His Eyes Bore Greatness ☆ Her...

By CrayNommy

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Born into a wealthy and gifted family, he was a Metamorphmagus sorted into the house of Hufflepuff. There, he... More

(Y/N)'s introduction
[Book 1] Philosopher's Stone
[1.1] (Y/N) Goes to Hogwarts
[1.2] The Hat has Spoken!
[1.3] Classes and Mischief
[1.4] Troll for Halloween
[1.5] First Match and Christmas
[1.6] Look into One Soul
[Book 2] The Chamber of Secret
[2.1] The Boy Who Seek Soul
[2.2] Diagon Alley and Diagonally
[2.3] Fame and Society
[2.4] Classes Then Clashes
[2.5] Whispers and Seething Soul
[2.6] Nasty Juice and Valentine
[2.7] May I Slytherin?
[2.8] Messy Fight Commence
[Book 3] Prisoner of Azkaban
[3.1] Eventful Summer
[3.2] Siriusly Wanted
[3.4] I Feel at Ease When I'm With You
[3.5] Hermione Deserve Better
[3.6] Woe is Me
[3.7] The Truth
[3.8] Curse & New Beginning
[Bonus] Caught.
[Book 4] The Goblet of Fire
[4.1] A Small Concern Goes a Long Way
[4.2] Fred and George Wouldn't Last
[4.3] A Confession
[4.4] Evil Arise
[4.5] Magic and Mayhem
[4.6] Back to Hogwarts
[4.7] The Arrival
[4.8] A Forbidden Name Chosen
[4.9] Life Guarantee
[4.10] The Weighing of Wands
[4.11] The First Task Revealed
[4.12] First Task
[4.13] I Think of You
[4.14] Yule Ball
[4.15] Second Task
[4.16] Impending End, At Last
[Mysterious Book] The God's Cradle
[?] A Missing Piece
[Book 5] The Order of the Phoenix
[5.1] Dead Man Walking
[5.2] House of Black
[5.3] Laying Low
[5.4] For the Wicked
[5.5] Secret Meetings
[5.6] A Grim Christmas
[5.7] Verita Valentine
[5.8] Weasleys Wildfire Whiz-Bang
[5.9] A Proper End

[3.3] New Professor

251 13 0
By CrayNommy

Word Count: 4804 words.


The morning and the journey to the train station was quite the chaos. You lost all track of time and were mostly out of it if you were honest. You remember Mrs. Weasley hug and kiss, but before you know it, you kept turning your head to find an empty compartment. Everywhere you look, each compartment was filled and packed. 

At some point you saw Neville stuck between two other Gryffindor, then you saw Erika sitting down beside a very odd-looking girl with her odd pair of jewelry. It seems like girls tend to bat their eyes at you and smiles with tinted cheeks, and every time they do, Hermione would scoff behind you, reminding you to keep going. You set off down the corridor, looking for an empty compartment, but all were full except for the one at the very end of the train.

This had only one occupant, a man sitting fast asleep next to the window. You sat down from across the sleeping adult as Harry, Ron, and Hermione checked on the threshold. The Hogwarts Express was usually reserved for students, and they had never seen an adult there before, except for the witch who pushed the food cart. 

The stranger was wearing an extremely shabby set of wizard's robes that had been darned in several places. He looked ill and exhausted. Though quite young, his light brown hair was flecked with gray.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron hissed as they sat down and slid the door shut, taking the seats farthest away from the window. 

"Professor R. J. Lupin," whispered Hermione at once. 

"How d'you know that?"  

"It's on his case," You replied to Ron this time as Harry sat beside the sleeping professor. 

"Wonder what he teaches?" said Ron, frowning at Professor Lupin's pallid profile.

"That's obvious," whispered Hermione. "There's only one vacancy, isn't there? Defense Against the Dark Arts." 

"Well, I hope he's up to it," said Ron doubtfully. "He looks like one good hex would finish him off, doesn't he? Anyway..." He turned to Harry. "What were you going to tell us?"

Respecting your wishes, Harry explained all about Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's argument and the warning Mr. Weasley had just given him but leaving your name out of it. When he'd finished, Ron looked thunderstruck, and Hermione had her hands over her mouth. She finally lowered them to say, "Sirius Black escaped to come after you? Oh, Harry . . . you'll have to be really, really careful. Don't go looking for trouble, Harry —" 

"I don't go looking for trouble," said Harry, nettled. "Trouble usually finds me." You told her a quick thank you through your eyes as Harry nod. 

"How thick would Harry have to be, to go looking for a nutter who wants to kill him?" said Ron shakily. 

They were taking the news worse than Harry had expected. Both Ron and Hermione seemed to be much more frightened of Black than he was.

"No one knows how he got out of Azkaban," said Ron uncomfortably. "No one's ever done it before. And he was a top-security prisoner too."

But they'll catch him, won't they?" said Hermione earnestly. "I mean, they've got all the Muggles looking out for him too..."  

"It'be hard for him to move around, as long as we don't stray too far, we should be fine." You tried to assure Hermione besides you, but you can tell it does not really help. 

"What's that noise?" said Ron suddenly. 

A faint, tinny sort of whistle was coming from somewhere. They looked all around the compartment.

"It's coming from your trunk, Harry," said Ron, standing up and reaching into the luggage rack. A moment later he had pulled the Pocket Sneakoscope out from between Harry's robes. It was spinning very fast in the palm of Ron's hand and glowing brilliantly. 

"Is that a Sneakoscope?" said Hermione interestedly, standing up for a better look. You look besides you to see how fast the scenery changes. Your mind was still not at ease.

"Yeah... mind you, it's a very cheap one," Ron said. "It went haywire just as I was tying it to Errol's leg to send it to Harry." 

"Were you doing anything untrustworthy at the time?" said Hermione shrewdly. 


"Stick it back in the trunk," Harry advised as the Sneakoscope whistled piercingly, "or it'll wake him up." 

He nodded toward Professor Lupin. Ron stuffed the Sneakoscope into a particularly horrible pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks, which deadened the sound, then closed the lid of the trunk on it.

"We could get it checked in Hogsmeade," said Ron, sitting back down. "They sell that sort of thing in Dervish and Banges, magical instruments and stuff. Fred and George told me."

"Do you know much about Hogsmeade?" asked Hermione keenly. "I've read it's the only entirely non-Muggle settlement in Britain —"

"Yeah, I think it is," said Ron in an offhand sort of way, "but that's not why I want to go. I just want to get inside Honeydukes!" Ron was shining as he told this, you choose to listen with your head leaning against the window. 

"What's that?" said Hermione.

"It's this sweetshop," said Ron, a dreamy look coming over his face, "where they've got everything... Pepper Imps — they make you smoke at the mouth — and great fat Chocoballs full of strawberry mousse and clotted cream, and really excellent sugar quills, which you can suck in class and just look like you're thinking what to write next —"

"But Hogsmeade's a very interesting place, isn't it?" Hermione pressed on eagerly. "In Sites of Historical Sorcery it says the inn was the headquarters for the 1612 goblin rebellion, and the Shrieking Shack's supposed to be the most severely haunted building in Britain —" You smiles as Hermione fantasize. 

Out of all wonder she could be excited about, of course it's new knowledge and history. 

"— and massive sherbet balls that make you levitate a few inches off the ground while you're sucking them," said Ron, who was plainly not listening to a word Hermione was saying. 

Hermione looked around at Harry. 

"Won't it be nice to get out of school for a bit and explore Hogsmeade?" 

" 'Spect it will," said Harry heavily. "You'll have to tell me when you've found out." 

"What d'you mean?" said Ron.

"I can't go. The Dursleys didn't sign my permission form, and Fudge wouldn't either." 

Ron looked horrified.

"You're not allowed to come? But — no way — McGonagall or someone will give you permission —"  

Harry gave a hollow laugh as you look away. Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor House, was very strict. 

"— or we can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle —" 

"Ron!" said Hermione sharply. "I don't think Harry should be sneaking out of school with Black on the loose —" 

"Yeah, I expect that's what McGonagall will say when I ask for permission," said Harry bitterly. 

"But if we're with him," said Ron spiritedly to Hermione, "Black wouldn't dare —" 

"Oh, Ron, don't talk rubbish," snapped Hermione. "Black's already murdered a whole bunch of people in the middle of a crowded street. Do you really think he's going to worry about attacking Harry just because we're there?" She was fumbling with the straps of Crookshanks's basket as she spoke. 

"Don't let that thing out!" Ron said, but too late; Crookshanks leapt lightly from the basket, stretched, yawned, and sprang onto Ron's knees; the lump in Ron's pocket trembled and he shoved Crookshanks angrily away.

"Get out of here!"

"Ron, don't!" said Hermione angrily.  

"Story of our lives, Harry." You breathe out and Harry smiles rather weakly, still pretty sad about his lack of permission. Crookshanks then jump into your lap and settle there, he looks up to you demanding some petting. 

"It's look like I'm the chosen one." You grin and give the ginger cat some loves. "Let's keep our voice down, someone is sleeping." You reminded the rest.  

The Hogwarts Express moved steadily north and the scenery outside the window became wilder and darker while the clouds overhead thickened. People were chasing backward and forward past the door of their compartment. Crookshanks had now settled in an empty seat, his squashed face turned toward Ron, his yellow eyes on Ron's top pocket.

At one o'clock, the plump witch with the food cart arrived at the compartment door. 

"D'you think we should wake him up?" Ron asked awkwardly, nodding toward Professor Lupin. "He looks like he could do with some food."

Hermione approached Professor Lupin cautiously. 

"Er — Professor?" she said. "Excuse me — Professor?" He didn't move.

"He's really out cold. Must've been some rough night he had." You softly deduced with a bag of goodies in your arm. You sit down again, enjoying the sight of Professor Lupin's resting soul. 

"Don't worry, dear," said the witch as she handed Harry a large stack of Cauldron Cakes. "If he's hungry when he wakes, I'll be up front with the driver."

 "I suppose he is asleep?" said Ron quietly as the witch slid the compartment door closed. "I mean — he hasn't died, has he?"

"No, no, he's breathing," whispered Hermione, taking the Cauldron Cake Harry passed her.

He might not be very good company, but Professor Lupin's presence in their compartment had its uses. Midafternoon, just as it had started to rain, blurring the rolling hills outside the window, they heard footsteps in the corridor again, and their three least favorite people appeared at the door: Draco Malfoy, flanked by his cronies, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. 

"Well, look who it is," said Malfoy in his usual lazy drawl, pulling open the compartment door. "Potty and the Weasel."

Crabbe and Goyle chuckled trollishly. 

"I heard your father finally got his hands on some gold this summer, Weasley," said Malfoy. "Did your mother die of shock.

Ron stood up so quickly he knocked Crookshanks's basket to the floor. Professor Lupin gave a snort.

"Who's that?" said Malfoy, taking an automatic step backward as he spotted Lupin. 

"New teacher," said Harry, who got to his feet, too, in case he needed to hold Ron back. "What were you saying, Malfoy?"

Malfoy's pale eyes narrowed; he wasn't fool enough to pick a fight right under a teacher's nose. 

fight right under a teacher's nose. "C'mon," he muttered resentfully to Crabbe and Goyle, and they disappeared.

Harry and Ron sat down again, Ron massaging his knuckles. "I'm not going to take any crap from Malfoy this year," he said angrily. "I mean it. If he makes one more crack about my family, I'm going to get hold of his head and —"

Ron made a violent gesture in midair as you chuckle, imagining it. 

"Ron," hissed Hermione, pointing at Professor Lupin, "be careful . . ." 

But Professor Lupin was still fast asleep. 

The rain thickened as the train sped yet farther north; the windows were now a solid, shimmering gray, which gradually darkened until lanterns flickered into life all along the corridors and over the luggage racks. The train rattled, the rain hammered, the wind roared, but still, Professor Lupin slept.  

"We must be nearly there," said Ron, leaning forward to look past Professor Lupin at the now completely black window. 

The words had hardly left him when the train started to slow down.

"Great," said Ron, getting up and walking carefully past Professor Lupin to try and see outside. "I'm starving. I want to get to the feast..."

"This isn't right..." You timidly spoke as Hermione followed.

"We can't be there yet," said Hermione, checking her watch. 

"So why're we stopping?"

"Malfunction perhaps?"

The train was getting slower and slower. As the noise of the pistons fell away, the wind and rain sounded louder than ever against the windows.

Harry, who was nearest the door, got up to look into the corridor. All along the carriage, heads were sticking curiously out of their compartments. The train came to a stop with a jolt, and distant thuds and bangs told them that luggage had fallen out of the racks. Then, without warning, all the lamps went out and they were plunged into total darkness.

"What's going on?" said Ron's voice from behind Harry. 

"Ouch!" gasped Hermione. "Ron, that was my foot!"

"D'you think we've broken down?"

And then you felt someone on your lap.

"Sorry, I fell, who is this?" Hermione asked with frantic voice. 

"Me." You wrap your hand around her and she jolted. "Ssh..." 

"The temperature drop real fast... something is wrong." You told the others they slowly realize. Fog in their breaths, the window was then covered in thin layer of ice. 

"Sorry — d'you know what's going on? — Ouch — sorry —"

"Hullo, Neville," said Harry, feeling around in the dark and pulling Neville up by his cloak. 

"Harry? Is that you? What's happening?" 

"No idea — sit down —" 

There was a loud hissing and a yelp of pain; Neville had tried to sit on Crookshanks. 

"I'm going to go and ask the driver what's going on," came Hermione's voice. You felt her stood, and heard the door slide open again, and then a thud and two loud squeals of pain.

"Who's that?" 

"Who's that?"



"What are you doing?"

"I was looking for Ron —"

"Come in and sit down —" 

"Not here!" said Harry hurriedly. 

"I'm here!"

"Ouch!" said Neville.

"Quiet!" said a hoarse voice suddenly.  

Professor Lupin appeared to have woken up at last. Harry could hear movements in his corner. None of them spoke.  

There was a soft, crackling noise, and a shivering light filled the compartment. Professor Lupin appeared to be holding a handful of flames. They illuminated his tired, gray face, but his eyes looked alert and wary.

"Stay where you are," he said in the same hoarse voice, and he got slowly to his feet with his handful of fire held out in front of him.

But the door slid slowly open before Lupin could reach it.

Standing in the doorway, illuminated by the shivering flames in Lupin's hand, was a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling. Its face was completely hidden beneath its hood. There was a hand protruding from the cloak, and it was glistening, grayish, slimy-looking, and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water...

But it was visible only for a split second. As though the creature beneath the cloak sensed Harry's gaze, the hand was suddenly withdrawn into the folds of its black cloak. And then the thing beneath the hood, whatever it was, drew a long, slow, rattling breath, as though it were trying to suck something more than air from its surroundings.

The creature before your eyes is Dementor, and now it made it moves to feast on Harry soul as you stood, screaming,

"Harry!" You were about to move forward but Professor Lupin stopped you and casted.

"Expecto Patronum." Professor Lupin was calm and collected as he casted the spell. Then, a shield made out of warm blue tinted light and mist formed to cast away the Dementor. Everyone checked on Harry as you studied the man before you.  

The man then pulls out a very big slap of chocolate and snap it, making everyone alert as then he outstretched his hand towards Harry. 

"Here," he said to Harry, handing him a particularly large piece. "Eat it. It'll help." 

Harry took the chocolate but didn't eat it.  

"What was that thing?" Harry asked Lupin.

"A dementor," said Lupin, who was now giving chocolate to everyone else. "One of the dementors of Azkaban." 

Everyone stared at him. Professor Lupin crumpled up the empty chocolate wrapper and put it in his pocket. "Eat," he repeated. "It'll help. I need to speak to the driver, excuse me . . ."

He strolled past Harry and disappeared into the corridor, you ate the chocolate given to you, and you felt warmth coursing through every inch of your body. You felt really good.

"He's right. You should eat it." You told Harry your testimony and Harry began to eat his piece of chocolate.

"Are you sure you're okay, Harry?" said Hermione, watching Harry anxiously. 

"I don't get it... What happened?" said Harry, wiping more sweat off his face. 

"The Dementor feeds on your soul Harry." You simply reply making some gasp out loud. Harry looked at you as if you're losing it, but your stare and look down to him with certain eyes. 

"...I heard screaming." Harry slowly spoke. 

"But no one scream." Hermione informed.

"None of us did, but it was your worse moment you hear Harry." You shake your head as you told. "It's what they do, they force to relive your worst memory. The Dementor, it's what makes the Azkaban a hell on earth." You offered your hand and help Harry back on his feet. 

"How do you know so much?" Ginny's curiosity became loud. 

Professor Lupin had come back. He paused as he entered, looked around, and said, with a small smile, "I haven't poisoned that chocolate, you know..." 

"We'll be at Hogwarts in ten minutes," said Professor Lupin. "Are you all right, Harry?" 

He knows Harry's name? You find it rather odd, but then again Harry is pretty famous. 

"Fine," Harry muttered, embarrassed. 

They didn't talk much during the remainder of the journey. At long last, the train stopped at Hogsmeade station, and there was a great scramble to get outside; owls hooted, cats meowed, and Neville's pet toad croaked loudly from under his hat. It was freezing on the tiny platform; rain was driving down in icy sheets.


A short detour later, you find yourself waiting for Harry's checkup and Hermione's secret meeting with McGonagall. Quickly shoved underneath her clothes, was a Time turner, not the true one you must assume, given to Hermione to facilitate her soon to be overlapping time schedule. You really wonder why Hermione put herself in so much labor but knowing her thirst for knowledge it's better if she felt it herself. 

 It was a sea of pointed black hats; each of the long House tables was lined with students, their faces glimmering by the light of thousands of candles, which were floating over the tables in midair. Professor Flitwick, who was a tiny little wizard with a shock of white hair, was carrying an ancient hat and a three-legged stool out of the hall.

"Oh," said Hermione softly, "we've missed the Sorting!" 

"I will be at the Hufflepuff if you need me. Harry, Hermione..." You pat both by their shoulders. "I'll see you both around." You gave them a quick smile and part ways, missing their worry faces directed to your back. 

Harry knew about your bounty and was worried for you, but Hermione only caught that apparent dilemma in your eyes without knowing why and what exactly bothers you. She felt a little bit hurt as she sees you walked away, but she realizes the time is not now. 

You sat between Josh and Justin as the feast started. Susan Bones, as always sat across you with her eyes slightly widen, her cheek tinted and rosy. You talk mainly with Josh and Justin to catch up with them, it was then time for Dumbledore's speech.

"Welcome!" said Dumbledore, the candlelight shimmering on his beard. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..."

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued, "As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business."

"They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds," Dumbledore continued, "and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises — or even Invisibility Cloaks," 

"It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs afoul of the dementors," he said.

"On a happier note," he continued, "I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. 

"First, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." 

There was some scattered, rather unenthusiastic applause. Only those who had been in the compartment on the train with Professor Lupin clapped hard, Harry among them. Professor Lupin looked particularly shabby next to all the other teachers in their best robes.

As to our second new appointment," Dumbledore continued as the lukewarm applause for Professor Lupin died away. "Well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeeping duties."

The crowd applause at this with you being one of them, Hagrid seemed like a fun bloke to study with. And with you picking Care for Magical Creature, you are thrilled for the first class already. 

"Well, I think that's everything of importance," said Dumbledore. "Let the feast begin!"

The golden plates and goblets before them filled suddenly with food and drink. You helped yourself to everything you could reach and began to eat. As always, you ate like a hamster, making some girls giggles. 

"Look who grew to become such a ladies man." Josh shakes his head as he noticed the attention you received. "Stop eating will ya? Pay attention to the ladies fam, oi Susan! You like (Y/N)?" Josh teases, making Susan red in the face. 

"Not now, I'm eating." You didn't understand the context, but you couldn't be bothered and help yourself to second round, this time with the main dish. Lamb and mashed potatoes, some shepherd pies and onion soup.     

"Doesn't seem like he cares..." Justin was disappointed, he was hoping to tease you, but you fell in love with foods instead. 

"Shame." Josh's excitement deflated like a balloon.


You noted that your features are slightly sharper than before and that you're much taller than last year. With fast metabolism, your body stayed on the slim end, but you were hoping that you could bulk up for harsh training with Mr. Goodman. Checking on your plants before class, you find all in a solid state and make your way to best part of all morning, the breakfast. 

 After breakfast, it was time for you to deep dives back into the chain of first classes. You went flying with Buckbeak the hippogriff then went to greenhouse three and avoided the teething dangerous plants. Potion is as intense as before, but Transfiguration is as challenging as last year. Thanks to last year with the Basilisk, you found yourself pretty advance with Charms and DADA, still you keep yourself together and slowly course with the flow. Muggle Studies is enlightening, but Ancient Runes is a tad bit harder than your expectations. 

Hands down, Professor Lupin is the best teacher of DADA you've ever work with. Not only does his laid-back approach is friendly, but his pace at class is also comfortable albeit your year is so much behind. You saw Hermione once in a while being in the same extra classes as you, but it is apparent that she's been taking her class via a little time travel with her turner. You were worried for her, but right now, your DADA class will be banishing boggart. 

"So, the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a boggart?" Professor Lupin start his class with this question. 

You put up your hand from the seas of yellow and blue.

"It's a shape shifter, sir." You said. "It can take the shape of whatever it thinks will frighten us most."

"Couldn't have put it better myself," said Professor Lupin, and you glowed. "So, the boggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. He does not yet know what will frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears."

"This means," said Professor Lupin, choosing to ignore Neville's small sputter of terror, "that we have a huge advantage over the boggart before we begin. Have you spotted it, Mr. Hunnigan?" 

"Er — because there are so many of us, it won't know what shape it should be?" Josh side eye you as you nod, telling him that he was right. 

"Precisely," said Professor Lupin. "It's always best to have company when you're dealing with a boggart. He becomes confused. Which should he become, a headless corpse or a flesh-eating slug? I once saw a boggart make that very mistake — tried to frighten two people at once and turned himself into half a slug. Not remotely frightening."

"The charm that repels a boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing. We will practice the charm without wands first. After me, please . . . riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" said the class together.

After some more pronunciation trial, Professor Lupin gather his class to form a line and banished their boggarts one by one. Justin changes his snake into a plushie while Josh turns the dark room into a merry celebration, funny pictures rain the class. Some Ravenclaws tried their best until it was your turn to face your boggarts. You were the last out of the line. 

Professor Lupin's music plays with merry as the boggart shape shift. You were a bit nervous as to recall the boggart ability to turn the entire room pitch black when suddenly, you look down to find the corpses of Elizabeth, Hermione, Harry and Erika laid there unmoving. The classroom gasp as Tom Riddle had you by your neck, his wand to your eyes. The music comes to a halt when you raised your hand to stop professor Lupin from interfering. You tried to ignore the corpses, but it was almost impossible. 

You look up to find the eyes of Tom Riddle, but you're starting to lose your vision as your heart aches. Your heart is pumping really fast, yet you still find yourself unable to properly breath. 

"I will make you suffer, (Y/N)." Tom Riddle smiles. "I'll make you feel, utter despair." 

"Riddikulus." You chanted the spell, shifting your fears into a really funny looking cat, seemingly judging your life decision. You laugh at the cat as it reminds you to Bruno, but Professor Lupin was quick on his feet to disband the boggarts and disbanded his class.


New Spell Acquired

Riddikulus - Boggart-Banishing Spell

a charm that was used to defeat a Boggart. It caused the creature to assume a form that was humorous to the caster, along with a whip-crack noise, thereby taking away the Boggart's ability to terrorize.


"(Y/N), are you alright?" Professor Lupin seized you with both of his hands, his care was tender, and you look into his eyes, finding such a gentle soul with curse of abomination. 

"(Y/N)?" Professor Lupin grew even more worried when a drop of blood fall from your left nostril, but you smile as you hold one of his hands. 

"Who was that boy, (Y/N)?" Lupin asked you softly.

"That sir, was you know who, at least when he was much younger." Professor Lupin gasp at your response.

"I fear that I will be too weak to protect those that I care about sir. The fear is there, everyday."

"(Y/N), you are a student." Lupin slightly pout at your words. "Too fear such is too much for your age now does it? While you are here, make it worth your while and become stronger with your friends and companions. If you go down the path alone, it bound to be lonely."

"I've never seen such a gentle soul before..." Your voice came out as a whisper, almost too easy to miss. "I need to hear that Professor. Thank you." You nodded.

"And don't you worry, I have so much in my head Professor, I'm just quite stress." You told him the truth as he wearily exhales. 

"Your mother told me about your gift, she never told me that it's a magnificent one." Lupin smiles and earned your full attention. "Please be a dear and go see madam Pomfrey." He added. 

"Of course, Professor..." You started to leave but halt and look back. "Sir." 

"Yes, (Y/N)?" Professor Lupin was curious with his smile.

"You're the best DADA teacher so far." You told him with a grin and left running. 

"He looks so much like his mother." Lupin felt really light in his nostalgia. But then his smiles fade away as moment later, your sister knock and went inside his class. 

"And you look so much like your father." Lupin held his ache as he whispered very softly, reminiscing. "Hello uncle Lupin." Your sister smiles.

"Long time no see."

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╰┈➤ *⋆❝ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲? 𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 �...
809K 18.4K 47
In wich a one night stand turns out to be a lot more than that.
846K 10.8K 44
You're rafe Cameron's girlfriend. He's controlling, manipulative, and insanely jealous over you. (13/01/24) #1-Rafecameron (12/03/24) #1-Outerbanks ...