Story Ideas

By WhovianJC

382 6 25

These are just my ideas for potential stories in the future If I can they will likely contain a rough draft o... More

What if Naofumi was Captain America
The Return of the Strongest Avenger
The One Punch Hero!
Deku the New Knuckleduster
The Viridian Speedster (Flash Deku)
Ben 10 Deku Pt. 1
Godzilla Deku Story
Ben 10 Deku Part 2
What if Deku was Karl Ruprecht Kroenen
The Gerudo Hero
Zonai Deku
My Son of All for One AU.
(MHA x One Piece)

Ben 10 Deku Pt. 3

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By WhovianJC

Izuku's POV:

          "Are you done with your questioning Detective?" I asked. 

          "Yeah I suppose we are for now," He said.  

          "Then may I get to my request I mentioned back at the USJ?" I asked, he nodded. "I request to have materials so I can fix my stabilizing matrix before going to whatever jail you throw me in." 

          "Well at this time as far as I am concerned kid you are not guilty of any of the actions you preformed well in the villains protection." He said. "You were merely following their directions out of self preservation, you will likely only get community service." 

           "Actually Detective Tsukauichi," a new voice said. A person walked into the room he looked like some kind of Chimera. "I plan to enroll him in UA so he may utilize his unique abilities for the greater good. If that is okay with you kid."

            "If I am allowed to fix and improve my stability matrix I will gladly accept this form of penance," I said. "I did want to be a hero when I was younger." 

            "You may use the Support course tech stations to repair your device," The Chimera said. 

            "Then thank you Mr.?" I asked. 

            "You may simply call me principle Nezu." 

            "Thank you Principle Nezu," I said. "Call me Izuku." 

            "No problem Izuku," he said. 

            With that they there was only one more thing to take care of at the Police station. They looked up my family, and I was given some unfortunate news. My mother had taken her own life 3 years after I was abducted, likely assuming I had been killed. Having been declared a orphan and thus homeless Nezu did me one more favor. He had me officially adopted by UA. My room was set up in a lab where I could work on an improved stability matrix. My first task was to make some equipment so I could properly utilize the equipment provided to me. 

             After much effort I was able to make a device that would allow me to digitally scan the stability matrix and begin to reverse engineer it. I decided to repair the old model and begin the process of making my improved version. It took me about a week to repair the old model, I tested out my ability to change my form I returned to my normal form for the first time in a long time. However I knew I would need the form of Greymatter to make my improved model thanks to his superior intellect. 

            It took another week to make the new model, the hardest part was that I kept coming up with even more things to put into it at the time. The final touch was to sink it to my unique genetic signature. I returned to my human form and drew some blood from one of my fingers dropping it into the core of the new model that I designed as more of a watch as opposed to a collar the price of which was losing the ability to change telekinetically. I called the Support course homeroom teacher in to help me with the last thing I needed to do. 

            "Okay kid what was it you needed of me?" Power loader asked walking into the room.

            "Ah quite simply I would like you to cut off this now inferior model of my stabilizing matrix." I told him as I sat in a chair in my human form. I was less skinny by now thanks to having more rounded meals. 

            "I thought that was the only thing keeping you in human form?" he asked moving closer to me and grabbing the knife I set out for him. 

             "Well yes that is true I have since made the superior model on the table there." I said pointing to it. "If we get it on my wrist fast enough there should be no ill effects." 

             "If you say so kid." he said bringing the knife under the lower edge of the collar and cutting clean through. 

             "There should be some wire barbed into my skin so be gentle when you pull the collar away from my neck," I instructed him.

             "Got it," he said. With that he slowly peeled the collar off doing his best not to hurt me. "Okay I think I got it." He held the collar up before it glowed hot and he dropped it to the ground where it fizzled disintegrated into nothing.   

             "Didn't expect that to happen but okay," I said grabbing the watch model and placing it on my left wrist. It immediatly attached to itself and sealed  creating a near permanent bond to my body. 

             "Every thing working right kid?" Power loader asked me. 

             "Well let see," I said pressing the button and the bezzle popped up I cycled through looking for on of my form settling on a form I dubbed Upgrade. 


           "Looks like that mission success," Power loader said looking over my form. "Interesting you claim that you had DNA spliced with your own yet this form in particular seems to be technology based. 

           "I believe the person who experimented on my called it a techno-organic being" I explained my voice coming from what is my eye and sounding slightly robotic. 

           "Fascinating!" Was all he could say.

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