Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)

By MindOnJupiter

4.2K 105 63

This is the sequel to Antecedent. Following the attack and death of her friends, Lori is still in the firm g... More

Malevolent: 1
Malevolent: 2
Malevolent: 3
Malevolent: 4
Malevolent: 5
Malevolent: 7
Malevolent: 8
Malevolent: 9
Malevolent: 10
Malevolent: 11
Malevolent: 12
Malevolent: 13
Malevolent: 14
Malevolent: 15
Malevolent: 16
Malevolent: 17
Malevolent: 18
Malevolent: 19
Malevolent: 20
Malevolent: 21
Malevolent: 22
Malevolent: 23
Malevolent: 24
Malevolent: 25
Malevolent: 26
Malevolent: 27
Malevolent: 28
Malevolent: 29
Malevolent: 30

Malevolent: 6

119 4 0
By MindOnJupiter

I apologise. This chapter feels long seems not much happens.

Tink's face was a picture when we returned. Going from confusion to straight up disgusted once he caught sight and smell of his sibling who was still plastered head to toe in carnage and who only knew what else. It was something I hadn't really expected when it came to the Sawyers, I had figured by now the rotting and decaying scent was something they had adjusted to in all their years of murder and torture. Clearly I was wrong and thankful to an extent that his nostrils were as offended as mine. Being cramped in the truck and practically suffering from inhaling made it somewhat of a payoff. More so when the feeling of pain now reached my face rather than circulating around my back from the belt buckle hits.
"What the hell?" Was all he managed to declare before shielding his nose with his hand. Junior curled up slightly where he stood making himself smaller and taking to subtly checking if it was him who was the main source of revulsion. He seemed quite happy when he realised he wasn't carrying the worst of the pong.
"It was this fucking bitch!" Alfredo declared back pointing at me in agitation. "Junior wouldn't let me put one in her! Instead I just scraped her smug ass face."
"You know Eddie might not be too happy about this."
"She had it coming!"
"Why are you morons even letting her make a fool of you?!" Tink demanded to know, looking exasperated. Junior shifted on foot to foot with meek noises as if trying to excuse what had happened. Alfredo however just seemed to steam as he gestured wildly at me once more. In return I blinked, there was a part of me that simply didn't and could no longer care for the hole I was digging myself. I would regret it surely, when the punishment came and further pain added onto an already ending list but the part before, I could be somewhat satisfied. "I expected this from him but I stupidly thought you had more than two brain cells to rub together. Not one of you seems able to control her."
"Look at what this bitch did to me!" Tink despaired as I shrugged back at him. Alfredo had started it and something told me that he had suspected as much. It's why Junior had been sent on the job along with us, to be a barrier and while he was certainly big enough and had prevented what would have been mercy, he had been unable to foil the behaviour of either of us completely. "Look at my head, she got me in the head with the gun."
"You let her get her hands on a gun? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Turning my blood stained face to peer at the greying man, I couldn't help but smirk. An action he instantly reacted to as he attempted to charge forwards only for Junior to block him. "You are making it easy for her to fuck with you."
"She started it! Look at her smirking little bitch fac-"
"I see her, you're reacting how she wants you to. You're taking the damn bait." There was a partial truth in his words, if I was getting under Alfredo's skin and enraging him it was little payback for what I had endured.
"No! I-...She...look at my damn face!" Jabbing his thumb to his injuries, he recoiled when the pain once again flooded from his touch. I felt satisfied. Or as content as I possibly could be in this situation. "It fucking hurts!"
"Then don't touch it dumbass, it's that simple." His sibling replied irritably. "The hell did you touch it for again?"
"Look at me motherfucker!"
"I don't have to look, I have a nose asshole." Tink scoffed behind his hand, "seriously boy, go wipe that shit off."
"Think that's just his face." I commented, "if you want to get rid of the shit better skin yourself, it's already embedded in your DNA." Alfredo's head snapped back in my direction instantly earning Junior stepping back between us firmly. Tink gave a heavy sigh, his brown eyes slitting in my direction. It was clear there was plenty he would have to say, probably more to discourage from further pushing someone who already had malevolent motives but they all did. Each family member had grounds for their behaviour which didn't fall entirely under Mama's inducement. From what Tex had told me, they had been doing this for many years now and Junior had only come to them within the last ten or so. It was a haunting thought to maul over as he mentioned extended family in the way of cousins and uncles, they definitely kept murder and cannibalism in the tribe. I had met enough of them to be physically and mentally scarred to the end of my days. One member would have done the trick alone let alone a household full.
"Why you little slut!"
"Prevaricator." I breathed. His head cocked to the head like a confused dog, his anger replaced with confusion. He attempted to repeat the word but failed before his eyes flicked between myself and Tinker for some clarity. I was sure his brother knew what it meant.
"Am I supposed to know what that means?"
"No, I'd be more surprised if you did."
"Get." Tink pressed, seeming to consider ushering Alfredo with his hook before he seemed to clock that like him, he would be wearing the gruesome remains and stench. "Get the heck out of here."
"You'll be sorry next time honey." Alfredo warned me, pointing at me past Junior's arm. HIs face scrunched in fury as he turned on his heel and stomped off loudly.
"Promises, promises." Having him insinuate he would kill me was rather distressing but only because I knew that he would fail. It was a wonder how he really got anything done when he had a tendency to fuck up just about everything. It was evident that his biggest job was disposal duties due to having a muddy at best record where the living was concerned. Junior relaxed from where he stood, his shoulders drooping as he stared in Tinker's direction who nodded.
"You done good, go get your reward." By that sentence it was obvious he was insinuating that he meant to brutalise his prisoner. The bulkier man wasted no time in exiting the kitchen a lot happier than he was coming in.

"You're a pain in the ass girl, you know that." Pulling out a chair under the table, Tinker sat at it with a weary breath. "Sit your ass down, it seems I can't trust anyone to sort you out but you know what they say when you want something done properly."
"How enticing."
"You're hard work." He muttered as I folded my arms but followed his instruction as he kicked another chair out with his boot effortlessly.
"Should I thank you for the compliment?"
"Should be grateful you ain't dead."
"Think it's more prudent to say that your victims should be grateful rather than enduring your company." Sitting down in front of him, I kept eye contact as he seemed to inspect me for a moment before withdrawing a cigarette. "I never asked to be your pet."
"A dog would be better at following orders. Though I guess you have a damn muzzle not that it shuts your trap for long. Mama keeps saying to slice your tongue off."
"Then why don't you?"
"You're not my plaything."
"I'm your burden." I pointed out straightforwardly as he nodded in agreement, lighting up.
"So's Eddie, so is Alfredo and the dumbass who can't string a sentence together."
"We don't have familial ties." To be put on the same level of his relatives was sickening but almost laughable. Not because it was amusing but because it was mad, utterly insane even. Tink didn't seem phased by my reaction and just shrugged more to himself and allowed himself his first inhale in silence. "We both know that if I had a gun, I'd shoot every last one of you."
"You didn't shoot Alfredo, I would have let you have that one for free."
"I didn't shoot him because Junior is a force to be reckoned with."
"And Alfredo ain't? The hell am I saying, of course he's not." Humming thoughtfully, he rolled his cigarette between his lips. His tanned face was unreadable for a moment before returning to his firm expression. "You remember our first drive out?"
"Unfortunately." I had remembered the warning he gave. It wasn't an easy feat to shake at this point; it was engraved in my memory.
"Remember my threat?"
"Pulling teeth?" I answered back. Placing a hand against my throbbing cheek, I tried to hide the prickles of pain and fear. Tink however just hummed again before exhaling a small grey cloud.
"Know why I haven't?" I shook my head, my blood stained hair already drying and crumbling against my touch. He had found other solutions, different punishments. Fingers had been broken, belts used as whips, hair pulled and more. Yet ripping teeth from my gums was fortunately something that had not come to pass. The male before me lifted three fingers and studied my expression when he noticed he would not get one, he seemed more at ease of not needing to commit to an argument. Lolling his cigarette to the side, he puffed gently. "One because that deranged asshole likes it when you bite so your front teeth are off limits. Two, we damage a back one then you might need to have more extracted." Bending down to digits, he kept his middle finger up, something which was quite a childish act but grudgingly one that cracked me up a little. I let out a small chime of amusement, perhaps he wasn't all that mature. "Three, well we don't want that mouth of yours getting infected which would then rocket along your bloodstream."
"Sepsis." I clarified, "even that would be mercy."
"Any idea what level of stink that boy would start if that happened? We ain't doctors so you're lucky missy, pretty damn lucky."
"I don't feel lucky." I stated. "I'm a myriad of scars because of you lot."
"You would if you took the lessons we teach to heart. You missy, need to learn to behave or we're just going to keep hurting you."
"We both know I'm not going to do that willingly." Part of me had tried once, I had been cooperative and it was haunting. Even if much of that time was foggy, there were glimpses into the past at the damage I had caused and tried not to affiliate with.
"Which is why we're going to have to break or remove something." Tinker remarked calmly. My eyebrows furrowed together, it wasn't that I hadn't been expecting something of the sort but to just come out with it was truly cold blooded. It seemed he was more disappointed than angry that he was considering such a thing. "So, will it be an arm or a leg?" Stubbing at the cigarette onto a discarded plate he straightened up, placing his hand and hook together and awaiting an answer patiently. My lips sealed automatically, not willing to give a response. "I'd personally take a break if I were you."
"You were worried about me getting an infection in my mouth, how would a limb be any different?"
"Alfredo used to work in a slaughterhouse, we picked up some information that would come in handy for the aftercare."
"Blood Loss." I countered.
"Not like we don't have blood bags anywhere and everywhere. I'm sure Grandpa would be willing to share. Arm or leg little girl, those are the only options."
"I thought we were still discussing the method."
"I'll flip a coin for you." He affirmed nonchalantly knowing as usual I would not comply willingly.
"How generous."
"I try." Tink reiterated sitting back. "Either way, it's gonna hurt like a bitch and you know something honey? I wouldn't have it any other way. One way or another, we'll be whipping you into shape."

The more I heard, the more I sympathised with Leatherface's victim. Pained screams echoed through the vastness of night and through the opened window of Tex's room. He managed to sleep through the noise with no difficulty, not even flinching while I lay there suffering the difficulty of trying to block the sound out when my wrists were constricted and cuffed against the bed frame. It was relentless and desperate, something that brought tears to my eyes knowing that no one else around would care. Like me she was a prisoner to the malicious family and their intentions that they had already made clear. Providing them with another seed of Junior's. The thought was a grim one and it was a reason to shriek to say the least. I could only imagine what she was going through. As much as Junior was a child when it came to the ways of thinking he was a brute, a solid wall of a man. Closing my eyes, I inhaled gently wanting to tune out the melody of wails and the feral and wild sounds of Junior. My mind gave me little relief. When Tink escorted me back to the sleeping blonde, he made it well known that in the morning it was once my turn to be tormented by them. An arm or a leg. I wasn't sure which would be worse to have broken or removed. Both left me limited in the ways of defence but swallowing bitterly I came to the conclusion that if I was ever able to escape, it would need to be done with stamina which gave the only limpid and intelligible answer it would have to be an arm. As if my limbs sensed this, my wrists tensed and fingers pulsed. The thought was enough to feel my heart beat faster. I shook my head and swallowed the bitter taste which lurked on my tongue. It would make defending myself significantly more difficult but where had that gotten me thus far?
From my side, Tex quivered before recoiling and jolting where he lay. His blue eyes became clear as he opened them before cupping his nose. Good, I was proud that he was still suffering. Turning my head as he turned his in my direction, I heard his dry chuckle.
"Junior puts on a good show. Told you she was a screamer, didn't I?" I bit my lip and refused to entertain him. "Though you like to shout as well..."
"Do you want me to headbutt you again?" As it was his nose was very much purple and bruised, the injury causing shadows on his face he would be feeling it for days even a week or so. Tex snickered as he straightened up and tucked his arms behind his head laying at the same level as myself and unfortunately becoming more awake as he did.
"How was your little trip?"
"I hit Alfredo and knocked him into the bog of gore you and the family have been making." There was no point lying. Refusing to look at him, I felt him shift and his thumb stroked against the injury his older brother had caused. Sucking in a breath, he turned my face firmly.
"What the hell happened to your face?" Whatever amusement he felt quickly evaporated as he stroked the wound. I twinged at the touch both in revulsion and the pain that came with it. It was no surprise to hear him put out, he was a vain man and I hoped that in some way it hurt him more than me. Bruises would heal, swelling would go down and he enjoyed painting me up as if he was going to put me on display. My face was something he grudgingly enjoyed.
"He tried to shoot me in retaliation but thanks to Junior, I wasn't so lucky."
"Shoot you where?" I rolled my eyes at his idiocy.
"In my leg." I drawled sarcastically trying to turn away once more but his thumb tucked around my chin.
"It's gonna scar some."
"Probably." I agreed. It was more likely than not to be the case. Tex sucked in a breath before releasing. I hoped in some way that he would see me as spoiled goods, as something expendable. I prayed he would discard me like a broken toy or shattered doll. He could obtain another hostage, another mannequin to keep him company. It was a wish that stuck in my throat knowing that someone else would suffer in my place but it would be bliss to be free. Allowing my eyelids to seal, I listened to his angry mutterings against Alfredo. "Probably spread as it heals as well." I shrugged. "Pretty big scar probably."
"Nothing a little make up couldn't fix." Slitting my eyes, I turned to his direction and saw the sly smile on his lips. "Think I'm that shallow?" He laughed, "or just hoped?"
"Hoped." I answered bluntly. I should have known better than to cling to such a thing. This house is where hope, faith and dreams came to die. Again the blonde chuckled and brought himself closer.
"Guessing Tink was real mad at you."
"In a few hours I'm either losing a limb or having one broken." I sighed defeatedly.
"He say which?"
"He's flipping a coin."
"Maybe Junior's girlfriend has competition for who can scream louder." Tex mused, "don't go letting me down now, we both know that you have a set of lungs on you."
"I wouldn't give you the satisfaction." I growled back allowing my auburn locks to conceal my view of him.
"We'll see sweetheart. Different story when it's happening."

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