helmet - nini salazar roberts

By jacksonaveryirl

12.7K 568 259

"loving you was a hazard, so i got my heart a helmet..." male!oc x nini salazar-roberts More

h e l m e t
p l a y l i s t
a c t o n e
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
n i n e
t e n
a c t t w o
e l e v e n

e i g h t

709 39 1
By jacksonaveryirl

NINI WAS going crazy; she couldn't move past what had happened the night prior, and as she stared at Cam from across the table in the back, she felt faint.

The words of the board were drowned out for both teens; they'd take turns staring at one another for a few seconds before looking away, not wanting to be caught by one another.

Cam only began paying attention when he heard Ricky's dad's voice. His brows raised as Mr. Bowen stood up, raising a hand.

"Excuse me." he cleared his throat, attracting the attention of the board. "Can I say something?"

"I am sorry." the superintendent brushed off his question. "We're not opening up the floor to parents on this."

"Let him speak." said Nini's mom, frowning. Cam could see Nini beaming out of the corner of her eye.

"Go ahead, Mister Bowen." grumbled the superintendent. "I'm a little late to this party, but I gotta say the real crime here would be booting a teacher who is making a positive impact. I've never seen my kid this invested in anything, and I do not think that is something we should punish, Your... Honor."

"Mister Bowen, I appreciate your statement but I think we can all agree that theater is not unique in this regard. It does not have some special fairy dust that cannot be filled by another extracurricular-"

The superintendent was interrupted by a humming noise, which steadily grew louder. He looked around bitterly, tapping on his microphone to see if it was him. "What is that? Who is humming?"

Kourtney, who was standing about the group, raised a boombox over her head, and Cam grinned a little. He had heard Kourtney sing very few times, but she was amazing.

Do not say another word

Some of us need to be heard

You want her big confession?

She never saw Dear Evan Hansen

The choreography had taken all night, and Cam had never fault more exhausted. However, he couldn't care any less; most of the members of the board looked more than impressed with the show the teens were putting on. Their plan was working.

Whatever you think about her
The show cannot go on without her
Maybe her class could be a little more classy
Maybe her head is not in the game
Maybe her past is just a little bit sketchy
We need her all the same
She is the one who cheers us on
So what if she is dropping the ball?
She stands for truth justice, and songs in our key
She stands for us and we believe
Before she got here we were so off track
Then Miss Jenn gave us a chance
We used to fall asleep in chemistry class
Now it makes us want to dance
She is the show that must go on
So we are putting in a good word, because we heard
She stands for truth justice, and songs in our key
She stands for us and we believe
What is my motivation?

Nini, who was standing at the back, looked down at Cam as she began singing. He raised his hand, and she took it as she jumped off the table she was standing on before running over to Miss Jenn. Cam watched her go, a faint smile on his face.

She provides the inspiration
Whatever about her reputation
Seems about time for a modulation
She stands for truth, justice and songs in our key
Jazz squares in the choreography
Sharpay and Ryan, you know they would agree
She stands for us and we believe
She stands for us and we believe...

Cam began panting as they surrounded Miss Jenn in the center of the cafeteria. She looked amazed, and Cam was positive he never wanted to see the expression leave her face. For a moment, it was silent. Then, the parents in the audience began clapping, and Cam let a relieved expression cross his face.

"Settle, people! Settle down. Settle down!" yelled the superintendent, and suddenly, Cam was tense all over again. "Do we have any further questions?"

"Just one." said one of the teachers at the end of the table, and Cam recognized her as one of the English teachers. "So, how do I snag two tickets for opening night?" Cam grimaced as she did her own dance move, and he could hear EJ snicker behind him.

"How did you do this?" Miss Jenn asked, putting a hand on Cam's forearm and grinning brightly at the group.

"We stayed up all night." Carlos told her, looking overly proud of himself. Cam couldn't blame him.

"Thank you." Miss Jenn breathed out.

Cam felt Ashlyn hug him from behind, and he turned around to reciprocate it, the two siblings talking excitedly about their return to the theater.

"Hey!" exclaimed Gina, tapping Cam on the shoulder. "We did it!" he nodded excitedly, and was taken off guard when she wrapped her arms around Cam's neck, hugging him tightly.

Nini, who was watching their interaction from afar, felt her heart sink deep into her stomach. She had thought something was happening, but it seemed that their near-kiss in the car had meant nothing to him.

"Sorry," said Gina quietly, pulling away with a wide smile, "Nini was looking over here. You're welcome!"

Cam spun around, but it was too late. Nini was already talking to someone else, and he assumed she didn't care at all.


"I know," sang Cam loudly, his face inches away from Nini's and his heart beating loudly in his chest as she gently touched his forearm.

"That something has changed," she returned, beaming up at him.

Never felt this way
But right here tonight
This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And now, looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
Feel in my heart
Start of Something new
Oh, yes
Now, who would've ever thought that
We would both be here tonight
Yes, and the world looks so much brighter
Brighter, brighter
With you by my side
By my side-

The bell signaling the end of the day rang, and EJ stood up swiftly, raising his hands into the air victoriously. "Yes! Yes!" everyone stared at him awkwardly. "Sorry. I really love Thanksgiving."

Cam laughed at EJ quietly, shoving his hands into his pockets. Nini stared at him, gently swaying into him so their shoulders knocked into one another.

"Okay, hold on," Miss Jenn quickly moved to the center of the room as everyone began collecting their stuff, "I know everyone is excited for the holiday break... But I'm me, and I have notes. Cam and Nini, that was good, but it could be better... She said in the spirit of holiday cheer!"

"Good save." mumbled Carlos, giving Miss Jenn a thumbs up.

"I thought we sounded pretty okay." shrugged Cam, grinning down at Nini. They were both leaned up against the piano, their hands brushing up against one another.

"Oh, absolutely," Nini beamed, raising her hand for Cam to give her a high-five, "we're killing it!"

"Your homework over this break all of you, is to please go on vocal rest," Miss Jenn advised, holding her hands up to gather attention, "And go over your lines, too which is hard to do on vocal rest. But make it work. And remember may nothing ever block your doorway to happiness!"

"Excuse me!" shouted Mr. Mazzara, who was carrying a thick binder in his arms. Miss Jenn groaned lowly.

"Okay, starting now." she smiled forcefully, a grimace in which Mr. Mazzara returned.

"Don't mind me." he dismissed her concern. "I just came to return a missing item. Ashlyn," he approached her, and she sent him an apologetic smile, "cannot have our robotics team co-captain going home without her binder over break!"

Cam looked over at Big Red, who was staring at Ashlyn with his jaw hanging open and his eyes wide. Cam frowned, confused. Was Big Red into Ashlyn? And since when?

"Thank you, Benjamin, and I hope you have a lovely holiday with whoever could possible love you." Miss Jenn waved a dismissive hand.

"In fact, I will be enjoying three varieties of peach cobbler with a loving family... so large we're renting out the Rotary Club." Mr. Mazzara bragged, sticking his chest out.

"Well, I'm sure it can't compare to the candied yam bake-off that we throw every year in my home but I wish you joy nonetheless."

"And I wish you had some joy, too." Mr. Mazzara said sarcastically before turning and exiting the bomb shelter.

Cam began packing his backpack. While his Thanksgiving break would only consist of he, Ashlyn, and EJ going to see whatever movie was showing, he was still excited.

"You hear from the coach yet?" EJ asked, coming up beside his younger cousin. Cam was expecting a call from the head coach of the Utah state basketball team; it would be great exposure for him for college.

"No, nothing yet." sighed Cam, shaking his head. "Thanks for checking in."

"Party at Ashlyn's after Thanksgiving tomorrow!" shouted Carlos abruptly, making Cam pick his head up and raise a brow at Ashlyn, who smiled awkwardly. He shrugged; who didn't like a party? "Everyone's invited!"

Cam glanced over at Nini, who smiled. Suddenly, he couldn't wait for the party.


"We're going old school." sang Ashlyn with a grin. Cam was situated between a few of the dancers, and they talked excitedly. "Make some memories, people." Cam rolled his eyes at her before gazing past her at Nini, who was standing in the kitchen.

"The party may begin!" exclaimed someone from behind Cam, and he turned around to see Carlos entering the room with a big box.

"Carlos!" shouted Ashlyn, reentering the living room with Nini behind her.

"Let me get this in here..." mumbled Carlos, moving towards the coffee table with the box.

"Okay, you know, it's a pot luck and not like, catering, right?" joked Ashlyn, looking at the boy in wonder.

"This is not food." Carlos assured them.

"Good. I thought it was pizza. Too much lactose." Big Red sighed and shook his head, and Cam elbowed hun jokingly. Carlos opened the box, revealing a Monopoly-like board.

"What?" Cam pointed down at the box with a frown. He looked over at Nini, who had taken a seat beside him. She was smiling, and it made him turn red. "What is that?"

"This is something I've been waiting many long years to share with the world." he motioned to the big box. "You guys, this is High School Musical, the Choosical!"

"The what, now?" Ashlyn breathed out.

"Okay, so when I was a child I wanted to go into the movie. But, the movie was on a screen."

"He's not wrong," shrugged Seb, nodding along with Carlos' words.

"So I decided to create the next best thing." continued Carlos, beaming happily. "An interactive, hyperactive HSM experience that can be played by children and adults, everywhere in the world... As long as they lived in my bedroom."

"Wait, wait, so you've had this for ten years?" inquired Big Red, raising his brows.

"And I've never actually played it!"

"Okay, we'll totally play it." said Ashlyn, and Carlos put a hand over his heart.

"I'm going to cry!" he huffed, before clearing his throat, another excited look crossing his face. "Okay, so there are two teams; the East High Wildcats and the West High Knights. So, sort yourselves."

Nini immediately turned towards Cam. "I think Gabriella and Troy have to stick together, right?"

He shrugged, grinning widely at her. "Wouldn't have it any other way." he thought he saw her blushing, but he blamed it on the lighting in the room. She looked like she wanted to say something more, but their conversation was interrupted when Cam's phone buzzed— alas, no coach.


"Okay, okay you guys." the entire group was crowded around the table, and Cam could feel his arm pressed up against Nini's. "Okay. There are four basic categories; the Getcha Head in the Frame Trivia Challenge, the Bop Till You Drop Dance Challenge, Sync to the Status Quo Lip Sync Challenge, and Looking for Glee which I thought would be a fun name for the singing challenge because when I was a kid I was obsessed with the show."

"Hey, it still holds up." EJ said with a smile.

"Oh, good. I thought you guys were going to judge me."

"Okay, so Knights you won the coin toss so you guys get to pick the first challenge." Carlos looked at the group before him, consisting of Big Red, Gina, Ashlyn, and Ricky.

"We've got to do 'Looking for Glee.'" Ricky said, smiling excitedly.

"You want to?"

"Come on!"

"Okay, alright," Ashlyn nodded, "we're going to look for Glee!"

"Excellent!" clapped Carlos, picking up one of the cards. "'As fast as you can please sing the lyrics to... What I've Been Looking For to the rhythm of Getcha Head in the Game. Go."

They looked at each other, panicked, trying to figure out what to do. Within a few seconds, they managed to pull themselves together, and began singing.

"Let's go! Yes! Yes! That was it, that was it! Guys!"

"That was terrible!" EJ exclaimed, and Cam nodded along.

"Congratulations, you get to move four spaces closer to center stage at East High!" Carlos announced, moving their figurine across the board.

"What?" frowned Cam, scoffing. "Wait, they get four spaces for that?"

"Okay," Carlos dismissed Cam's worry, waving a hand. Cam turned to Nini, who put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Wild Cats take a spin."

"Okay." EJ rubbed his hands together, spinning the small wheel on the board. He turned to his teammates, who nodded their heads encouragingly. "Alright we're going to bop."

"Okay. Pick one member from each team." Carlos motioned to each team.

"Who wants to go? I feel like it should be EJ!"

"I think I got it." EJ nodded confidently, and Cam gave him an encouraging thumbs-up. He stood up, and then Ricky stood up. Everyone winced— Ricky looked flustered, and even EJ turned slightly red. There'd been tension between them, even knowing that Ricky wasn't into Nini anymore.

"Your challenge is to stare at your partner and do the Sharpay and Ryan warm-up thing for sixty seconds straight without laughing." instructed Carlos. "Okay Go!"

The two boys began doing the warmup, and everyone watching them began to laugh, although the two boys at the center of attention managed to keep themselves together through the entire routine.

The game continued, and Cam had never been so into a board game before, and he had leaned forward excitedly through the entire thing.

"Okay, you guys according to the Musical Choosical Handbook of Rulesicals..." Carlos was cut off when EJ said, "Stop it."

"The only way to resolve a tie at the end of regulation play is with a lightning speed round of Getcha Head in the Frame trivia questions. Are you ready, because people have been known to cry during this-"

"I thought you had never actually played this..." Seb trailed off with a raised brow, and Carlos frowned at him.

"Honey, not today of all days." he huffed, waving his hand. "Okay, here we go... 'Name both jersey numbers Troy wears in the movie.'"

"Fourteen and ten." Big Red said immediately, and Cam sent him a shocked glance; how had he known that?

"How did you know that? How did he even know that?" Ashlyn giggled— Cam felt a grin cross his face; Ashlyn and Big Red were flirting.

"Correct!" Carlos cheered, and the team erupted in excited laugher. "'How does Gabriella describe herself when she's complaining to her mom?'"

"As the school's freaky genius girl." Ashlyn answered quickly.

"And do people usually talk like that?"

"They do not."

"Correct!" Carlos winked. "Wild Cats... 'whose red tie does Ms. Darbus compliment at auditions?'"

They all looked around at one another— no one knew the answer, especially not Cam. He'd watched High School Musical more than once... but only the sequel.

"Allen?" EJ suggested, wincing.

"Yes!" Carlos shouted out, and the team cheered excitedly.

"I looked it up on my phone, you guys, I can't stop cheating and I'm sorry!" EJ grimaced, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"EJ..." groaned Cam, burying his head in his hands.

"Well, the West High Knights have a chance to steal." Carlos shrugged, looking over at the team. "'What is the name of the girl who pops and locks?'"

"'I love to pop and lock and jam and break!'" sang Gina, dancing sporadically. "Martha Cox!"

"Yes!" Carlos exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air. "The West High Knights win! Good job!" he pulled out a small red ribbon, walking over to Gina. "You, my dear, get this homemade Scholastic Decathlon ribbon. Careful, it's just a straight pin and was never sanitized."

Gina squealed excitedly, before pulling out her phone. "Wait, okay, everybody, get in. I won! Okay, hold on, I need to share this honor with my loved ones."

"You got to stop moving." said Carlos through gritted teeth. "This is the price you pay for beauty."

"Mom, Mom, Mom!" exclaimed Gina, putting her phone up to her ear. "Okay, two things. One, I was just crowned the queen of crazytown and two, can I spend the night at Ashlyn's house?"

"It's actually the queen of East High..." mumbled Carlos, and Gina jokingly pushed him back.

"Mom, sorry I-I can't hear you, okay..." Gina moved her phone from her ear, pressing a few buttons. "Okay, you're on speaker. Say Happy Thanksgiving to my mom, everyone."

"Happy Thanksgiving!" everyone cheered out at once. Cam felt another buzz in his pocket.

"Same to all of you." said Mrs. Potter hesitantly. "Gina, honey, can you take me off speaker?" Everyone looked around awkwardly as Gina chuckled uncomfortably, exiting the room.

Cam shrugged as EJ looked his way. He felt another buzz in his pocket, and he was quick to pull his phone out of his pocket, biting back a grin.

utah coach
Hey, Cameron. Unfortunately
there's no room on the team for you
this year. Keep working hard
and I know I'll see you out here next year!

Cam's grin almost immediately disappeared, and he swallowed thickly. Nini had been looking over his shoulder at the text (she had been waiting impatiently for the news, although she didn't want to admit to anyone how much she cared about Cam's basketball) and felt her face fall.

Cam abruptly stood up, walking out of the room. He didn't know where to go, it was his house, of course, but he just wanted to be away from everyone. Nini's eyes trailed after him as he did so.

He walked into the dining room, and stopped short when he saw Gina packing all her stuff together. She looked heartbroken.

"You okay?" he asked worriedly, stepping a little closer.

"Fine, Cam." she huffed out, shaking her head. "I have to go."

He trailed after her into the foyer, his mouth agape to say something, but she slammed the door in his face before he actually could. Nini came after him, looking sympathetic.

"Cam," she said, slowly reaching out to him before he backed away, his shoulder ramming off the doorway. "Cam? Is she okay?"

"I don't know, Nini." he muttered, looking down at the ground. "I don't... know everything about Gina."

Nini winced— she'd never seen Cam so defensive, at least not since they'd made up. She didn't want to go back to the way things had been, now that she had the perfect opportunity to change what they were in a good way.

"Are you alright?" she asked gently. "You can talk to me."

"I don't want to talk to you Nini. God." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Can you stop... acting like this? You didn't seem to care about me this much for years."

Cam stormed up the stairs, leaving Nini to stare up the stairway with widened, somewhat tearful eyes.

midweek update because i just realized i haven't updated in like two weeks? i swear that was an accident but... enjoy!

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