What if: Glitchtale\Multiverse

By Errorfics404

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What if Sans(glitchtale) received something truly powerful. He will have Sonic abilities, power and more. He... More

New Path?
Speedy vs Determined
Final Reckoning of HATE. Quest for Emeralds. God vs Devil.
Super Sonic Sans' First Appearance
Sonic Sans Profile
A friend? Sonic Sans meets some creepy skeletons
Cristmas Special! Sonic Sans saves New Year and Merry Cristmas!

The Fastest Skeleton vs Gloomy+Creepy Doctor

273 9 6
By Errorfics404

Before Sans resetted and all. One being a tall skeleton watched his actions. It smiled and said. 

✋☠❄☜☼☜💧❄✋☠☝ ❄☟✋💧 ❄✋💣☜☹✋☠☜ ✋💧 💧❄☼✌☠☝☜ ✌☠👎 👎✋☞☞☜☼☜☠❄📬 💣✌✡👌☜📬 ☺🕆💧❄ 💣✌✡👌☜📬. INTERESTING THIS TIMELINE IS STRANGE AND DIFFERENT. MAYBE. JUST MAYBE.

In the previous chapter we were presented with how Sans acquired his new powers. Before he was the lazy easy going dude. Ever since he found Chaos Emeralds with Master Emeralds. The most powerful artefacts in existence that is capable of anything. Especially if collected together. They gifted him new power. He became a lot stronger and faster. Although he got new abilities. Now he could consider himself the fastest thing alive. I mean he could easily reach speed beyond that of light. Due to Sans experimenting(he had things that could go faster than light and even that things were too slow for him). Also his strength incresed to the point of Sans being able to lift insanely heavy objects. He even lifted a black hole(size of 10 meters). Many other feats. 

For example his Blasters have enough power to destroy multiple solar systems. How does Sans know? He was able to calculate it(don't ask how). He scaled his other attack from Planetery to Multy-Solar System, via testing and experimenting. 

A week passed after Sans initial reset. This time he relaxed a bit. Despite that he still had grown stronger. Frisk just like she promised did pasifist run. Sonic Sans only signed(my name for this Sans). He right now chilled in his post in Waterfall. He enjoyed calmness and beauty of this place. Somewhat he was not happy though. He felt that genocide run was his fault. (In my au Sans actually protected Frisk. Yes he did let her fight on her own, but ultimately step up, if things got too far). He did reveal some of his power to his friends, but his promise was more important. He somewhat dislikes to promise, but always kept them. This why he felt guilty for genocide. How did he not notice? How did he not prevent it? Many thoughts and no answers. 

Maybe if he was like in the past he would just laze it off and not care. Right now he couldn't affort it, he was different. He was not the same skeleton. No longer lazy, only sometimes. No longer ampathatic. Sans realized that he had power to change this world. He had multiple chances to prevent Frisk from genocide and stop her, if necessary. Stupid him thinking that she will came into conclusion on her own. He did not have any idea about Chara. He did not blame her as ultimately it was Frisk choice. No one else's. That only hurt Sans more. Sonic Sans woved to always have power to protect his friends and family. Even if he needs to sacrifice himself. 

At Waterfall. Sans's post. You know. 

Sans was currently taking his nap. He was peacifully sleeping. The place seemed to be silent and devoid of sounds. As if supporting short skeleton in his dream. Sometimes underground and it's places are magnificent. No one was around or at least it seemed like it. However someone will arrive. This was of course Frisk, who had decided to meet with her uncle. When she approached his post, she saw him napping, but could feel he was aware of his surrondings. This was ability she found facinating. Due to it he could be awaken at any moment and ready for throwing hands. 

Frisk wanted to prank her uncle like he did to her. A small revenge, if you will. She closed her distance slowly. Thus reaching Sans in 5 minutes. The reason for being slow is quite obvious. Sans for some reason has very good hearing and can hear even quiet sounds, that why frisk walked carefully as to not raise any sound. Sans luckily was still asleep. Frisk appeared right next to him banging on his post. This definitely woke him up instantly. But that was all it did. Sans took in his current location. Quickly seeing Frisk, he decided to greet her. 

Sonic Sans(name from now on to others he is just Sans): Oh hey Frisk, what ya doing here? Sans asked surprised by seeing Frisk in front of him. He remembered she was in Showdin with his brother Papyrus. However he supposed that she finished all business with him and simply wanted to hang up with him. Not that Sans was particularly against it. Right now he wanted to talk about previous timeline. 

Sonic Sans: Kid I want to talk about the previous timeline. Let's go to grillby. Sans exclaiming standing up from his station. Frisk mood changed sligtly and her smiled transformed into a frown. She did not exactly wanted to remember it or talk about it. But she knew that Sans deserved it. Besides she can endure for uncle. She perfectly understood that it was on her. Genocide was ultimately her choice. Not Chara's or Sans' hers. This is why it made her harder on reguest to talk. 

Regardless Frisk showed thumps up. She agreed to listen to whatever Sans wanted to talk her about. Sans smiled. He knew it wasn't easy for neither of them. But it had to be done to clear their misunderstandings. Without it both of them cannot let it go and continue on their path. Sans especially was set on it, due to his vast experince and resent change. Killing your friends is not easily forgivable or forgettable. For him and Frisk. So them talking about it would hopefully help him and her to get this weigh off their sholders. If not it might crush them by it's immense pressure. Guilt can be such a bitch sometimes. But it only natural. Alas everyone have their strengthes and weaknesses. Failts and successes. 

Sonic Sans: Let's go. I will teleport us. Sans proclaimed. He could have easily used his speed, but thought that teleporting would be saviour. Sans had not used speed for carrying anyone. It might lead to disaster, unless he is more experienced Sans will use teleporting for transporting others. In this case him and Frisk. He focused on his energy. Thankfully he trained to control his teleporting again. After a while he gained his energy and Frisk's into location he knew as Grillby. After doing that. Both disappeared after a while. 

With Sonic Sans

Sans appeared into familiar location. Grillby. Many happy memories are tied to this place. Sans also vowed to pay his bill for real this time. I mean he did get his salary from Asgore and his jobs. He didn't get three jobs for nothing. Especially paying tap that he had collected. He knew Grillby did not mind, but Sans still wanted to pay his friend. He entered bar. Surprisingly no one was there. Quite rare to see such sight. Sans was here for so many times he cannot even count or maybe he can. But it's not time for math, it times for conversation. Sans saw Grillby who as usual was in his place washing cub. He obviously noticed Sans and acknowledged his presence. 

Sans took his regular seat. He sat here so regularly, it was only reserved for him. Bar regulars called it Sans seat or comedian seat. After all he was comedian. Also he became a bit less jocky, but could still joke. Also his jokes improved not only in quality, but in roasting as well. He could easily win any battle with jokes, if you would ever participate in one. Alas fortunately he is not interested in it. 

Sans: Hey Grills. As usual please. Sans greeted and straight up ordered his food. Normally he took only ketchup. In last months he began to also order chilidogs. Sans could not explain why he suddenly started to love them. He did not care though. (yes they are in grillby, how because I said so). He waited then he finally decided to speak what was on his mind. Since genocide route. 

Sans: So kid let's talk about last ... He stopped realized that Frisk was not there. Indeed Sans assumed that Frisk followed him, despite clearly seeing her absence. Sans thought it as his mind playing tricks. For the fastest thing he can be quite slow. Sans widened his eyes. He wondered where Frisk might actually be. Then he remembered only place. Waterfall secret location, where you can access, via teleportation. Only being, aside from himself that can brought you here is Gaster. 

Sans teleported. Already explained that desired location can be reached only wit teleportation. Let's see Frisk Pov. Shall we?

Frisk's Pov

Place that cannot be normally seen in any route. This location is known as remote and inaccesible. Frisk ended up in secret part of Waterfall. Obviously she never saw this location. At first she was confused and tried to search for Sans. Only later realizing that she was not near rillby, but instead in unknown location, she never saw before. She nearly explored every bit of underground she could, but even then she never encountered location with door in centre of it. Door itself was entirely white. It made Frisk want to open it for some reason. 

Frisk was scared and confused. Due to fact she was alone without Sans in never before seen place. Possibly she can be in danger. Frisk calmed down. No use in panicking she needs to think clearly on her case. So Frisk did do just that. She came into conclusion that she was in unknown place alone and Sans was nowhere to be seen. She decided to wait for him to arrive. She thought that just did not notice her absence just yet. He should do it quickly and take her out of this scary place. 

But temptetion to open this mystical door only increased as time passed by. Even without realizing she was already closing distance with weird door. Only when she was in front of it she snapped out of her daze. Frisk wish to open this door was too much to fight, she succomded to her wish. She touched door opening it easily. Inside of it was black void. She entered this place completely only for door to suddenly close. It made Frisk flinch and slowly fear crept in her veins. She looked in distance only to see weird figure. It was a skeleton by appearance. however it's appearance was distorded like it lacked physical form similar to amalgates, but different at the same time. Frisk looked and estimated her options. 

Meanwhile Gaster smile got creepier and wider. Looking very threatingly. Frisk step back from being scared. She naturally felt that this skeleton whatever he or it was held danger towards her. Gaster finally decided to talk. 

Gaster: Ah Frisk your determination exceeds most. With such power I can return. I can be WHOLE again. He said. Frisk realized he was after her soul. Without warnin black tendrils erupted from ground trying to impale Frisk. Luckily she dodged them professionally, but still barely. She sweatdropped. Frisk saw only one option for her is to run. However she enterence was blocked. She was in trap with monster that was ken on killling her and accessing her soul. Frisk did not knew what to do. 

Gaster only smiled seeing Frisk pitiful attempts to save her life from being completely eradicated. She thought she can escape him. What a fool. No matter. He needs to end her quickly before Sans arrives. Cause if he does this might get troublesome. Gaster tries once again to kill Frisk. Again with same move. Only change is now his tendrils are faster. Frisk managed to dodge them this time. However she had few exteremely close calls. If she gets hit it may not be over, but it will indicate that Gaster is approaching his goal. Seeing nothing in trying it Frisk decided to use her reset. She determined that Sans will understand and support her. Gaster of course knew her abilities. 

Unfortunately he couldn't let her do that. Gaster eyes changed color. One changed into blue, while other were yellow. Frisk hands closed to reset, only for reset button to be covered in black. Completely rendering it useless with save as well. Frisk watched in shock and fear. She looked at Gaster, who smiled victoriously. He then spoke. 

Gaster: Sorry, but I cannot allow you do use that. Now I only need to kill you once, right? He asked, but it sounded more as retorical question than real one. Frisk had no potion left, other than trying to survive as long as necessary. Perhaps stolling time will allow Sans to finally arrive and defeat this weird goopy ass skeleton, who looked like odd scientist. Frisk survived for a bit. However she was cornered in dead end. No way to escape or dodge. If Sans does not arrive soon. Frisk is as good as dead. This time no reset or save. She will be dead for real. 

Gaster: It seems like you have no way to escape. Now let's finish this. He stated. He summoned his gaster blaster. It fired it beam at Frisk. Approaching quickly. Frisk was hoping for Sans to appear. Thankfully a wall of blue bones protected her from gb. For some time beam clashed with bone-wall, but doing nothing it disappeared. Sans was in front of Frisk in protective manner. He watched this place with hard look. 

Frisk: Sans! She exclaimed truly happy. She thought she was a goner for second there. Now she was going to watch Sans beating absolute shit out of this goopy weird slimy guy. Sans smiled to Frisk, he then said. 

Sonic Sans: Ya Frisk, let's get out of here. He said. 

Sans body suddenly curled into a ball, which in this position he started to spin. It greatly shocked Frisk and Gaster. They did not expect Sans to do something like that. Sans finally moved to door. Using his homing attack destroying it completely. While not hurting butterfly, who flew nearby. Sans decided to transport it using his speed. He hoped he would be able to do that. He gently placed butterfly right now time almost stopped for him, due to him going at speed massively surpassing light like thousants of folds and more. After placing his hands he made sure to not crush it. He instantly reached another end of Waterfall(due to location moving to normal Waterfall he was able to do that). Then he after saving Mr. Butterfly, who was thankfully not hurt or crushed. He arrived to Frisk. He carried her out of room. All of that he did in just fraction of a second. Time resumed it's natural flow. 

Frisk and Gaster who obviously did not notice anything, until looking at their surrondings. Frisk looked at her uncle. She knew it was his job, but she did not even notice nor reacted. It's like boom and she already out of the room. Gaster knew that Sans did something, but decided to ignore it as he could be whole again. He finally left void and this room. After so many years of being distorded, non-exist and slimy. His body is normal and he is whole. Only obsticle is his son. Frisk is not a threat. But his son is obviously one. Just before he showed something not even he though was possible. He realized it was speed. Due to Frisk appearing in other end of room. Gaster still beliebed he could defeat his son and kill him, if necessary. No one stops him from escaping this place. 

Gaster: Finally I am whole again. He said as seven hands with multiple different colors appeared behind his back. Strangely Sans did not back down. Unlike in past, where Gaster would woop his ass hard. Now things are different. With power bestoned upon him by Chaos Emeralds, he is more than confident that he can beat Gaster. Honestly he might just speedblitz him, but it would be not giving his dad a chance. Besides Sans wanted to try to reason wit hhis dad, cause it is his dad. 

Sans: Come on Dad, you received what you wanted. Freedom. We don't need to fight, anymore. Sans tried to reason with Gaster. Unluckily void messed Gaster too much for his to be reasonable or sane. He was far too gone in his wish to escape this place and become normal. Maybe if he is restored, then it's possible. Gaster only laughed at his son. He already decided that he will kill everyone standing in his way, including his own son. 

Gaster: No son, I will gain Frisk's son whenever you want it or not. You know what I am capable of. Perhaps I need to remind you. Gaster said with crazyness and madness. Sans signed. It's was what he feared the most. Being forced to fight your relative the one you cannot reason with. It hurts as you can't do anything about it. It's either you or them. Outcome is one, but neither one is good. Sans vowed to try more. He didn't want to kill is dad, not after he saw him for first time. After his incident falling in his machine. 

Sonic Sans and Gaster have intense stareoff. Gaster finally made his move. He attacked. His hands moved. Two of them in particular. One was light blue, another was darker and blue. One hands created strings made out of magic to hopefully pin Sans long enough to kill him. While another created circular blades shotting them straight at Sans. Moves approached Sans, who waited for them. While stepping on ground(like Sonic when he waits for player to resume his game). Sans moved aside easily strins passed far away. They missed. Only blades could pose some threat. Sans prepared then he jumped right in middle of moves. He was able to stand on top of one of them. He thought about his options, when he get one idea. He used is blue mode]attack on one of moves, which surprisingly worked. He changed direction. Now he moved straight at Gaster's hands. 

He saw that but did nothing. Sans spinned dashed straight at one hand destroying it, while hand that created blade got destroyed by it's own attack. Sans only looked at Gaster as if saying. 'Is that best you got?' Gaster growled in anger and frustration. He had understimated his son. However he still had plenty of tricks up his sleeve. Unknowingly for him his son did too. He tried to use another one of his hands this time yellow one. It is able to shot yellow shots that look like small circular orbs. Like bullets. This hand shoted multiple of dozen of orbs tyring to hit Sonic Sans. He saw them from mile away. They moves so slowly to Sans. Almost killing him out of boredom. Sans dodged them by speeding and maneuvering to avoid being hurt. He used light speed attack to finish off this hand. He stored and incresed his speed to do that, he slammed right into hand destroying it, also creating shockwave that shook entire underground. 

Gaster watched in horror. He made a BIG mistake chalegging his son at his current. Yes in past his son was considerably weaker than himself, but now situation are not only different. His son surpasses so much that it not even funny. Gaster fully understood just how dire his situation actually is. However he did not wait for so long just to fail on this phase. He either wins or died. No other way around. He thought a bit, then he held his green hand creating huge shield trapping Sans inside it. Slowly making shield smaller in hopes to crush Sans to dust. Sans only contempleted his option, but decided to just punch his way out. He easily break whole shield with hand by just his punch. That punch even cracked floor that Sonic Sans was standing on top of. Gaster then exclaimed. While his skull cracked a little. 

Gaster: It seems I am approaching my limit, but I will not give up. He said while using his orange hand to create orbs similar to yellow ones, but orange. He could activate them. They activate exploding without few seconds. Sans only signed. 

Sans runned from explosion that happened within two-three seconds at a time. He then decided to use his intellegence once again. He increased his speed to grap one of exploding orbs. That did not detenate. He successfully have taken in into his hand. He zoomed towards orange hand  jumping with enough force to fly. He flew enough to position Gaster attack on his finger he flicked it. Orb decended on hand. When Sans checked that everything is alright he returned to his original standing place in an instant. Once again time flew like before, when Sans did not use his speed. Orb fell right into hand exploding on it oblitirating it completely. Gaster narrowed his eyes at that. He saw Sans somewhat, but even then he was like a blue blur to him. Just how fast is he? Gaster questioned. He had only two hands left. Not good. He cannot give up now. 

Gaster send his purple hand that created spikes that flew towards Sonic Sans. Once again Sonic Sans acknowledged the attack, but wanted to use something different. He sped up building his strange to use Sonic Boom. He was able to. His move created massive shockwave that was powerful enough to destroy spikes and hand, luckily it did not reach red hand as Gaster was able to protect it in time. But he was knocked out of his feet on ground. He was surprised by Sans move. Regardless he needs to be free and whole. 

Now he only has his final hand. The strongest one. The red one. He then started to use it. Gaster then said. 

Gaster: You don't know how it feels. He exclaimed created a few of his Gaster Blasters that fired directly at Sonic Sans, who evaded it by just moving at high speed in another direction. Gaster only got angrier and more furious. Sans did not understand how it felt. To be lonely, alone in timeless void wit your fears, doubts. Slowly going insane. Wanting it to end, wanting to commit it(you know what self-kill). Being abandoned and forgotten. Gaster will escape no matter the cost. 

Gaster: To be alone. He said angrily and a bit shoated even. Created another pair of blasters. Sans curled into a ball spinning out of the way and positioning himself afterwards. That made Gaster desperate and considerably more angry. Gaster used more power to hopefully gain his advantage. 

Gaster: To be Adandoned. He shoated even louder and angrier this time. Creating an even bigger and stronger pair of blasters to send Sans to the shadow realm. However to his dismay he created energy spears that easily intercepted his attack rendering it useless. Gaster was out of options as his skull and cracked more with hand. Gaster decided to use all of his remaining power. All at once. 

Gaster: FORGOTTEN! Now he screamed for real in anger, frustration and despair. He summoned the biggest blaster and the strongest one he could. It opened to fire it's beam at Sonic Sans. Sans only smiled about it, he curled into a ball he spinned and charged up some energy. He then went straight at beam. The beam and spinning Sonic Sans collided struggling to determine, which one is the stronger one. The case is that Sonic Sans was far stronger. He pushed to Gaster closing and flying right into Gaster. This created small explosion(he did not use so much energy, only required to overpower Gaster move easily). 

Sonic Sans now stood victorious over blooded, but alive and counsioness Gaster, who had received considerable, but not deadly damage(less than Chara dealt in season 1, when he took hit for Sans). Sonic Sans watched his opponent. Now was perfect chance to make Gaster realize his mistakes. Would it work? Only when Sans tries it will be clear. Frisk cheered for Sans win over Gaster, she realized he somewhat have gone ease one him and Chara as well. She wondered just how strong and fast Sans is?  Only time will tell as she only saw little part of what Sans actually capable of. 

Gaster: Just wanted to be whole again and escape this void. Gaster stated defeated and despair evedent in his voice. Sonic Sans looked at him kindly. That was chance he was waiting for. He positioned his hand to grap Gaster and help him to stand. Gaster only looked at him, when Sonic Sans said. 

Sonic Sans: You know trying to escape by killing everyone in your way is not right. You just as aware of that as I. Come on G, let's just walk home and foret this whole ordial. Gaster still did not listen. Void influence changed him beyond recognision. Gaster had angry look. Sonic Sans realized that there is no point of return now. 

Gaster: I will use any means, necessary. He proclaimed in anger. He summoned sarp black tendril in last vain attempt to kill Sonic Sans. Time flew slowly and nearly stopped. 

Sonic Sans moved out of the way easily. He had sad look on his face as he failed to make Gaster come to his reasoning. Sonic Sans did not have any other option. Despite Gaster having no power reset was blocked. Unless he is dead it won't be unlocked. Sonic Sans wished for things to not go this way. However sometimes hard decision are necessary. Sonic Sans charged up his energy and created blastes with homing attack. It flew narrowingly at Gaster. Time resumed as his attack connecting leaving nothing but pile dust, which was blew from this place. Frisk approached Sans, who had unreadible look on his face. This failure hit him hard, even with such power he was not able to reason with Gaster. Resolted in him turning into dust. Frisk held her hand on his sholder to support him. His eyes motioned for Reset. Frisk took his hint. She pressed again. 

Everything went white. 

To be continued...

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