𝑢𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 β€’ 𝑲𝑡𝑱

By mango_joon

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In the medieval times of dragons, knights, castles, and princesses, growing up to be the princess of a small... More



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By mango_joon

𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓 | "𝑭𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚'𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍"

-Eleven Years Later-

A deafening crack of thunder struck the palace's grand library windows, rattling the bookshelves while the lightning shone brighter than a diamond. I shrieked at the sound, placing my hand over my heart in an attempt to calm down.

Namjoon chuckled. "Gee, someone's jumpy tonight."

I turned around. "Sorry, Dad. It's the storms. You know I don't like them. I've never liked them."

He opened his arms, gesturing for me to give him a hug. "Oh, I know. But hey, that's alright. Come here; Daddy's arms are always open."

Now it was my turn to chuckle. "Aren't you a bit too old to be calling yourself 'Daddy?'" I questioned.

Upon my statement, he frowned. "No, I don't think so, you've been calling me that since you were little."

My father's face filled with hurt, and I knew I'd hurt his feelings because he probably saw it as me pushing him away. I have to be gentle with him; I'm all he really has in this life. "I-I'm sorry, Dad." I instantly embraced him to make up for it, returning his hug. I felt him gently push my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my lower back. "Sorry, Dad," I apologize again.

"It's okay, princess. I'm just not ready to let you grow up yet. I know you're almost eighteen, but I don't want to let you go. You're all I have, and it's very hard to accept that you're growing up. It's difficult for me, you see. These years are passing by so quickly I feel like I can't keep up."

I pulled back. "I know. I don't really want to grow up either, but I have to at some point, Daddy. I'm going to be an adult like you eventually someday."

"I don't want you to just yet. I won't let you, my little one." Namjoon then mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked as I didn't hear him completely.

"Oh, I just said that I'm not ready for you to grow up yet, princess. I want you to always be my little girl. Of course, no matter what, you will, and of course, you'll grow up into a fine young woman eventually, but to me, you'll always be my special girl; my little one."

I reached over to kiss his cheek. "I know. I'll always be your girl, Daddy."

Namjoon smiled, leaning his forehead against mine. "Yes, you will." We stood like that for a moment, in a trance-like state until another loud crack of thunder rattled directly over the roof of the library, and I flinched in his hold. "Shh, baby," he soothes just like he used to when I was a child, "it's okay, it's just the storm out. I know it's scary, but it can't get you. I promise you that. You're safe in here with me. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"Is it weird for me to do that? I'm seventeen now, and I haven't slept with you since I was...what, maybe thirteen or fourteen?"

"Shh, baby. It's okay, it's just the storm out. I know it's scary, but it can't get you. I promise you that. You're safe in here with me. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"Is it weird for me to do that? I'm seventeen now, and I haven't slept with you since I was...what, maybe thirteen or fourteen?" She pointed out, tapping her chin. 

I'm internally sighing because I don't need another reminder that she's getting older, and that soon, it'll be time to tell her the truth. She's going to be with me someday, but I'm not ready to tell her, because telling her the truth could mean admitting that I've lied to her her entire life. I just want her to remain my little girl forever, and of course, she always will be my little one, especially because of the age difference, but telling her could result in so many things going wrong. It, unfortunately, is a scenario that could result in absolutely anything happening, and the possibility of the unknown frightened me. I just really didn't want to disturb the relationship we had right now, especially since what we had was so perfect, and losing that could seriously damage our bond. A bond that I wasn't sure we'd be able to get back after all of this time.

However, for now, I shrugged it off. "Oh come on, that doesn't matter, so come here. It's not weird, and if anyone does have anything to say about it, I think they'll find a fireball in their future."

Y/n cracked a small grin, her little dimples poking out. "Yeah, yeah, okay, I see your point."

"Good. Because you also know that I can keep you warmer than any blanket."

I then gently dragged her by the hand out of the grand library and lead her down the hallway up to my bedroom chambers. She did indeed sleep with me tonight due to the rainstorm. It's been raining here so much lately for the spring months, that I hope it isn't the sign of an oncoming monsoon. To be fair, it was spring, which did mean monsoon season, but I was severely hoping that we would be lucky like we have for the past few years and manage to avoid it entirely. Y/n sleeps with me anytime there are storms, because she's been afraid of them ever since that night when she was six, and still is now. I tucked her into my (what would soon be ours anyway) bed as soon as we got upstairs. Once she'd changed into her nightgown, she made herself comfortable under the comforter and woolen blankets. She watched attentively while I got myself ready to sleep, and once I'd tucked myself into the bed along with her, I wrapped my arms around her torso.

"Dad, I'm too big to be held like a baby," You complained, as you squirmed from my hold, but I wouldn't let you go.

Your dimpled smile was what took me to heaven. Even almost grown up now and you're still my baby girl. Too embarrassed to be held, but I know you secretly love it as you were leaning against my chest and cuddling deeper into me.

"No, you will never be too big for me to hold. You'll always be my baby girl, Y/n," I reiterate, as it was the pure truth.

Y/n sighed. "I know. But, to be honest, Daddy, I'm afraid to grow up. I know it's going to happen; I can't stop the progression, and it'll happen when it happens, but I kind of just want to stay with you forever. Being queen is going to be so difficult. I mean," she scoffs ruefully, "I don't know anything about being an adult outside of what Uncle Yoongi has taught me. How do you do it?"

I sighed. "Well, lucky you, my little princess, because you don't have to worry about becoming queen for quite a while. And even when you do, I'll be around to help you." I gently stroked the side of her face. "I'll always be around to help you. And I'll let you in on a little secret: being king isn't always the easiest thing ever. I struggle too, sometimes, you know."

"You do?" She asks, rather surprised.

"I do. But guess what? Making mistakes is a part of life, and learning from them is how we grow. If there were no room for mistakes in life, we'd all be perfect; too perfect. And in my opinion, perfection is boring. We'd all be the same, cookie-cutter bullshit with no diversity. Forgive my language, baby, but it's true. Would you rather make mistakes and learn from them, or never make any mistakes, and never know if what you were doing was ever wrong?" I ask rhetorically.

"Well, you're right. I guess I'd rather make a mistake and learn from it so that I could grow instead of being the same old boring part of myself that doesn't know right from wrong."

I kiss her forehead. "Such an intelligent young woman you are, my little princess." I smile, even though I knew that in the dark, she couldn't see it. "Don't worry, I think that when the time eventually comes around for your coronation, you won't struggle as much as you think you will. You're pretty intelligent and far more perfect at all of this than you realize."

"Really? You really think so?"

"I do. Now, speaking of, a little dragon told me that my little princess here is turning eighteen in two days. Is there anything specific you'd like for your birthday, baby?" I ask curiously, trying to further devise anything else I could do to add to her birthday celebration, as she was turning eighteen, meaning she'd now be of age, and it was a rather big deal and therefore deserved a big celebration.

'I can think of one thing.' Y/n thought to herself.

"Well, I can think of one thing, possibly," Y/n then replies.

"Oh? And what's that?"

"Uhm, well, maybe to go outside the palace and visit the village since I'll be an adult now? I heard one of the maids say that there's a gorgeous arboretum in the village with some beautiful butterflies that inhabit it."

I sighed a second time, not wanting to disappoint her and say no, but I don't want to take a chance of her trying to leave me. I mean, the second I let her out, she's going to find someone better, someone, who isn't me, and she'll run off with him, and he'll take her away from me. And then I'll be all alone once again just like I was seventeen years ago. I can't live without her. I didn't want to say no and completely crush her, so 'maybe' seemed kinder for now.

"Maybe! We'll see, baby," I say, trying to be encouraging. "Besides, why leave when we already have a butterfly garden right here in the palace?"

Too old this, too old that. Too old to call me 'Daddy,' too big to be held. She's trying too hard to grow up, and I don't like that. I don't want her to grow up. Hmm, maybe I won't let her grow up.

Y/n let out a sigh herself at my response, but didn't push the issue any further. "That's true, I guess. But, Daddy, can I ask you something else, then?"

I moved a strand of hair out of her face. "Sure, darling. You can ask me anything, baby."

I hoped this new question wouldn't entail another one about why she isn't allowed out because I was rather tired, and growing rather grumpy at all of the questions. I didn't think I'd be able to handle lying any more than I already had, and I don't want her to resent me for this. So, she'll just have to learn to understand someday.

"Well, I was just curious I guess, but that time when you read Rapunzel to me, and I asked you if I had a mom, you said no. But did you ever have a wife?"

Yes. You.

"Why the sudden interest?"

I should have honestly been more prepared for this, fully well knowing she'd have to ask about her mother at some point in life. I guess that point is now. Why in the world was I not more prepared for this?

"Just curious, I guess. Yoongi; when he teaches me things you know, taught me about that...stuff. So I just wondered if I had a mom like everyone else." She chuckles, "I must, right?"

I shook my head. "No."

"No you didn't have a wife, or no I don't have a mom?"

"No I wasn't married," I answer.

"Then how did you..?"

"Have you?"

"Yeah. If I don't have a mom, how did you..?"

"Look, I'll be honest with you, sweetheart, you're not my biological daughter," I start, and this was good. This was a good segway to the beginning of the truth. I could only hope she wouldn't lash out at me if I began to divulge to her the truth. "Seventeen years ago, after the war, which you likely wouldn't have much knowledge of because you had just been born, myself, along with your Uncle Yoongi and some of the palace staff had ventured through a jungle near the kingdom to find something called the 'Fountain of Youth.' You see, during the war, I had been poisoned, and I was dying," I explain. "The magic in that fountain supposedly had immortal properties that would allow the drinker to live forever and would've saved my life, because I was dying. I'd been informed that I didn't have very long to live, and as silly as it sounds, that the magic, if it was real, was my only hope."

"So, how do I fit into this, then?"

"Well," I smile again, "it was on this day that I adopted you, my little princess."

"Oh. Well, if you adopted me, then what happened to my real parents?" She asks, seemingly confused now before chuckling. "I always did sort of wonder why I don't look anything like you."

"That's because you have your mother's looks," I clarify. "But please don't be upset with me, baby, I swear that even though you aren't my daughter by blood, I still love you with all my heart!"

"Oh, I know that," she replies, chuckling. "I'm not mad, just curious. Do you know what happened to my parents, though?"

"I do. Your father died during the war, and as for your mother," I say, lowly growling at the thought of that wretched woman, "she died shortly after, abandoning you. If I hadn't taken you in, you likely would have been an orphan. But I didn't want that, because I fell in love with you instantly, and I didn't realize that you were the company I had been searching for for so long until I saw you, so I decided to take you in. Your uncle wasn't initially very happy with this," I chuckle, "because my decision was rather impulsive, but it's a decision that I wouldn't change for the world. You're my entire world, Y/n, and I think Yoongi would likely agree that he wouldn't wish for a difference with this decision either."

"So my real parents died, then?" She confirmed.

I really hated lying to her, but right now, it was the only way. Well, it wasn't totally a lie. I did adopt her because her parents did die, and I really wouldn't change the fact that I did that. I just failed to mention that I was the reason her mother was dead, and I adopted her because she was my mate, not because I wanted a daughter. But, truthfully, her mother deserved it, and I didn't earn my title of the 'cold-hearted dragon king' for nothing. Besides, if I had let that woman live, she would've taken my mate away from me, and I couldn't have that. Now that I had a taste of what it felt like to be loved again, I did not want to give that feeling up. Honestly, all that woman was good for was bringing my mate into the world, and bringing her to me. I had to raise her as my daughter anyway until she was old enough to be with me.

"Yes. But don't think that even for a second I've never loved you as much as they did, if not more so."

"Why did you never tell me?" She asks curiously now. "I'm not angry with you, I just want to know why you didn't ever say anything."

"To be honest, sweetie, I wasn't sure how you'd take the truth. I was afraid that you wouldn't love me anymore if you knew that I wasn't really your father. But seeing as how maturely you're reacting to me telling you," I smile, "I should have told you sooner. I was just afraid, but now I see that I don't have to be. Thank you for still accepting me now that you know."

"Well of course!" She's quick to reply. "You're the closest thing to a father I've had, and I love you. I'm not going to stop loving you because I'm not related to you by blood. You still raised me, and you're still my father."

Yeah...sort of. Besides, it is a good thing we aren't relayed by blood, otherwise, we couldn't eventually be together!

"Well, that makes me really happy to hear," I admit, as it was the truth. "Thank you for understanding. I see now that you are ready to take on anything life throws at you. I love you very much, Y/n, and I am so thrilled that I have raised such a wonderful young woman. To be honest, I guess that's why I don't like the thought of you growing up on me, because you're all I have, and I don't want you to leave me. I was pretty lonely before I took you in."

"Aw, well, no matter how old I get, I'll never leave you, Daddy. And even though I'm turning eighteen soon, that doesn't mean I'll want to be on my own. I'll always love you, Daddy."

I felt myself tearing up at her heartfelt words. "Good. I love you too much to ever let you go. You will always be my little princess."

I felt her lean her head farther against my chest while she stroked some of the scales on the underside of my back. "I'll never leave you, I promise."

"Good. I'll always hold you to that promise, princess," I swear.

And believe me, I would. And now that she knew part of the truth and even accepted it, I really wasn't going to let her go. Because if she did ever try to leave, she wasn't going to like her reality. I was willing to burn down my entire kingdom if I had to in order to keep my princess with me, because I wanted to stay in this lavender haze, that's what dragons do when their valuables are at stake. After all, I summoned you, so please come to me. Don't bury these thoughts that you really want... Besides, within me lies what you really want. So come and lay me down, because you know this love.

In the middle of the night, just call my name, I'm yours to tame. I'm wide awake, I crave your taste all night long until morning comes, and I'm getting what is mine. You'll get yours, too, of course. These burning flames and these crashing waves wash over me like a hurricane. This storm outside; the good, the bad, and the stormy, washes over me. I'll captivate, you're hypnotized as I feel powerful, but it's me again.
And just call on me, just call my name like you mean it in the middle of the night, because I'm yours to tame. I'm always wide awake and I crave your taste all night long because I'm getting what is mine.

You'll get what's yours, but for now, in the middle of this night, I'm getting what is mine, because that is what dragons do when their valuables are at stake.

To be continued...

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