Can't Be Without You | Jungko...

By mimiswriting

22.3K 1.5K 163

One night you're gushing over rom-coms and Jungkook's cooking; a few nights later you're tending to his beat... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16

Part 15

1.7K 98 27
By mimiswriting


Months pass and you didn't expect for things to change as much as they have.

When Jungkook left your apartment, you silently asked him to make sure that things wouldn't change between you two, but he'd told you things that you didn't know how to react to, keeping that conversation parked, leaving him high and dry. Heartbroken too, but he wouldn't tell you that.

Movie nights no longer happen. You still message each other every few days but they're barely conversations. You'd drop by the supermarket but you're now unaware of his new shift; the same goes with the club.

Yoongi insists that Jungkook has just been really busy. Between physical therapy and taking additional shifts, he just really hasn't had much time to spare. Whatever time he can get where he's not working, he uses it to rest.

You suppose it makes sense if he distances himself from you, especially since the last time movie night was supposed to take place, you had to cancel because you had to see Jin. That, too, is a change in itself.

Despite it all, you're just glad that Jungkook is no longer fighting. He kept his promise and continues to promise you that you won't have to worry about him again. It doesn't change the fact that you miss him terribly, though.

Jungkook, on his end, just wants to do right by you. All those weeks of living with you made him realize many things - one of them was how much stress he really put you through and that he doesn't want that for you anymore.

Another realization, the one that scared him more than anything, was that you and Jin could really be something, and it might be too late for him now, especially if you've already found the person who can be good for you. But now it's clear to Jungkook what's good for him, and in a moment of epiphany, he decides that if he really wants to be happy, he knows he can only be that with you. He could at least try.

It's why he's standing by your door, incessantly knocking, waiting for you to open it for him like you had all those times before.

You get up from your bed due to the banging on your door and as you open it, your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat at the sight of your best friend. You let him in and it's instinct for you to grab his face, move it side-to-side, and check for any wounds or injuries on his body.

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" You ask, turning him around and checking his hands for any cuts, just in case. Jungkook's eyes are locked on you, following your movements.

"I can't live without you, ___," is what he greets you with.

You sigh at this and look at him with somber eyes. You don't like him thinking this way, like you're a necessity in his life. "Jungkook, we're not doing this again. I told you, you can."

"I can't. And even if I can, I don't want to. Because I know now -- no, I'm sure now, that you're the most important thing in my life and I'll lose more if I don't do anything. I'll lose you, and I can't lose you," he says, the constant line making another appearance.

"Jungkook, you won't lose me. I'll always be here for you, I told you."

"As what? As my best friend? Just my best friend?"

"What else would I be?" You ask, feeling like cowering because you're not sure if you're ready for what he's about to say.

"Something more. I want you, ___. I want to be with you and I need you to know that even if I know it's too late," he sighs. He may like Jin for you but he definitely likes himself more for you.

"I want you for you and for what you do for me," he continues. "Because you're wrong. No one else can do what you do for me because all they want are the good parts, the ones that they can benefit from. They don't want my baggage, they don't want my past, not the scars that are still healing, not the doubts I have of myself, none of that. They don't want a life with me, the way you do. You've always accepted me for who I am. Not everybody can do that because I'm such a pain in the ass and probably the most difficult person to love but you do anyway."

With every step he takes towards you, you take a step back until your back is pushing against the wall.

"It's not about saving me from myself, ___. It's about loving me, through the good and the bad. That's what you do for me and I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life but I can't just stand back and not fight for you this time. I won't." He closes his eyes, recalling all the nights he'd spent thinking about you, wishing he was with you instead of someone else.

"I know Jin is good for you but I, I can be good for you, too. And I can do so much more. I can be so much more, ___. I promise you that."

"Jungkook," you try to cut him off.

"I mean, I know it'll take time before I get to take you to those fancy places or get you nice dresses."


"But I can do other things. I'm sure I cook better and I'll buy a secondhand car and take you to places and I'll be good to you, ____. I'll be so good to you, just please --"

"Jungkook!" You slap his chest to shut him up.


"Jin broke up with me."

"What? Why?" Jungkook is suddenly irate. He should be happy but he starts to feel anger bubbling at the thought that Jin was the one who broke things off.

"Why?" You sigh, the feeling all too familiar. "It's the same reason why Sejun and Minho broke up with me... Jin isn't you."

Jungkook is in shock, doe-eyes staring at you, his breath catching in his throat at the thought that your ex-boyfriends had been the ones to end it. You always brushed him off when he asked, saying things just didn't work out.

"None of them was you. And they all knew that. Especially Jin. He knew that no matter how good he is to me and for me, he knows he's not you," you explain, your head hanging low at the memory of that night when you'd canceled movie night with Jungkook because Jin wanted to talk. He realized that even if you both tried, he was always going to be second to your best friend, something he couldn't really blame you for.

"He lost a long time ago. They all did. I'd still drop everything for you, Jungkook," you confess, looking up at him now. "That's never gonna change. They can't compete with you, whether it's the ghost of you or the real you. I'll always choose you. And Jin made me realize that. It's always gonna be you, Jungkook, even if I don't want it to. It's always gonna be --"

Your speech is cut short at the feel of Jungkook's soft lips on your own, stealing the breath out of you. It's not chaste but not hard either. He holds it steady, barely moving; just enough to get a feel of you, see if you'll push him away, and maybe to shut you up, too.

He pulls away, his imploring eyes needing confirmation that he didn't misinterpret what you just said. You look at him as he swallows hard, almost out of breath, like he's suddenly unsure.

Your hands find themselves behind his neck and you pull him towards you, kissing him this time, sucking in a breath as you do. He falls into rhythm with you immediately, his hands gripping your waist and pulling you closer, wanting to feel more of you other than just your lips.

With his touch, you feel like your body is on fire and you gush at the tingling sensation you feel all over. You never thought this would happen yet it feels so right, so natural. And you can't help yourself.

You open your mouth, encouraging him to taste you more, which he does, as his tongue searches yours, wet muscles entangling and savoring each other. Your messy kisses start to be in tune with your hips grinding against each other, Jungkook pulling you even more forward, making you feel the growing bulge beneath his tight jeans.

Your hands slip down to his chest, already enjoying the feel of it despite the thin shirt he's wearing. Your kisses continue, tongues dancing, heads changing their angles, as if each one will give you a different taste, a different feel.

In your exploration of each other's mouths, Jungkook releases a soft moan, and you smile into the kiss, liking the effect you're having on the man whose lips you'd imagined tasting far too many times.

He trails down the side of your jaw then moves to the area near your ears. With a certain force of the buck of your hip, he murmurs a fuck and with his hoarse and very turned on voice, you feel the floodgates of your pussy open. He continues down, sucking the skin of your neck while his one hand lifts your leg to wrap it around him so he can grip your ass.

You continue like this, his lips finding purchase in the available skin and your hands gripping onto the strands of his hair, wanting him closer, harder. You feel lightheaded but you don't care. You're both lost in the feel and sounds of each other that you don't realize the constant ringing of your phone.

You release yourself from his mouth and tell him that your phone is ringing and you have to pick it up, body angling away from him and towards your room.

"It's not your work phone, leave it," he says, as he nips on your throat before he gives it open-mouth kisses.

"Might still be an emergency," you say, your husky voice not matching your intention to pick up the call. "Please, Kook. We'll continue," you say, slowly but hesitantly pulling him off you.

He finally lets you go and you tiptoe to give him a quick peck on his lips before you scurry towards your room. He walks after you and can't help himself. With your back turned to him, he wraps his arm around you and places light, hot kisses on your neck. You bite back a moan.

"Kook, it was your mom," you say, your voice alarmed.

You dial her number and Jungkook doesn't stop his exploration of your body, as his hands start to travel underneath your shirt. "Mhmm, okay," is all he says.

"Hi, Auntie! Is everything okay?" You ask, trying so hard to keep your voice steady, a feat in itself considering how utterly rude your best friend is right now, with his lips and hands not giving you room to breathe.

She asks how her son is doing since he hasn't been picking up her calls, worried that he might've changed his number again without informing her, something you always scolded Jungkook for doing. At this, you turn your head towards the man in question, scowling at him.

"What?" He mouths, then smirks and turns your head away from him with his hand so he can continue laving his tongue at your neck.

"He's just been busy, Auntie, but he's doing okay!" You say, as you try to stop Jungkook's hand from going south of your stomach. He really has the audacity to finger you with his mother at the other end of the line. "He's here, actually. I'll let you talk to him."

You turn around and hand him your phone, eyebrow cocked. He glares at you but takes the phone anyway. "Mom!" He exclaims. "How are you?"

You can tell by the exasperated look on his face that she's scolding him, probably for ignoring her again. From where you are, you can hear her rambling, voice going loud then soft and you laugh at this, enjoying how uninterested Jungkook is. So you take this opportunity to get back at him.

You bite your lip as you eye him up and down, and he notices this, his face changing as if to tell you to not even think about it.

You graze your fingers over his shirt, focusing on his nipples and tracing them down gingerly until they reach his pants. You feel Jungkook hold his breath and see his nostrils flare as you slowly unbutton and unzip his jeans. You don't pull it down though, but you do slip your hand inside to cup his cock with your hand, palming it gently. You giggle at the way he looks - one hand gripping on the phone and the other, on his head.

You close your eyes and lick your lips at the feel of him because fuck does he feel so good, and before you know it, he's telling his mom to "Please say all this to ___ because I'm gonna forget," handing your phone back to you, which you take, hand out of his jeans now, and you resume the conversation that Jungkook so rudely cut off.

He pulls you towards him as he sits on the edge of your bed, ready to exact his own revenge. He smirks at you before he's pushing up your shirt, bunching it right underneath your breast, proceeding to make open-mouth kisses on your stomach. His hot breath on your skin and the way his hand is moving from your back to your ass to your thighs is adding to the wetness that's already making your underwear feel uncomfortable.

His kisses keep getting lower and he's so unbothered by your constant claims of yes, I'll tell him, that sounds great, Auntie, in a shaky voice, over the phone. It's when he starts to grip on the band of your shorts that you jerk away and beg him to please wait, and he can't help but laugh at how desperate you look.

You're finally saying your goodbyes and you place your phone on your side table. He's sitting there, leaning back with his tattooed arms supporting his weight, his jeans undone and long hair pushed back, his white shirt giving you a peak of what's underneath. He looks so fucking sinful.

You cross your arms and pout. "You're mean. That was your mother, Jungkook."

He laughs at you. Does he really think it's funny if you suddenly let out a moan over the phone because her son can't keep his hands off of you? What a brat.

"You're cute," he replies.

"Not funny," you deadpan, but with how he's eyeing you up and down, how he's licking and biting his lips as you cower under his gaze, it makes you feel hot all over.

He enjoys you looking so flushed with him like this, no traces of worry or sadness painting your face. It's a sight he definitely wants to get used to.

"C'mere," he says, in that teasing but gravelly tone of his, pulling you by your waist and motioning you to sit on top of him.

With his voice alone, you could already come undone, and now his hands are on your hips as they help you adjust on his lap, placing your crotch right on top of his. He's just semi-hard and he already feels so good.

When he thinks you're stable, he directs your face towards him.

"You're adorable, too." Kiss on the cheek. "And so sexy." Kiss on the other cheek. "And so, so beautiful." Kiss on the lips.

This time, it's harder than the previous ones. It's rougher, more desperate, his teeth nipping on your lips, his tongue chasing then battling with yours, both your moans getting longer and louder, as you resume bucking your hips against each other.

Your hands are on his shoulder for support and his are on your waist for guidance, one hand inching its way underneath your shirt to grope your breast. You curse at the feel of his large hand enveloping you and he plays around, pinching and fondling your nipples. He's dissatisfied, pushing your shirt further up to reveal your bare chest.

At this, his gaze hardens even more, desire getting stronger and stronger. He attacks your breasts with his mouth, tongue swirling around one and hand squishing and flicking the other. His other hand remains tightly around your waist as it continues to hold you steady as he rubs his clothed cock on your clothed cunt. You feel his nails digging into your skin, knowing they'll leave marks for you to see tomorrow.

You're so lost in the feel of him attacking you. "God, I've wanted this for so long," you moan.

He smirks at this. "How long?"

"Not telling."

He stops his movements and looks up at you blankly. Your eyes open at the sudden loss and look at him infuriatingly.


"How long?" He implores.

"High school."

He's satisfied with this and continues from where he left off. "Early sexual awakening, I see."

"End of high school, just to be clear."

It's just his mouth that stops now as he looks at you, waiting for you to continue.

"Look," you start with a shaky voice in between your pants because he still has his hands doing sinful things to your breast. "You were this emo 15-year old with your black earrings and hair over your eyes and puffy cheeks and then you go away for one summer and then suddenly you look like fucking Adonis birthed you or something."

"Hmm," he says, then goes back to sucking your nipple. "Not the first time I heard that," he chuckles.

You push his head out of your chest and level with him. You're enjoying this but you also realize you haven't really cleared things with him, too desperate for each other to even really talk. He takes the hint and stops his motions.

"Seriously though, Kook. It was weird," you say, trying not to meet his eyes. "Because you're my best friend and I'm not supposed to look at you like that but then you looked like that. And when things got worse for me, it was just a reflex to call you. Well, it was my parents' reflex to call you and then it just became a habit for me and I just called you every fucking time."

It's like a switch and you're suddenly emotional, thinking back to how attached you were to him before, something you never really grew out of but then evolved to be manageable as you got older.

"Hey, hey. Why do you feel bad about that?" He asks, hand tilting your chin to face him. "I wanted you to call, every fucking time. I told you, you've always meant the world to me and I would do anything for you."

"Yeah but then I ended up falling in love with you."


"It was just a crush at the start but the feelings weren't immediate, I mean," you say, shifting on his lap for a better position. "When we were younger I thought it was just this dependency thing, you know? Because you were always saving me, arm out every single time I was drowning, like you were just waiting for me to tug at you and then you'd pull me out..." Moments of him screaming your name, running towards you, pulling you into a hug flash before your eyes.

"What about now? Is it still a dependency thing?"

You shake your head no. "It hurt leaving you. And then when we drifted, I felt a part of me was gone, like I was going through life with a half functioning heart."

Jungkook aches at this, learning how much you hurt then when he stayed away.

"And when I saw you again, I was just so glad you were okay, that you were safe. Like that was enough to let me be at ease because I missed you. So much. But then seeing you with your exes hurt, and I hated myself when I'd think it could be me, but I just wanted you to be happy. Even if it wasn't with me, in that way. I guess that's when I knew."

Jungkook soaks everything in, hoping he'd known earlier.

"I'm a lot stronger now. It's just that I'm sure I don't want to be without you again. Ever."

"Same here," he affirms you, eyes so tender, his hold softening and his hands caressing your arms.

Your face falls to rest on the crook of his neck. "I love you, Jungkook. I loved you then and I love you now. I think I'll love you always," you finally say.

It's the declaration of love you didn't think you'd ever make, given that a part of you accepted that your relationship would never head that direction. But being with him like this now, it feels surreal. Also silly.

He pulls you so you're face-to-face.

"What was that? I didn't hear you," he smirks.

"Don't make me say it again," you pout.

He gives you a disappointing look and you release a breath.

"I love you, okay?" You repeat the words.

He just looks at you and hums, enjoying the teasing a little bit too much.

"Jungkook!" You scream, slapping his chest again. Much as you missed his mischievous ways, this isn't really the time to fool around.

"I love you, too." He laughs. "And I wanna be with you."

He wraps his arms around your waist and you wrap yours around his neck, and you're just there, basking in each other's presence, like this is how it was always supposed to be. "I mean it," he says.

"I know," you respond.


You look at each other again, all the emotions from all the years together and apart - gratitude, longing, regret - melding to form a string that binds you both. Despite your own struggles and demons, despite your guilt of walking away from each other at one point, despite all the pain and hardship you'd caused each other, it was that overwhelming, unyielding, and unconditional love you share that keeps you coming back to each other. And now, it's something you can openly and fully share.

His gaze breaks as he eyes your lips once again, and with his hand on the back of your head, he brings you close for another kiss. It's a little softer this time yet still purposeful. You melt into him, loving how you're already getting used to this.

He flips you on your bed and lays you down, your mouths not parting from each other. He hovers over you, his arms on the side of your head for support, his legs trapping yours in between his. Your hips buck at the pleasure just from his kiss, and your hands caress his side, sneaking underneath his shirt to feel his toned body.

"I don't know if I should fuck you senseless or take my time with you," he says as his lips move to your neck.

Your breath hitches. "The first one."

He smirks then faces you. "I know you said you wanted this for so long but did you imagine this, too?" He asks as he pulls up your shirt, then his.

He's hovering you again, placing soft kisses on the valley of your breasts, then your stomach, liking its rise and fall due to your heavy breathing.

"Yes, but I won't get into details," you respond.

He's going further and further down, his hands ghosting over the bands of your shorts. You feel lightheaded that you don't feel him remove the remainder of your clothing.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because I already know my imagination would be nothing compared to — ngh, fuck Jungkook," you scream out that last bit as you feel his tongue expertly lick your cunt, as if he's using your slick to glide it around the sensitive area and its vicinity. You can't even continue your sentence as you feel incapable of words; Jungkook has rendered you unable to do anything else, really, aside from moan and weakly buck your hips towards his mouth.

He's lapping his wet muscle over your lips, your hole, your sensitive nub, while his hands caress your thighs and lift them to rest over his shoulders. He adjusts his hold on you so he's comfortably between your legs, slurping your juices, following a pace that's making you even wetter than you already are.

With the remaining consciousness you have, you peek at him and you can see his eyes rolling to the back of his head even with his eyes closed; he's enjoying this as much as you are. You remain like this, your moans echoing throughout your room, Jungkook continuing his motions, lost in his own world. It's with a certain pressure on your clit that you come undone, and Jungkook catches your slick with his tongue, loving how sweet you taste.

Once he's satisfied, his kisses go north this time, going from your hips, to your stomach, to your chest, and back to your lips. He's taking his time with you now, which isn't even what you requested but this idiot is being such a tease.

You hazily reach out to him, half-lidded eyes looking at his crotch, begging him. "Let me."

"Another time, okay? Let me take care of you," he says, taking your hands into his, his mouth now at your neck.

You groan at this. "Take care of me with your dick, Jungkook. I need it inside me, whether in my mouth or my pussy. Fucking choose. Please," you shout, almost exasperatingly.

You don't know where that came from, but you've been desperate to feel all of him - you did say you wanted him to fuck you senseless - yet all he's been wanting to do is kiss you. Which isn't a big problem at all, just that since you'd touched him earlier, you've been imagining how good it would feel to do more with his dick.

This earns you a laugh, and not just any laugh. It's the kind that has him doubling over on your torso, his body shaking, boyish giggles escaping his mouth.

This isn't funny to you. "Jungkook, please. I just... Please stop teasing."

"I'm not," he insists. But with the distressed look on your face and the tears forming on the corner of your eyes out of frustration, he knows you don't believe him.

"Okay, okay!" He rises from the bed to swiftly remove his jeans and boxers, confirmations on both ends being given about being clean and his dick hardens even more at the thought that he gets to take you raw for your first time together.

He climbs back to bed and aligns himself with your entrance, foregoing whatever preparation is needed, and you're panting in anticipation. In all your years of pining - and maybe thirsting - for your best friend, you never really thought this day would come.

"Fuuuuck Jungkook, yes," you shout, as he's halfway in. "You feel so good," you say, each word like a sentence on its own. Your eyes are closed and you're reaching out for anything of his body to hold. You settle on his beautifully toned arms at your side, getting even more turned on at the feel of them -- not too big, but hard just the same.

He moans, enjoying the sounds you keep making. "Better than you imagined?"

"So much better," you grunt. "Oh god, shit," you shriek, as you feel him bottom out.

He pauses to let you get used to him. You're still panting, curses softly yet passionately coming out of your mouth.

"Wow okay, this is a new side to you. I like this," he says playfully. You don't see him lovingly gaze at how much you're falling apart underneath him. He loves that he gets to do this to you.

"You don't know what it's like to thirst for your best friend for years, okay. Shut up."

"Hey, no need to make me feel about it," he furrows his eyebrows.

"Sorry, it's not what I intended, I just want you so badly. And I need you to fucking move. You flicked a switch and I can't flick it back off."

He laughs before he turns serious. "Good, I don't want you to," he says as he begins to grind against you, slowly at first and then he moves back only to thrust harshly into you, earning him a soft cry.

"Nghh - please don't stop. Please keep going," you say, meeting his assault on your pussy.

He continues his thrusts, upper body now rising to pull your legs up so you're even more flushed against him.

He caresses your legs and then he lifts them so they're over his shoulders, over his kneeling form. This causes your hip to raise a little bit and allows him to go deeper into you, and he knows he's hit just the spot when you're mewling and cursing and shouting his name. His finger finds your clit and he's expertly flicking them, matching the way he's pushing in and out of your sopping cunt.

"Touch yourself, ___. I want you to feel everything."

You follow his demand and play with your nipples, all ready and angry to be touched. You're flicking and pinching, adding to the unbelievable pleasure coursing through your body.

Between his fingers, yours, and his dick that's just the right length and girth to hit the right spots without ripping you apart, you feel like having an out-of-body experience with how good this all feels. It definitely helps that you're madly in love with him, heart filled with so much joy at the fact that you get to feel him bare like this, you get to feel all of him in the most intimate way that you can. He knows you're close but he asks you to hold for a bit longer and you comply.

He's back to being flushed against you, your legs now wrapped around his waist, and it still allows him to relentlessly pound into you. His hand replaces one of yours on your breast, his mouth meeting yours again, but they're not exactly kisses this time. They remain open, tongues just lazily lapping at each other. He speeds up his movements and continues to thrust harshly, finding the rhythm that has you falling apart once more.

"You feel so good, ___."

"Kook, I'm close," you whisper in his mouth.

"Mhmm, I want to feel you when you come."

And with the certain pressure of his thrust into you, you feel that coil in your stomach snap, lewd sounds escaping your mouth, which Jungkook swallows with his own. Your juices milk his cock and he moans at this. You wrap your arms around him, fingers combing through his damp hair and tired as you are, you roll your hips into his and he grunts.

He feels your slick coat him and he shudders at how good you feel, his cock dragging in and out of your tight hole tirelessly, your sounds at the oversensitivity spurring him on. He's so captivated by your warmth, so entranced by the music spilling out of your mouth, so lost at the intense feeling of love and desire and longing he has for you.

With his knit brows and jaw slacking at the sensation, you yearn to feel him unravel inside you.

"Come for me, yeah?" you whisper in his ear, your post-orgasm voice the final thing he needs to come undone. He's spurting his seed into you and you moan at the slick that's starting to seep from inside you, down to your thighs. But you don't mind. You're both panting, satisfied, dazed.

He falls right next to you, his mouth still slightly open as he's still trying to catch his breath. You're no better.

He gathers whatever energy he has left to give you a peck on your cheek and rise from the bed, only to return with a wet cloth and a glass of water. He wipes off your mixed juices and he softly massages your thighs, knowing they took a beating. You both drink from the water and he lays down next to you, his arm around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder. You both lay there, wrapping your head around finally being together like this.

He adjusts his head so he's looking at you from the side, and you turn to him to meet his gaze, eyes so warm and innocent this time around.

"I should've realized it sooner," he finally starts. "And when I finally did, I think a part of me was just waiting to be good enough for you, to be deserving of you."

You shift so you're fully turned to him now. You cup his cheek with your hand. "You don't get to decide that, Jungkook."

"I know, but you deserve the world, ___. I can only hope to give you that. Even if right now I can't. Not completely, at least."

"You were all I ever needed, Jungkook. There's a reason why every time I ran away from home, it was always you whom I called. Always you I came running to, the one I wanted to hold me when my world was falling apart, and even when my pieces were back together." You say, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. "Yours was the only world I wanted so badly to be a part of then, and that hasn't changed."

He lets your words sink in, knowing that it's the same with him. Between your quirks, your playful but shy personality, and especially your compassion, you built your own world that he always wanted a piece of. He let you hold onto him because he didn't want to let you go.

He kisses you to say all the things he can't formulate into words yet. You sigh into him and he deepens the kiss, his hand now cupping your face, his thumb tracing circles on your cheek. Your legs entangle and your hand finds its home on his chest once more, gripping onto him; he's giving you air yet taking your breath away at the same time. You feel him smile into the kiss and god, his smile tastes so good.

He pulls away and extends his arm to wrap it around your shoulder, his back now flat on the bed. He pulls you close and you turn to your side, your arm caressing the expanse of his gorgeously toned chest, fingers tracing the ridges of his abs, softly picking on the hairs of his lower torso.

Jungkook, with his eyes now closed, moans at the feel of your hands and you feel your pussy clench, like it suddenly has a life of its own that naturally reacts to whatever he does.

"So... Can I have that dick in my mouth this time?" You say, lifting your head to face him.

Jungkook opens his eyes and chuckles. "I'm really liking this version of you, all hot and desperate for me," he teases.

You furrow your brows. "Do you know how hard it was to keep a straight face every time I had to clean you up and have you walk around my apartment half naked? It was torturous."

He laughs then kisses the pout off your face. "I don't."

"Exactly. So you don't get to tease me this time," you say, pointing a finger at him.

"Let me enjoy this for a bit. I'm not used to you getting flustered."

"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"You're right, I don't." You give him a peck on the lips. "So back to your dick..."


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