My Name Is Harry

By bish_In_Glasses

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All the Autistic! Harry oneshots in one place. Yeet! More

A Diagnosis At Last
The Potters
Stimming #2
Fifth Year
More Autistic James
Finally, A Diagnosis
Yet More Autistic James
Smol James
Moving House
More Smol James
Please Don't Leave Me
Finally, A Diagnosis 2
Autism Burnout: Percy Weasley
Come Let's Watch The Rain As It's Fallin Down


165 4 0
By bish_In_Glasses

James and Lily are worried about Harry because he is showing signs of being autistic and he has the curse scar affecting him. I love writing a smol neurodivergent Harry. Also James and Lily are still learning how to honor their own limits as autistic adults. Also Sirius has ADHD or cool guy syndrome. 

Lily POV

"Yewwow! Yewwow, Dada!"

I chuckle as Harry loudly decides his outfit for the day, and James coos to the little boy in the special voice he only uses on Harry. "That's right, Harry. Look at you, ordering your dad around. You're a boss!"

James emerges from the nursey, Harry cradled to his chest. The little deer is clutching his owl, thumb in his mouth. I can't help but hug both of them. "You are both so precious."

Breakfast is soon underway. Harry giggles and babbles as James prepares breakfast, and I get out the only thing Harry will eat without throwing it. Even then, Harry is getting stronger, sassier, and he sometimes throws things for a reason we can't find. 

A baby spoon sails past my head, there's an angry toddler wail, and James rushes over. "Uh-oh! Hey, Harry. You seem a bit stressed, is the chair a no no?"

Harry answers, "No no!"

With that, Harry is lifted out of his high-chair and set on a soft blanket on the floor. He doesn't seem to like his chair anymore. James sits next to him, playing peek-a-boo. He meets my eyes. "I think he might be outgrowing his chair now."

I join the two of them on the floor, relieved to see Harry happily flapping his tiny hands and giggling. "He won't wear anything but that yellow onesie, either. Thank Merlin we got six other ones."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry is 3 years old

Sirius and Remus are the ones who frantically owl us when Harry suddenly stops talking. 

I did the same thing as a child, and James' parents told me about how he didn't speak until he was five or six, so I'm not worried. But James is beside himself, even losing the ability to speak on the way there. 

I don't start to worry until I see Harry, who is crying and tugging on his hair. His owl is nowhere to be found. Oh shit. 

Sirius is near tears, Remus rubbing his back. "He spilled milk on his owl and I tried to Scourgify it, but it disintegrated! I'm so sorry! I know he loves that thing, I feel so terrible!"

James sits by him, tugging his sleeve and then holding up our credit card. Sirius looks confused, and then digs in his pockets. "You want me to buy a new one?"

My husband shakes his head, rocking a little before grabbing a quill and parchment. We all let him write what he wants to say. But the scratch, scratch, scratch of the quill sends him over the edge. He instead opts for trying to calm Harry down. James sits with Harry on the floor, giving him a cold jelly ice pack to hold. Harry sniffles, squishing the little beads inside. 

Remus takes the credit card James left on the sofa and stands up. "How about we leave James with Harry, and get him a new owl?"

A tiny hand tugs on my sleeve, and I smile at Harry. "Hello, dear. Are you hungry?"

He nods, still holding his ice pack. " cweam."

Yay! I try my best to not shout with excitement. "Of course, Harry."

I turn to James, who is smiling at Harry. "Do you feel up to ice cream, babe?"

James nods. 

An hour later at Florean Fortescue's, Harry is happily licking a chocolate ice cream cone, Remus and Sirius are sharing an ice cream sundae, and James and I are sharing orange sorbet. He's still silent, occasionally rubbing his throat with a wince after he tries to talk. 

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