000 || Zero

By StxrlxghtBooks

17K 376 27

Was 001 truly the first subject? No, he wasn't. There was one before him. 000. She exhibited great power, str... More



319 8 0
By StxrlxghtBooks

You need a little bit of insanity to do great things.

The next day I finally came back to the rainbow room, but I had noticed something off. All the children were giving me strange looks, even 011.

I walked over to 011 to ask her what was going on but she simply got up and walked away. I stood there in disbelief. Me and 011 get along well, what is it that's going on?

I decided to just brush it off for the moment and joined Peter at the table where he is setting up the chess board. He gives me a quick glance when I sit down, noticing that something is off. "What's on your mind?" He asks, placing his pieces down. "All the kids are giving me weird looks, even 011." I state with an annoyed tone, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms.

Peter smirks a bit and leans forward in his seat. "Maybe they heard us last night." I gasp at him and smack his arm as he chuckles at me. "Well, 011 wouldn't ignore me over something like that." He raises his eyebrow at me. "How can you be so sure?"

I give him a glare before continuing. "It's 011, come on. She doesn't care about stuff like that." He chuckles a little and I shift my gaze back to him. "Did you try talking to her?"

"Oh yeah. She got up and walked away." He now looks a bit shocked. "Okay, that's not 011." I leaned forward in my chair towards him. "Yeah, I told you."

The day drags by slowly. All throughout training the children were giving me strange looks, it was throwing me off.

Eventually, we're all back in the rainbow room after group training. Peter was the only orderly surveilling the room at the time. While we were playing our usual chess game another orderly stepped in, walking over to Peter and whispering something into his ear. Peter nods in response and stands up. "I'll be back, 019." He says to me and I nod.

When he had left the room I looked back up and noticed that all eyes were on me, even 011. It made me shift uncomfortably in my seat. A group of the older kids come up to me, one of them being 002.

"Hi, '019' How are things going?" 002 says to me in a mocking tone. I just cock my head and give him my best confused face. "Why'd you do the quotes thing?" I ask him, trying to sound as innocent as possible. He just chuckles at me and slams his hands down on the table, causing me to flinch at the sudden loud noise.

"You know exactly what I mean. You're not who you say you are, are you?" He pushes, and more of the children surround me, including 011 who has put on her best intimidating face. I give her a quick glance and she falters a bit.

"I am exactly who I say I am. You just have issues." I push at him, he pretends to look hurt at my words, placing his hand over his chest. "Oh wow, I am hurt 019."

He chuckles loudly before gesturing to my wristband that covers my number. "If you were really 019 I bet you wouldn't have that on." I try to keep my composure as he glares me down. I glare back at him, anger running through me.

He then tightly grasps my wrist before ripping it off. He laughs loudly as he shows his friends the wristband in his hand. He turns back to me and looks at my bare wrist.

A sudden wave of shock had washed over him. He looked utterly confused along with plenty of the other children. "000?" A young girl questions. "Why 000?" I hear another murmur farther back in the group. I lean back into my seat, frozen in shock.

They found out. Man, I am so dead.

I glance up at the camera in the rainbow room, noticing that the small, red light was off. They couldn't see this. Brenner would never know if I could just keep this under wraps. I could do that, right?

"Aye, I was talking to you." 002 snaps in my face. I shift my gaze back to him as he stares down at me in confusion. "Why are you 000? Why is there no 001? Explain."

I'm shaking. I can't keep it down any longer. My emotions are boiling up and I have zero control over my body. I'm so stressed to the point that I feel I could break at any moment.

002 and the older children press at me more, eventually backing me up into a corner. I'm so overwhelmed with emotions everything grows hot, my vision goes blurry, and their voices get louder. I put my hands over my ears to try and block out their voices but to no avail.

I start gasping for breath, holding my head in my hands. I can barely see the floor in front of me when I scream out.

The others back away from me as my emotions are projected onto them. They feel all my stress and anxiety pour into them. It twists their minds in such a way that they fall to the ground.

I eventually fall to the ground, gasping for air. I look up slowly to see all the children with scared faces. They look as if they had seen the most traumatizing thing on the planet. Their eyes are wide as they stare at the ground in utter shock.

I sit up slightly so I can lean my back up against the wall. I spot 011 staring at me from across the room, she looks scared and confused. Her mouth moves, but no words come out of them.


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