Shadow over the Frontline (Ma...

By Pelach

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An elite unit of Operational Detachment Nevada 51 operators were tasked with shadowing Hank. They were succe... More

Through mud
The glint of a scope
Command & Defiance
A true Viking
Schrödinger's Grip

Snowy Tension

380 22 13
By Pelach

Somewhere in a snowy wasteland...
A shutter door of a snowed in facility is raised by two soldiers in black and covered in snow. They let four people in and go in after them. Letting the shutter door fall shut and shielding the soldiers from the cold. Now in a dark room where they couldn't see 2 meters in front of them.

Qilin's POV

Qilin: it's so fucking dark in here...

I pull my flashlight out and turn it on. I look around and it looks like we're in some kind of warehouse section of this Sangvis Ferri base.

Everyone else pulled their flashlights out and we started to look around for a light switch or something else that would give us a light source, so that we wouldn't tread around in the dark.

The search was futile as we lit a candle that we found in the middle of the room. It illuminated the area a little bit so that we could see each other again. We turned out flashlights off and sat down around the candle to rest from the brutal blizzard.

I grunted as I sat down.

Qilin: I don't know what's worse... having some weird assholes with advanced technology after you or freezing my balls off with you.

AN-94: why are you so mean?

Qilin: what do you mean?

I thought that was normal banter. Didn't know robots made for war are so damn sensitive.

Shadow: definitely being stuck with you.

Lockjaw: yep, being with y'all is pure suffering.

Qilin: Damn right.

Shadow: agreed.

AN-94: ...

I glanced at AN-94 again and noticed that shocked expression on her face. I guess she isn't used to normal banter. To be expected from a robot. Do they even have banter?

AK-15: I notice you looking at 94. Don't worry about it. She's fine.

AN-94: I'm not fine! Can we like not insult each other?

Lockjaw: no.

Shadow: negative.

Qilin: hard pass. Fuck you.

AN-94: why would you-

She was interrupted by AK-15 who held her back. She's obviously trying to be the adult in this situation while we try to lighten the mood. My squad and I raise our fists to symbolize our unity in this subject.

AN-94 puffs and looks away annoyed. AK-15 just shrugs and inspects her rifle for anything that needs work to be completely ready for an engagement if that happens. So I stroke up a conversation with the boys.

Qilin: so, you never told us what you did before you joined us, Shadow.

Shadow looked up from the burning flame of the candle and was quiet for a bit. He then raised his head and looked at me. His face still completely covered so his expression was unreadable. But I take it he wasn't happy to tell.

Shadow: do you truly want to know?

Qilin: I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to.

Shadow: fair enough.

He looked around and then got closer to me as he spoke...

Shadow: I was... under the direct command of Duvall. I was apart of one of his Overwatch teams.

Qilin: that Duvall? You lucky son of a bitch! I never even saw that guy. Are the legends true?

Shadow: yes. He somehow uses smart ammunition in his sniper rifle. He can curve the bullets. It's insane.

Qilin: aspiring to be like him?

Shadow: nah. I'm not wasting my money on the easy mode of sniping. I hit my target with skill and not with technology.

Qilin: Duvall would rip your head off if he heard that.

Shadow: too bad that he won't. That fucker can suck my dick anyway. We all know that it's true. If he was a great shot then he wouldn't use so many crutches.

AN-94: umm... who is this Duvall?

Shadow: hmm? Oh he's one of our captains. He was in charge of echo company. It consisted mostly of Overwatch snipers.

Qilin: didn't know SFOD units were in echo company.

Shadow: that's because they usually aren't. I was an exception. That's also why I was one of his elite snipers.

Qilin: sly bastard. Grabbing SFOD units even though they're not under his command.

Shadow: work smarter not harder.

Qilin: and you're so proud of it too, you bastard.

Shadow: what can I say. That makes me kinda better than all of you hmm?

Qilin: oh shut up. I'm the end you landed right in my death squad, show off.

We both chuckled.

Shadow: does this answer your question, AN-94?

AN-94: yes...

Shadow: good.

We then noticed that Lockjaw was gone during our talk. We looked around for him until we started to hear some rummaging as I pulled my flashlight out and pointed it to the noise. It was Lockjaw who seemed to have found something.

Lockjaw: yo! Check this out!

Lockjaw went into a room that was hidden from our sight. He pulled something out. It looked like a person. But the person didn't move. Didn't seem alive.

Lockjaw: how awesome is that?!

He pulled one of those Sangvis Ferri T-Dolls out. It looked deactivated. Completely lifeless. But no wounds were on it. It wasn't killed... only the mind was removed.

Qilin: nice find. What do we do with it?

Shadow: use it as target practice?

Qilin: can't waste a resource like that.

Lockjaw: let's cut it open! Look how they look inside...

His face is completely covered but it was obvious that he had a huge smile on his face. I guess this is an opportunity to figure out what's inside of these robots.

Qilin: alright. Let's do it.

I pull my knife out and get closer to the T-Doll. But someone made their discomfort in this situation very noticeable.

AN-94: what no! Ew! That's disgusting!

Qilin: well you don't have to look. AK-15, close her eyes.

AK-15: just don't cut it open. That is unnecessary.

Qilin: why though? We might find some cool thing out about T-Dolls. See what they look in the inside.

AK-15: we mostly look human inside as well. Our organs seems organic at first glance but are artificial. It would be like hitting a human.

AN-94: so can you like... not do it?

Qilin: fine...

Lockjaw: Damn it! That would have been so fun!

We got off the body and walked back to the candle. Lockjaw dragged the body with us to the candle.

Shadow: you sound like a bunch of psychopaths.

Qilin: maybe we are. Who knows. They're not human anyway. It's like gutting a deer for fun.

Shadow: isn't that also psychotic?

Qilin: fine. We won't cut anything open then. Why did you bring this thing here, Lockjaw?

Lockjaw: I don't know. Guess we have a new friend!

Qilin: lose her. We're not carrying extra weight around.

Shadow: fine.

He got up and threw the body into the dark. We gathered around the candle again.

AN-94: that was a Vespid... those S.F. T-Dolls have no free will like us. So they truly are a bunch of machines...

Qilin: and you're different?

AN-94: I have a personality don't I?

Qilin: could be programmed in.

AN-94: *sigh*

Shadow suddenly spoke up. He checked his wrist as he spoke.

Shadow: my targeting system seems to be working again. The blizzard is getting weaker. Only a little bit longer and we should be able to contact somebody to pick us up.

Qilin: good. This place sucks anyway. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

I dust the remaining snow off of my sleeves that hasn't melted yet and went up to the shutter door.

Qilin: someone give me a hand.

AK-15 got up and walked up next to me. She helped me hold the door open as all of us went outside. It was noticeable that the blizzard was slowly dispersing. We could now see what's going on around us, now that the thick fog is gone.

Qilin: this place is even uglier when you get to see it.

I went ahead and the snow was still deep as fuck. The others started to follow me.

Qilin: let's get out of here.

AK-15: shouldn't we at least have a look into the base and clear it out? Having a whole base filled with hostiles removed is beneficial.

Qilin: fine.

We went around the base to find an entrance. We soon found a checkpoint that leads deeper into the facility. Seemed abandoned.

Shadow: the checkpoint is open. Completely unguarded...

Qilin: seems like a big waste of time then.

We walked up to the checkpoint and found a Sangvis Ferri T-Doll dead inside. She had a huge slashing wound on her chest.

Shadow and I inspected the corpse as the others had a looks round.

Shadow: slashing wound... who would use a blade?

Qilin: something isn't right here. Why would somebody use a sword? That's the best way to get shot.

Shadow: they're all armed with automatic weapons as well. They should have gunned the assailant down very quickly.

Qilin: you think the guy from the downed chopper is the reason for this?

Shadow: must have been a veteran commando or something. Surviving a crash like that is kinda impossible. And after such wounds, doing something like that? That person is not human.

Qilin: T-Doll?

Shadow: likely. I would say one of those ringleaders. There is this large one with a huge sword that we've met. I'd say that one did. this but that wouldn't make sense.

Qilin: attacking their own units is just stupid. You think that not defected or something? Ram haywire and killed everyone here?

Shadow: that can be a possibility.

We got up as Lockjaw yelled for us to come over.

Lockjaw: we got some tracks here! Come here!

We walked out of the checkpoint and Shadow inspected the foot prints.

Shadow: large group that went away from the facility. This one seems to weigh a lot more than the other ones. A lot larger shoe size as well.

AN-94: and that's important because?

Shadow: this guy just seems so out of place for this group. The other shoe sizes are about the same and those two seemed to wear high heeled boots. Interesting choice for combat.

AN-94: they look the same. What do you mean?

Shadow: to the untrained eye they might be. Well they're still fresh. I guess they walked out when the blizzard dispersed. Just like us. They can't be far. It doesn't take a genius to follow them. So should we?

He turned to me.

Qilin: We probably should but first we'll check the base out. Maybe it can give us more clues about what we're dealing here with.

Shadow got up and all of us started to head to the entrance of the base. The gate was closed and the power seemed out. We had to open the gate manually which is fun.

After some effort from everyone present we managed to shove the gate open. We entered and opened the first automated door into the facility and well...

Qilin: holy shit...

AN-94: I think I'm going to be sick...

Lockjaw: *whistle* that guy is worse than me.

We saw a hallway entirely filled with slashed and dismembered Sangvis Ferri T-Dolls. Whoever did this... no... whatever did this is a goddamn menace...

Qilin: fuck that. I'm not going in there.

Shadow: the group that left this place must have done that. We should go after them and stop them.

I unholstered my AK-103 and follow the trails left in the snow. Everybody followed me and got on edge while the got their weapons ready. Now the threat that is roaming around here, revealed how dangerous they really are. Whatever was transported on the chopper is a monster. Wait... this looks all too familiar... the slashing wounds... the piles of corpses... surviving unbelievable things... shit...

Qilin: call AK-12! We need support here immediately! I think our guy is currently in this fucking area!

Lockjaw: makes sense... of course he would be here! Who else! We need to find him!

AN-94 tries to make a call but only silence followed. Our gear worked again but something is still scrambling with our communication devices. Fucking great.

AN-94: something is still jamming our communication!

Qilin: no back up then. He has a group of lunatics with him now. We can't just run into the guy head on. We need to do this smart,

AK-15: we figured out what happens around here. I think we should leave and regroup with the others. I think we need all hands on deck if that guy is as dangerous as you describe him.

Qilin: we can't let him get away!

AN-94: be reasonable, Qilin. We saw what he has done to the Sangvis Ferri units. We can't face him.

Lockjaw: I hate to agree with her but I have to agree with her. We are not ready to face a large threat right now. We're running low on ammo and he'd just tear us to shreds.

Shadow: we'd have to plan ahead. A trap is our only hope in this. And even then we're probably fucked.

AK-15: so let's get out of here. Everyone here wants to leave. You're outvoted. Now let's get out and regroup with the rest of DEFY.

Qilin: fine. But letting an opportunity like that pass will be painful in the long run. We need to get out of the signal jammer.

Shadow: we've been offline for so goddamn long. AK-12 is probably presuming us dead by now.

AK-15: Angelia can monitor our vitals. She knows when our neural clouds are active or when they aren't. So they should know that we're still alive.

Lockjaw: neural what now?

Qilin: don't bother. It's science magic eggheads in labs cook up.

Getting out of the snowy mountains should give us our communications back. Something around here is interfering with it but we aren't sure if it's natural or something else that's jamming our comms. Maybe T-Doll comms can't withstand the cold or something.

The wall was quiet aw we treaded through the deep snow. It was still horrible and cold but whatever. We'll be out of this soon enough. A hot shower is needed after this.

Shadow: you hear that? Sounds like something big is coming along...

We listened for something that seemed to be approaching in the distance. It was only the faint sound of an engine and thrusters. They seem to be pretty far away for now. But they're coming closer and closer.

AK-15: I think I recognize these sounds. Sound very metallic and industrial. No doubt hover tanks.

Qilin: hostile?

AK-15: KCCO use a lot of these tanks but I doubt that they're around in this area.

Qilin: keep your eyes peeled then. Unknown danger awaits us. I've already had enough of dealing with hostiles in these hostile lands.

We tried to sneak and avoid the convoy of unidentified tanks. They shouldn't know that we're here. Due to the thick snow and only recently dispersed blizzard, we're like ghost. But the noise got louder and louder. And now even gunfire and artillery was heard in the distance. The unknown force was now engaging with another unknown force. This is really bad. Our communications are still cut off.

Suddenly the sky roared as multiple large caliber shells landed in a position very close to us. It leveled the entire area to ashes. The ground shook as we could barely stand.

Qilin: Railway gun!

AK-15: that's defiently KCCO's Carina of something like that. They have huge railway guns. Seems like the threat is big enough for them to use these.

Qilin: Those Paradeus fuckers?

AK-15: likely.

We headed over to a place that provided a bit of cover as we waited the huge bombardement of shells out. It's not stopping. They really want whatever they're fighting with dead or more and more are coming. Now heavy footsteps are approaching us. Guess the railway guns couldn't take out all of them. The fuckers in white are still coming for us after all. I pulled the charging handle back on my AK-103 and chambered a round. I signaled for the others to get ready too.

Multiple Paradeus troops stormed our position. These ones were rushing at us without a real plan while laying suppressing fire on us. They had a huge mech with them that we had to somehow deal with. We gunned the first rows of the assault down while the mech approached.

Qilin: don't give them ground! Shut that mech down Shadow!

Shadow: on it.

He got into the snow and crawled away while getting snow on him as camouflage. He's going to set up a good firing position to target the mech better while we give him a diversion.

The armor of the grunts rushing at us can't withstand our bullets that we'll as they drop to the ground. It's obvious that they are cannon fodder units.

Suddenly smoke is thrown at our direction. Thick smoke surrounds as as we can hear a faint giggle. Not now damn it!

Qilin: turn thermals on if you can! *cough*

Lockjaw: my thermals are not working!

AK-15: experimental smoke. I can't see anything.

Qilin: shit.

I waved around my face to get the smoke away from my nose as someone's head popped right in front of me. She had a sadistic smile on her face as her bright yellow eyes stared me down.

?: peekaboo.

I couldn't react as she grabbed my head and threw me away from her. I fell down a small ridge but the snow softened my fall. I was now out of the smoke and tried to raise my AK to shoot my assailant but she was already there and kicked me in my chest which made me drop my AK and fall on my back.

Qilin: argh!

Instead of finishing the job she just held her sword in a reverse grip and slowly backed up from home as she turned her back to me. She then turned around and smiled at me again.

?: get up. Make this entertaining.

She smiled at me again. I looked around for my AK but couldn't find it. It must be stuck in some snow or something. Ugh. Guess I have nothing left to do but do this the old fashioned way.

I get on me feet as I get into a combative stance and pull my knife out.

?: very good! Let's begin!

She immediately rushed at me with neck breaking speed. I dodged the upward strike and tried to slam my knife into her chest but she deflected my thrust with weird ass tri-blade arm.

She then thrusted it forward directly after to impale me but I reacted quickly and grabbed her arm. I then tried to flip her over me.

I succeeded and she landed on her back. But before I could do anything else she immediately got back up and punched me in the face with the hilt of her sword.

?: don't be so rough!

She then immediately swiped at me with her sword again. I blocked it with my knife and threw a left hook at her face.

She dodged under it and slammed her palm into my chest. My body pack absorbed most of the kinetic force but it still made me stumble back.

?: you disappoint me! Fight harder!

I flipped the knife into my left hand as I rushed at her. I started off with an overhead thrust with my knife. She blocked the thrust but didn't realize that it was a distraction as I pulled my side arm out and shot her in the chest a few times.

She stumbled back but was still standing. Now she seemed pissed as her smile faded and she was clutching her stomach where I shot her.

I centered my aim and got ready to shoot her stupid face in. I pulled the trigger and my bullet went straight to her face.

But she held her blade up and deflected the first bullet and swiftly deflected the second one.

I started shitting bricks as I only one other person that can do this. Is she trained by that mad man?!

?: woah. The imprint really worked...

Imprint?! Shit shit shit shit! Is this another one of the lunatics 2BDamned created?!

I hesitated and she seized the opportunity to rush to me and overpowered me. She took my pistol from me as she pinned me to the ground.

?: Hesitation is defeat. Last words?

She prepared her tri-blade arm to thrust forward and end it all. I tried to clam my nerves. If she was truly trained by Hank or created by 2BDamned then I died to a worthy opponent and I die with the knowledge that I could do absolutely nothing about it.

Qilin: your skill is similar to the Killing Machine. What's your name?

?: really? Fine I'll answer. My name is Grig. And I take it as a compliment. We know how powerful he is closely monitoring his fighting style proved beneficial.

Qilin: I can see that...

Grig: say goodbye.

She wasted no time as she thrusted her arm forward but then something hit her in the shoulder as she missed her thrust. She hissed in pain and looked at the assailant.

Grig: oh shit!

She got up from me as a bullet storm was sent her direction. She tried to deflect all of the bullets but couldn't. She's not as good as the Killing Machine. She was soon overpowered and dropped another smoke grenade and disappeared.

I coughed as I get up. I'm now in smoke again but mostly unharmed. I hear metal hitting the snow as they get closer to me. Beeping is also heard.

They definitely got into the smoke. Something tells me that my saviors aren't really friendly.

The first robot got into my sight as it began aggressively beeping. He raised his AN-94 at me.

I grabbed the barrel and moved it away from me as I slammed my knife into the chest of the robot. But that didn't stop it so I swept it's legs and rammed my knife down his neck and severed it from its body. It should be dead now.

I picked his AN-94 up and carefully looked around for more. More and more popped up in the smoke so I shot them dead when I spotted them. They couldn't react in time as I fried their circuits with well placed 5.45 rounds.

I run out of ammo but more are still coming. I swing the rifle at one like a baseball bat but two more pop into my view while smoke surrounds us.

They start beeping aggressively. I quickly grab the robot I baseballed away and used it as a shield. Let's hope 5.45 doesn't pass through it.

The bullets from the two robots impact with the one I'm holding, killing it. I push forward with my robot meatshield and throw it on the first robot. Both are knocked to the ground while I throw my knife at the second one.

The knife gets stuck in its head as it falls. I swiftly pull my knife out and ram it into the head of the robot that was knock to the ground by my meatshield.

Qilin: fucking robots.

I pull my knife out and wipe the oil and other fluids away off of it and sheath it. The smoke begins to disperse.

I picked my pistol up and checked the chamber. Only one round in the chamber remained, so I ejected the mag and inserted a new one and put the pistol into safe. I then holstered it.

Lockjaw: Qilin! Where the fuck are you?!

Qilin: had some altercations with a white death ninja.

Lockjaw: shit. Well we've managed to hold the Paradeus forces off but KCCO is now slamming down on our position! Get over here ASAP!

Qilin: copy. I'll go and find me gun and then haul ass to you.

Shadow: don't take too long, asshole.

I looked at the robots again and saw that they had KCCO markings on them. Well I guess I fought them too. Doesn't seem too difficult to defeat them.

Suddenly a bullet impacted with my chest. My bodypack shielded my organs but the kinetic force of the round knocked me to the ground. I was coughing heavily. It knocked the wind out of me.

KCCO: Argo, do you read me? We got heavy resistance out here. Unknown military force, over.

I was still on the ground as the soldier moved closer to me. I struggled to get up. Shit... he must have been a large caliber round... I pulled the pin of a flashbang and held the spoon in place. I need to do this smart...

He got closer to me and crouched down to me. He had a Dragunov SVD hanging from his chest.

KCCO: tell me who you work for.

Qilin: *cough* I think... I'll pass...

KCCO: this is not how this works- bylat!

I threw the flashbang into his face as I cooked it quietly. We were both blinded now but I lunged at his position before we were blinded. I felt the contact and tried to throw him to the ground.

Vision came back to both of us as I could see the KCCO soldier now. I tried to flip him over my leg as I got behind him but he kept his ground.

So I punched him in his face and disarmed him. I wanted to shoot him but he didn't have any rounds left in his mag. What the fuck?

He charged at me and it turned into a fist fight.

KCCO: you're not getting out of this alive, asshole!

Shots roared in the distance as the rest of my squad engaged the rest of the KCCO forces. I need to make this quick.

KCCO: for mother russia.

He swung at me and I deflected his fist. I then tried to punch his guts in but he blocked it with his arm. I kicked him away and gained some distance.

I reached for my side arm and he did the same. It's a quick draw duel now. I pull it out with lightning speed but he did as well. We were now pointing our pistols at each other. Fuck. I still habe my safety on... but he's not shooting for some reason.

One of the KCCO tanks now came up to me and pointed its main gun at me. Shit.

KCCO2: stand down! Hold your fire!

KCCO: You sure? Fuck alright.

He lowered his pistol and I was confused. I slowly lowered my pistol as well. The KCCO soldier approached me then.

I then looked over to the person that yelled for the soldier to stop. He got out of the tank and walked over to us.

KCCO2: didn't think I'd see you again?

Qilin: do I know you?

Wait. That patch... it's a N51 patch.

Qilin: Quartz?

Quartz: right. That's what you called me. I already informed the rest of my men to halt their assault. Your friends are safe. Don't worry.

Qilin: well shit. You combating the Paradeus forces in that area?

Quartz: yeah. We were sent to investigate the strange movements here. Turns out an entire hostile faction was hiding here. We still don't know how big or dangerous they are.

Qilin: well shit. We took a few of them out too. Tough bastard to kill.

Quartz: yeah that's true. You should leave this area. Let us do our job yeah? I don't think we've swept this area entirely. More support will be imminent because the Jupiter Cannon is deactivated for some reason.

Qilin: I think we're done here anyway. Good hunting. We'll get out of here now.

Quartz: copy. Have a safe way back.

He walked back to his tank while I went to my squad. The KCCO commando I thought earlier nodded at me to show respect while I left.

I arrived back at my squad who were resting and talking to one another. Guess they were waiting for me.

Shadow: guess we'll have to thank you for calling KCCO off. So what happened?

Qilin: well first of we have those two here.

I point at AN-94 and AK-15.

Qilin: they're like known allies or something and the second reason is that they're led by a friend of mine. We are lucky enough that he pardoned us.

A KCCO commando approached us again while their robots patrol the area. Now non hostile.

KCCO: we deactivated the radio jammer. You can call for your extraction now.

Qilin: alright thanks.

I turn to AN-94.

Qilin: you can call AK-12 now to get us out of here.

AN-94: on it.

She called AK-12 while I talked with Lockjaw and Shadow. Soon the KCCO army moved on. Snow still covered the ground as our extraction slowly approached us. A chopper has been dispatched to pick us up.

Meanwhile I went out to find my AK-103. I soon found it deep in the snow. I picked it up and checked the chamber. It was filled with snow but it's an AK so I'm not worried about any damage.

I walked back to my squad as I slowly saw the chopper arriving at our position.

AK-15: why we're you gone for so long?

Qilin: snow.

I pulled the charging handle of my AK-103 back and a little bit of snow fell out. She nodded in understanding. The chopper soon landed and we boarded it.

We were soon brought back to DEFY's hideout. We disembarked the chopper and went back inside. AK-15 and AN-94 met up with AK-12 and RPK-16 to debrief while we recovered from the snowy weather.

Qilin: finally out of the cold. I think my nuts went numb.

Lockjaw: same here.

Shadow: wasn't the worst conditions I've ever experienced.

Qilin: shut up man. Nobody wants to hear the stories of how „cool" you are.

Shadow: someone jealous?

Qilin: nah. I'm just not stupid. Most is probably classified anyway.

Shadow: damn...

The DEFY girls soon came to us while we stood around doing nothing while the snow melted off from us.

AK-12: alright Qilin. I think we found the man you're looking for.

Qilin: Hank? Good then let's move. We have no time to lose. Pack up men!

AK-12: not so fast.

I slightly turned around to her again but my back still faced her.

Qilin: huh?

AK-12: what are you planning to do with this Hank?

Qilin: what's it to you? You just need some answers from him.

AK-12: you're wanted by G&K. Highly dangerous terrorists. We have strong ties to G&K. Angelia especially with one of their commanders.

Qilin: your point?

I got really suspicious. I don't like where this is going. I slowly turned to her and reached to my side arm. My men knew what's going on.

Qilin: are you telling me... we're going to have a problem?

AK-12: ...

I pulled my side arm out and pointed it at AK-12. Everyone else in the room raised their guns at each other.

AK-12 now opened her eyes and the room was filled with suffocating dread. One small move and one will pull the trigger. Absolute chaos will come after if that happens. One wrong move...

End of chapter

Hey it's me.

Yeah sorry. This time I took a whole ass month. I guess my schedule is just non existent at that point.

Been playing a lot of Dead by Daylight recently. Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit. Sums it up quite well.

So yeah sorry for the long wait but I still have a bunch of plans for this story. I'm just too lazy to write it.

That's all for now.


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