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By mango_joon

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In the medieval times of dragons, knights, castles, and princesses, growing up to be the princess of a small... More



124 5 0
By mango_joon

𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 | "𝑴𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝑩𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆"

"Baby girl?" My father's groggy voice called. "Is that you?"

Come on, I was so close! Don't let me get caught now! "Yes, Daddy!" I responded quickly. "It's me."

I heard him sigh in relief. "What are you doing out of bed? Can you not sleep?" He asked worriedly.

"Uh, yeah. I went down to the kitchen to get something to drink," I lie.

He rubbed his eyes, which were laced with sleep. "Aw, I'm sorry, sweetie. Come here." I gulped as he opened his arms, expecting a hug. I embraced him anyway, feeling his muscular arms wrapping around me, but of course I hugged him back. "Were you unable to sleep? Has something disturbed you?" He asked again, the worry never leaving his voice.

Aish; I feel so bad that he worries so much for me. He shouldn't have to. "No, Daddy. I'm okay. I just woke up feeling kind of thirsty."

"I see. Are you going back to bed?" He wondered aloud.

If you mean am I going to bed for the first time tonight, then yes.

"Yes. I am."

I felt him kiss the top of my head. "Okay, goodnight then. I love you. I hope you're able to get some rest."

"I love you too, Daddy," I responded curtly.

After he'd headed back into his room, shutting the door, I went back into my own room, breathing a sigh of relief and thinking about how amazing my little adventure was. I mean, I even met someone! Taehyung is so sweet, too. And so handsome! I wonder why someone like him would be interested in someone he met by mistake? I think I liked how tonight felt, and I might have discovered my new guilty treat. Kim Taehyung is certainly one mysterious fellow.

I snuck out again the next night to see him again, and I did this the next night and the next, and the next after that. This routine continued for about two and a half months after, until one fateful night, (unfortunately tonight), when I was finally caught (which how I had managed to go this long without getting caught was a massive mystery to me). However, it wasn't my father who'd caught me, but my Uncle Yoongi. I hadn't realized he'd been spying on me this whole time, and had seen me each and every time I'd snuck off.

"And just where do you think you're going, kid? Off to see Taehyung-ah again?" He interrogated, crossing his arms.

I chuckled nervously. "Ahaha, Uncle Yoongs! What a...surprise."

"Don't 'Yoongs' me." He smirked. "I know you're off to see that boy again."

"Uh, what boy?" I asked anxiously.

"A certain Kim Taehyung?"

I gulped. How does he know about Taehyung? "Uh, how do you know about Tae, Uncle Yoongs?"

Yoongi quirked an eyebrow; the same way Taehyung does. "Because, I've lived with you long enough to know your habits, kid. That, and I've seen the letters you write for him; the ones that you think none of us know about. Oh, and there's the fact that the 'pebble and rock' distraction is getting rather old. Come on, I taught you better than that!" Yoongi pouts now. "I taught you to be sneakier than that."


"I know you're sneaking out again to see him." He then stated matter-of-factly. "I know you are, so you might as well just admit it to me."

I broke down. "Please don't tell my father, Uncle Yoongi! Taehyung...Taehyung's important to me," I admit sheepishly, looking down in embarrassment. I almost practically then begged, "I'll do anything for you to keep this between us. Please. I just started to figure out how to be more independent, I don't really want to go back to being the 'sheltered little princess.'"

Yoongi let out a heavy sigh. "Your father's not going to like this. He'll have my head if he knows I consented to this, but fine. It'll be our secret, on one condition."

"Okay, fine. What is your condition?"

"Spend more time with your uncle, would you? I feel like I've barely seen you these past few months. You've always got your head buried in that sketchbook of yours, or writing to this 'Taehyung.' I never should have told Namjoon to get you that dang sketchbook. You're gone even more now, and, well, I miss you, kid..." Yoongi admits, and I knew this much verbal confirmation was hard for him. No way he would admit this to himself, much less out loud. "Besides, you should probably spend some more time with Namjoon anyway so that he doesn't get suspicious because he's already pestering me constantly about why you seem 'distant.' If he figures it out, I wouldn't need to say anything then."

My face fell, however, hearing that I'd neglected spending time with him so much that he was physically admitting to me that he missed me. For Yoongi, that was a big deal. "I'm sorry, Yoongs. I didn't know you felt that way. I promise I'll spend more time with you and my father. I mean it. I haven't forgotten about you." I send him a lopsided smile, my dimples popping out awkwardly. "You'll always be my favorite uncle."

A Cheshire-like grin etched its way onto Yoongi's feline-like features at that. "Good. I'll hold you to that promise, kid. Or I can't promise a certain someone's father won't find out about a certain boy. I mean, it's a probably teenage boy; and you're a teenage girl, I mean, basically adult," he corrects himself, "but still. You know how your father is. If he finds out, honestly, it's safe to say that probably both of us would be dead, because this is, oh my goodness," he squeals now, "a boy! With his girl. It's a life and death situation for him, you see." Yoongi shrugs his shoulders and rolls his eyes.

I gasped. "Don't you dare say anything, Uncle Yoongs."

"Then you better keep your promise."

"I will. I swear."

"I'd hope so. If you're going to see Taehyung you'd better go now. And be quiet."

I grinned mischievously. I always did love Uncle Yoongi's massive willingness to assist my sneaky and mischievous nature. "I will. Thanks, Uncle Yoongi."

"Yeah, yeah. "He rolls his eyes. "Now go on." Yoongi sent a clearly fake smile as he waved goodbye, and sighed, still 'smiling' once I'd left. "We're so fucked."

Believe me though, when I say that I did go on. As I made my way outside again to the horse stables, I quickly saddled Mang up and began my trek into the village of Ilsan. I went straight back to the pub which was now mine and Taehyung's usual meeting place. It did help that his brother owned the place, so we were kind of allowed to be there whenever we pleased. Taehyung eventually let slip that he and his brother were more upper-class citizens, which is why they owned and ran the village's...well, basically their alcoholic supply. What I did think was rather neat was that because they were the top supplier, they supplied the palace with all of our alcohol.

I instantly spotted Taehyung's full head of ochre-colored hair once I entered the beloved building, so I called his name and waved to him.

"Tae! I'm here!" I call happily.

I saw his usual boxy-shaped grin form onto his flawless features. "Oh, good, she's here! Guys, I want you to meet someone."

I made my way to the booth he was seated at, where two other handsome males were sitting with him. I smiled at them to be polite as Taehyung embraced me in a tight bear hug, just like the ones my father gives. I grew upset suddenly because I should feel bad for lying to him and sneaking off like this when he only goes out of his way to make sure I'm loved and happy with my life. But unfortunately, it's my only option to sneak out and lie, since he won't let me out any other time otherwise.

"Hey, Tae!" I greeted.

"Hi, Y/n! I want you to meet my friends! This is Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook." He pointed to each one, and I smiled, offering my hand to shake.

The one with a peachy-blonde hair color instead grabbed my hand, kissing it, just like Taehyung did when we first met. "It's nice to finally meet you, Y/n! Taehyung-ah never shuts up about you. I see why! You're just as pretty as he said you were."

Taehyung's face turned a bright shade of crimson at Jimin's statement. "Jimin-hyung!" He scolded, embarrassedly.

Jimin looked confused as to why he was being scolded before realizing that he probably shouldn't have just said that. "Oh, shoot. Sorry, Taehyung-ah."

I smirked. "You talk about me, Taehyung?"

He gulped. "M-maybe."

I giggled, letting go of the facade. "Don't be embarrassed, Tae Tae, I'm flattered."

Taehyung's face turned even redder at the sound of his new nickname. He wanted to smack himself silly for showing any signs of embarrassment.

I looked back over to see the second male, Jungkook, just staring at me. I offered my hand out to him to shake as well, trying to offer a friendly smile as well so that I wouldn't come off as rude.

"Hi!" I greeted. "I'm Y/n, and you're Jungkook? It's nice to meet you!"

Jungkook's already wide eyes softened as soon as I spoke, and a large grin, reminiscent of a bunny, popped out. "It's nice to meet you, too! I can't believe Tae-hyung was telling the truth about having a girlfriend, because to be honest, we totally didn't believe him. You're way too pretty!" He complimented. "But you seem very nice."

"Jeon Jungkook!" Taehyung scolded again; face immediately red.

I giggled. "Aw, thank you, you're too sweet. But what's with the fan?" I ask curiously, unable to stop myself.

"Oh! I'm teaching my hyungs the art of fanning!" He explains. "Cool, huh?"

"Yeah! Actually, that's really cool!"

Jungkook beams excitedly when I tell him I think his hobby is cool, and judging by this reaction, I'm guessing that Taehyung and Jimin did not find it cool. I mean, I certainly wasn't going to judge; my newfound hobby was sneaking out of the palace every night.

"See, hyungs?" Jungkook pouts. "I told you someone would think it is cool," he then says, sticking out his tongue like a child. "They're just upset because they're not very good at it, that's all."

"Okay, Kookie, you've made your point," Taehyung snipes back before turning back to me as I chuckle.

"Don't worry, I think it's cool," I strongly reply. "And personally, I'm sure I know people who would also find it neat."

Jungkook only continues to smile. "He's just glad he's found someone who will take interest in his hobby now," Jimin adds in.

"They've never really been supportive of my interest in the fans," Jungkook cuts back in, "despite that it is also an art form like Taehyung's passion for photography with the camera obscura," he argues.

"Interest?" Taehyung asks. "He means obsession. And that is because photography is a real passion and hobby; not twisting fans around fancily in the air because it's 'pretty.'"

"Right, whatever."

"Anyway, I actually took another picture recently if you'd like to see it," he offers now. "I did our portraits along with my brother's!" He shows me another photograph or so he'd recently taken of himself, Jimin, and Jungkook, and I was taken aback by how good it was. Taehyung sure was talented!

"Oh, wow! That looks great, Tae! Wow, you have a really great knack for this! Maybe you should start selling your portraits," I suggested. "I'd sure buy one if I had any money."

"Ooh, I'm sure he'd love to sell you one," Jimin teases. "He's taken many of you," Jimin confesses, only pissing Taehyung off more.

"Oh my goodness, Jimin, why?! Why would you tell her that?!" He demands.

Jimin shrugs. "I don't see the big deal?" He questions confusedly. "I thought she'd like that; being your girlfriend and all."

"Oh yeah!" Jungkook chimes in now. "I think it's sweet that hyung takes pictures of his girlfriend."

"S-She's not my girlfriend," Taehyung nervously corrects, avoiding my eye line as I let this interesting conversation play out. "She's my friend that is a girl. There's a difference."

Jungkook then looked at Jimin, confusion written all over his face. "No...I could have sworn that Taehyung said Y/n was his girlfriend. Didn't he say that, Jimin-hyung?"

Jimin smirked, looking back and forth between Taehyung and Jungkook, nodding his head in approval. "I do recall him referring to her as his girlfriend."

Taehyung shook his head, face-palming. When he looked up again, Jimin and Jungkook were still teasing him, and snickering. Taehyung sighed. "Feel like a drink? I need a break from those two."

I chuckled. "Sure. You can pick, I'll try whatever!"

Taehyung only grinned at that, immediately pulling me over to the bar. (I'd learned that's what the counter where they keep the alcohol is called.) Once he had made me a plethora of new drinks to try, because as he'd also taught me he was referred to as a 'bartender,' we were sitting, discussing random things until I remembered what he said when we met; about us possibly being related. Due to sharing the same surname and all, I grew rather curious.

"So, Tae, when we first met, and you said we might be related, I was wondering where you and Seokjin are from?"

Taehyung looked surprised by my question but answered either way. "Seokjin-hyung says I was born in Daegu, but that he was born in Gwacheon. If we are related in any way, where was your father born? Do you know? I know technically it would not really count what with biologicals and all, but, it's honorary, you know!"

I chuckle. "Yes, of course, honorary. But he was born here," I then answered, "As far as I know, he was born here in Ilsan."

Taehyung nodded. "I see. I know it's just probably common that we have the same surname, but I wonder if we really are related?"

"I don't know!" I answered. "It's entirely honorably possible."

"That'd be pretty cool if we are!"

"It would!" I agreed, "Maybe then I'd have someone else to talk to."

"You must be so lonely in the palace," Taehyung commented.

"I am sometimes." I replied, "I have my father and my uncle as well as some of the staff, but you know, that's just not enough sometimes."

"I understand how you feel. I have Jin-hyung, but even then I still feel..."

"Alone," both of us said in unison, staring into each other's eyes as we did so. I could definitely feel a connection with him, especially when we both said that, but I wasn't sure how just yet.

There next came an awkward silence, and I realized I needed to change the subject. "So, Tae, wanna tell me why your friends think I'm your girlfriend?"

Taehyung laughed nervously. "Well, that's an interesting story. You see..."

The next morning after I'd come home, my father started acting strange. He was acting even more possessive and protective of me than usual, and I have no clue as to why. For example, he's always been overprotective; I thought that was just a father thing. But now he's genuinely confusing me and slightly making me worry because it's like he follows me everywhere, knows what I'm doing and where I'm at every moment of the day, and sometimes, I don't even think he's blinking. I've been spending more time with Uncle Yoongi as promised, to not only keep him from blabbing my secret but to also try and distract myself from enduring any more of my father's strange behavior. Don't get me wrong, I love my father very much, but he's starting to drive me crazy.

When I asked Uncle Yoongi about it, all he responded with was a sigh, a roll of the eyes, and a shake of his head in disapproval before saying, "Your father has gone insane," and storming off.

Well, okay then. I guess that solves that, and I am on my own on this one. To be fair, I did want to be more independent now that I was eighteen, didn't I? I basically asked for it. I sighed, turning around to lock myself in my room for the afternoon as I needed some privacy, but not before of course running into my father who was standing right behind me the entire time, and how did I not notice this?

Naturally, I shrieked, placing my hand on my chest to calm my racing heart. "D-Daddy! You scared me." I exclaimed.

"Sorry about that, baby, I just wondered what you were saying to your uncle?" He asks, almost as if he was interrogating me.

"Oh...nothing important," I lied. "He was just upset with me that he lost another round of archery again," I lie next. "I'm getting so much better, you know!" I laugh nervously.

However, he looked as though he did not believe me at all. "Well, all right then. I'm sure you are. That sounds like Yoongi. Why don't we go and have dinner prepared now; a bit early before an evening game of polo or a few rounds of chess? I'll have the cooks make your favorite," he suggested.

"Okay, sure. That sounds fun."

See what I mean that my father was hovering?

Something is totally up with him, but I can't put my finger on it. Does he possibly know about Taehyung? That can't be possible unless Yoongi snitched on me, but I really don't think that he did, because if he did, he would also be in trouble, and not just me. And again, he promised that he wouldn't! So how would my father know, unless he's caught me? I sure hope not, because it's nice to have friends my own age finally, something I am now not giving up. Taehyung and I have grown very fond of each other in the short time we've known one another, and Jimin and Jungkook seem to be very friendly toward me, so I feel as though I'll enjoy their company as well.

"Turn your magic on," Taehyung would say. "Everything you want's only a dream away. We are legends, every day." That's what he told me.

Under this pressure and under this weight, we are diamonds, and now I feel my heart beating. I feel my heart beneath my skin, and I feel my heart beating again from all of this excitement because you make me feel like I'm alive again. I said that I can't go on, not in this way. I'm a dream that died by the light of day; a dream that's been suppressed for eighteen years. So, I'm gonna hold up half the sky and say, "Only I own me!"

Now I feel my heart beating. I feel my heart beneath my skin, and I feel my heart beating again from all of this excitement because you make me feel like I'm alive again. So if we've only got this life; this adventure of a lifetime, then I wanna share it with you. I want to share it with you, Taehyung. But in order for that to happen, I had to figure out what the deal was with my father. So if all of this isn't this subject of the matter 'bothering' my father, something else has to account for his odd behavior.

But what in the world would that be?

It's not like he can just poof himself into a dragon and spy on me...

Could he?

To be continued...

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