Finding Mr. Knight (DDLB) | ✔️

By BoundlessReverie

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✔️ | What happens if you fall for a man after only a few dates? And what do you do when he disappears from y... More

40. Epilogue


5.8K 220 32
By BoundlessReverie


The three of us stepped into Julian's office, and on one of the couches sat an unfamiliar man. He was older than us, maybe late forties, early fifties, but he still looked young. He sat back on the couch, housing a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"You must be the one I am helping." His expression bordering apathetic, watching me intently with his cold eyes.

"I am." I answered with a subtle nod.

"How would you like this done? I can make it quick and painless, or if you'd prefer. . . I can make it fun." He smirked. The excitement behind the man's face made a chill run down my spine.

"Whatever you have to do. I just can't handle him any longer."

"I can see why. He's a powerful man. From my research, I've heard you caused quite the commotion before your disappearance. You do realize who you stole from that day, right?"

"Of course I do. I didn't have a choice." I clenched my hands into tight fists. Does he think I'm stupid? That I don't know what I did?

"I just want you to understand that even if your brother is dead, you may still have people after you."

"If it comes down to that, I can always just disappear again. They can't find me if I'm always on the run." I shrugged, my heart sinking at the thought of leaving.

"Disappear? After all this, Alek?" Julian's voice chimed in from beside me.

"It's just a thought, man. I don't want to put you guys in any more danger than I already have."

Julian shook his head at me and Anthony was surprisingly silent.

"Running will never work unless you do not care about your friends and family. Chances are, they know everything about you and everyone in this house. You run, they will all be dead. Of course for the right price, I can help get rid of the problem." He smirked.

"I'll pay anything. I need him gone. I. . . I need them all gone."

"Then we have a deal, my friend. I've located Viktor and his crew earlier today. I'd like a day to follow him and track his schedule. What he does, where he goes, then when the time is right, he will no longer breathe the oxygen this world has to offer."

"And you're sure you can do this?" I asked.

"I am the best hitman you will encounter in your existence. I have the resources, the skills and the weapons. You have nothing to worry about." He reassured.

"Alright. Do you need anything else from me?"

"No. Just sit back and I will get the job done." The man drank the remnants of his whiskey, then set it on the table beside him.

The man left shortly after, leaving the three of us in the silence.

Just as Julian was about to speak up, a tiny knock resounded throughout the room. I had a feeling I knew who it was, so I got up from my spot on the couch and opened the door.

On the other side was Noah. His beautiful eyes were red, tears streaming down his rosy cheeks.

"Noah, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I knelt down on one knee so I could be closer to his height.

Closing my hand around his wrist, I gently tugged it away from his face.

"I. . . I had b—bad dream." He cried. "I look for you everywhere."

"Oh sweetheart, I'm right here, okay? I'm here. Are you sure you don't want Chris? Or Fox?"

"I had dream they mean to me. Only want you." He sniffled and cried even harder, collapsing in my arms.

"C—Can you pwetend to love me today? I scared. I no want to be alone."

"I'm here, Noah. I'm not going anywhere." My heart physically tore hearing how I've made I'm feel. Of course I already know what I've done, but to hear the pain in his voice. . . It's breaking me.

I turned my head to look at Anthony and Julian, the two nodded, giving me the ok to go. I lifted Noah up in my arms and carried him down the hall to another one of their living rooms.

It had a large sectional a tv and a whole nother sound system. The one wall was covered in windows, letting the moonlight shine in.

Before setting Noah down, I grabbed the remote for the tv and sat with him on my lap.

"Do you want to watch a show? Maybe that'll help you feel better?" I asked softly, brushing some hair behind his ears.

"Um. . . Okay." He whispered.

I flipped through Netflix and found a show I felt he'd like, then set the remote down beside me.

"Do you want to talk about your dream?"

He took an unsteady breath, then looked up at me sadly.

"T—They took Mr. Snuggle from me and they laughed. A—And they made fun me for having stuffies. They said I was too old to have them! Then they uhh lock me in dark room and they left me in there all by myself. I was so scared."

"Oh my baby, I'm so sorry. I hope you know that it was just a dream and they would never do that to you. They love you so much, okay? Your never too old to have your stuffies either, understand? You can have as many as you want." I smiled, tightening my arms around him.

"So you no think I'm too old? Because I don't wanna get rid of my stuffies. I love them!" He blushed, nuzzling his face into my neck. "I love them with my everything. Mr. Snuggles always there for me."

"No, you'll never be too old for them sweetheart. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, okay?"

"You think I pretty?" He sat back a little to I could see his face.

"You're the prettiest boy in this whole entire world. The prettiest boy I've ever seen."

"Really? That sounds like. . . Really pretty. I don't think I that nice looking." He simpered, biting down on his bottom lip shyly.

"You're gorgeous, sweet boy. You always will be, especially in my eyes. I know you might not remember this when you're big, but I won't leave you again. I know my promises to you don't mean a lot, but I'm working on it. I'm sorry for hurting you, and I'm even more sorry for leaving you that day. I hope one day I can earn your trust back." I wiped at Noah's eyes before continuing. "I don't expect you to trust me for a long time, but I will do everything I can to make it up to you. I'm tired of running."

"I just want you stay with me because I love you. Even if you no love me. I try and make it stop, but I can't."

"You don't need to make it stop sweetheart, because I love you too. I didn't want to say it for the first time with you being little, but I do. I always have and I always will. I'm sorry I made you feel otherwise. I will love you until my last breath."

"You be my papacha forever?"

"Always, my beautiful boy. Your lover, your boyfriend, your daddy, your papochka. . . I'll be all of it and more. From this moment forward I will never leave your side."

"You not lying?"

"No, I swear to you I'm not. I won't walk away from you ever again." I grinned tenderly, holding my boy securely in my arms.

"Okay. . . If you make me sad again, I send Mr. Snuggles after you. You won't like when he angry." He frowned.

"I expect nothing less, sweetheart."

With a Featherlight touch, Noah kissed the top of my nose, then my cheek.

"I love you forever." He muttered quietly in my ear.


When I opened my eyes, everything felt fuzzy. My head was pounding worse than ever before; it felt like I had a hangover gifted from the devil him self.

I attempted to sit up, but felt something weighing me down.

Pulling my arm free from the weight on top of me, I rubbed at my eyes in attempts to adjust them in the dark room.

The one thing that gave the mysterious weight on top of me away was the scent of him. Alek.

His hair smelt so sweet mixed with the faintest tinge of cigarette smoke.

He laid with his head on my chest, his arms around my entire body and his left leg on top of mine.

Before I could stop myself, I delicately ran my fingers through his dark hair. Everything seemed so surreal. I couldn't figure out how I got here, why were laying on the couch. . . Did we fall asleep watching a movie?

Then everything came rushing back. The amazing night of sex we had after two long years. It was like the first time all over again.

I was surprised my back wasn't in any pain, but I couldn't complain. We must have gotten tired after our fun.

I stretched big and tapped on Alek's shoulder until he grumbled tiredly.

"Yes, Noah?"

"Do you want to go to my room? It'll be comfier." I smiled. To cuddle in my big bed together sounds amazing!

"Your room?" He asked, sounding confused.

"Um, yes? Where else would we go?" I scratched my head, reaching behind me to grab my glasses, but I couldn't feel the table and my glasses were nowhere to be found.

"Have you seen my glasses, daddy?"

"I think you might have left them in the movie room, sweet boy. Wait— are you big again? You sound different." Alek lifted himself up from me and scrambled to turn the light on.

It made everything even more blurry and the light was so bright on my eyes!

"Where— why are we at Fox and Julian's? How did we get here?" Even though it was difficult to see, it wasn't hard to realize this place I'm in, it isn't my apartment.

"I'm so happy your back, Noah. How are you feeling?"

"You're happy I'm . . . Back? What are you talking about? Did I just dream about what we did?" I blushed, embarrassed with myself. Did we really not have sex? Were we never at my apartment?

"What we did? Noah, what is the last thing you remember?"

"I thought we um. . . Made love, and fell asleep on the couch. But I don't know if that happened because we're not in my apartment? I'm so confused daddy. What's going on?"

"We did make love, sweetheart. A week ago. You've been little all week. You really don't remember?"

"All week? Are you crazy? I've never been little for that long!" I gasped. "You have to be joking! What happened to make me be like that? Actually— maybe can we talk about it later?"

"Anything you want, baby boy. I'm sure everything will come back to you, just give it some time."

"I hope it does. What happened, was it bad?"

"It wasn't good, sweetheart. But just know everything will be okay now." Alek tried to give me a reassuring smile, but I could see right through it.

"You look sad, Daddy." I bit down on my lip anxiously, debating if I really wanted to go through with my idea. "C—Can I make you feel better?"

"All I need is to have you next to me." He answered with a charming smile, but that isn't what I wanted.

My lower region had other ideas.

Before giving myself any longer to think about it, I slid off the couch and kneeled between Alek's legs.

His eyes glazed over and he looked hungry.

"Please daddy." I squirmed, getting even harder as I watched Alek's own length grow in his pants.

"We shouldn't, baby. I don't want to take advantage of you. It's not a good idea."

"Is it because I was bad at it?" I began withdrawing from Alek, but he was faster. He gravitated towards me, tangling his fingers in my hair; just barely grazing the back of my neck.

"There is nothing I love more than having your mouth wrapped around my cock baby, but you've been through a lot this last week. I don't want to cause you any more stress."

"This will do the opposite of causing me stress. Please let me, daddy. Please." I implored hurriedly, willing to say or do anything I can for him to let me do this.

"I'm all yours."

Alek leaned back, lifting his hips up for me. My hands were trembling as I tugged the fabric down to his knees; his length slipping free.

I licked my lips eagerly, closing my fingers around his shaft. He felt so warm and so so hard, I was practically drooling. I can't believe its apparently been a week since we've had sex!

I kissed the head of his penis, then down his entire shaft all the way to each of his balls. One at a time, I sucked them into my mouth. He smelt like literal heaven. So sweet and musky; it had my head spinning.

I looked up at him through my lashes. He was blurry, but it wasn't hard to make out the look of serenity on his handsome face.

"Suck it, baby. I need to feel you. . ."

I was close to giggling at his naughty words, but refrained and instead put him in my mouth.

I took him as far as I physically could without gagging. I still don't really know what to do, so I just went with what felt right. I would suck hard and slow, feeling every ridge and vein of his throbbing manhood, then I would go light and fast, even gliding my tongue around in a way I hoped felt good.

"Daddy, you taste so yummy." I moaned out breathlessly, palming my length with my free hand.

"Such a pretty mouth. God, I love you so fucking much."

I paused, looking at him with my jaw unhinged.

"You love me?" I inhaled sharply, at a complete loss for words. I've always loved him, but. . .

"I've always loved you, Noah."

My brain still couldn't even come up with anything, so I filled my mouth with his length and sucked him until he was cumming down my throat. Even his cum tasted so good! Way better then what's his names. I don't think they can even compare!

I might have came in my undies too, but that's not to be acknowledged or even thought about.

When I was done, I kissed a line up his thigh then gave his softened length a kiss. My head laid against his lap as I fought to catch my breath.


"Yes, baby boy?"

"I love you too. With all my heart."

Oh my goodness, that felt amazing to get off my chest! Yes, I feel like something really bad might have happened this past week, but I could care less right now. Alek loves me! I never in a million bajillion years thought a handsome, caring man like Alek could love a weirdo like me!

"I'm so happy! I can't believe you love me back!" I wanted to find Mr. Snuggles and tell him so bad! He'd be so happy for me.

"Don't ever forget it either, Noah."

"Okay, okay! Don't be so serious! You told me you love me so I can now die happy." I giggled then grimaced at my word choice. "Sorry, that was a weird thing to say."

"No, it was perfect baby boy. I feel the same about you."

"Daddy, is Mr. Snuggles here? And what about Mrs. Cuddles and Mr. Lion? I have something to tell them." I blushed, licking the saltiness on my lips.

"You only have Mr. Snuggles here. Do you want me to go get him for you?"

"Why do I only have one? Where are the others? Don't tell me they got hurt." I frowned. What if I never see them again?

"They're fine, don't worry. They're safe at home sitting right on top of your bed."

I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I was so worried!

"Can you go get me Mr. Snuggles please and thank you?" I smiled sweetly, protruding my bottom lip out.

"I can do that. Do you need anything else, beautiful?"

"Um. . . A drink would be really nice! Only if you want to though. Don't feel like you have to because I'd be more than happy to go get—"

"I'll get you a snack too." He winked and walked down the dark hallway, leaving me there with a smile.

The time Alek was gone had me really wondering what happened. Why I would be little for over a week. It doesn't really sound believable because that's never happened to me before. It's even stranger not remembering what happened either. I can only hope my memory comes back to me.

I hate being left in the dark.

Alek came back a short while later with juice, snacks, and Mr. Snuggles.

"I'll be right back, daddy." I took my teddy from Alek's hand and ran down the hall so he couldn't hear me.

As soon as I was alone, I hugged him to my chest and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You'll never guess what happened! Alek told me he loves me!" I giggled.

"I know! It doesn't feel real but he does! He really really does!" I squealed excitedly, hugging him again. After I gave Mr. Snuggles my news, I ran back to my Daddy and jumped on his lap.

"Hi! I love you." I laughed, smothering his face in little kisses.

"I love you too, baby boy. You're so perfect." Alek smiled and when he did, there was something different in his eyes. A pretty sparkle that showed pure happiness.

"I'm so happy you're back, Noah. Don't get me wrong, I love when you're little, but I was starting to get worried. Other than you not remembering some things, are you feeling okay?"

"My head hurts and everything just feels a little not real, I guess? It kind of feels like I'm not really in my body. Like part of me is stuck in a field picking endless flowers and the other part is locked in a glass room, watching myself from the outside. Like I just kind of feel like a body with no soul. But on the other hand I couldn't feel more. . . Here? That probably makes no sense. Oh god, I think I sound like a crazy person."

My cheeks were so hot you'd think I was standing out in the boiling sun for days! They burned in mortification. Why did I say that? Next thing I know Alek is going to be checking me into a mental institution.

"I'm not crazy, I promise. I'm just um. . . I'm different. And I mean that all figuratively, not literally. . . I don't actually think I'm not here because I know I am. Did you know flowers can hear bees buzzing? Flowers even make their nectar sweeter because of it!"

I need to shut up. Just stop talking.

"The world's oldest flower was the Montsechia Vidalii. It's lived over a hundred and thirty million years! Isn't that crazy? It's sadly extinct but you can see them in fossils! And they're from Spain so I can have an excuse to eat pizza if I ever go there! Wait, no, that's Italy!"

"Take a breath, baby." Alek chuckled.

"I ramble when I'm nervous. You make me nervous." I admitted sheepishly.

"Don't be nervous. I love everything about you, Noah. Your rambling is what I love most if we're being honest here."

"Okay, now I know you're lying."

"Never. It's the truth, and you have to accept it." He smirked. "Come on, we should get some sleep. The sun will be up soon."

"Fine, but you have to carry me. My legs are really sleepy." I smiled. "Oh! And you have to carry Mr. Snuggles with me too, okay?"

"Hold on to him tight, baby boy." He lifted me up so fast! I could feel his muscles bulging against me as he carried me.

"You're so strong, daddy. You carry me like I'm a feather!" I giggled.

"This? This is nothing baby." He purposely flexed his arms, causing me to squirm in his grasp.

Alek carried us all the way to one of the spare bedrooms. He tucked me in before joining me on the other side.

I didn't want to be apart from him for even a second, so I curled myself into his body and we fell asleep being one another.


The next morning my head was feeling a little better, so I kissed Alek's cheek, brushed my teeth and ran downstairs.

When I saw everyone in the kitchen, I gasped.

"You're all here?! Did I really forget us all having a sleepover?!"

"Hi Chrissy! Hi Fox!" I slid my fuzzy socks across the floor and crashed into the two of them. "Why are you all here?!"

"Are you back? Is it big Noah?" Chris asked, his expression concerned.

"Yes it's me! Alek told me I was little for a whole week?! I'm so sorry you guys had to deal with me. I must have been the biggest pain in the butt." I frowned. "What happened anyways?"

"Uh. . ." Chris and Fox both made the same sound at the same time.

"Is it that bad?" I scratched my head, looking between the two, then over to Anthony and Julian.

"I'm going to be honest, it's not great, but I don't want to tell you everything then cause you to go back into little space."

"I don't like not knowing things, guys. This isn't really fair to me." I pouted. "I won't let myself go back even if it hurts."

"Promise?" Fox asked nervously, holding out his pinkie to me.

Chris joined and the three of us together locked our pinkies and sealed it with a kiss to our knuckles.

"Maybe I should start." I turned around to see Alek standing there. So tall and handsome. Especially with his hair a mess. Yummy.

"I made waffles, so everyone go sit at the table and we can talk." Fox announced, putting the last two waffles on a big plate.

Anxiously, I followed everyone into the dining room and sat on the chair with my legs crossed.

"So last week, after we had sex. . . I uh—" he sighed. "You asked me if I've killed anyone. We got into a big fight and it ended with me leaving. I thought it would be better for us to be apart, but I learned that is very far from the truth."

"Have you? You know, killed anyone?" I asked hesitantly.

"Not willingly, baby boy. I would never hurt anyone like that besides Viktor. My time in Russia, I had to protect myself. I did everything I could to come back home to you. They threatened the lives of everyone I've ever loved if I didn't cooperate with him. I couldn't let any harm come to any of you. After that, you went into little space because of me and I'm so sorry."

"What else happened?"

"Alek's house got shot up. I almost got a bullet through my skull, but I'm fine." Anthony shrugged.

"I have a friend taking care of our little problem though. You shouldn't have to worry about Viktor anymore after tonight." Julian said.

"Daisy's had to let you go too, Noah. I'm so sorry. They said they weren't able to work around your absences anymore." Chris added.

"But I only missed a couple of shifts." I sniffled, trying to ignore the way my lip was trembling. "I loved Daisy's."

"Oh sweetheart, don't cry. We can find you an even bigger, better flower place to work at. If you really wanted, I can buy you one of your own." Alek smiled charmingly and my tummy was doing somersaults.

"No I could never ask something like that, daddy. That's too much."

"We can talk about it another time, but don't cry over a place like that. We will get you something bigger and better, okay? Daddy is going to take care of you from here on out."

"And what about my job at the bar?" I looked over at Chris. "D—Do I still have a job there?"

"You always will, bestie. I hired another manager, but who's to say we can't have two? Work whatever hours you want, however long you want and you will always have a paycheque. Even if there are days you can't work, you don't have to worry." Chris gave me a reassuring smile.

"Why are you guys being so nice to me? I haven't done anything to deserve this. The care, the love you all give me. . . I'm just a needy person who can barely take care themself." I sulked back in my chair, wanting it to just swallow me whole.

"Because it's you, Noah. You mean the world to each of us." Fox added.

"Even though I haven't been the best at showing it, I love you and everyone in this room does. We take care of the people we love." Alek squeezed my knee; my body encompassed with so much warmth and love.

"You deserve it. You're such a kind person, Noah. I could never sit back and watch your struggle. I was where you were before until Anthony came along. We're a family and whether we're blood or not, family takes care of each other."

"So everything is going to be okay?" I asked.

"We're going to be just fine."

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