I am Marjorine

By hearts222ml

51 3 1

Marjorie Stotch or before know as Butters before her transition. She just moved into South Park and is attend... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

37 2 0
By hearts222ml


I had always had trouble fitting in because I'm trans but it never bothered me. When I tell you, I've never met so many transphobic people. Phew! Man, it gets tiring.!

When I came out to my parents they of course grounded me for the idea of changing myself. But they soon came around.

So after they did, they paid for the surgery and I grew my hair out.

I changed my name from Leopold to Marjorine, of course with the help of my parents.

Of course, I still let them use my nickname, and middle name, 'Butters' I still let them call me that but they mostly call me by my new name.

They said as long as I'm happy, they are too. My parents are very strict people but I love them. And I'm happy they accept me.

Since the old town we lived in gave me hell for who I am we moved to some place called 'South Park.'

I dunno, we've been here for about a week just to get settled in and find a decent school. I've heard there are a few gay couples here, so I don't think I'd get lots of problems.

Now I was about to wake up for the first day of my new high school.

In 3..2..1!

The story begins now.

I groaned as my phone alarm went off and I was awake out of my sleep. I was having the best dream!

It was about the Hello Kitty Island adventure! I giggled shaking the thought away and sat up slipping on my bunny slippers.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower washed my hair and washed up.

When I got out I dried off put my robe on and went to my room. I went through my regular face routine. Then I did my makeup which was just mascara, lipgloss, eyeliner, and a bit of highlights.

I then got dressed I simply grabbed a light blue dress and slid on some shoes. I brushed my hair and wore it down.

I grabbed my white purse and put some stuff I would need in there.

I looked in my mirror at the finished product and I was satisfied.

I would wear a white vest with the dress since it came with it.

I then grabbed my book bag and went downstairs. My mom was cooking and my father was sitting down reading a newspaper.

"Marjorine, breakfast is done." My mom said setting a plate in front of me as I sat down. I smiled and began eating.

After a while, it was time to go. I was going to have mom drop me off for today and then tomorrow I'd catch the bus.

When me and mom got there I was introduced to the principal and counselor. Principal Victoria, and Mr. Mackey. And there was an assistant principal who went by 'P.C Principal.'

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that P.C. stands for pussy crushing. I shrugged and Mr.Mackey showed me my locker and to my classroom.

I walked in and there were two men as teachers and the class was full.

I walked in with Mr.Mackey and he got the class's attention. There were many awes and eyes of admiration as I stood in front of them.

"All right children today you have a new classmate, mkay." He said mkay a lot for some reason.

"This is Marjorine Stotch. Be nice." That's all he said before turning away.

"Okay Marjorine, I'm Mr. Garrison, and this is my assistant Mr.Slave." He said I nodded and waved to Mr.Slave awkwardly.

"You can have a seat next to Red and Wendy." He said before looking at the girl with red hair who was Red, and a girl with long black hair, who was Wendy.

They both raised their hand as I moved and sat on between them.

Wendy smiled at me and Red waved I smiled and waved back.

Maybe this wouldn't be too bad. I sighed and we all talked for a while and I made lots of friends.

My main friends were, Red, Wendy, Heidi, and Bebe. We were all supposed to have a sleepover at Heidi's tonight.

As we sat down at lunch I didn't know where to sit before Red found me. She pulled me over to a table and we sat across from 4 boys.

Kenny, Eric but everyone called him by his last name so Cartman, Stan, and Kyle.

They sat with us because Wendy was dating Stan and Cartman was dating Heidi.

I mostly talked to Red but she was busy talking to Bebe and I didn't wanna interrupt so Kenny began talking to me.

"So Marjorine," Kenny said looking at him. I looked up from my phone and looked at him. "Yeah?" Kenny was cute.

He had dark blond hair, and a yellow parka jacket with a hood that was always up, and it zipped over his mouth almost all the time.

He finally unzipped it and began talking, "You got a boyfriend?" He asked looking at me I blushed a little and shook my head. "N-no never actually," I mumbled.

He chuckled a little "Cute. Anyways we should hang sometime." He said pulling his hood down.

And oh, hamburgers. He was so hot. He had dark blond hair and his voice was so calming.

I smiled a little and nodded "Yeah definitely." I said smiling. He then reached his hand out for my phone and I handed it to him.

He dialed his number in and handed it back to me. He smiled.

Red smirked at me nudged my arm and whispered in my ear "You two are cute." She said, I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed her a bit.

She smiled and I looked back at Kenny he was talking to Kyle so I went back to my phone.

I texted my mom about the sleepover and she said it was fine.

I smiled then we went out for recess. I sat in the grass for a little while just sitting alone and writing in my notebook when I felt a shadow behind me.

I looked back to see Kenny standing behind me. "Oh hamburgers! You scared me.!" He chuckled sitting down next to me, "Hamburgers huh?" He said.

I shrugged "I like hamburgers," he chuckled and took his hood down moving my notebook and laying his head in my lap.

"What are you writing?" He said looking up at me. He had the prettiest blue eyes.

I smiled a little, "just random things." I said taking the notebook out of his hand and putting it in my book bag.

He nodded yawning. "You've got some pretty eyes," he said I blushed a little shoving some of my hair behind my ear.

"Thanks, Kenny," I said just as Red came over, "Hey come on love birds, last period."

We both got up I grabbed my stuff and we went to our last class.

I sighed taking notes as Mr. Garrison talked. I was so tired! When I get home I'm gonna sleep then shower and head over to Heidi's.

I started to doze and soon I fell asleep. I say about 30 minutes I was woken up by someone tapping my arm.

When I opened my eyes I saw Kenny looking down at me. "C'mon Marjorine, it's time to go." I nodded grabbing my stuff and following him out.

I saw my mom and waved at Kenny as he got on the bus. He waved back and I heard Red shout "Don't forget okay! 9 at Heidi's I'll text you the details!" She said and I nodded.

I got in the passenger seat and buckled in.

"So.. how was it?" She asked as she began to drive towards the house.

"It was really good!" I said and I began to tell her about everything that happened. I talked the whole walk home and I talked while we sat at the dining table eating lunch.

"Marjorine, you haven't shut up about this 'Kenny' boy, do you like him?" She said as she watched me choke on my noodles a little.

"Momm!!! No Kenny my friend! He is cute though." I admitted.

She smiled "Okay marjorine, go get ready for your sleepover." She said I nodded finished my food and went upstairs.

When I got the messages from Red.


Heyy! It's Red. Heidi's address is xxxxxx xxx x. You can show up in pajamas! Bring some snacks if you can!

Okay! I'll be there soon!
Great! Can't wait.!
Read at 8:54

I smiled and cut my phone off, first I went to the store and got some chips, chocolates, candies, and a big thing of soda.

I then went back home showered and then changed into some red pajama pants and a white tank top. I slipped on my bunny slippers and put everything I needed in a bag.

I tied my hair back in a ponytail. I grabbed my phone and charger and put it in my purse. I walked down the stairs where Mom was waiting.

"Ready?" She said I nodded and we walked out to go to Heidi's, I put the address in the GPS and she started driving.

When we got there I said bye and walked up to the door. Before I could knock Heidi opened the door with a smile and pulled me in.

I yelled a little and laughed as she giggled. She walked me to her room where the rest of the girls were.

I sat down and we were all sitting in a circle, we were all talking and eating snacks.

Bebe looked at me and smirked, "So Marjorine, who do you like?" She said and everyone turned to me.

I blushed a little moving my hair behind my ear. "Um. I think Kenny pretty cute." I said quietly and everyone squealed.

"Kenny and Marjorie sitting in a tree! K-I-s-s-I-n-g!" Bebe said then collapsing onto Wendy.

I giggled a little and Red looked at me, "They're so cute too! They were all cuddled up under the tree at recess today!" Red said and the girls broke out in a squeal again.

We all giggled and then began talking about whatever, soon Heidi had gotten a FaceTime from Cartman so she connected her phone to the TV so everyone could see.

And the 4 boys were having a sleepover. Kyle and Stan were playing on the Xbox and Kenny and Cartman were in the background wrestling.

Cartman fell off the bed and it made a huge boom causing them to sit down.

They laughed before I saw Kenny get up grab his phone and lay back on Cartman's bed.

Then a message came through to my phone.


So their loud huh?

Ig lol😂I like it tho

Lmao. Yea, cartman's fatass is eating all the food, just look at him!

I looked over at the TV just to see Kenny looking too Cartman was indeed eating everything. Me and Kenny both laughed.

Oh god, he's terrible!

Yeah, but he's my best friend, even tho he's always being an asshole.

I get that.

Yeah, but looks like your girlfriends have something planned.
Read at 10:56

I looked up from my phone to Red pulling me up by my hand.

"Where are you guys gonna be?" Heidi said disconnecting her phone from the TV.

"The shed duh," Cartman said. Heidi rolled her eyes "Alright babe we'll be there." She hung up and told us to get dressed. I got up and grabbed our bag of snacks and my purse.

We all walked out and walked until we got to a park.

The boys at the park were, Kenny, Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Clyde.

The girls hugged their boyfriends and we and Kenny greater each other.

"Hey, Marjorine." Kenny said waving. I smiled and waved back.

"Stop fucking and let's go!" We both blushed and began to follow the group.

There was a huge hill we had to walk up and there were so many sticks I was tripping over.

Kenny looked at me. "Get on my back," he said I hesitated for a minute but then I got on his back.

I saw a flash and saw Red smirking. I rested my head on Kenny's shoulder.

When we finally got up the hill and to this shed when they opened the door it was huge on the inside.

There were couches, beanbags, a bed, and a TV, with a mini fridge.

I got down and sat the snacks on a table. We all sat down and talked for a while.

Until Cartman took us all outside to this small park. We were all playing with these ninja stars Cartman had.

"How the hell do you throw it so good Kenny!" Kyle said and Kenny laughed. "Like this!" Kenny said and threw it I turned to see it but instead of it going past it went straight into my right eye.

I let out a scream as I felt the blood gushing from my eye.

I felt tears coming from my other eye as everyone rushed over to me.

"H-help me. It's s-stuck in my e-eye.!" I stuttered out. "Someone call her parents," Kenny said grabbing my hands and moving them from my eye to see.

"No.!" I said quickly which caused everyone to look at me. "N-no. I'd be in too much trouble. I'd be grounded forever." I said. "I'll take the blame," Kenny said.

I shook my head. "Let's just go to the emergency room and see what happens," I said and we all agreed.

As we were in the emergency room the doctors said I'd have to go into surgery so it could get removed.

I whimpered because I knew when I woke up my parents would be there.

They say I was in there for hours. When I woke all my friends were in my room, Kenny sitting on the bed next to me.

When I sat up my parents instantly went to get the nurses.

As they unwrapped the bandage they all gasped and the nurse handed me a mirror.

I slowly opened my eyes. But. What the hell? I can't fucking see out my eye.

What once was blue was now white with a slash going through it.

"I-I can't see out of it," I said looking at the nurses. "I'm sorry Marjorine. You blind in that eye." The nurse said and walked out.

Half-blind. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. My parents gasped.

"What the hell happened anyways, you were just going to a sleepover. Where the hell did you get ninja stars from!" My dad said cussing me to flinch.

"We went to the park and we found some, and we were playing with it and I threw one up and tried to catch it but it landed in my eye."

My parents were furious.

"Butters are you kidding me! We didn't let you go to a sleepover to get half-blind. You know what? You never learn. Your grounded 3 months!"

What the hell! It'd usually only be for a couple of weeks. Three months are insane!

"Dad please it was an accident! I won't do it again." I said tearing up, I've been grounded before and I'm used to it but this is just insane.

"Butters your half blind! Your damn right you won't do it again! You're lucky your getting ground. I was gonna say no more sleepovers!" He said.

I pulled my knees up to my chest. "Fine. I'll take the three months." I mumbled. "Good. Now we're gonna get you discharged.

As they left Kenny turned to me. "Why didn't you tell them it was me!" He said I shook my head, "If I told them that they wouldn't let me hang out with you guys anymore." I said wiping a tear.

The hall awed accept cartman. Later my parents came back in with a bag.

"Here." My dad said shoving the bag into my hands. "Your meds and eyedrops. Read the bottles and you'll know." He said and I nodded holding back tears.

As we walked out I said goodbye to my friends and Mom and Dad began to argue on the way home.

I sniffed wiping the tear falling from my eye. I was sitting with my back against the door and my legs spread on the seat as they argued.

As we got back home I went straight to my room and flopped down on my bed.

The only reason I could leave my room was to shower, eat, and use the bathroom, and go to school.

I went straight to bed when I got in my room and just slept everything that happened.

End of chapter 1.

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