for immediate medical attention, and Jiro as overwatch using her enhanced hearing to codec to warn allies about incoming enemy reinforcements. Each team would go section by section assisting their fellow student. The teams would then converge back at the entrance in order to wait for the UA staffs arrival.

Team 1, consisted of Ururaka and Setsuna Tokage, who could split her body into sections, fly/levitate, as well as regenerate lost sections. They would go to the Ruins zone, Setsuna's flight would allow for easy reconnaissance whilst Ururaka's zero gravity would let her weaponise the environment.

Team 2, consisted of Shoji and Shihai Kuroiro, who could merge with and travel through shadows. They would scale the Mountain zone and assist whomever needed it, Shoji's shapeshifting limbs allows for omnidirectional awareness, whilst Kuroiro could travel through all the dark cracks for reconnaissance and sneak attacks.

Team 3, consisted of Sero and Ibara Shiozaki, who's hair was made of thorny vines that she could manipulate at will. They would enter the Downpour storm zone and help out best they could. Both had effective capture quirks and could easily move through their environments.

Team 4, consisted of Tokoyami and Reiko Yanagi, who possesses limited telekinetic abilities, enough to lift anothing the size of a person. They would climb the Landslide zone and assist their fellow students. Both had quirks suited for the terrain, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow could easily deal with debris and enemies whilst Reiko could disrupt the enemy, fling rocks, and save downed allies.

Team 5, consisted of Izuku and Mei. They would fly to the Flood zone and assist in any way possible.

Lastly team 6, consisted of Melissa and Rin Hiryu, who could grow and launch durable reptilian scales. They would enter the Conflagration zone and get a handle on things. Melissa's suit made her fireproof whilst Rin's scales made him resistant to the heat.

With each team assigned and with Iida and Jiro on standby and looking after 13's unconscious body, they split up and got to work.

———Ruins zone———

As Ururaka and Setsuna made their way to the Ruin zone they used their codec to find out that Bakugo, Kamakiri, Tooru, and Bondo where all currently engaged in combat with villains. Kamakiri relayed that he and Torru where on the top floor of the ruins dealing with a lady whose body was comprised of stone, Bondo was creating glue traps and dealing with low tier thugs, whilst Bakugo simply told them all to fuck off as he could handle himself.

"And I thought our blond had an ego, at least ours like his own class". Setsuna lamented to Ururaka.

"You have no idea". Replied Ururaka exasperated with her explosive classmate.

Whilst the duo made this way towards their closest friend, in this case Bondo, in order to assist them we see Kamakiri, a boy who appeared to be part insect and could manifest blades from any body part, fighting the previously mentioned stone lady.

The lady stood almost 6 feet tall and had an hourglass figure, her hair was burgundy and she wore a dark purple dress with the right thigh cut. Her most striking feature however was her grey granular textured stone skin which appeared to have a polished sheen, that was currently repelling every attack Kamakiri was throwing at her.

"Damn it, how durable are you, I know my blades can cut steel yet your skin isn't even chipped"? Asked Kamakiri in a rhetorical manner.

"Ha, though tooth picks will never piece my regal skin, now stop dodging and let me smash you bug"! The villainess replied as her fist smashed a stone pillar to dust with a single attack whilst Kamakiri barely dodged.

Whilst this happening Tooru was wiping the floor with the ladies underlings who couldn't even find her let alone hit the invisible girl.

"Need to finish these punks and help out Kamakiri as soon as possible". She thought to herself as a new wave of thugs started trying to attack her. "Damn it's like theres an inexhaustible supply of these losers". She continued as she kicked a clef jawed hug in the family jewels.

-Meanwhile with Ururaka, Setsuna, and Bondo-

Ururaka and Setsuna had just finished helping Bondo with his wave of thugs who where now all stuck to the floor, walls, and ceiling covered in glue and debris, some where even floating unconsciously due to Ururaka's zero gravity. Overall the trio was mostly unscathed just a scraps abs bruises.

"That takes care of these guys". Ururaka stated as she deactivated her quirk letting the floating thugs fall with a loud thump.

"Yup, so who do we help our next, the loud mouth or our friends"? Setsuna asked sarcastically.

"Let's not wait around them Kamakiri and your invisible friend need our help". Interjected Bondo as the trio ran to the top floor.

-Meanwhile with Bakugo-

Contrary to what the blonde had screamed over the codec he could not 'handle it himself' initially the fight was in his favour, he was gleefully inflicting villains and thugs with intensive care levels damage until he hit a brick wall in the form of a very well groomed man with mutton chop facial hair and waiting a high society green and red suit who absorbed the blonde's explosions.

"Didn't your mother teach you to careful around firecrackers lad"? The man asked as he absorbed yet another explosion with ease.

"FIRECRACKERS I'LL KILL YOU, YOU ASSHOLE AND TEACH YOU NOT TO LOOK DOWN ON ME"! The blonde screamed with rage and confidence.

"Hmph, not one for civilised conversation are we, oh well time to teach you some discipline child"! The man replied condescendingly causing Bakugo to attack with stronger explosions which were all subsequently absorbed.

"Fight me you coward"! The blonde yelled getting exhausted.

"Ok". Was the mana reply as he shot towards the hero student at insane speed and gut shot Bakugo causing the blonde to vomit up both his breakfast and some blood, only staying conscious out of sheer stubbornness.

"Just as I thought, your little more than a glass cannon who's all bark and no bite, only staring upright through willpower alone, but willpower will only get you so far boy". The man stated as he prepared to smash the blondes skull with his bare hands.

Then suddenly, CRASH, a huge chunk of debris was thrown at the man so fast he couldn't absorb the kinetic energy in time.

"What in blazes"! Was his only reaction as he was suddenly drenched on glue from the same direction.

-4 minutes ago-

Ururaka, Setsuna, and Bondo had reached the top floor where they found Kamakiri on his last legs and the stone lady with a very light scratch on her right arm. Off in the corner they saw a pool of blood getting slowly bigger and heard laboured breathing from the same area denoting it was an injured Tooru.

"You guys... sure took... your time". Kamakiri stated in between exhausted breathing.

"Oh more children come to gaze upon my regal sculpted form and die". The stone lady stayed with a smug grin as she charged Ururaka only to miss and have her gravity stripped from her and thrown into the roof with a loud slam.

"Huh, what's going on here"? The lady yelled trying to get her bearings.

"Goop her Bondo hurry she's as heavy as she looks"! Ururaka yelled as she began turning green at the gills as despite the ladies thin physique she was still made of stone and weighed a ton.

As Bondo glued the lady to the ceiling Setsuna went to check on Tooru who was conscious but injured.

"You good invisigal"? Setsuna asked.

"Yeah, tried sneaking up on the bitch but she heard me stumble on some debris and punched me in the gut, I'll live but I'm not fighting anytime soon". The invisible girl replied before passing out.

"We should call Iida for a medical pickup, I'll take Tooru down to meet him you guys go help out the blonde". Setsuna stated as she descended the floors.

Following the explosions Ururaka, Bondo, and Kamakiri located Bakugo just before he was about to be killed. In an instant Kamakiri cleaved out a chunk of the wall and Ururaka threw it at the man and Bondo sent a wave of glue at Bakugo's assailant.

"Fuck you guys I had him...". The blonde stated as he collapsed for pain in his gut.

"If that's your way of saying 'thank you for saving my life' then your welcome". Ururaka replied sarcastically as the blonde flipped her off.

"Damn it, I won't lose to you people"! The well groomed man yelled as he broke out of his debris and glue prison, using the energy he had absorbed from Bakugo's explosions, looking much less groomed with his suit torn up and covered in dust and glue.

He charged Kamakiri only to get a slash to his chest that he barely dodged only to get shot in the back by Bondo's glue which signalled his defeat as Ururaka began throwing debris and Kamakiri using his second wind began a flurry of slashed both of which funnelled the man into getting hit with more and more blue until he could no longer move and passed out from exhaustion and adrenaline withdrawal.

"Yes we won". Yelled Ururaka.

"Yeah after I softened him up for you extras"! Replied Bakugo as he stared getting back up clutching his stomach and walking away.

"Just can't say thank you can he". Bondo stated as he, Kamakiri, and Ururaka followed the blonde who refused all help.

———Landslide zone———

Whilst the battle in the ruins was occurring Tokoyami and Reiko made their way towards the Landslide zone and using the codec discovered that things where not great, apparently Todoroki took out nearly all the villains in one go but was now having trouble with two female villains who were also giving trouble to Pony Tsuntori, Kosei Tsuburaba, and Sen Kaibara, so our duo picked up the pace to help their class mates.

As they arrived they saw the situation, it was not good Kosei and Pony were pinned by a blonde female villain who appears to be able control earth and rock telekinetically and was pelting the duo of hero students with boulders and shape stones. Kosei was creating air barriers as fast as possible whilst Pony was destroy the boulders and repelling the smaller rocks using her launched horns.

Whilst this was occurring Todoroki was in bad shape, his skin was deathly pale and his lips were blue, normally his ice was effective against nearly every opponent but except this foe, the villain was a women with deep blue skin and light blue spiked hair, she clearly had a resistance to the cold also she appeared to possess the ability to absorb heat and turn it into cold, which Tokoyami girder from the corpses littering the women's feet all appearing to have died from extreme rapid frostbite. She was using to try to encase Todoroki who's only saving grace was that Kaibara was using his gyrate quirk to turn his limbs into makeshift drills and destroying the ice before the bicoloured boy could be encased.

Tokoyami and Reiko split up to assist, with Reiko assisting against the geokinetic, whilst Tokoyami helped against the ice women.

When Reiko reached her classmates she used her quirk to catch as many rocks as she could and sent them back stunning the villainess.

"Where did you come from ghost girl"? The geokinetic asked in an angry tone.

"Here you are Reiko your". Pony said in broken Japanese with a joyous tone.

"It's good to have backup". Stated Kosei relieved to have assistance.

"Don't ignore me assholes"! The geokinetic villain yelled as she hurled another boulder with exhaustive effort which the class 1b trio dodged.

"She seems to prefer long range combat". Reiko stated as the trio took covered in a landslide alcove whilst obscured by a dust cloud kicked up by the thrown boulder.

"We noticed that from all the boulders and stones she threw at us, you got a plan to deal with it"? Kosei asked hoping for a good plan.

"Yes I do, first Pony send as many horns as you can round to her back, Tsuburaba get ready because when she reacts I'm going to throw you into melee range, hit her as hard as you can". Reiko replied and translated for Pony, the plan didn't sit quite well with Kosei but in lieu of no other plan he accepted it.

As the villainess searched for her quarry suddenly heard something flying through the air, she couldn't see it, predicting an attack from behind she raised the ground behind her just in time to bock several projectiles.

"Ha did you think a sneak attack would work on me". The villainess yelled turning around taunt whoever she thought was behind her only to hear yelling from where she was initially looking. She turned to see a young man flying at her, fist up raised and fast than she could react she was punched, in her left boob.

"You pervert"! The villainess yelled socking Kosei in the face and preparing to kill him when suddenly a rock the size of a grapefruit struck the side of her head knocking her unconscious.

"Not, entirely to plan, but I'll take it". Stated Reiko awkwardly.

"You fine Tsuburaba there"? Asked Pony again in broken Japanese.

"I'll live". Was Kosei's reply.

"Good, now to help out the others". Reiko said with determination as the trio made their way to their friends.

With the fight with the geokinetic done, we see that  Tokoyami isn't fairing well with his group, the ice women was making the air freezing cold by absorbing its heat and Todoroki wasn't making things better for anyone most of all himself as the bicoloured boy was now suffering from severe frostbite on his right side and Kaibara wasn't doing much better as his limbs where also now suffering from the cold and temperature imbalance.

The shadow wielder had to think of a plan to deal with this ice and cold.

"A direct assault from Dark Shadow should be enough but with all this ice I can't get a clear line of sight without leaving both of us susceptible to attacks, revelry in darkness if only we had a fire user". Tokoyami thought o to himself oblivious to Todoroki's secret.

Suddenly the ice stopped, Tokoyami hoped it was due to the ice women running out of steam, however when he looked out from the ice wall he was hiding behind he saw that the women had merely shifted her priority to Reiko's group who had just rocked up and was now also being pelted with ice attacks.

The bird headed boy took his chance and launched Dark Shadow at full speed towards the ice women who barely managed to dodge.

"Thought I got you birdbrain, oh well I've got enough juice to freeze all you loser hero students". The ice women yelled with venom in her voice.

As she prepared a massive attack against the two groups a glacier suddenly enveloped her up to her neck.

Tokoyami was stunned as he had Todoroki was on his last legs, turning to look at his ally who was out cold in the most literal sense, in a final desperate act he unleashed more ice than he should've been able to handle and now nearly his entire right side was covered in frost and suffering severe frostbite, the boy himself was completely unconscious.

"H... h... ho... how di... did... h... he... d... do... that"? The now frozen villainess asked whilst uncontrollably shivering.

"No clue ice Queen now lights out". Stated Dark Shadow as it punched her lights out in one attack.

No pleasantries between the groups could be made as Tokoyami panicked into his codec.

"Todoroki is down, I repeat Todoroki is down, he used his quirk too much and is now suffering from severe frostbite, Iida I need you at the landslide zone now". The avian boy yelled through the codec.

"Damn it, we need to get him someplace warm before gangrene sets in and he starts losing extremities". The avian boy called to his comrades who immediately began to help move the frozen over boy.

"What a mad banquet of darkness today is turning into, I hope my other compatriots are safe". Tokoyami thought to himself.


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