By RafaelYasuko

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Being alone can be a truly terrifying experience, as it can leave one feeling isolated and vulnerable in the... More



1.1K 66 22
By RafaelYasuko

It had been just a day since I had joined this school. As I strolled down the long hallway towards my classroom, a sense of anticipation filled me. Upon entering, I noticed that I was one of the first to arrive. The room was nearly empty, with only a couple of my fellow classmates scattered around. It dawned on me that I hadn't really gotten to know anyone's names since I had left. I could only recall a few familiar faces—Hirata, Horikita, and Sudo. However, it was only the beginning, and I knew I had plenty of time ahead to acquaint myself with everyone.

Settling into my seat, I repeated yesterday's routine by directing my gaze towards the window. Lost in thought, I watched as the sky unfolded its captivating canvas, the passage of time marked by its ever-changing hues. Gradually, the room began to fill with the lively presence of my classmates. Voices reverberated in the air, growing in volume as more and more students streamed into the classroom.

The once empty space transformed into a bustling hub of interaction, as laughter, chatter, and snippets of conversations intertwined harmoniously. The atmosphere became electric with the anticipation of forging new connections and building friendships.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the room, as if a silent cue had been given. Our teacher made their entrance, commanding our attention. In a flurry of motion, everyone hastily returned to their respective seats, the hum of conversations fading into a hushed murmur.


I observed my classmates in the classroom, only to notice that a significant portion of them seemed disengaged from the lesson. Some were immersed in their own virtual worlds, their attention fixed on the screens of their smartphones, tapping away with practiced ease. Others appeared to have succumbed to the lull of drowsiness, their eyelids drooping as they fought valiantly against the irresistible call of sleep. Astonishingly, our teacher seemed unperturbed by this lack of attentiveness, carrying on with the lesson undeterred.

Curiously, my eyes drifted towards Sudo, who had comfortably surrendered to slumber, sprawled nonchalantly in his seat. Despite his conspicuous position, the teacher appeared to be either unaware or unfazed by his blatant disregard for the class proceedings. I couldn't help but marvel at this momentary suspension of discipline, as if a silent agreement existed between teacher and students, allowing for these minor transgressions.

As I contemplated the idea of joining the ranks of the drowsy, the presence of a camera in the corner of the room disrupted my contemplation. Its unassuming placement drew my attention, but it appeared that my classmates remained oblivious to its watchful gaze. The camera blended seamlessly with the surrounding walls, cunningly concealing its presence. I couldn't blame my peers for their lack of awareness; its stealthy integration into the environment made it nearly imperceptible.

An unexpected interruption jolted the classroom into attention as the speaker mounted on the wall emitted a series of tapping noises, resembling the sound of someone gently rapping on a microphone. The classroom fell into an intrigued silence, with curious eyes scanning the room for the source of this peculiar disturbance.

Then, breaking through the quiet, a sweet and endearing voice emanated from the speaker, enveloping the room in its melodic charm. The voice carried a captivating timbre, instantly capturing our collective interest.

"Attention, students," the voice chimed with a delicate warmth, drawing us closer to the enchanting message it carried. "We are pleased to announce that a club fair will take place during today's lunch break in the expansive confines of the gymnasium. This fair offers a splendid opportunity for all those eager to join a club. Kindly make your way to the gymnasium during the designated time. Thank you."

The voice dissipated, leaving behind a sense of anticipation that seemed to dance in the air. The sudden revelation of the upcoming club fair injected a little surge of excitement within the classroom, invigorating even the most disinterested souls.


As the lunch break finally arrived, my classmates dispersed, each embarking on their own pursuits. Hirata, seemingly adored by a flock of girls, found himself encircled by their animated chatter, their invitation for him to accompany them to the club fair unmistakable. Meanwhile, my enigmatic and aloof neighbor, ever unyielding to the charms of social engagements, remained seated with an air of indifference.

Glancing in her direction. "Will you be attending the club fair?" I asked, keeping my gaze fixed upon the captivating world outside the window. A faint sigh escaped her lips, mingling curiosity with a touch of icy detachment, before she responded.

"No, it seems like a pointless endeavor," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. Her actions spoke louder than words as she began to gather her belongings, preparing to depart from the classroom.

Unfazed by her indifference, I maintained an air of nonchalance. "Perhaps," I replied casually, my words intended to veil my true intentions. My eyes remained steadfastly focused on the ever-shifting scenery outside, refusing to meet her gaze. Another sigh, tinged with a hint of exasperation, emanated from her direction as she silently departed, leaving behind an aura of enigma.

A few moments later, a surge of restlessness compelled me to rise from my seat, abandoning the stifling confines of the classroom. The anticipation of the club fair beckoned me, promising a potential respite from the monotony of daily academic pursuits. With a sense of purpose, I embarked on a solitary journey down the seemingly endless expanse of the school's hallway, as the throng of students gradually materialized, forming an animated tapestry of bustling activity.

Undeterred by the burgeoning crowd, I navigated through the human maze with nonchalance, determined to reach my destination—the gymnasium. Each step brought me closer to the epicenter of the fair, where vibrant colors and lively chatter intertwined, creating an atmosphere teeming with possibilities.

Just as I entered the cavernous gymnasium, my senses were ambushed by a sudden explosion of sound. Amidst the cacophony, a distinct voice, brimming with enthusiasm and vigor, pierced through the clamor, calling out my name.

"Yo! Ayanokoji!" The voice echoed, instantly grabbing my attention. I turned my head to locate its source, and there stood Sudo, accompanied by two of our classmates. Their presence infused the air with a palpable energy, adding to the pulsating ambiance of the fair.

"Oh, hey, Sudo," I replied as he stopped in front of me. Our classmates, two unfamiliar faces, stood behind him.

"Are you joining a club?" Sudo asked curiously, his eyes filled with intrigue. I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding calmly, "No, I just came here out of curiosity." Sudo nodded, understanding my motive.

"Well, I'm joining the basketball club. If I could find it," he said, chuckling lightly. Then, as if remembering something important, he turned to his two companions and said, "Oh yeah, you haven't met these two, have you?"

Encouraging them to introduce themselves, Sudo took a step back. One of them stepped forward confidently, his name apparently Haruki Yamauchi. "I'm Haruki Yamauchi. Nice to meet you, Ayanokoji," he said, pausing momentarily before continuing, "I also didn't really come here to join a club."

The other person eagerly moved to the front, his energy palpable. "Me too! I only came here to find my designated destiny!" he exclaimed, a glimmer of determination in his eyes.

Intrigued by his mention of a "designated destiny," I couldn't help but ask, "What is that?" The two individuals appeared momentarily frozen, as if caught off guard by my question. A minute passed in silence before they regained their composure and responded.

"Oh, uhm, sorry," Yamauchi stammered, "I was just a little shocked by your voice. It's really deep, man."

"It's alright, but you didn't answer the question"

They both huddled. I observed the two young men engaged in a lively conversation, trying to understand their topic of discussion. After a momentary pause, one of them finally spoke up, his voice slightly louder than necessary.

"You know what we're really after?" he exclaimed with enthusiasm."It's all about finding a girlfriend!" His friend chimed in, affirming their shared objective. However, unbeknownst to them, his exclamation caught the attention of a few passing girls who reacted with disdain before quickly leaving.

I nodded quietly, although their pursuit eluded my complete comprehension. Nonetheless, I recognized their right to pursue personal goals without interference. Sensing my interest, I decided to engage further.

"Apologies for not catching your name earlier," I politely interjected. Startled, he laughed at his oversight.

"Oops, I totally forgot! I'm Ike Kanji. Pleasure to meet you," he introduced himself warmly.

Just then, Sudo appeared, coming up from behind the two friends. Wrapping his arms around their necks in a playful manner, he teased them. "Hey, you guys up to your usual shenanigans?"

Confused, Ike inquired, "What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying, are you two sharing your perverted thoughts again? You're aware that your influence can be contagious," Sudo quipped, prompting the two friends to grumble in response.

"Nah, we're just talking about our quest to find a girlfriend here in Ayanokoji, right?" Ike turned to me, seeking confirmation. I slowly nod.

"Well alright, we'll be going then, bye ayanokoji" he says waving before dragging the two. I waved slightly and went on my way.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself colliding with someone, though it appeared that he had inadvertently bumped into me instead. I turned my head to discover that it was none other than Hirata, a familiar face from our school. "Sorry," I quickly uttered, trying to take responsibility for the unexpected encounter. Hirata lifted his gaze and responded with a gentle smile. To my surprise, a few of my female classmates began to nudge me away, creating an odd distance between us. Among them was a girl with neck-length blue hair adorned with a pink hair clip, and her bluish-pink eyes displayed a tinge of annoyance.

"Hey, watch where you're going," she huffed, her frustration apparent.

"It's alright, Shinohara-san. I'm the one who should apologize," Hirata interjected calmly, his voice emanating kindness. Miraculously, his words seemed to soothe the girl's agitation, as she gradually relaxed.

"Well, if you say so," she replied, a smile replacing her previously furrowed expression.

Suddenly, a teenage girl with average height and waist-length blonde hair, neatly tied in a ponytail, caught my attention. Her captivating purple eyes sparkled with youthful energy. She embraced Hirata's right arm.

With an infectious energy, the ponytailed blonde girl clung to Hirata's arm, eagerly urging him to depart. "Let's go, Hirata-kun. No need to waste time on this loner," she proclaimed, unabashedly voicing her opinion right in front of me. Though her words held little significance to me, I remained expressionless, standing in place.

Before Hirata could react, he was swiftly whisked away by a group of other girls, leaving me with a slight pang of sympathy for him. Oddly enough, one girl chose to stand beside me, her curious gaze fixed upon me, while I remained lost in my own thoughts. After a short while, she broke the silence.

"Hey, are you alright?" she inquired kindly. I turned to face her, taking in her long brown hair, elegantly styled with bangs swept to the right, and her captivating blue eyes. There was no denying her beauty.

"Uh, yeah," I responded. The mere sound of my voice seemed to catch her off guard, as if its depth had startled her. But really, it was just a voice.

She shook her head lightly, a smile gracing her lips as she looked up at me. "Hmm, you left the classroom when Hirata mentioned introducing ourselves, didn't you?" she pondered, tilting her head slightly. I nodded in confirmation, prompting her smile to widen.

"Well, I'm quite curious. What's your name?" she inquired, her eyes shimmering with genuine interest.

I casually uttered my name, "Ayanokoji Kiyotaka," as if it were a mere formality. Undeterred by my nonchalant response, Matsushita Chiaki maintained her gentle smile and introduced herself in return.

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Matsushita Chiaki," she said, her smile growing wider. Intriguingly, she moved a bit closer to me, prompting my curiosity.

Why was she engaging in conversation with me? Nevertheless, I shrugged off my thoughts, acknowledging that perhaps the author needs a plot development.

With her gentle smile still adorning her face, Chiaki inquired, her curiosity evident, "Are you here to join a club?" Her words lingered in the air, and I couldn't help but wonder about her motives. However, I decided to play along.

"Not really. I'm only here out of curiosity," I responded nonchalantly. In response, Chiaki emitted a brief giggle, her smile returning once more. "What a coincidence. I'm here for the same reason," she revealed, her voice soft and gentle.

Her statement piqued my interest, and I couldn't help but inquire further. "Weren't you here to spend time with Hirata? You were with the group earlier," I questioned, expecting some clarification. Once again, she giggled, turning her gaze towards me.

Chiaki's response held a hint of slyness, adding an intriguing layer to our conversation. "Maybe, but right now, I'm interested in something else," she confessed, her voice laced with a subtle playfulness.

I maintained my composure, responding calmly to her statement. A gentle giggle escaped Chiaki's lips, her
eyes lighting up as she gazed up at me.

"Wow, you seem pretty tall," she remarked, her curiosity evident. "I'm like an ant compared to you. How tall are you?" Her question puzzled me, but I indulged her nevertheless.

"I'm approximately 190 cm," I revealed, observing her eyes widening in surprise. She smiled once more, her giggles punctuating the conversation. "Wow, so that's why," she mused. "I guess that's why I feel short standing next to you. I'm only 165 cm." Another giggle escaped her, filling the air with a lighthearted ambiance.

I didn't see why she needed to know my height, nonetheless we made our way around the gymnasium. We came across the music club, and a lot of different instruments were there. As it seems to be less crowded here.

As I wandered, my gaze inadvertently landed upon an old piano tucked away in a corner. Despite its age, the instrument appeared meticulously maintained, radiating an aura of newfound youth. Matsushita, ever observant, caught me staring at the piano. She tilted her head curiously, her eyes fixed upon me.

"You play the piano?" she inquired, her voice brimming with curiosity and softness. I nodded in response, my affirmation accompanied by a faint whisper, "Yes, it was the source of the freedom I once possessed." Her ears perked up, sensing a deeper meaning behind my words.

"Hmm? What was that?" she probed, her curiosity piqued. Hastily, I dismissed her inquiry, diverting my gaze elsewhere. "Nothing, it's okay," I replied, my voice barely audible. The weight of the past lingered in my words, but I was not yet ready to unveil its entirety.

"Well, can I hear you play a bit?" she persisted, her curiosity unabated. I pondered her request, contemplating the implications.

"If we can obtain permission from the club members," I replied nonchalantly, almost doubting the feasibility. To my surprise, she swiftly departed, her steps determined as she sought out the club's seniors.

The swiftness of her actions caught me off guard, leaving me momentarily taken aback by her unwavering determination.

After a brief interlude, Matsushita returned, accompanied by a senior female student from the club. Excitement danced in her eyes as she eagerly announced her triumph, "I got permission!" Her words carried a playful undertone, leaving me wondering what mischief she had employed to secure the consent. The senior member, stopping behind her, regarded me with a curious gaze.

"So, you'd like to play the piano?" she inquired, her tone welcoming. My response came in the form of a slow nod, a gesture that felt somewhat coerced, as if I had been drawn into a situation from which escape was now elusive. Understanding my tacit agreement, the senpai nodded in return and proceeded to prepare the piano for my performance. With the instrument now ready, she turned her attention back to me.

"Alright, it should be all set. Let's see what you can do," she spoke with kindness and tenderness in her voice. A sigh escaped my lips as I resigned myself to the inevitable, stepping forward towards the awaiting piano.

Taking a seat at the piano, I cast a lingering glance towards Matsushita and the curious senpai who stood beside her. Matsushita's mischievous smile hinted at her anticipation, mixed with a genuine curiosity, while the senpai exuded an undeniable intrigue, eager to witness my performance. Another sigh escaped my lips, betraying a subtle mix of apprehension and resignation. With a deep breath, I let my fingers grace the keys, initiating the long-awaited melody.

It had been quite some time since I last played this particular composition, a piece I had crafted during my days within the confines of the enigmatic White Room. Though not exceptionally extraordinary, it possessed a unique charm that had garnered praise in the past. Now, here I was, sharing it once again. The music flowed forth elegantly and effortlessly, each note crafted with precision and care.

As my fingers danced upon the ivory keys, a sense of tranquility filled the room. The composition's tranquil nature and gentle rhythm conjured a soothing ambiance, wrapping its ethereal embrace around the atmosphere. It was a form of music that washed away worries and brought solace, providing a much-needed respite for all those who listened.

Lost within the melody, I became one with the piano, allowing the harmonies to carry me away. The soft timbre of each note resonated, creating a tapestry of emotions, both tender and profound. And as the final strains echoed through the air, a moment of silence followed, enveloping us all in its lingering embrace.

As I delicately struck the final note, the resounding sound faded into silence, marking the culmination of the musical journey. A brief pause ensued, allowing the lingering melodies to dissipate into the air. Then, like a wave crashing upon the shore, applause erupted around me. The collective claps filled the room, blending into a symphony of appreciation and awe.

With a sense of trepidation, I gradually opened my eyes, taking in the sight before me. Numerous students, faces illuminated with admiration, offered their applause as a testament to their genuine appreciation. A pang of uncertainty gnawed at my core. Had I made a mistake by choosing this particular piece? But now, amidst the applause, there was no turning back.

Rising from the piano bench, I made my way towards Matsushita and the senpai, who were waiting for me with expressions of astonishment and excitement. Matsushita's eyes shimmered with admiration and an infectious energy, her reaction mirroring the sentiment of the crowd. The senpai, however, appeared even more impressed, her astonishment evident in her widened eyes and the faint hint of a smile.

Matsushita's excitement bubbled over, causing her to jump slightly in her exuberance before settling into a radiant smile. It was a testament to her genuine delight and the impact my performance had made on her. The senpai, too, wore a satisfied smile, her admiration unmistakable. As I stood before them, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of reassurance amidst my lingering doubts.

"Ayanokoji-kun, that was truly impressive!" Matsushita exclaimed, her voice brimming with energy and softness as she marveled at my performance. I offered a modest nod in response, my nonchalant demeanor contrasting with her enthusiastic praise. Sensing my reserved nature, she didn't press further, allowing her words to hang in the air.

Meanwhile, the senpai gently tugged at my sleeve, drawing my attention. A warm smile graced her features as she shared her appreciation. "That was a remarkably beautiful and soothing piece of music. I must say, I am thoroughly impressed!" Her words carried an infectious energy and joy. Grateful for her kind words, I simply replied, "Thank you."

Without missing a beat, the senpai swiftly transitioned to a new topic. "I'll be brief. Would you like to join the club?" she inquired with a soft and pleasant tone. I let out another sigh, my response filled with a tinge of regret. "Sorry, but I will have to decline," I conveyed, aware of the disappointment my words might evoke. Both Matsushita and the senpai displayed visible surprise, their expressions mirroring their unexpected reaction.

The senpai let out a melancholic sigh, as if lamenting the missed opportunity of acquiring something extraordinary. However, she quickly composed herself, flashing a bright smile as she lifted her gaze to meet mine.

"It's okay, Ayanokoji-kun. It's your decision, and we respect that. But if you ever change your mind, know that you can join the club anytime! I'd be happy to provide you with my number," she expressed, her words filled with genuine enthusiasm.

Her nonchalant offer caught me off guard, briefly causing me to contemplate the unexpected turn of events. Eventually, I nodded, accepting her proposition, and we proceeded to exchange our contact information, solidifying a newfound connection.

I glanced at Matsushita, noticing the faint pout on her lips and the slight sulking in her demeanor. Intrigued by her sudden change in mood, I approached her with a curious expression. "What's wrong?" I inquired, genuinely interested in understanding her discontent. She turned towards me, her cheeks still slightly puffed as she mumbled softly, "She got it before me."

Confusion flickered across my face as her words registered. "What?" I probed, urging her to clarify. Matsushita sighed, her sulking persisting as she crossed her arms in a display of minor frustration. "Ugh! Your number," she responded, her voice carrying a mix of longing and exasperation. My bewilderment deepened. Why would Matsushita be upset simply because the senpai obtained my contact information first?

Taking a moment to process the situation, I contemplated her unspoken desire. It dawned on me that she might have wanted a means of staying connected, a symbol of our newfound camaraderie. Without hesitation, I reached for my phone, pulling it out from my pocket. With a nonchalant tone, I offered, "I can give you mine if you want." As those words left my lips, Matsushita's sulking expression swiftly transformed into a bright smile, radiating cuteness in its entirety. Nodding eagerly, she expressed her approval through a series of enthusiastic nods.


As the day drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the unexpected turn of events. My phone now contained a few additional contact entries—Sudo, Matsushita, and the senpai. It was a subtle reminder of the connections forged during the club fair. Placing my phone back into my pocket, I shifted my attention to the present moment.

Two girls suddenly approached me, positioning themselves directly in front of me. Their vibrant energy filled the air, making it evident that they recognized me as the musician who had captivated the crowd earlier at the club fair. Their enthusiastic voices echoed around me as they eagerly confirmed their assumption, leaving me with a slow, uncertain nod in response. It puzzled me how effortlessly they had approached me with such familiarity.

Seemingly undeterred by my reserved nature, one of the girls boldly requested, "Can we take a picture?" Their sudden request caught me off guard, my mind struggling to comprehend their motives. Before I could formulate a response, they had already whipped out their smartphones, capturing a spontaneous selfie with me. The exchange transpired swiftly, leaving me momentarily bewildered.

In the aftermath, they hastily expressed their gratitude and promptly departed, leaving me to exhale a sigh of mild exasperation. It was moments like these that made me question my decision to attend the club fair in the first place. The unintended consequences of my actions had unintentionally elevated my visibility, thrusting me into a degree of popularity I had never sought.

Resigned to the reality of the situation, I reminded myself to accept the consequences of my choices, however unexpected they might be. After all, popularity wasn't my primary objective, but it seemed to have found me nonetheless.


Sorry I'm only updating this every week.

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