young, dumb, broke Highschool...

By hellokittyiskewl

1.2K 31 18

Your the new kid in town, you start Highschool in southpark being young, dumb, and broke šŸ—£ļø this is supposed... More

A new school, and a new smoke buddy
back to school party, your invited?
Dinner plans
Dinner with moms old friend pt.1
Faded than a... jew? (Dinner with moms old friend pt.2)
Diner with moms old friend pt.3
get a job broke bitch
Algebra sucks ass
Surprise period, fuck.

Jealousy isnt a good look

87 4 5
By hellokittyiskewl


word count: 2238

as Kenny and I walked in silence, I felt like I did something wrong that made him act this way

He opened the door for me and I hesitated before walking in

Everyone was talking and it was loud

Mrs.Chokesondick was at her desk using her computer doing teacher related things I'm guessing

'Shit' I remembered Kenny and I were pared up for the school project

I forgot what it was about

I took a seat and Kenny pulled up a chair in-front of my desk so we could work

Before we got to say anything Mrs.Chokesondick came over with the girl that complimented my hair in the bathroom yesterday

"Y/n, Kenny, red will be join y'alls group because her partner is sick and won't be back until after the project is due"

'Her names red? How ironic..' I thought to myself "oh ok!"

When I turned to Kenny he had a grin on his face looking at her

Red smiled and pulled up a chair "hey guys"

She sat closer to Kenny that to me but it didn't bother me because why would it?

"What is this project even about?" I spoke towards both of them

"We're supposed to pick an important day or holiday" red answered looking at me kindly

"Christmas easy" Kenny said

"No," he looked at me and raised his eyebrow

"we should do Dia de los muertos"

"uhm what?" He said confused as ever

Red piped up before I could answer, "it means 'the day of the dead'! It celebrates the dead, it symbolizes not grieving or being sad about your loved ones but to remember and cherish them"

My eyes were wide and I was kinda annoyed she answered for me

She said all of that while looking at him

He just smiled at her charmingly, "you sure know your history" Kenny said slouching in his seat

'Well fuck me' is all I could think

They were really close, physically and whatever you call what they are

I felt like a third wheel even though it was literally me and Kenny first

Before anything was discussed again Kyle turned to me from his seat tapping my shoulder

I turned to him and Kenny side eyed looking in my way

"So me, stan, cartman, and i guess Kenny still want to know if your coming to the party" he said

"Oh yeahhh I forgot about that," I could feel Kenny staring at us while red continued to talk

"My mom said I could only go if your going," Kyle smiled and stan spoke

"Oh cool so you're going?" Kyle looked at stan and back at me, "sorry to burst your bubble but i don't know if I'm even going-"

Cartman jumped in, "yeah Jews don't party y/n, you should know this"

Kyle groaned shooting cartman a glare, "I'll try to make it though"

I smiled and tried to reassure him, "it's fine if you can't go, I'll just lie to my mom and say you are going"

Kyle smiled and glanced behind me at Kenny

Kenny looked a little pissed but quickly looked back to red and gave her little 'mhm's to look like her was interested in what she was saying

Kyle just furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head

"What?" I said

He looked at me, "oh nothing, anyways yeah party.... I'll talk to you later, me and Stan have to start on our project"

I looked behind him and giggled, "your partner seems a little distracted"

Kyle looked behind him and saw Stan staring at Wendy with heart eyes looking like he was trying not to throw up

"Jesus not again" he groaned and turned back to me

"Heh yeah.." he turned back into his seat facing Stan and scolding him for looking like a weirdo

I could hear everything Kyle was saying to Stan which made me chuckle from how he scolded him like a mom

Kennys pov?

I watched y/n giggle and snicker to herself tuning out what Red was saying

Y/n looked at me and I quickly looked back at Red and interrupted her mid sentence

"So why do you want to do the day of the dead anyways y/n?" I said looking at her while Red was taken back by how I interrupted her

Y/n's pov:

As I looked up to see kenny staring at me he spoke

"So why do you want to do the day of the dead anyways y/n?"

I paused and started to think of an answer

"I just think it's a cool part of the Mexican culture.." (guys I'm Mexican so don't come at me 😭)

"Oh o-"

"I love your ring" Red said touching my hand while circling my ring with her finger

"I need to use the bathroom" I said standing up quickly

Kenny and Red looked a bit surprised the fact that I didn't say thank you but she quickly got over it

She seemed excited to be alone with kenny

Kenny not so much

I walked out of the class without Mrs.chokesondick noticing

I strolled down the halls to the closest girls bathroom

Kenny's pov:

As soon as y/n left, Red rolled her eyes and smirked

"That was the ugliest effing ring I've ever seen," (u see the reference I'm getting at?🙈) she said smiling like a bimbo, "not trying to be mean though..."

I narrowed my eyes at her and gave her a look of disappointment

'what the hell is Reds problem' I thought to myself as she touched my arm making me snap back to reality

I looked at her and raised my eyebrows, "what?"

Red smiled at me, "oh nothing..."

Y/n's POV:

I sat in the stall feeling agitated, "I fucking hate this..." I said to myself unlocking my phone

I got a text from Kyle, 'hey where r u?'

I smiled and opened our messages and text back, 'I'm in the bathroom' 'why u ask?'

'Oh well I just saw you walk out so I wanted to make sure your ok'

'Yeah I'm fine' 'did Mrs chokesondick notice me leave? 😭'

'Nah your good' 'I'm pretty sure she's on the phone arguing with her husband right now ☠️'

'Oh bruh 😭'

'do you want to go to the corner store during lunch? I'll pay🙏🏼'

I smiled, 'that sounds fun, I would love to💋'

I then got a text from Kenny

I debated if I should text him back or not considering he was kinda being a dick

'hey do you think Kenny's acting a little weird today?'

Kyle replied instantly, 'idk' 'he is but like, jus wait hes usually a sweetheart.'

I frowned at kyles text, 'oh ok' 'I'll see you in class bye'

'Bye n/n'

I opened the message from Kenny, 'hey are you in the bathroom still?'

I paused thinking about a response, 'yeah'

I mentally face palmed for being so dry but I didn't have the energy to pretend everything was dandy

'Do you want to eat at city wok for lunch? I get a discount for being an employee there and I could introduce u to my boss' 'he would definitely like you 😉'

I scoffed and smiled, I felt relief from his text

He seemed in a better mood

'oh yes I would love too but Kyle asked me if I wanted to go to the corner store and get snacks with him😕' 'you can come if you want, and then we could go to city wok 😮‍💨'

I saw him typing then it stopped, 1 minute later I got a 'ok👌🏼'

I sighed putting an earphone in and playing my playlist, Wet by Dazey and the Scouts played

I smiled to myself, I liked this song a lot

I got out of the stall washing my hands and leaving

"All alone in my bedroom, with the lights down..." I mumbled the lyrics as I walked back to class

I peeked through the window on the door of the classroom to see if Mrs.chokesondick was looking

I was about to open the door when I looked away from Mrs.chokesondick to where my seat was

Kenny was turned to Kyle and Stan talking while Red was digging slowly through my bag

'what the hell??' I thought as I reached my hand to the doorknob I saw Mrs.chokesondick look at me

I quickly ducked, my heart was beating out of my chest

I slowly got up looking to see if the coast was clear, 'Im gonna fuck her up' i said myself as I once again went to open the door

As I was about to give her a piece of my mind, Kenny turned around seeing Red digging through my bag

I saw him go all agro on her, he was obviously embarrassing her infront of almost everyone (mostly the people around them)

Kenny's POV:

I was talking to Stan and Kyle while I unintentionally left Red by herself

"Dude what's up with you today?" Kyle said looking at me, "I mean you seem better now but earlier you were gettin all... what does cartman say?"

"AGGRO!" Cartman said from the other side of the classroom, he was paired with Craig and butters (not the best trio)

"Yeah that I guess.." Kyle said looking away

"Yeah dude you were kinda acting a little, 'strange' I guess" Stan said agreeing

"The word y'all are looking for is 'rude'" Red added even though she wasn't in our conversation

Stan and Kyle looked at each other than back at me

I gave them a 'guys wtf' look, "yeah, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night"

"BECAUSE YOU WERE THINKING OF Y/N" cartman shouted from the other side of the room once again, how the hell was he hearing us??

Kyle gave a little bit of an awkward face reaction when cartman mentioned y/n which didn't go unnoticed by me

I was about to start defending myself again when I turned around hearing shuffling

I turned to see Red in y/n's bag rummaging through it

"Red??" I scream yelled making her jump a bit

"Oh, I was just getting.... A feminine product." Red said hesitantly, not as if she didn't want to say it, as if she was thinking of an excuse

"Oh..." I said feeling a bit bad but also not being completely convinced, "Don't you think you should've asked her first?"

"She's not here and I need one!" She said defensively

I closed my eyes and did a big sigh through my nose, "Ok Red"

as soon as I opened my eyes y/n walked in eyeing Red

I looked over and saw kyle staring at her with a soft smile which made me feel weird...


Y/n's POV:

I walked in not taking my eyes off Red

"What were you doing in my backpack?" I said looking at her with a poker face trying not to sound too upset

"I just needed a pad..." she said trying to look embarrassed

My eyes widened and I got closer to her, "I'm so sorry, of course you can have one," I started digging in my bag for one and soon pulled out one, "here"

She hesitantly took it, I could tell she was lying but I played along for the sake of it

"Bye" I said waving Red out of the classroom innocently

Once she left I turned to Kyle, Kenny, and Stan, "why is everyone acting so weird??" Stan said looking distressed

Me, kyle, and kenny shrugged and I pulled my phone out changing the song

'Runaway by lil peep', "bruhhhh" I said looking at my phone aggravated a bit

"What?" Kyle and Kenny said at the same time which made them look at each other for a split second then back to me

Stan just watched from afar, the mess that was getting messier

"I just... I'm playing my emo playlist from 5th grade.." I said cringing at myself

"It can't be that bad" Kyle said trying to reassure me which kinda caught me off guard, not that I expected him to be mean

"Well can I listen with you?" Kenny said

I nodded, "sure" I said taking out my AirPod case so I could give him the other one

I gave him the left one and pushed play

Kyle looked a bit bothered but it was obvious he wasn't trying to show it

"Oh yeah, y/n... this is SO emo..." Kenny said dramatically making me roll my eyes

"Shut up loser" I said turning to Stan then to Kyle

"Y'all wanna listen too?" Kenny was too busy pretending to dance with the music to notice my question

"Sure!" Kyle said kinda loudly and quick

Stan looked at him with wide eyes then turned to me, "yeah... sure..." he said taking his earphones out and pairing them with my phone

As soon as I pressed play the bell rang

We walked to our class and totally forgot about Red 😭



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