UnOrdinary: Kayden Rowan

By someguywhoisalive

494 33 3

Amidst the temporary peace after John's suspension at Wellston High School, Kayden Rowan, a seemingly carefre... More

Chapter 1.1 - Meeting and Encounters.
Chapter 1.2 - School Morning
Chapter 1.3 - New People & John's Troubles
Chapter 1.4 - Acclimation
Chapter 1.5 - Intersection and Intergration Trouble.
Chapter 1.6 - Decisive Opinions
Chapter 2.1 - To Rowden with inner issues!
Chapter 2.2 - Fun and Surveillance.

0.1 - Prologue

135 4 1
By someguywhoisalive

Many across the world believed that level 10.0 was the maximum level people's abilities could reach. It was seen as a formidable barrier that few could surpass. However, those who managed to break through became known as Transcendents, gaining entry into a secret world that comprised only around 5 million individuals out of the global population of 8 billion—roughly 1 in 1,600 people.

My name is Kayden Rowan, and I am one of these Transcendents.

When I was just six years old, my electric-based ability manifested. Even at such a young age, I became a point of interest due to my genius talent for fighting with my ability. By the time I turned ten, I had already reached a remarkable level 9.4. Then, around the time I turned twelve, with the assistance of a crimson-haired man indebted to my deceased parents, I broke through the level 10.0 barrier and transcended.

Becoming a Transcendent was not a matter of choice for me; it was a means of survival. This world is harsh, filled with sly scoundrels and predators always ready to hunt the weak. It's a world where strength and influence reign, and the norm is to kill or be killed.

But I didn't mind. In fact, I grew to enjoy fighting. I relished in the challenges, challenging numerous opponents throughout my life. Fighting became my passion.

My fame within this secret world skyrocketed. People no longer saw me as a brat who didn't understand their place in the world. I became someone significant, considered to be among the top 30 in terms of strength, although by no means the strongest. Despite receiving numerous offers from various factions that wore shining masks of welcome, I chose to remain unaffiliated.

The truth is, behind those welcoming faces lay dirty, deceitful, and cunning individuals waiting for the perfect opportunity to exploit their subjects for personal gain. In this hidden world, it's common sense to win at all costs. Ditch allies, ditch your morals, they're a prey's quality in this trashy world.

Despite the risks, I chose to remain unaffiliated. I cherished my freedom as much as I cherished fighting. But this also meant that I had to face off against organizations and powerful individuals who sought out weak and unprotected prey.

Nevertheless, I continued to fight relentlessly. Each time, I emerged stronger, earning the title "Kayden the Breaker" as I left those who challenged my freedom shattered. Of course, this also left me with countless enemies and resentful grudges, but I faced them head-on. That crimson-haired man, who had watched me from afar, was there in the shadows, but in the end, I dealt with my own enemies by myself with fists and willpower.

As my reputation grew, many in the Transcendent world watched me closely, searching for weaknesses to exploit, aiming to destroy me for the sake of their influence, power, and reputation.

I grew tired of it all. By the time I reached fifteen, I had forgotten what it was like to live the life of a normal teenager, free from constant vigilance. I had forgotten the feeling of friendship, as distrust became a necessary survival trait.

That's when I decided to disappear from this terrible and hidden world, to settle for a normal life.

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The present day.

It was a sunny day and Kayden was sat alone in a rather popular drink store in Wellston called Woaba Boba drinking his 8th serving of large sized vanilla bubble tea. The employees of the drink shop observed the messy black haired, wearing all black round sunglasses with drops of sweat and worried faces as they couldn't believe the ridiculous amount of bubble tea that he drank they all collectively thought that he must of had Type 2 diabetes by now and even the employee at the cash register decided to already give the teen a 5% discount if he came back despite the fact it was Kayden's first time at the shop.

"Ah, I just can't get enough of this delicacy from the gods." Kayden exclaimed to himself with a perfect relaxed mood. He was having a comfortable time settling into Wellston just a few days before he were to have his first day in Wellston Highschool. 

After he had finished his 8th serving of  his "miracle delicacy" he was about to get up and order 9th one but stopped at the sense of a very familiar bioelectrical signal near his prescence, "Hm?" he hummed while looking towards the direction in which he sensed the signal to see a tall man roughly early thirties with demon-like rough and messy crimson hair and amber eyes wearing a grey fedora and had a rather cautious prescence surrounding him. 

"Ah! It's Mr old man." Kayden called towards the man as he took off his sunglasses revealing ocean-like aqua coloured eyes. The man looked towards the teen feeling stabbed in the heart by the fact he was called an "old man" despite being 32, the man quickly traversed towards the table and sat opposite to Kayden with now a threateningly imtimidating prescence before he chopped lightly with his hand the head of the black haired teen.

"Don't call be old, I'm a youthful age of 32." The old man berated at Kayden with his response being "Xavier you're 32, so you are 15 years older than me right?", Xavier nodded, "That's the equivilant to 10,000 years to me so I should be calling you ancient man" Kayden continued with the most stoic face and serious tone of voice possible. Xavier only stared back at Kayden furiously with veins on his head cleary visible and with one hand swifly with assistance of wind swinging towards the teen and as soon it went within 5 centimeters of the teen, his entire body was shocked with a high votage of electricity for a second as he quickly retracted his hand back.

"DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO DO THAT?" the man exlaimed with his hair now sticking up like tall grass.

"Yes", Kayden replied.

"Why, just why?"

"Because I want to.", Kayden finished with.

Xavier let out an audible sigh of annoyance knowing there was no point in arguing further and simply looked at the table only to go into shock, eyes wide open, after seeing the ridiculous amount of bubble tea Kayden drank.

"Isn't that amount of that drink really bad for your health?" Xavier rhetoriccally asked.

"Hm? First, DO NOT diss the holy delicacy as 'that drink' because it is far more than that" Kayden exclaimed with a very serious tone as  if he would kill to prove his point.

 "Second, I learnt a trick to use electricity to break down the sugar." Kayden replied now back to his usaul relaxed tone.

"With 8 drinks that's ... a bit much to trust your health with a  'trick'."

"I trust myself because I'm me", Kayden replied proudly and with tons of pride.

The two went awkwardly silent for a moment making the 2 slightly uncomfortable.

"Ok whatever kid, anyways onto the main topic, are you sure with settling out here leaving the Transcendent world?"

"Yes I am completely sure on this decision, but thanks for worrying, you've done enough for me . Go out and live your life."

"You still have many enemies and grudges aimed at you.", Xavier commented with concern. The atmosphere had become more serious but Kayden kept his relaxed stance before smirking deviously. 

"Heh, I'll just have accept their challenge and beat them up so that they will give up. " Kayden declared with a still relaxed yet filled with hints of a threatening tone and Xavier simply chuckled with relief.

"You're still the same Kayden as ever"

"Did you expected me to be possessed by Donald Trump and start building walls?" Kayden jokingly said, "Anyways I got to go meet the headmaster of Wellston High".

"Oh wow, you're even going to school. You really are committed to a normal life."

"That's what normal people do right? So it can't be that bad." Kayden replied without knowing the true pain and horrors most people face, the prison like places known as schools.

"Alright then I guess this is goodbye, I got some annoying buisness to attend to out of this country.", Xavier stated feeling relaxed that Kayden's choice was to live a normal life. Kayden smiled, and as Xavier got up and walked towards the exit of the drink shop Kayden told the man "Later old man." annoying Xavier by being called old again as he walked out the door leaving Kayden to ask himself a very very important question in his opinion.

"Should I go for a 9th drink?" Kayden then went to check his phone the time to then stare at it with complete realization that he has 15 minutes until he is to meet the Headmaster of  Wellston High.

"Ah crap."

He swiftly put his sunglasses back on, got up, paid for his drinks and quickly left shop and walking swiftly on his way towards his new school, although it would also be his first time at one as in his past he went through lessons on very acedemic topics such as how to beat your opponents into submission. 

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12 minutes later, Kayden was stood readily outside the front gate of the large school. His jet-black hair fluttering in the gentle wind and so his loose clothing. His ocean-like aqua eyes behind his round sunglasses looked determined towards the school as one of his main policies is no matter what he will push through and continue and the school is no exception.

"Normal life, here I come" 

Normal life would be something he would have to take back  after being entangled with the students but let him find out himself.

Prologue - End

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A/N: Uh hi I guess, this is the first release of this writer so enjoy it kinda short I guess but I felt that is the best spot to end a Prologue.

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