Theories, One-Shots, Incorrec...

By Parental_Ollie

896 9 8

Fandoms: Julie and The Phantoms, Harry Potter, Marvel, My Hero Academia, Outer Banks, Miraculous Ladybug, Cri... More

JaTP Incorrect Quotes 1
Harry Potter Theory 1
Julie and The Phantoms Theory 1
One Shots
MHA One-Shot 1 - IidaSero
MHA One-Shot 2 - MonoYama
JaTP One-Shot 1 - Willex
Marvel One-Shot 1 - Stucky
Marvel One-Shot 2 - Stroki
New Fandom Alert!
OBX - John B x JJ
OBX - John B x JJ
OSMP - JackSmajor
OSMP - JackSmajor
OSMP - JackSmajor
Rewriting TMW 1
CM - Morried
ESMP - Flower Husbands
Mystreet - Garrance
Mystreet - Garmauance
Mystreet - Sasneix
Mystreet - Zene
Mystreet - Garrance
a 5,000 word Aphmau story
Mystreet - Garrance
Mystreet - Garmauance
MLB - Marichat
DSMP - Tubbo and Jack
SDMI - Fraggy
Gorillaz - 2doc
Gorillaz - 2doc
Gorillaz - 2doc
TMNT - Caseytello
Mystreet - Garrance
ST - Byler
SDV - SamBastLex
SDV - SamBastLex

MHA - SeroIida

11 0 0
By Parental_Ollie

So in this AU, Sero was kicked out by their parents and is now living with a foster family. ALSO WE LOVE NONBINARY SERO ITS PRACTICALLY FANDOM-CANON

TW: Child abuse, Slurs, Abandonment, Physical abuse, Foster homes, Blood, Injury, Choking, Panic attacks, Crying, Throwing up, Flashbacks, Running away

"Hanta, we're going out for a dinner reservation, we've left a short list of chores on the counter, we'd like them to be done by the time we get home, make sure to get yourself some dinner as well," Mr. Edison said, putting on his coat whilst his wife grabbed her purse.

"Okay sir, have a good dinner," Hanta said, looking at their feet as they sat on the sofa.

"You don't have to call me sir, Hanta, but thank you, we'll be home later," Mr. Edison smiled as he closed and locked the door behind him.

Hanta stood and looked over the chore list, it was all easy enough. Simple things, load and start the dishwasher, sweep the floors, clean the windows, vacuum the carpet, etc. They finished almost the whole list, when their eyes fell upon the final chore, they stopped breathing for a moment.

Dust the shelves in the living room. It was simple. Easy. It would take 5 minutes tops. They were breathing shallowly as they walked to the supply closet and grabbed the dusting wand. 

"Hanta, we need to talk," their father said.

"Yes dad?" Hanta asked, turning away from the shelves to face their father.

"I went through your phone. Who is this boy you've been talking to? Tenya?" The man's voice was stone cold. 

"He's.... Tenya's my... We're..." Hanta stumbled over their words, gripping the dusting wand like a life line.

"Are you dating this boy, Hanta? Are you one of those queers?!" His father had shouted.

"Dad, no I... We... It's not.." Hanta tried to defend.

"Are you lying to me boy?!" The man roared, approaching his child with too much anger and resentment to be considered a respectable father anymore. He ripped the dusting wand from their grasp, shoving them against the wall.

"Dad! No I promise! Dad, stop! Back up!" Hanta cried out. Their father braced the stick against the teens neck, choking them.

"Do not call me Dad. You are no son of mine. No Sero will ever be a fag on my watch!" The man sneered, grinning sickly as the child struggled against him. Hanta managed to snap the cheap plastic in half. 

"You think you can break my things?! The hell is wrong with you!" He screamed, opting to wrap his hands around their neck instead.

"Hanta, we're home!" Hanta's head shot up. Not again. They couldn't let them near them. They had to leave. Escape. Find safety. Hanta bolted, running out of the homes back door and jumping the short fence. They ran until they were far away from the home, hidden behind a dumpster in an alley somewhere.

They couldn't breathe. They saw blood running down their leg but didn't register the pain. They vaguely remembers stumbling to the concrete ground at one point. They needed help. They needed someone. They needed Tenya. Tenya. They pulled their phone out of their pocket, fumbling it around until they managed to press call.

"Hanta?" They heard emerge after the second ring. They let out a brief sigh of relief.

"Ten.. Tenya, I... Can.... Could you come get me?" Hanta managed through their sobs. When did they start sobbing?

"Hanta, darling? Baby, are you ok? Are you hurt? Where are you?" Tenya immediately expressed his concern.

"Um.. I'm in an alley... By...By Endeavors agency... I.. I think," Hanta said, looking around.

"Ok, ok, I'll be there in two minutes baby. I'm coming for you darling," Tenya promised his partner.

Hanta continued to blubber sobs and pleas and apologies through the phone the whole time they sat waiting.

"Hanta! Darling, you're hurt. Baby, baby look at me," Tenya ran down the alley, crouching in front of his partner.

"T..Tenya.." Hanta cried out, relieved they weren't alone anymore.

"Yeah, it's me baby, it's Tenya, can I touch you, darling?" Tenya asked, Hanta hesitantly nodded, yet still flinched a little when Tenya rested a hand on their cheek.

"I.. I just... He... Dad... I.." Hanta tried. They gave up on words and just squeezed their eyes shut, ugly, strangled noises leaving their throat as they tried to suppress sobs.

"Darling your bleeding, do you remember how you got hurt? Can you breathe, baby?" Tenya was always so patient for them.

"Fell... No... I..." Hanta gasped between cries.

"Ok, you're okay darling, you're safe baby, I'm going to pull you to my chest ok? Listen to my heart baby, breathe with me darling," Tenya instructed, pulling Hanta close.

A few minutes later, the sobs has stopped, Hanta continued to sniffle and hiccup but they were no longer struggling to take in air. 

"What happened, baby?" Tenya frowned, planting a kiss to the others hair.

"It's.. It's stupid, Tenya, I.. I shouldn't even be... God, I just ran, they're probably looking for me-" Tenya shushed them, rubbing their back soothingly.

"Did the Edisons do something to you, darling?" Tenya asked.

"No, God, no. I just, they went out and I had some chores, I.. I had to dust and all I could see was him, and when-" They felt bile in their throat and lurched out of Tenya's arms, emptying their stomach on the concrete.

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry, darling, you're ok, you're ok baby, it's ok," Tenya murmured soft comforts as he rubbed Hanta's back again, Hanta hated getting sick.

"Can we.. Can we go to your place? I'll text the Edisons... I just can't go back tonight," Hanta pleaded, holding Tenya tight.

"Of course, darling, I'm going to pick you up now baby, let's go cuddle and get some sleep ok?" Tenya nodded, standing and picking up Hanta bridal style. Hanta just nodded into his shoulder.

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