His Doctor


28.6K 802 61

One smart, gorgeous, badass woman with an attitude. Graduated from Harvard University as one of the youngest... Еще



1.6K 42 6


I need to go see a doctor because what the hell just happened. My brain literally broke. I don't know what I was thinking. Letting him press himself up against me. Following him to this room.

Telling Lorenzo my name. Almost kissing him. What is wrong with me. And he left with another Lorenzo too!

Genius, they are twins. You are so smart Kalani!

I did not know there was another, and they are identical. I did not even notice any differences. I couldn't. They both left so fast, to go deal with some business or whatever the hell they meant. I actually don't know what happened to the guy that was touching me. All I know is that I'm glad he is gone. And Lorenzo stopped him.

I decide to get up and leave the room. I go back outside and hear the obnoxiously loud music and all the drunk people yelling. I walk straight out and decide to call Madi.

You better not be fucking that guy right now Madison I swear.

She doesn't answer and I groan. She always does this shit. I get in my car we took here and drive home.

Thirty minutes later, I make it home and check her location. I see she's in a huge ass house not so far from the club, so I text her.

"Hey, are you okay? I left the club and I'm at home. Text me if you need my help or need a ride home." Madi normally does this. She goes out with a guy, doesn't come home until the day after, so I don't panic anymore. If she doesn't get back to me in two days tops, then I'm calling the FBI.

I shower and change into some pajamas before flopping on my bed, exhausted from today. I don't know what happened tonight or what got into me but I'm just going to forget it and forget him because he is dangerous.

Bitch we all know you wanted and still want him.

I doze off pretty quickly and fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I wake up and get ready and feed both myself and Kade. Sometimes I bring Kade with me to work when I don't have time to walk him, so I did today.

I walk through the hospital doors and am greeted by the guard. "Good morning ma'am. How has yours and Kade's day been?"

I flash him a genuine smile. "Good morning, and our day has been pretty good. How has your day been?" That's Jaxon, he is normally always the one guarding this hospital so we've become pretty good friends. However, he still calls me ma'am or Doctor Cassano to be professional.

"My day has been good as well. Thank you. Have an amazing day Doctor Cassano." I nod with a smile and walk Kade and I to my office. I close the door and grab a few treats out of my bag I packed.

"Kade, sit." He sits and I give him a treat. "Lay down." I give him another for listening. "Kade, bang." He falls back gently and dramatically, playing dead and which causes me to giggle. While giving him the treat I say, "That's our favorite trick isn't it?" He barks and I pet him.

Kade is very smart. I've trained him his whole life. He is my best friend besides Madison.

I let Kade take a nap and I get to work while leaving the door open for Kade to roam around after. He most likely will go to Jaxon when he wakes up because I am all over this hospital everyday.

One of my nurses calls me to a room, "The patient's name is-" she gets interupted by my phone ringing.

I look at my phone and see "Madi" pop up.
"I'm so sorry I have to take this." I walk away and answer. "Madi, where are you?" All I can hear is heavy panting.

If she called me while having sex, I am gonna kill this woman when I see her.

"Kalani, you have to come and help! The guy I left the club with yesterday took me to his huge ass house and we had a good time, blah blah blah. But someone he knows, I am assuming, came in with a stab wound and he's bleeding out! I and everyone else are okay. I called you because he might die!" She says hastily and out of breath.

"Send me the address. I'm coming now." I hang up and tell my nurse I have to go. Before she can protest, I run to my office and grab all my stuff and supplies needed for this unexpected patient. I run to the hospital doors, "Please watch Kade for me Jaxon! I will call to pick him up! It's an emergency!" I yell while running past him and my dog.

I run to my car and get in. I check my phone and set up the GPS to the location and I drive off.
What kind of psychopath did Madison sleep with that has a dying friend right now?

I arrive to the front gate but guards stop me. "I'm gonna need an I.D and your name." I groan. "Sir I was called to treat a stab wound someone in that house has. I'm a doctor. My name is Doctor Cassano so please, I need to make sure no one dies!"

Thankfully, Tthey let me in after some hesitation and write down my name. I drive off into the parking lot while one guard calls someone. I really don't care who right now. I call Madi. "I'm outside. Open the door!" She agrees and I get out of my car, grabbing all my stuff and supplies. I run up the front steps, just in time that Madison opens the door. "Kalani this way!" She lets me in and closes the door, we run up three sets of stairs.

I chose to be a doctor, not no fucking track star.

She leads me to a doorway. "He's in here. He wanted to be alone. He has some anger issues in my opinion so good luck. Just try your best." She says out of breath.

"I'll try." She goes back downstairs while I enter the room. The man instantly turns to me. I can never escape this man can I? It's the one and only Lorenzo Romano. I should have known.

"What are you doing here?" I set my stuff down and sit next to him. "I was called by my friend Madison, she came here because your friend or something took her home last night from your club nearby. You already know I'm Doctor Cassano. Now can I please see your stab wound?"

He has this certain look on his face, not cooperating. I sigh, "If this is about last night and what happened, it does not matter right now. I did not tell you my name is Kalani and everything that occurred, didn't happen. You are bleeding so let me see and treat your stab wound Lorenzo."

He complies and lifts his shirt up to show me. Yikes, that looks painful. "Lay down on your side for me." As he lays down, I put on gloves and adjust my coat and stethoscope. I pull out all the necessities to treat it. "I'm gonna need you to take off your shirt."

He smirks, "You just want to see all this, Kalani." I roll my eyes. "Cocky much? Just do it Mr.
Romano." I say trying to stay professional. He smirks more, then takes off his shirt.

He's right. I did just want to see all this. Because holy shit is he hot.

I start cleaning the wound and he groans a bit. "It's alcohol, I know it stings. I'II fix up your side as quickly as I can." And I do. I'm very fast with my work, so I get him bandaged and cleaned up in less than 5 minutes.

"Okay I'm done. The cut is pretty deep so I will get you some antibiotics that can help with the healing process faster." All he does is stare at me.

You got a staring problem bitch?

"What?" He shakes his head. "Nothing, just thank you." I smile. "It's nothing. I do this for a living." I say while getting rid of my gloves and putting away my stuff. He gets up and walks towards me. "No I mean it, thank you. How can I repay you?"

I chuckle. "You don't need to. It's my job to save lives." He steps closer, towering over me. "But you're not at work, and I have an idea on how to give back to you." He's so close that I back up slowly. "How Lorenzo?" He traps me until my back hits the wall and he leans down to my face.
"This..." He kisses me softly, and grabs my waist.

Well isn't this familiar, Kalani.

I kiss him back, and wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses me for what feels like hours until I hear someone. I break the kiss and the person walks into the room, making both me and him turn our attention to them. They yell four words that make me feel paralyzed.

"What the fuck Leo!" Lorenzo shouts angrily at the man in front of me.

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