What if: Glitchtale\Multiverse

By Errorfics404

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What if Sans(glitchtale) received something truly powerful. He will have Sonic abilities, power and more. He... More

The Fastest Skeleton vs Gloomy+Creepy Doctor
Speedy vs Determined
Final Reckoning of HATE. Quest for Emeralds. God vs Devil.
Super Sonic Sans' First Appearance
Sonic Sans Profile
A friend? Sonic Sans meets some creepy skeletons
Cristmas Special! Sonic Sans saves New Year and Merry Cristmas!

New Path?

515 12 26
By Errorfics404

There are exists artefacts in this universe. They are called Chaos Emeralds. It's gems that have unlimited amount of power. The most powerful of them is Master Emerald. A giant green emerald that posseses a lot more power than any and all Chaos Emeralds combined. This legendary artefacts were intrusted in monsters care. Due to their kind nature and selfless attitude. 

Of course this did not set well to humans. They already feared monsters for their ability to not only create magic, but absorb a human soul. Whenever one monster absorn even one soul it's believed monster will achieve unfathamable or immeasurable power. Never seen before. It's said that emeralds can bring even more power than a soul. One emerald can be equal to three souls. Even possibly more. It's stated that one being having all seven emeralds will achieve unimaginable power that can even change reality itself. Far beyond anything even seven souls can bring. 

Monster that have absorbed seven souls can become god, but even that won't be compared to seven emeralds power or what they can make you as. That why war was brought. Humans could not steal emeralds, but they managed to create barrier. That will inprison monsters forever.

In present

Many stories were forgotten to this day. Chaos Emeralds were one of them with Master Emerald. Monster build special place that only one of their kind can access. One that is worthy and can be trusted. Mostly such previlage can be achieved rarely. Due to that monsters slowly forget about them. Until present where nothing about them is known. Not even being myth to this day. It same to humans, but monsters are also myth and legends on humans territory. 

One skeleton. A short one at that. His physique is quite wide, while he is short. He wears blue jacket with pink slippers. It's right this is Sans the Skeleton. A famous lazy skeleton with his non-stop jokes. They horrible to his brother papyrus, who surprisingly is younger of the pair. It can appear odd to other, but it's perfect for skeletons. 

Right now he was walking from door to ruins. He had already talked with his mysterious lady friend. He liked to call her Old Lady. She suggested of course. She had same sense of humor as him. Even creating jokes on her own. He bet she wrote them in her diary or had book for them. He admitted that when he got such friend his live became much lighter and happier than it was before. 

Despite that he was bored at the moment. He wanted to do something. However he for the live of him could not find anything particularly interesting. Suddenly he noticed something wrong with snow in forest. As if something was there. Sans was surprised. He opted to check it out. He didn't have anything better to do anyways. 

He approached it. He lifted snow. After that a huge enterence is seen. He examined it for a while. Sans decided to watch this place further. Perhaps he can find something magnificent. Maybe not. Sans will never find out, unless he tries. With such thought he continued on his path. Deeper he went the more he realized that this place is ancient. Alas he thought he might actually find something treasureful. Perhaps perhaps not. 

Suddenly Sans see something strange to him. In middle of room of temple. Sans assumed this ancient place to be temple. He saw piddle with huge Emerald surronded with smaller ones. In total there were seven of them. Sans did not have any idea about them. He for some reason closed his distance to look througoutly. 

Sans did not see anything weird with this gems. Just some rocks. But why are they doing here? He asked. He stood right at centre of weird ritual place. Unexpectengly all emeralds started to glow. Sans did not notice it. Until he saw light coming from him. He lowered his head to see all emeralds glowing with him. It created massive light emorging and absorbing everything, but nobody noticed it. Due to them being far away. 

After that Sans was seen uncounsioness. His appearance changed. Firstly his bone color changed to that of blue shade. Also his jacket became blue, while his slipper changed into some type of running shoes(sonic shoes that he runs in). He also got taller and a bit less wide. This it for now. Also his eyes or should a say eyesockets are now green. Energy of emeralds changed him and gave him special abilties. Moreover it made him more powerful than ever before.

Author note: He will have Sonic abilities. Like unlimited stamina, energy, stats, forms etc. Also he will be much stronger and scaled higher than Sonic. This is mostly game version with a bit of fanon and some archie power. Let's continue this story. 

Sans have waken up after several hours. At first he had no idea where he is. until he remembered. 'Man what a weird dream' Sans thought about his previous doings as dream. That was before noticing seven emeralds in circle surronding him, while Master Emerald was nearby. Sans realized that it was no dream and he was there. 'Ok, but what happened' He asked himself real question. 

Sans examined himself finding out his changed appearance. 'What the. This rocks somehow changed my appearance, also I feel stronger. I need to take them with me to learn more about them and this huge gem as well'.

Sans runned to them. However due to his speed being so much higher now, he couldn't control well. He ended up hitting tree,which destroyed it. Somehow he did not feel it. 'Okey it seems I am far faster. I felt like going up to super sonic speeds, if not quicker' Sans mused to himself. He tried once again. This time knowing about his superspeed. Fortunately he collected all gems successfully. He sped up to his house, due to his speed being so high. He did not see reason in using his teleportation. 

Sans instantly was infront of his house. 'My speed is insane. Despite it I can tell I can be faster than I am now. I don't know my current capabilities. Those emeralds grant me powers beyond that of normal' Sans concluded. He was former scientist after all. 

He went straight up to his lab. He controlled himself enough to go into somewhat fast, but not as much as before. When Sans entered he immeadeately placed emeralds on his devices to learn more. He checked them up. His energy measuring items showed that this rocks had unlimited amount of energy. 

Sans: Impressive. I will call them Chaos Emeralds. I like this name for some reason. This huge one seems to be stronger than CE(Chaos Emeralds). I am gonna call him Master Emerald. I guess this is good names. Now I wonder what power and abilities I have. I need to train to control them perfectly. Cause I am stronger than before, which means I might not have control that I had in past. Now Imma going to go. 

Sans left with his new found speed. For some unknown to him reason. He wanted to call himself a little differently now. He arrived at empty place. He examined his surrondings to see, if anyone would notice his little training here. Fortunately to his no one would. Sans signed then he started with his previous abilities to see what changed. For some time he was not able to summon anything, then after an hour he finally created his bones. They were same color as him. Right now they only looked different in color, but were they also altered in anything else?

Sans threw his bones. They flew in slow move in Sans' Pov. However he could see that their speed was comparable to his. He assumed that now they had same speed as he. most likely they also became much stronger, durable and potent than in past. Sans is about to find out anyways. His bones instantly hit tree that was in their path. This created large impact as a huge krator was formed in place, where they landed. Tree and ground were destroyed beyond recognision. 

Sans saw this and it shocked him. Never before his bones were this powerful. He means that they at best can penetrate flesh, but to create such devastation is unheard of. Sans was dreading for his Gaster Blaster as they were more powerful and had aoe effect. That could leave an even more disastrous damage. 

Sans now was trying to summon his Gaster Blaster. Due to his experience with his new found power, he was able to summon it earlier than his bones. It looked same as bones save it had same eye sockets(flashing eye) as him. Sans prepared to launch Gb at ground, but he also created bones in hopes that they will absorb most of impact. Gb opened it mounth and charged it's beam. It fired at another location to not leave more damage to already damaged area. After collision with ground. A huge explosion was emitted from GB engolving Sans and quite huge chunck of forest. Then only that was seen is Sans. He is unharmed, but on the other hand area that he fired his gb at was no more with huge part of forest. Luckily it was remote location. So no one should know about it, nor see his damage. 

It did not hit Sans like bones. He was especting it. Still he was surprised by his power. It seemed insanely powerful. He felt he can get stronger than right now. Due to any organism capability to grow stronger. However this leaves question on his new abilities. He already saw his new shoes, which supposingly helped him with his speed and were durable, via fact that they easily withstood Sans hyper sonic speed. Sans was thinking on how to bring his new powers into light. When he got urge to curl himself into a ball and go into a tree. Sans thought this at stupid, but decided to try anyways. 

It wouldn't hurt. Sans mused. He easily did so. He started to move spining on his ball like state. He rushed at tree. Yes it's famous homing attack(if I am not wrong). He hit tree, which exploded by impact with Sans spin with homing attack. Sans stood in his normal state. He found out one of his new powers. He can spin and also go to weak point of tree, which he could notice. He called his ability to go ball and spin. Spin attack, while other is called Homing Attack. 

Sans: I wonder what else can I do?

Time skip

A couple of months passed from Sans transformation and his power change. Of course his brother was worried for Sans. He had Alphys to examine him, but she did not see anything wrong with him. She only said that he had immense amount of energy, that's it. She stated that it seemed to not be harmful. That made Papyrus and others to calm. Sans continued to train all this time. 

He was able to master all of abilities and powers he got. Note: Basically can do anything Sonic do, but it's stronger and faster and on top of it all add his own abilities amplified by Sonic abilities. 

Moreover he grew more powerful this months because of his training. Also he noticed that he was getting stronger even without training. Also Frisk already have fallen into underground. She was experimenting with her power. The power of reset. This power allows user to control time itself. Reseting this world and timeline. Sans was immune to this as he was able to remember everything. Now he was waiting for something to happen. 

Little did he know what adventures await for him. So let's skip genocide as it's current  Frisk path. 

Judgement Hall

A pair of footsteps is heard. In the corridor right in centre of it. A figure. A short one is there. It's a skeleton. Not normal one though. It Sans the Skeleton. Also for some reason he also likes to call himself Sonic sometimes. He does not know why. Anyways he was waiting for Frisk. He did not know why he hadn't stopped her in the beggining. However he just couldn't force himself to break old lady promise early on. Only when his brother was killed he was too angry to kept that promise. 

Although Frisk killed even Old Lady. He knew that too. He wondered why such sweet kid would do something like this. Alas he did not know of another kid forcing her. Puppetering genocide with her hate and power. 

After time. A small figure even shorter than Sans is entered the hall. It was none other than Frisk. The kid whose had power to alter this world, whoever she wished. Meanwhile Chara first fallen kid who planned on freeing monsters. Encouraged her to do this route. Genocide. Frisk did not see anything freeing. Perhaps in Pacifist. Despite it her curiosity got better of her. She did it to see what differences will be. She saw them, but did not like what she saw. 

In distance she noticed familiar figure. She did not wanted to see here. This was Sans she could tell. Chara ghost looked at him with unreadible expression. Gods know why she looked at him like that(yes both Frisk and Chara is female here, my fanfiction and Glitchtale Au). Alas Frisk will never found out. 

She approached Sans with determination. She started this route. She gonna finish it. No matter if she going to be forced to fight her uncle figure Sans. He gathed at her with dispointment. This unnerved and hurt Frisk a lot. However she realized that she deserved hate and unrivalled angre, not this. She wondered why wasn't he furious or hateful. He appeared calm and stoic as always. 

She gripped her knife tighter to prepare for battle. She knows Sans won't let her pass easily, unlike in previous routes were he teleported straigh away. This time is different. Thus Sans in not going anywhere. He will teach her why she should not do something like this ever again. Chara whispered something to Frisk. She widened her eyes. Chara said that she needed to gain control of Frisk. 

She contemplied why Chara wanted control of her body. Chara promised to give it back. She wanted to speak with comedian. Frisk thought about it, but saw nothing wrong with it. She just hoped Chara will not kill Sans instead of her. Also it might be a better outcome than be forced to fight him on her own. Still Frisk decided to gave up her body for time being. 

Sans watched as Frisk appearance changed. He could see that Chara was planning something. Unlike before gaining his power he wasn't able to see her ghosty self. Now things are different he is capable of seeing and hearing her. He wondered what her plan is. No matter what Sans will not lower his guard. He knew that Chara can do literally anything given how chaotic she can get. 

Frisk switter changed colors as well as her hair. Even eyes changed a bit. Before Sans stood Chara in her menacing appearance. He chuckled she still wanted to intimitade him even now. He only looked hard at Chara. Who smiled quite creepily at him, which did not scare Sans in the slightiest. Chara only signed. 

Sans: It seems you finally decided to show up, huh? He asked Chara. Sans tone was quite cold and monotone. His deminour did not change. Chara only mused and was amused because of it. But it was not time for playing. She was here for business. That she will do. 

Chara: I am here for a reason Sans. I know your late change is not just cosmetic. I can sense overwhelming power of yours. That brings me to my point. Even with power of determination I don't think Frisk nor me can defeat you. It will be meaningless and utterly useless. Waste of time, if you may. I am offering you something. Chara told Sans. Sans looked at her bewildered. He did not espect it. He was willing to listen. At least for now. 

Sans: That would be? Sans questioned Chara offer. Sans thought that only thing she can offer him is soul. Probably that. Nothing else did not come to mind. That means. Chara extended her hand in this hand her soul of determination appeared. Sans theory prooved to be correct. Chara indeed was going to give her soul or something to Sans. 

Chara: I think you know this is my soul. The soul of determination. It's capable of many things many will consider to be unnatural. Like saving and coming back from death. Even reseting this timeline, Erasing memories, events etc. Imagine what will happen, if you absorb this soul. You already possess an inquentifiable amount of power. Just think how much more powerful will you get by absorbing this soul. Moreover you will acquire reset cause I know you can't use such power. But you can tamper with it, if necessary. I can tell by your power. So will you accept my offer or not? She asked 

Sans: Quite tempting. But let me ask you one thing. Why are you offering this to me? Sans questioned. Genially wanting to know why. Of course he wasn't going for that offer. Sans saw that Chara changed. He felt hate from her. Sans realized that she is controlled by hatred. That means he needs to destroy it somehow. 

Chara: It's easy. You are strong, besides we used to be friends. Unlike Asriel I know you have guts to have your way. I can work with that. Moreover like me you want to save monsters. So what your answer? She asked with patience. Sans breathed in. He was going to fight her. He couldn't let them escape consiquences so easily. 

Sans: Sorry. I am going to refuse. I am pretty sure you know why. Megalomaniac. Sans exclaimed. Chara looked dispointingly. However she only brough her knife in offensive stance. Chara eyes were covered in hatred as well as her mounth. 

Chara: Then I am forced to kill you like others. She exclaimed crazily wiht more hate than before. She rushed right at Sans. however he sidestep it. Chara was too slow for him. Sans was now too powerful. Chara was not going to give up easily. Now she was going to kill Sans. No matter what. 

Chara moved her knife to create powerful slashes. Sans runned in Sonic matter. Easily moneuvering to dodge them. Sans instantly blitzed to Chara back and punched her into spine. His punch was powerful enough to make her fly into end of corridor. Slamming into wall nearly breaking it. Chara coughed out blood. She stood up, but barely was holding up. It nearly broke all of her bones inside of her body. Like she said Sans power was too much to take on even with power of save and reset. 

Sans: Is that the best you can do? He taunted Chara. Who only got more furious, angry and hateful. She ate pie that restored her health miralicously. Chara runned to Sans to encage him with combat. Sans accepted it. He was not using any weapons, while Chara attacked him with knife. Soon Chara found herself in huge disadvantage. Sans combat was good and he was better than her. He easily intercepted her, which made her lose her knife. He attacked her multiple times. Then grapping her by neck he slammed her breaking her knife into pieces. He sped up to gain distance. 

Sans: I thought you are going to kill. Where all this fire go. Have it instingwished already. Had enough? Sans asked all of this. Chara still stood. Blooded and beaten still determined to end this comedian. Frisk tried to somehow escape her counsioness. She slammed her hand on wall, which cracked a little. That give her courage to do it again and again. 

Sans was still fighting Chara ragdolling her as much as he liked. Despite it he held back enough to not kill her completely. The more he fought the stronger he get. Chara also grew in power, but only sligtly not even comparable to Sans growth. It was pointless and not winnable situation for Chara. Sans however could not end her, due to her power of save. He can somewhat tamber with it, but does not have means to negate or destroy this power completely. Although Chaos Emeralds might just be capable of that. Suddenly Chara tried to attack him across room. Sans saw that and was preparing to dodge. When Frisk appeared right infront of it. Being slashed and one-shotted. 

Frisk: Please fix my mistakes. She proclaimed to Sans. Her soul left. Chara tried to get to it. Sans was too fast for that though. He already grapped Frisk soul. Note: He still has ability monster have, which he can absorb soul and gain incredible power up. 

When Sans grapped it. He was engolved with red light. His power pushed Chara considerable distance away. When light dissapaited. Sans was standing. His bones were now completely red, his eyes still remained same. 

Sans: I feel stronger. Also it seems you lost something. He stated. He summoned reset button. Thus showing his new abilities. Chara step back in fear. Sans spinned in ball and charged his energy. Such energy shook entire underground with whole Solar System. He rushed to Chara crashing into her creating massive explosion. It was so powerful it destroyed multiple Solar Systems. However Sans just resetted afterwards. 

To be continued...

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