Courage (A Chase x Skye fanfi...

By TheWriterGuy077

14.7K 222 309

COMPLETED (14+) Courage; Everyone has it. But with courage there also comes a breaking point. Chase can do th... More

Playing it Cool
Lost and Found
The Next Step
Past Life
She's Mine
Stay With Me
I Love You

To The Death

952 17 24
By TheWriterGuy077


I woke up the next morning, knowing very well it could be my last. I looked to my right, to the picture of my family. "I'm gonna make you proud today, I promise." I muttered before leaving my pup house. I breathed the fresh air. I was cherishing everything, aware that I might never get the chance to do so again. 

I went to eat breakfast with the others. It was a weekend, so nobody had to wake up early, so it was just Skye, Marshall and I in the lookout. "Hey guys." I said upon my arrival. Marshall and Skye both spoke at the same time. "Hey!" They both said, causing all of us to laugh. "It's still early, so we might be the only ones for a while. You guys wanna watch a movie?" I asked. Skye nodded, and Marshall said, "Sure!"

So we watched a movie, but I was absentminded. All I could think about was what awaited me at 2:00. Did I really want to do this? But then I thought of what he did to Skye and how he didn't even flinch. I thought maybe he had changed, but I guess not.

After the movie had ended, Marshall came up to me. "You want to go for a walk?" He asked. I nodded "Sure." We headed out to the hiking trail we took sometimes. "I heard what was going on last night." He dropped the bombshell immediately. "Yeah, he came back. Again." I sighed. "That isn't the point," He said. "You know that Skye really likes you, right?" I loosened a bit. So he wasn't going to talk about the fight. "I think I do. And I like her too." Marshall's looked as though his head had just exploded. "So what are you waiting for?" He exclaimed. "I'm sorry, it's just not that simple. I would love to tell her, It's just...scary." He opened his mouth to retort, then closed it again, then he opened it again. Finally, he said. "Yeah, I understand. But please, just try. I don't think you'll regret it." I looked down at the ground. "Yeah, thanks Marshall. You're a good pal."

After the walk ended, I headed to my pup house. After I got in, I started to cry, and I didn't even try to stop the tears. Truth was, it scared me to die.  I knew I was no match for Mallory, and I wanted to join my family, but killing myself would be cowardly. So why not go out with dignity and pride? 

Then a thought struck my head. Skye. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.  So what the hell was I doing? Going on a suicide mission. What if I died and never got to tell her how I feel? god damn it. I was having second thoughts. Thoughts started racing through my head. Is this really what I want? do I want to throw away a bright future because of this dork? NO I FUCKING DON'T! I decided that this fucker was worth my fight and I was in it to win it. I grabbed my suit, and stuffed a gun I'd been hiding into one of the compartments. Now all I had to do was activate it with my voice, and bam. I would have to call it a net, because that's what Ryder programmed it. Fortunately, the net was also something that needed a trigger, so the gun fit in the slot quite well. All I had to do was activate it, and it would shoot for me.

I sat there for a while, left in my thoughts. It was kind of nice. the calm before the storm. But soon enough, I heard the pups outside, playing whatever they were playing. I eventually left my pup house to watch them. They were playing soccer, one of my favorites, next to frisbee of course.

They played for hours, and even though I still couldn't play with them, I felt completely fine. I was about to go into a duel with a concussion, so why couldn't I play soccer? I caught Skye looking at me a few times, but I think she didn't know that I noticed. I eventually headed into the lookout, to look at the clock. 1:37. I had a pit in my stomach due to the nerves. I went back into my pup house, and suited up. But how do I get past the pups?

It was time to leave and I was as scared as ever. Relax. I told myself. This is for my family. For Skye.

I heard the voices of the pups outside. "Where did Chase go?" I heard Zuma say. (this is Zuma's only line so far lol) "Maybe he went inside." That was Skye's voice. I opened my pup house door to see them all gathered up about ten feet away. "I'm here guys." I said. They all looked at me, there expressions saying ooooohhhh there he is. "The game isn't fun without you." Rocky said, which earned some nods of agreement. "I can't really play, I'm sorry," I said, pretending to be dejected. "I should be good to go in a few days."  Everyone sighed, as a few days seemed like a long time, but I would probably be dead by then. "Well, maybe we should head inside then." Rubble said, and everyone agreed. "I'm going to take a quick nap," I lied. "Then I'll join you."

After all the pups had left, it was go time. I slid out of my pup house, and bolted down the road. I got to the beach with a little time to spare, and once again, I was left in my thoughts.

Mum, Dad, Rose, Ryder, Skye, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma and Rubble. This is for you. So we can live without fear, and I can mourn without anger. I heard the sound of a motorcycle in the distance. This is it. I will make you guys proud.

I heard a motorcycle in the distance, and I knew that this was it. What was the faint sound grew louder every second, until a figure appeared on the road. The motorcycle pulled into the parking lot beside the beach, and the man took his helmet off, and placed it carefully on the seat.

Mallory stopped about 75 feet away from me, and smiled menacingly. "You wanted a fight?" I said "You're gonna get one." I gave Mallory a contesting look. "You're no match for me." He retorted. "Well then, I guess we'll just have to find out."

The two of us stood silently, waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, he took a single step forward, and that's when I started running at him. I pounced on him, knocking him over. I bit him and scratched him furiously. He dug his nails into my skin, causing me to yelp. In the time that I was off my guard, he took the opportunity to kick me back, allowing him to get up and back to his feet again. Pain stung me, but I ignored it and jumped back up. We returned to the state of waiting again, and he spat out blood.

"You want more?" I challenged. "I don't think I need any more entertainment," He replied. "Time to finish the job." He pulled a gun out of his pocket. "Time to die Shephard." An idea flashed into my mind. I looked behind him, and pretended to be relieved. "Ryder!" I said, trying to contain my laughter. he looked back in surprised, and while he was doing that, I activated the gun I was hiding in my pup pack with my voice. "Ruff! Net!" The gun popped out of my pup pack, and since it was programmed to shoot immediately, that's what it did. It hit Mallory straight in the chest, and he dropped to the ground. 

I approached him triumphantly. He was bleeding out, and probably had mere minutes to live. "Looks like you won't be finishing the job after all." I teased. He smiled faintly. "As far as I know, I still will be." I was confused. When I didn't answer him, he said. "I still have the gun in my hand, dumbass." He pointed it at me and shot. I felt a burning sensation, and that's the last thing I remember.

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