Would You Kill For My Love?

By YourFavBLMomma

10.8K 534 397

There are two main Mafia families in the city of Bangkok, Thailand. The Rattanakosin Family and The Phassako... More

Author's Note
The Raging Beginning...
The Unresolved Mess...
Certain Secrets Revealed...
The Taunting Nightmare...
Reminiscing The Past...
Old Friend...
A Silent Relationship... (Part 1)
From Enemy to Friend (with Benefits)...
A Silent Relationship...(Part 3)
Characters pt. 2😊❤️‍🩹‼️

A Silent Relationship... (Part 2)

664 37 15
By YourFavBLMomma

⚠️Long Chapter Ahead⚠️
*If words are slanted they are either using sign language, texting, or flashback*

There are a lot of parts to theirs story so be on the look out for them.

❤️☺️K̄hxthos̄ʹ (Sorry) guys for posting so late I love you all and I didn't forget y'all I swear❤️☺️


"Li Ming?!"

Li Ming looked up fast and saw Palm and Khabkluen walking towards him. He panicked and started looking around and trying to figure out what to do.  He looked at Heart and panicked even more because he didn't want his brothers thinking he was betraying them. 

"I'm sorry guys," he shot up fast and ran out the restaurant," Palm, Khabkluen is everything ok?"

Khabkluen was concerned," we have been calling your phone for about an hour and we left a lot of messages, mae is worried about you, nong," he put his hand on his shoulder.

Li Ming looked down, feeling bad and started checking his pockets. He didn't have his phone. He walked back into the restaurant and tried to find it.

"Aw mueng, what are you looking for?" Tiw started looking  with him. (Mueng: Friend/Best Friend)

"My phone, have you guys seen it?

Win, Sound, and Por started searching as well. Win answered him, standing up, " No, We didn't see it with you when you walked in."

Li Ming looked up and looked at where Heart was sitting but he wasn't there anymore. He stopped what he was doing and stood up looking for Heart?

"Ai'Tiw where is Heart?" He was looking outside the restaurant.

Tiw hit his head on the table," oiii shia! What do you mean?!" He turned to look behind and he didn't see Heart,he started panicking," Ai' Heart?!" He stood up and ran out of the restaurant and everyone else followed.


Li Ming came back into the restaurant looking upset. I wanted to get his attention but he was looking really anxious and started searching for something. He looked at Tiw and responded to whatever question Tiw asked and I read his lips.

"My phone, have you guys seen it?"

I wanted to help but I just felt stuck because I wanted to speak but I haven't tried to talk in a long time. I slowly stood up and walked out the restaurant heading back to the GAME ROOM.

I saw his brothers but they were looking a different way so they didn't see me pass by. I got to the GAME ROOM and looked for a worker and once I did, man I tell you it was hard to communicate.

I signed," Can you help me?"

A girl looked at me confused, " I'm sorry, what?"

I read her lips and tried to search for my phone. I pulled my phone out and type what I was trying to say.

- Have you seen a phone anywhere here? -

She read it and smiled in embarrassment and went behind the counter and pulled out Li Ming's phone. She gave it to me and I bowed and walked away. Once I walked out I saw Tiw charge towards me and everyone else following.


I see Heart walk out of the GAME ROOM and run towards him. I took a second and realized I ran up on him too fast and everyone else was right behind and I saw how scared he was. 

I stood in front of him and made sure he looked at me," You can't be leaving like that?! Have you lost your mind?"

"I was trying to find Li Ming's phone...I just wanted to help?!"

"Tiwson?!" I turned around fast and saw Daonuea and Nuengdiao walk towards us.

"Krub?!" My heart dropped, "Why are you guys here?"

"We wanted to take you out partying for your-" Nuengdiao stopped talking when they got closer and they realized who was standing with me and Heart.

Daonuea had his eyes glued on the tall guy from Li Ming's family, " Khabkluen?"

"Ow Nuea," he finally looked up from his phone, " I was just text- why are you here?"

This awkward silence and heavy tension was painful to be in the middle of. I looked at everyone, confused and frustrated, walking away to take a breather. But that breather didn't happen because as soon as I sat down on the bench my dad called me.

Incoming call from Dad☺️💕🥺...

"Hello Krub Por..."

[Hello luk....what's wrong?]

"Nothing Por, I'm fine....is everything ok?"

[luk, you know you are my son right?]


[So you know I know when something is wrong with you, right?]


[So what's wrong?] He sounded really concerned .

"Ok Krub," I took a breather, "So I brought Phi Heart with me to hang out with some friends at the GAME ROOM to enjoy some time with them until my birthday, which is a couple hours and I forgot Heart don't really to public things so I thought I could help him out by bring him out and then I was so into the game that I never saw him again until two hours later when I finally got off," my eyes started to tear up," I found him with my best friend Li Ming. And he was upset with me and then we talked it out and then we went to hang out with some more of our friends and everything was fine,Por, I swear. Then Li Ming lost his phone and Heart disappeared and it was just too much," I felt my tears roll down my face.

[K̄hxthos̄ʹ Luk, you want me to come and get you?] (K̄hxthos̄ʹ: Sorry)

"No por It's ok i just needed to vent..I'll be home after hanging with everyone, thank you Por, for everything," I sniffled.

[I will always be here for you and I will always have your back... C̄hạn rạk khuṇ lūkchāy] (C̄hạn rạk khuṇ lūkchāy : I love you son)

"I love you too Por,"

He hung up and I moved the phone away from my face and sighed looking down. Li Ming came over and sat by me.

"Mueng, you ok?" I could feel him looking at me concerned.

"Uh, I just needed a minute..."

"Do you want me to leave?" I heard the sadness in his voice when he asked me.

"Of course not, my birthday is in three hours and I want to hang out with you, my best friend, hell all my friends, plus I know Heart-" I covered my mouth and looked at him and looked away fast.

"Heart what?"

"So are we partying or not?" Nuengdiao blurted out of nowhere walking towards us.

I stood up quickly and walked towards him and threw my arm around his shoulder. Thank God for Nuengdiao, I almost exposed Heart and told his secret. I'm so glad I caught myself. Shia..

I heard small footsteps behind me. "Ow, Mueng what about Heart," Li Ming reached to grab my shoulder but before he could Nuengdiao grabbed his wrist and twisted.

"What the fuck you think you are doing...you-"

Heart came out of nowhere and pushed Nuengdiao so hard, he hit to the ground and slid. Heart face was so red and you could practically see the fumes radiating off his body. He walked to Li Ming and crouched in front of him and looked at his wrist. I tell ya love makes you do crazy things. I have never seen Heart so angry, and especially not this angry to the point that he pushed his own twin.


I blanked and blackout and the next thing I knew when I came to, Nuengdiao was on the ground and I looked at Li Ming. He had tears in his eyes and his wrist was swollen. I bent down in front of him and gently grabbed his wrist.

"Are you ok?"

He forced a smile and signed, "yes I'm fine, I'll be ok.."

I knew he wasn't ok and that just made my blood boil and I told him I'll be right back and rushed over towards my twin brother and before I could touch him, I felt two people pulling me back. Tiw and Li Ming's Middle brother was holding me back. Nuengdiao look at me and was taken aback because of my behavior towards him.

Nuengdiao signed in anger, " What the hell is your problem? Why the fuck did you push me?"

I struggled out of their embrace and signed back pissed off, " You hurt him you asshole?!" We were inches apart from each other.

"Why do you care so much about him?!"

I stood still and stared at him. I feared embarrassing myself but honestly I didn't really care.

"Huh?! Tell me why?!"


"You love him?! (You love him?!)

Nuengdiao had a face of disgust and once I looked around everyone shared the same look except Li Ming, Tiw, and Por. The way everyone was looking at me I figured Nuengdiao must have said out loud. I looked at Li Ming and we locked eyes. He blushed so vividly and looked away so I thought he was disgusted too, I honestly don't know, I couldn't tell. I turned back to Nuengdiao and charged at him and started punching him. Win and Li Ming's two brothers had to drag me off my twin brother.

Daonuea ran to Nuengdiao side and helped him sit up and wipe his bloody face and his tears away and looked at me, "Heart what has gotten into you?" He looked concerned.

I could feel myself about to blackout and lash out so I pulled myself from the embrace again  and walked away. My face was red from the embarrassment and my hands were bloody from punching my brother. I didn't want Li Ming to see this side of me but he did and I can't change that I just want to disappear from everybody and everything.

Author's POV

Everyone was stunned, confused, and overall speechless. Sound, Win, Tiw, and Por we're making sure Li Ming was ok, while Khabkluen and Daonuea was helping Nuengdiao. Palm ran outside to see if he could find Heart but he had no luck. Once Palm ran back inside, he ran straight to Daonuea and Nuengdiao.

"K̄hxthos̄ʹ Phi, I didn't see him anywhere outside," Palm apologized to Daonuea.

Li Ming heard what his brother said and looked down feeling terrible. He definitely had a feeling towards Heart but didn't think it was mutual until 10 minutes ago. He couldn't believe Heart was in love with him though, he only had known him for one day.

Buzz buzz...

Li Ming grabbed his phone with his good hand and smiled a little when he received the LINE chat message.

Chinzilla Dude😂:
Hey my friend said she saw you at the mall and said you got hurt, Are you ok?

Li Ming read the message and looked around to see if someone was watching him but all he saw and heard was his best friends arguing on who was taking him to the hospital.

Yes I'm ok I just have a bruised wrist but I'm glad it wasn't my writing hand☺️

Chinzilla Dude😂:
I'm glad you are ok😊

No need to worry na...also I have never shown you my face so how did your friend know who I was?

Heart was nervous to reply so he left it on read because he didn't want to ruin anything.

"Ow, normally he texts back fast.." He looked up and saw his friends staring at him and he nervously chuckled.

They started talking again and Tiw looked at Li Ming and saw how he was worried about something. He didn't want to bother him with questions but he wanted to make sure he was ok. Tiw sat beside him and threw his arm around his shoulder.

"Mueng, you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just worried about him.."

"Phi Heart?"


"Me too, let's get you to the hospital and I'll look for him while you are getting bandaged up, ok krab?"

"Ok Khab..." He gave him a small smile.

After they continued to argue on who was taking Nuengdiao and Li Ming to the hospital, Daonuea just came to the conclusion that Li Ming and Tiw's group of friend will stay with Li Ming and He and Palm will stay with Nuengdiao and Khabkluen and Tiw will search for Heart.


I walked away. I walk away every time. I'm such a coward. I had the chance to tell him and I blew it. I blew up and now he knows and I didn't tell him personally. Nuengdiao made me expose myself in front of so many people but I can't blame him all the way, I opened my mouth and ruined myself. I'll never have him to myself ever again.

I was walking in the rain, crying my eyes out, shaking, and freezing. I was walking and walking and ended up at a restaurant where their mom and my uncle in-law and two other people were at. I walked in and sat near them so I could read their lips as much as possible. Everyone was looking at the tall yet slender man.

"Kajorn, what are you doing here?!" Their mom looked scared out of her mind.

I looked at the tall man who she was staring at, "I wanted to talk and say hello to some old friends, is that a problem?" He had a mincing smile.

I looked at the man and he looked very familiar. I tried to remember his face as much as I could but I just couldn't remember. The skeptical man spoke again, "I have to leave so I can't stay my friends because I have some business to take care of, but Ratchanee I'll see you later," I saw her flinch a little, no one else saw but me.

He winked at her and walked away. He walked past me and I avoided eye contact. Once he was gone I looked back at the table and they were comforting Mrs. Rattanakosin because she started crying. I know it was wrong timing but she looked beautiful and Li Ming really did look like her. From the rosy cheeks to her beautiful eyes.

The two other guys helped her up and she hugged my uncle in-law and they walked past me. I put my head down so she wouldn't recognize me but the younger one made eye contact with me but didn't say anything. I was shaking badly and started coughing. The waitress brought me some tea because she saw me come in from the rain. I closed my eyes and took a sip of my tea and once I opened them Lung Ayan was sitting in front of me.

I was startled and spilled some of the tea on myself. "Oh hooo?! SHIA?! Lungggg you scared me?!"

"H̄lān chāy what are you doing here and why are you all wet and look so drained," he signed to me, concerned yet worried. (H̄lān chāy: Nephew)

I looked at him scared to talk because I didn't want to tell him I basically ruined his son's birthday and I honestly didn't know if he really cared about me.

"H̄lān chāy, you ok?"

"Mị̀mī xarị Lung, just have a lot on my mind," I was trying to avoid the conversation so hard. (Mị̀mī xarị: Nothing)

"Listen, how about I take you hom-"

"Lek̄h thī̀?! Please I don't want to go home right now," I looked down feeling bad because of what I did to my brother. (Lek̄h thī̀: No?!)

"Why? Your mother will worry..." He signed to me confused yet concerned.

"Can I just stay with you please, at least for a while and I also need to apologize to Tiw," I was practically begging him.

"Apologize to Tiw? Is everything ok?"

"I'll explain everything later, Lang..."

"Ok ok ok, just let your mom know where you are, ok na?"

"Ok krab..." I gave him a smile but on the inside my mind was so worried about Li Ming. We left the restaurant and drove to his home, I stayed quiet the whole ride.

Li Ming

I was just looking at my phone over and over again for 30 minutes. They wrapped my hand and everything and I still didn't get a text from him. I wanted to text him but I felt like I might be pushing it. I started to get anxious and I couldn't keep my hands still. I grabbed my phone and Nuengdiao knocked on the door.

"Krub? Ow Phi I want to say I'm sor-" He held up his hand to stop me from talking.

"Nong I want to apologize first, I really am just hot-headed and protective over my family and my intrusive thoughts and reflexes just allowed me to fight. I really am sorry and I'm sorry about my brother's behavior. He doesn't usually blow up like that but I see he taught you some sign language," he smiled at me.

Him and Heart did look similar but you could tell they were fraternal twins. They smiled the same.

"Aye Nong?!"

"Krab? Oiii K̄hxthos̄ʹ Phi, I was thinking about something, what did you say?"

"Do you like my brother?"

I stared at him for what felt like a century. I did like Heart. I am scared of saying yes but I want to scream yes so bad. It's like I have seen him before in a dream or another life.

"Yes, I do..."


K̄hxthos̄ʹ (sorry) once again guys...I was sick, in the hospital, then I was working a lot. I didn't mean to hold off for so long please forgive me. I have definitely missed you guys and I love you all. Remember #BL4life and I love you guys once again 🥹🫶🏾😍 Please Vite, comment, and give suggestions please. (next chapter is going to be a little spicy 🥵 )


(I just love my babies so much and happy belated birthday to Nong GEMGEM 🫶🏾🥰....I still can't believe they both are younger than me hehe 💕🥹)

I hope GemGem tooth is ok....FotFot looked really sad because he didn't mean to hurt his best friend🫶🥹

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