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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I don't Know Why
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
It's Up

Chapter 14

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"I want you to open your mouth sweetheart." The doctor  instructed to Avery. She slowly opened her mouth and the doctor inserted a cotton swab and took a swab of her saliva.

She placed it in a small zip lock bag and snapped her gloves off.

"Well there it is. We'll have it ready within the hour. I hope you don't mind the wait." The doctor said. I shook my head.

"No not at all." I assured her.  "Take your time." She smiled and walked out.

"It's 10:20. Do you want to get something to eat before we get the results?" Roman asked.

I nodded and stood up. I took Avery off of my lap and let her walk on the floor.

I rolled up the sleves of my hoodie as Roman picked Avery back up.

"Let her walk Joesph, I don't want her to get used to being picked up all the time." I informed him. He shook his head.

"Nah, she likes me. She deserves to be picked up all the time." Roman said.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we left the room.

Before Roman could respond, I saw Summer and Chris sitting in the waiting room. She smirked a me. I didnt pay her any attention and just continued walking until we were out of the hospital.


The sun was scortching hot.  We were in San Diego California for smackdown taping today. I made mental note to go and see Mrs. Robinson, I just hope the tight schedule allowed it.

We started to walk towards Roman's rental car when I just suggested we walk to a local convienience store about two or three blocks down.

"Thanks for being here." I said slowly. Roman smiled.

"Anytime, even though we both know the test is going to come back positive." Roman assured me. I nodded.

"For Chris to be here today and on her side just proves how much he doesnt care for Avery. He threw about 7 years together down the drain." I sighed. Roman slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Aye, you're better off without him. You now got a perfect job, great friends, a sexy man like me." He said making me laugh.

"You're so cocky." I said shaking me head. Roman placed Avery on the back of his neck as she squealed and held onto his head for dear life.

We continued walking until we got to the convenience store.

I walked down the to the fridge and grabbed two turkey sandwiches and a bottle of fruit punch.

From the aisle over I could here Roman telling Avery to pick anything she wants. I smiled. He's just so great with her.

I finished off and went to the cashier where they were. I set my things down as Roman pulled out his wallet.

The cashier bagged our items. "Such a beautiful family. Beautiful mommy, handsome Daddy, gorgeous daughter." She smiled.

"Thank you." Roman replied. I rocked on my heels silently as she gave Roman back his change.

I held the bag as he held Avery as we walked back down to the hospital.

"Notice how she put the big emphasis on the 'D' in daddy? She's definitely wanting something." Roman said. I laughed and shook my head.

"You're so disgusting Anoa'I."

"So let me get this straight, you invited us out to get something to eat, but didn't get yourself anything?" I asked. Roman shook his head.

"I ate before going to the interview this morning." He replied. I nodded and we continued to the hospital.

It was 10:53 when we got back. We killed 30 minutes down but still had another half hour to go.

We sat in the waiting room, while they sat on the far side and conversated.

I unwrapped one turkey sandwich and handed Roman the second one. He opened his mouth to protest but I still gave it to him.

"While we wait, You want to finish telling me about your life?" Roman asked. I bit into my sandwich and shrugged.

"You already know everything." I said after I finished chewing. I let Avery bite a piece of my sandwich.

"I meant after the family.. you know, turned you down." Roman said. I pursed my lips.

"Well after I noticed the Cj wasn't moving or anything, I was a state of shock. It felt like my heart was shattered into millions of pieces. I just picked him up and clutched a crying Avery to my chest and ran. I ran without no shoes or a jacket through that cold night. We lived about five blocks from a children's office and that's where I went. When they took Cj in, I called the police for Chris."

"I got the news shortly after arriving at the hospital that Cj was gone. That same night I was headed to The Fatu house to see if I can stay there for a couple of days because his parents loved me, but it looked like Chris called them before I got there and that's when they lashed out at me. I called your parents and they were in denial also. I went to the bank and took all the money from my savings which was about $30,000. I went and booked a room at a hotel and made plans for Cj's burial." I wiped my eyes and inhaled. Roman looked at me with sad eyes.

"The only people who were at the funeral was your sister Vanessa, Avery and I. I was still so angry so another week after that, she offered to help me and I shut her down. Two weeks after Chris Junior's funeral, I booked a flight to California, even though I knew no ome there. I've been in New york all my life and there was just too many burdens. I'd already bought an apartment that was suitable. I flew there the next two days. Till three months ago, I was attending school and working..."I trailed off.

I didn't want anyone to know I worked at McDonald's. It was disgusting, degrading and embarrassing.

I finished and looked at Roman. He looked upset for some unknown reason.

"I feel like knocking the shit out of Chris right now." He said. I smiled.

"He's your cousin."

"Cousin or not, he's been a nasty ass snake. "Now the grass needs to be cut." Roman replied.

"Remember the good ole days when you and the twins would be over at our house? We used to have a blast. Well except for Summer." I smiled.

"Yeah. And I most definitely remember buying the beers." Roman laughed.

"I hate beer with a passion." I shook my head.

"Thanks for being here Ro." I grinned, calling him what Avery calls him. Roman laughed and Avery chimed in not knowing what was going on.

"The way she says it sounds like she's immitating a dog." Roman said. "Avery, say Ro."


I laughed and shook my head.

"How are things with you and Ariane?"I asked, continuing my sandwich.

Roman sat back and shrugged. "I really don't know. I was looking to make it official about a month ago, but then she started nagging constantly. It makes it feel like she doesn't trust me." Roman said.

"I mean she did suspect that things were going on between you and Steph." I laughed. He cringed at the thought.

"That one pissed me the fuck off. Who thinks of things like that. The other day we were at the mall. She bought somethings and the Cashier said I was a good looking man. She literally stomped out." Roman explained.

I giggled. "She's just looking out for her man. Cut her a little slack. She's a nice person." I inquired. Roman nodded.

"She is. She's just a little insecure sometimes." He finished up.

"Avery Owens and Christopher Fatu." A doctor called out. We stood up amd headed there. "You changed her last name huh?" Roman asked. I nodded.

Summer and Chris cut in front of us to the room. Summer smiled a fake smile amd went inside.

I rolled my eyes. Roman handed me Avery and gave her a kiss on the forehead before we went in.

The doctor had two packages in her hands. We all sat down, me far away from them.

"Well the results of the DNA test is finished. We were lucky to get it back this same day. On account of Avery Owens, you guys have requested to see if Christopher Fatu is her biological father. I'll let you do the honors." She said handing both Chris and I a package.

I tried to read her facial expression to see if it was bad news or not, but her face was hard to read.

"Thank you so much." I said before  walking out. I walked up to Roman and tapped him since he was on his phone.

"Done already? How'd it go?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It's here in this package. But it doesnt matter. I know who my child's father is."I said looking at Avery.

The door to the doctor's office opened and Summer and Chris walked out. He had the package and was following her. Summer laughed towards me and Chris smiled. Did the test come back negative?

I began to have a little heart attack but calmed down once I saw that Chris's package wasn't open.

I turned back to Roman who stood up.

"Don't you still want to see it. I know your so sure but this backs that up." Roman said.

"Sure let's get going first.  It's time to be at the arena." I replied.


I opened up the package. There was two papers inside.

"I don't even know why Im doing this. It was so stupid in the first place. Chris knows that Avery is his daughter." I said. I handed the papers to Roman and he began reading them

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I reached for it and saw that there was a message from Nikki.

-Hey where are you? You left so early this morning

-I'm out with Joe. I'll be at the arena in twenty.



-Oh girl get it.

I smiled and told her to be quiet.

"Ciara." Roman said again. I looked up at him. A look of confusion was written on his face as he looked at the paper

"I think you should take a look at this."

I shrugged. "What about it?"

He sighed and finally looled at me. "It-. It says that Chris is, Chris is not Avery's dad." Roman said softly.

I furrowed my eyebrows and took the papers from him.

"That's impossible. That doesn't even make sense. How in the-?" I said worrying.

Roman shrugged. "Summer probably did something or paid them." I continued.

Roman shook his head and sighed.

"The doctors wouldn't do that. Even if Summer did try to bribe them, the doctors can't. Especially  not while their under oath." Roman explained.

"But you have to believe. This test is wrong. I have never slept with anyone but Chris." I said throwing my hands up letting the papers fall.

Roman stayed silent while resting his hand on the steering wheel.

"You believe me," I said softly, "right?"

Roman didnt respond immediately and at this point I know I'm defeated.

It just doesnt make sence. I looked back at Avery who smiled back at me. I turned back around to Roman who was still thinking.

"I don't know." He replied starting the car up.

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