never let you go ↦ jason mcca...

By overboardrauhl

55.1K 974 152

[i wrote this book so long ago and i thought it was cool don't judge me] It's funny how love works. My dad al... More

Chapter 1, "Is she following me?"
Chapter 3, "He deserved a chance."
Chapter 4, " I'm a killer."
Chapter 5, "You make me feel safe."
Chapter 7, "You fell right into my trap."
Chapter 8, "She's like family to ME."
Chapter 9, "She was gone."
Chapter 10, "Are you going to tell me or not."
Chapter 11, "Please, don't let go of me."
Chapter 12, "I can't be around you."
Chapter 13 "You wanna go McCann?" (ONE YEAR LATER)
Chapter 14, "Help"

Chapter 6, "Can I shoot you now?"

2.6K 58 10
By overboardrauhl

I have big plans for this story, so just wait(;


Jason's POV -

"What happened to you?" Jasmine whispered, pointing at my face.

"I wasn't paying attention to the bomb when I was texting you and it kinda blew on my face. It's okay though, it wasn't that big." I whispered back.

"Okay class, the rest of the period you guys can talk!" the teacher said.

"Sorry." Jasmine said looking down.

"It's fine." I said.

From behind me I felt someone push down on my head. I looked back and saw Mike. Didn't he learn his lesson from last time?

I gave him a death stare. "It's not the day, Mike."

"What happened to you're face? Girlfriend didn't want you so she hit you?" he chuckled.

"Shut the hell up you god damn ass hole. Get a life." I would have cussed him out, like, literally cuss more than 20 times. I really don't want to get suspended, because if I do, I can't protect Jasmine during school.

"Can I shoot you now?" Mark said, laughing along with his friends.

"Do you want me to shoot you're head off? hm?" I said, looking at Jasmine in the corner of my eye who was talking to one of her friends.

"You probably don't even know what a gun is!" he laughed. I know what a god damn gun is, stupid.

"Yeah, but you don't know how to use one." I said back.

The bell rang and I stood up along with Jasmine. We both had Study Hall next, but Mike does, too. -_- Last thing we need is a freaking prick in the way.


Jasmine and I sat all the way in the back alone so the teacher wouldn't notice us talking.

"So, did you get anything on Timothy?" she said.

"Kinda. We figured out where he was staying, but thats about it." I said back.

Jasmine nodded.

When I looked up, Mike was coming over to the table, flipping his hair like an idiot.

"Hey, Jasmine." he said, giving her one of those dumb smiles.

"Go away, Mike." she said, looking away.

"So, do you want to go to the dance that's coming up soon?" he said, flashing another idiotic smile. Dumb ass.

"No, I'm going with Jason." she said, locking her hand with mine. It did feel pretty nice.(; We weren't dating or anything, I'm going only to protect her when Timothy comes.

Mike gave me one of those death stares and stood up. "You're going with this dork?"

"It's better than going with you." she chuckled.

"Well then you're a slut." he said. That, pissed me the f**k off.

"What did you say?" I said, standing up. He was taller than me, sure, but I could easily put him on his ass.

"I said, she's a slut." he spit.

I punched him right in the jaw, putting him on his ass. This time, Jasmine didn't seem to care. At all.

"Don't call her that, again." I spit back.

He stood up, holding his chin. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Jason McCann." I said back. Damn, he was a jack ass.

"I will get you back, McCann." he said, walking away.

I went back to Jasmine, and sat down.

"I thought you where going to tell him what you do." she said.

"Nah, he'd just spread it around." I said back.

The bell rang, and we both got up.

"I'll meet you at your locker, okay?" Jasmine said with a smile.

"Sure." I said, smiling back.


Jasmine's POV -

I walked to my locker, and shoved all my books in. Mark is such an ass. Calling me a slut. I love how Jason stood up for me, though.

I grabbed my backpack and shut my locker.

I started walking towards Jason's locker, when a hand covered my mouth and pulled me into the closet.


:ooo who did it?;D

Vote, Comment, Fan?(:

Love yew<3

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