Who Saves Princess Lucia?

Von DenimJacketWoman

362 44 2

This is a rewrite of "The Princess and the Merman". I might try add something new to my fairytale. You can re... Mehr

Notes before my fairytale rewrite
Night in the Castle Dungeon
Princess Lucia Gets Kidnapped
The Two White Witches/Lucia's Beg
Lucia's Transformation
Meanwhile in the Castle
Lucia the Mermaid
Jade the Sea Snake Queen
Lucien Rescued Lucia
A/N for the fairytale
Another A/N for the fairytale rewrite
Prince Magnum Recalls
In the House of Seashells
Prince Lucas' Plot Revealed
Where is Princess Lucia?
Lucia in the Crystal Ball
Are the Merpeople Real?
Swimming Lessons with the Merman I
Princess Lucia's First Sea Mixed Greens
On the Water's Surface
Stuck in the Kelp
When the Sharks Come to Play
Bloom the White Seal
Another A/N for the underwater fairytale rewrite
Short note for the underwater fairytale rewrite
Escape from the Sharks
Swimming Lessons with the Merman II
Rescuing the Merfolk and the Sea Snakes
Nero Interferes
Lucia Jumps Over the Surface
Prince Magnum Informs King Marcus
The Parade of Mermaids and Sea Snakes
The Palace of Sea Snakes I
The Palace of Sea Snakes II
Magnum meets the Princess
The Palace of Sea Snakes III
Pup Swims to Get Help
Nero the Cecaelia
The Swim Against Time
Last underwater fairytale rewrite note

Queen Sandra's Backstory

4 1 0
Von DenimJacketWoman

Scene 21 - Queen Sandra's Backstory

In the king's bed chamber of the castle, Queen Sandra stays by his side until he was well and rested.

She looked at her tired husband with her sad smile.

King Marcus opened his eyes and yawned.

The king was still exhausted yet awake.

He grins sweetly at his wife.

King Marcus: Sandra...

Queen Sandra: Morning, dear...

Prince Magnum's supporter arrived in the room.

She carries the breakfast on a silver tray for the king.

She was happy.

Paula: I see his majesty has been waking up.

He faced the helper.

The king was glad.

King Marcus: Morning, Paula. And what a treat...Breakfast in bed...

She smiled.

Paula: What's a good morning to start with a good breakfast?

The king raises his right eyebrow.

King Marcus: Sunny side-up with toast?

She repeated the king's curiosity.

Paula: Sunny side-up with toast.

He was cheerful that he's getting his favorite breakfast in bed.

After breakfast, King Marcus learned that Princess Lucia was transformed into a mermaid three days ago. And the princess has a month to break the spell.

The king also learned that Magnum and his son, Lucas, are on a mission to find Lucia in the ocean.

Then again, the two princes had to meet Bloom the white seal first.

If they want to find Princess Lucia sooner before her time is up.

While King Marcus naps in his bed chamber, the queen and Paula heads to the balcony, where they can see the ocean in view.

Queen Sandra was solemn yet smiling at the sea.

Paula stared at the queen in puzzlement.

She was confused.

Paula: Your majesty, are you okay?

Queen Sandra: Yes but I still want to help them to find my daughter.

The prince's supporter was sympathetic.

Paula: I understand, your majesty. For what I know of Magnum, he will not give up until his request is complete.

The queen faced her.

Queen Sandra: May I tell you a secret?

She shrugged at the queen.

Paula recognized the change of subject.

Then again, she was confident.

Paula: If you're asking if I'm going to tell a soul, I will not. I'm good at keeping secrets.

Queen Sandra sighed.

The queen holds the red lion's paw seashell necklace.

Queen Sandra: I'm not a human being.

Paula was perplexed.

She wanted to know.

Paula: What are you then?

The queen was pitiful.

One part of Sandra is to find her daughter. The other part of the queen had to remain in the kingdom.

To be safe from evil in the seawater.

Queen Sandra: Paula, this seashell here is magic by the white witches. Cory and Sara are really kindhearted. They even let me spend an hour in a hot bathtub.

The prince's supporter was taken aback.

She blinked her eyes twice.

Paula: You've been living at the witch's house as a mermaid?

Her voice was a whisper in shock.

The queen made her awkward smile.

Queen Sandra: Yes...

Paula: I thought you were a commoner.

Queen Sandra: I kinda pretend to be, thanks to Marcus' mother, the queen.

Paula: Don't you belong in the sea? Uh how long have you live in the witch's house? What about Marcus' father? The king I mean?

Queen Sandra: I was born in the sea as a mermaid. I lived in the witch's house when I used to be twenty years old. Oh and Prince Marcus met me by accident. He forgets to knock on the bathroom door. Of course he loves my red mermaid tail fin.

Paula: You didn't answer my question about Marcus' father, the king.

Sandra shook her head in melancholy.

Queen Sandra: Merfolk can't fall in love with humans.

The prince's supporter was sudden.

Paula: What?

Sandra took a deep breath.

The queen was sad.

Queen Sandra: I stayed at a home of the two white witches for protecting myself.

Paula: Protecting from the sharks?

Queen Sandra: Sharks don't chomp on merpeople unless they spared their lives for food in the ocean.

Paula: So sharks are just too hungry to hunt for themselves?

The queen shrugs her shoulders.

Queen Sandra: They think they're stronger than the other sea animals.

Paula: Or maybe they got no luck on finding food.

Queen Sandra: Maybe.

Paula: Listen, your majesty. Why live in the witch's house? I mean how did you and his majesty, King Marcus, end up together?

The queen made an anxious smile.

Queen Sandra: Before Marcus was the king, he have fallen in love with me as the prince. Marcus chose to be with me over his father's wishes. The magic seashell necklace is what got me to be with the prince. Thanks to Marcus' mother, I became the queen by marriage. They saved me from the cecaelia.

The dark orange tentacle appears on the balcony's railing.

Paula: What's a cecaelia?

It goes after the prince's supporter.

The queen was astonished.

Sandra ran to her.

Queen Sandra: Paula, watch out!

The queen pushes aside at her from the cecaelia's tentacle.

It catches Queen Sandra on her waist.

Paula falls down on the floor.

She got up on her knees.

When Paula looked up at the balcony, she was stunned.

The dark orange cecaelia holding the queen in his binding tentacle, appeared to be devious (half man, half squid or octopus, in case you are wondering what the cecaelia is).

He smiled like a devil at Paula.

The cecaelia: Hello, sweet little human. I'm a cecaelia.

Paula's eyes are widened.

Sandra was dreaded at him.

The queen writhes at the dark orange tentacle.

Queen Sandra: Nero, leave her alone! And put me down right now!

The cecaelia faces the queen.

Nero: Oh I will your majesty. Perhaps I couldn't help but hearing a story earlier. About the prince who met a mermaid in the witch's house.

The queen kept her mouth shut.

Queen Sandra was too frightened to say anything else.

The cecaelia was curious in his smile.

Nero: Hmmm...you mentioned the magic seashell necklace that will turn a mermaid into a human.

The queen gasped.

Nero: Am I getting hotter, your majesty?

The bald dark orange cecaelia glanced at Paula.

The woman turned away from the sea demon.

Queen Sandra efforts to hide her seashell inside of her dress.

Two dark orange tentacles clutched the queen's arms.

Queen Sandra: Ahh-!

Paula was afraid for the queen.

She pleaded.

Paula: No! Don't harm the queen!

He shook his head.

Nero: Oh I would not hurt the queen. I was wondering why a mermaid could leave the ocean to live with the witches. It's like she's hiding from the sea monster.

The cecaelia looks at Queen Sandra.

He detects the seashell necklace on her chest.

The cecaelia was interested.

Nero: Can this be?

The queen fears the worst.

The cecaelia touched the string of the seashell necklace.

He tear the string with his both hands.

Paula covered her mouth in alarm.

Queen Sandra: Nooo!

The queen's garnet dress skirt wraps her both legs together.

The blue and green magic sparkles coated on Queen Sandra's dress.

Paula feels sorry for the queen.

Nero was bewildered.

He was disbelieving.

Nero: So it is true...

The queen goes perturbing.

She was in pain of the transformation.

Queen Sandra: Aaah-Ahhh...

The queen's human form has turned to mermaid form.

Her garnet dress was transformed into a dark red tail fin.

The cecaelia smirked.

He was malevolent.

Nero: I found you...

Queen Sandra checks down of herself.

The queen was scared.

The magic sparkles faded after the transformation.

Queen Sandra was breathing hard.

Paula: Your majesty...

She whispered.

The queen faces the doorway.

The cecaelia laughed evilly.

Queen Sandra: Help! Marcus!

The king got up, dressed and ready to meet his wife again.

When King Marcus gets near the doorway to the balcony, he became surprised at the scene in the balcony.

The queen was in the tentacles of the sea demon.

After Queen Sandra screams, Nero's dark orange tentacle silenced the queen.

The king was bothered.

King Marcus: Sandra...

The king barges in the doorway.

The cecaelia has the dark red mermaid bound and gagged.

The queen struggles in the dark orange tentacles.

Queen Sandra: Mph! Mph! Mph!

King Marcus was ready to confront.

He stares at Nero.

King Marcus: You sea fiend! Let go of my love!

The cecaelia glances at the king.

Nero: Oh your majesty. I just stop by and say hi to your queen. The queen who happened to be a mermaid in disguise.

The cecaelia tossed the red seashell necklace to King Marcus.

It landed by the king's feet.

King Marcus: I don't care if my wife is the maiden of the sea. She loves me as I loved her.

Nero: Awww. How romantic in this castle of yours.

The cecaelia grins mischievously.

Nero: And what awful tragedy that your queen has been snatched by the tentacles of the sea demon!

The dark red mermaid shifts herself forth.

Queen Sandra: Marcus!

King Marcus: Release her! Release Sandra now!

The cecaelia hums in amusement.

Nero: You have to find me. And destroy me first, your majesty.

The cecaelia ponders.

Nero: Hmmmm...Rumor has it from the human world...Your precious princess as a mermaid was captured by sharks...Pity...It was just a spell and not fully a mermaid yet...

The king was resolute.

King Marcus: You leave my daughter out of this!

The cecaelia grinned.

Nero: Oh absolutely! The princess looks exactly like her mother!

The dark red mermaid was dismayed at the cecaelia.

The cecaelia waves at the king.

Nero: Goodbye! Good luck for saving your queen! You're gonna need it!

The cecaelia jumps off of the balcony.

She was feared.

Queen Sandra: MARCUS!

King Marcus: SANDRA!

The king runs to the edge of the balcony.

Paula picked up the red seashell necklace.

She was feeling horrible for the royal couple.

He extended his left hand to his wife.

Marcus was sorrowful.

King Marcus: No! NOO! SANDRA!

The king screams for his queen.

The cecaelia and the dark red mermaid disappeared into the ocean.

How will King Marcus rescue Queen Sandra from Nero?

What do you think? More soon.


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