
By QueenOfHearts15

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Everyone knows the story: a blonde haired girl falls down a rabbit hole and enters a fantastical world filled... More

1. Rabbit in a Waistcoat
2. Wonderland
3. The Queen of Hearts
4. Madness
5. Tea with the Queen
6. Jack
7. Secrets
9. The Ruby
10. The Queen's Best Friend
11. Fire
12. Reunion
13. Promises
14. Secret Mission
15. Betrayal
16. Arrow
17. Advice
18. Prophecy
19. Tarts
20. Success and Failure
21. A Light in the Darkness
22. Hope and Hopelessness
23. As Close As I Can Get to a Happily Ever After
24. Battle
25. A Duel with the Queen
26. Angels
27. The Noblest Man
28. Three Lies and a Truth
29. The New King
30. The Goodbye
Thank You

8. Complicated

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By QueenOfHearts15

8. Complicated

The next day, Jack and I were sitting under that same weeping willow. The sun was shining, and it was warm. We were talking, and I was trying very hard to maneuver around any subjects that would make him upset. I guessed that I was doing well, because he seemed kind of happy.

At one point, a white ball of fur wearing a waistcoat came up to us. It had a little brown bag slung across its body. I knew who it was immediately. The reason I was down here: the White Rabbit.

"Hello, Jack!" the rabbit called. The White Rabbit had an English accent. Of course.

Jack smiled. "Hey, Brokk," he said.

Brokk came to a stop in front of us. I smiled, finding it ironic that I was finally meeting my unexpected escort to Wonderland.

"And who might this be?" the rabbit inquired, looking at me curiously.

"Brokk, this is Alice. She's from the world above. Alice, Brokk's my book-supplying friend."

Brokk gave me a bow, as only a rabbit knew how. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Alice."

"It's just Alice," I said quickly. No one had ever called me "miss" before and it made me feel uncomfortable. "I'm glad to finally meet you," I told him. "Actually, I came down here because I was following you."

"Really?" asked Jack.


"Well, I'm happy to have helped, but don't tell the Queen that. I'm really not supposed to go up there," Brokk confessed.

"It'll be our secret," I assured him.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, as if he'd just remembered something. "This is for you." He reached into his bag and pulled out a beautifully covered edition of Romeo and Juliet, the very play that I'd told Jack was my favorite work of Shakespeare's.

"Oh!" I breathed. Brokk reached out and handed it to me. I took it tenderly, as if it was plated with gold. Gingerly, I opened it. Inside, were beautiful illustrations as well as the original, unabridged play. "Thank you!" I exclaimed, reaching out and sweeping Brokk up in a hug. It was just like hugging a stuffed animal.

"Whoa!" Brokk exclaimed in surprise.

'"Sorry," I said putting him down. I was grinning from ear to ear. "How'd you know this was my favorite?"

"Jack told me. He asked me to get it for you."

I looked over at Jack, whose cheeks were redder than a tomato.

"Thank you," I told him.

He smiled. "Any time."

The three of us hung out together for the rest of the day. Brokk was really sweet. He was polite and talkative, and we both got along famously. I asked him how he gets all of the books, and he said something along the lines of that he "borrows" them.

"I figure they've got so many up there, they won't miss a few," he explained. I laughed.

The weeks went on, and things were going pretty well. The Queen mostly left me alone, but every now and then she'd summon me to tea or require me to play croquet. Jack and I talked and read together, and I grew closer to him then I had ever been to anyone. I felt like he understood me.

But at the same time, I was trying to hold back, because I felt something strange. Every time he looked at me, every time he smiled and those beautiful blue eyes shone, my heart skipped a beat, or an electric shock went down my spine. Whenever I was with him, I couldn't help but smile the entire time.

It all left me wondering.... Could I.... maybe..... possibly..... have...... a crush? No. That's ridiculous. I've never liked any guy. Ever. But then again, I'd never fallen down a rabbit hole into an unbelievable world before. Guess there's a first time for everything. But still..... I didn't know. It was..... complicated.

One night close to midnight, I was lying on my bed reading, when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and went to it, wondering who it could be at this hour,

I opened the door to see Jack standing right outside. "Jack! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed happily.

He smiled. "I want to show you something."

I followed him out into the garden, wondering where he could be taking me. We kept going, and then Jack stopped. "Close your eyes," he told me. I did, and he took my hand and led me forward. "Okay, open, "

I looked around in wonder. We were in a part of the garden I had never seen before. The moon was full, and the only light was the moonlight. It gave everything a silvery glow. There were many large trees, and there was a huge oak tree, underneath which was a stone bench. All of the bushes were manicured, but at the same time they were still natural. At the edge was a large lake, its waters pure black. A beautiful fountain bubbled in the center of everything.

"Oh!" I breathed.

Jack smiled. "I knew you'd like it."

I was still in awe while Jack led me to the stone bench.

We sat there, while I admired my surroundings. I looked over to see Jack looking at me.

"What is it? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"No, not at all," he smiled. "It's just.... You look beautiful."

I smiled, "Thank you."

We stared at each other awkwardly for a few moments. Finally, I took a deep breath. "Jack.... There's something I want to tell you."

"I have something to tell you, too," he told me.

"You first," I said.

"Okay." He looked a bit embarrassed.

"You can tell me anything, you know," I assured him.

He took a long, slow breath. "Alice, these past few weeks have been the happiest of my life, and it's all because of you. I mean, I used to sit alone in a corner and watch everyone else live their lives. I was withdrawn. I wasn't really part of the world. But then you came, and you showed me that it wasn't too late for me. That I could still be happy and enjoy life, just like everyone else. I'm so grateful for that. I'm grateful for you just being here for me." He sighed. "I don't know how to say this," he confessed.

"Well, how about I tell you something, and maybe you'll figure it out by then," I suggested. He nodded, and so I began: "Jack, you're the best friend I've ever had. When I fell down that rabbit hole, I felt like I was turned upside down. You turned me right side up again. This land is completely crazy, and I'm so glad I have someone like you here to keep me sane. In fact, because of you, I don't want to go home." I stopped. "Now I don't know what to say."

"Maybe if we both close our eyes, we'll think of something."

I did. Suddenly, I was leaning closer to him. Closer and closer.... And before I knew it, our lips were touching.

It was the single most amazing thing I'd ever experienced. I felt like I was flying. My heart was beating, no, pounding in my chest. I heard a soft rustle, and I opened my eyes to see Brokk there, smiling. He had a look in those little eyes that told me he'd expected this all along. I smiled around our kiss, and I saw Brokk slowly hop away.

I could have lived in that moment. I forget how long it lasted. But then it was over, and we were staring at each other. I smiled, overwhelmed with joy, and he smiled back, his face lit up in happiness.

I went to bed that night with a realization: I was in love with Jack.

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