Berry and Murderers? (HorrorD...

Od RainbowMistcloud

674 20 20

⚠️I DON'T OWN THE COVER ART, I'M TERRIBLE AT DRAWING⚠️ I also couldn't find a HorrorDustBerry pic that fit 🫨... Více

|~About the characters~|
Chap1 ~ Getting to know each other
Chap2 ~ The accident
Chap3 ~ The next day
Chap3.5 (added to 3)
Chap5 ~ What the hell...


64 3 3
Od RainbowMistcloud

(I'm so sorry Trypanophobia people, I also have it and tend to get dizzy just hearing anything about it, so writing this was tough)
Sorry this chapter is really long ^^;)

Horror's POV:
I woke up the next morning with Blue and Dust still sleeping. I had school yet so I slowly got up and slid them off me and I stood up stretching. Everyone was in the kitchen when I walked in. "Good morning!" Dream and Cross said. "Mornin'" Killer said still half asleep. "Morning sleepy head" Error said jokingly. "How was your sleep?" Asked Boss. "Good morning. Also my sleep was good, thanks for asking" Boss just nodded and handed me food. I happily took it and sat down to eat. After I ate everyone but Cross left for school. "Cya Cross, also please give them both pain medicine!" I said "Will do!" Cross said. After we arrived at school we met up with Ink, straight away he asked "Please explain or show me who the assholes are that hurt Blue and Dust" she asked Boss. "Here, since I thought you'd ask. I cut them out of the yearbook from last year in our old school when we were all separated between the 'good and bad' kids, I also left the names on there for you" is all she said before walking off. Ink then left somewhere. Whatever, we all left to wherever our classes are, I had Error stick with me though.

Ink's POV:
I had this all planned out yesterday. I walked to the office to ask the principal where all their classes were and wrote it in a notebook. "Thanks" I said walking off, I first went to Jack's classroom and asked him to come with me, he agreed without hesitation and came to the hall with me. I then punched him really hard in the face. "OW, GOD DAMN YOU!" He yelled "That's for hurting my friend badly" I said. I then kicked him in the stomach. "FUCK" he yelled "That's for hurting her crush." Then I tripped him making him fall to the floor, I knelt down on top of him to prevent him from getting up, then I grabbed his hand and snapped his fingers and got up. He just hissed out in pain. "Then that, is for making her unable to speak for the moment. You're lucky I didn't do worse" I hissed and walked away.

No one's POV:
Nightmare walked out of the shadows. "I didn't know she could hurt someone like you" she laughed
"Oh shut up" Jack said back
"Make me" She smiled with her fangs showing
(sHuSh, people can have sharp teeth, but I like to make the bad guys have like- really sharp fangs since I feel like it goes with their characters, sorry if you don't like it ;-;)
He gulped. "S-since when did you have fangs"
Nightmare giggled "Ah, since I was born. I got them from my Father, but even though me and Dream are twins, she doesn't have them" she shrugged
"I-I.." Jack stuttered
"You what?" Nightmare hissed
"I'm sorry...!" Jack yelled.
"PFFT, SORRY. YOU. SORRY? THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE" she laughed crazily, clearly not mentally stable at the moment.
Killer walked up behind her and hugged her making her stop.
"Night, relax, you're about to go insane. You know me and the gang don't like that" He whined
She took a deep breath and started walking away. "Let's get to class Kills" she said
"Alright!" Killer said running after her.
Jack got up and went to the nurse.

At the mansion:
"Take the medicine already!" Cross yelled to Dust.
"EW, NO, GET IT AWAY!" He hissed running off
"THEN SLEEP OR SIT DOWN" Said Cross chasing after him

Knock knock
Was heard at the door. Cross and Dust stopped straight away, and Cross went to the door opening it, seeing Horror and Error came back early. "Oh my Lord, finally, Dust won't take the pain medicine" Cross sighed
"Hand it to me" Horror said and Cross did that.
He then put it in his mouth and grabbed Dust, when all of a sudden, he kissed him and pulled away and blocked Dust's mouth with his hand.
"Swallow." Horror said sternly
Dust tried to pull away but Horror didn't let him, so he swallowed it.
"There, was it that hard to swallow a little bit of medicine"
Dust rolled his eyes "It's fucking disgusting" he ran to the kitchen for water.
They all then heard a yawn and it was Blue waking up.
"Good afternoon, you alright with swallowing liquid medicine or do you need it as a injection?" Cross asked
"L-liquid" Blue replied
"Alright, here" he put the syringe up to Blue's mouth to give it to her. She took it.
Horror walked over to her and sat next to her, and pulled her onto his lap.
"I'll sit with you for a while" Horror said smiling and wrapping his arms around her.
Dust then came back with a soda in his hand. He saw the two sitting together.
"HEY, WHAT ABOUT ME!?" He whined.
Horror sighed "Come here you big baby" Dust walked over and sat next to Horror leaning on him, Horror then wrapped one arm around Dust.
"Is this what you always deal with?" Asked Error
"I thought you knew?" Horror said
"Nope, I know now though" Error replied
Horror kissed Blue on the cheek making her blush.
"Mm..." Is all that was heard from Blue as she hid her face.

Error and Cross headed to school since Horror decided to stay with Blue and Dust.

After school:
All 3 of them were sleeping together when the rest got home, Dust still had the soda in his hand so Dream took it.
"So they're official now, huh?" Asked Killer
"Seems like it" replied Nightmare
"Yes they are, me and Cross saw Horror kiss Blue, it was on the cheek but you know, it says something" Error told them
"Cute" is what they all heard as Dream came walking back.
"We should probably let them rest" -Cross
"I agree" -Dream

After that they all left to hang out in a different living room
Everyone thought it was weird that as they were sitting, that Killer sat next to Nightmare and she allowed him to hug her. She only let's whoever In the gang hug her if they're sad or want/need one. They could all see he wasn't sad or anything so it was weird to them.

N: Ah, sorry. You're all probably confused?
E: Yeah we are, mind explaining?
N: Might as well. Me and Killer got together a few days ago.
C: About time!
N: Yeah, yeah.
Nightmare rolled her eyes at Cross
Horror came walking in
H: Knew it would happen eventually. Anyway I came to ask, I'm going to go shopping, can someone watch over Blue and Dust? Plus give them pain medicine later, if Dust doesn't take his just try to give him the injection version instead.
N: I could. I have nothing to do anyway
H: Thanks Boss!

Horror then went walking away and out the door.

N: I'm going to check on them
K: I'll go with, I'm bored
Nightmare nodded and went to the other living room that Dust and Blue are in. Killer was right behind her.
They both ended up sitting on the couch next to them while waiting.
Nightmare looked over to see Dust getting up.
N: Oh, hey
D: Hi..
Dust put his hands on his head.
D: It hurts so much..
N: Shh, I'll go get the pain medicine. Killer stay here
K: Alright!
Nightmare walked away to the kitchen, grabbed the pain medicine and walked back.
He took a syringe and got some of the liquid in it.
N: Here Handing it to Dust
D: Gross, I'm fine.
N: sigh Horror wants you to take it or you'll get the injection version.
D: I don't need either!
N: sigh either do this the easy way or hard way, hard way is I'll forcefully give you the injection, easy way you just take the medicine.
D: Fine, just give me the injection, I hate the taste of the liquid.
N: That works
Nightmare then began searching for it and found it quickly
N: Now sit down. I know you get dizzy and most of the time faint.
Dust then sat down, Killer walked over to him and offered his hand to Dust to hold on to, Dust then took it. Blue woke up before anything else happened and she gets sick seeing needles which no one knew about.
N: Want a countdown or?
D: No just... Do it.
Nightmare then picked up the needle and was about to put it up to Dust's arm until the 3 heard someone throwing up. They look over seeing Blue.
D: God! Blue are you okay!?
Dust went over and hugged her.
K: Sorry Blue, you must get sick at the sight of them, huh?
Blue nodded and was about to throw up more till she passed out.
N: I think it'd be best to do this later
Nightmare started putting the stuff away

15 minutes later...

Horror walked through the door and saw Blue, Dust, Nightmare, and Killer sitting there. He noticed Blue and decided to ask.
H: What happened? Why does Blue have what looks to be puke on her?
N: I was going to give Dust the pain meds as an injection, when she woke up and saw the needle, she threw up and passed out. I'll go clean her up.
H: Alright, Dust I'll just give you the injection now.
Dust nodded and was holding onto Killer's hand.
K: Please don't break my fingers- I've had enough with that happening.
The three laughed as Nightmare picked up Blue and walked to a bathroom.


Nightmare brought Blue back to the living room to find Dust passed out, and Killer wrapping his hand with bandages.
K: My pointer-
H: You're fine, it's one finger, you'll live.
K: Nuh uh, I'm going to die on the spot.
Horror rolled his eyes
N: Good thing we all know how to wrap bandages and stitch wounds.
K: Oh, hey. Welcome back to the living room where we live.
Killer snickered
Nightmare set Blue back on the couch and walked back to the other living room.
H: Wanna sit here so I'm not lonely?
K: I don't see why not, have the remote.
Killer tossed it at Horror and he caught it.
K: Turn something on, doesn't matter what.
H: How about Supernatural?
(It's a good show if you don't care for weird creatures and stuff, it includes swearing and blood)
Horror then turned on the show, after finishing an episode, Dust woke up feeling dizzy.
D: Ugh, my arm is stiff and I feel really dizzy..
H: Remember that's normal
D: I know, I just haven't passed out or got a shot for a long time..
K: Makes sense, you always avoid getting them. Remember you need the important ones some day
D: Yeah,yeah...
Dust put his hands over his face.
D: God damnit, I forgot how annoying it is to be dizzy.
H: it's fun isn't it?
D: Yep-
Killer snickered a little.

2 days later....

Dust's head was completely healed, and Blue could mostly speak. Then one day the bad guys (besides Nightmare) were arguing about who had the sharpest teeth. Why you may ask? Who knows.

"IT'S DEFINITELY ME!" yelled Killer
"NAH, IT'S ME" Dust shouted at him
More bickering

"Sigh You guys can't shut up can you?" Asked Nightmare.
"Not until we solve this once and for all!" Error said.

Nightmare sighed again.
"You guys want to know something?"
"Sure/Hm?/What's up?" They said
"Sorry to ruin it for you all, but it's definitely me" Nightmare said showing her teeth.
"WHAT!" All the bad guys yelled.
"HOW!?" Asked Cross
Nightmare just shrugged.
"Not sure, but now that this is solved let me read in peace will you?"
"Yes Boss/Night" they all said.
(Here's a random picture for Horror, Killer, and Nightmare. I don't even remember where I found this picture honestly, I tried to use Google Lens, but I got nothing)

"Thank you." Nightmare said picking back up the book she was reading

Later that day..

Blue was finally trying to stand up even though her ankle was still in a lot of pain
Dream noticed and helped her stand up.
"You okay?" Dream asked
"Mhm" Replied Blue
"I-it just hurts"
"Shh, you're alright. I'll call Horror to help you out, just sit back down."

Blue sat back down as Dream went to get Horror.
Horror and Dream came walked down the stairs, Dust also decided to tag along.

"I'm going to go call Science, watch over Blue please" Dream asked

(I'm going to make another chapter with more characters that'll be added :D I'm also going to put more information on the others, I'll say here so it makes more sense for what's about to happen. Dust likes to run during his free time so he's a pretty quick runner, and can run for a long time before stopping.)

"Will do" Said Horror holdings onto Blue incase she wants to try standing again.
"I'll be right back" Said Dust running out the door.

Dust's POV: (finally it's someone's POV XD)
I ran out the door and was going to the Mall. After I got there I walked inside and was looking for the right store. It's been a while since I've been here.

Bit of searching later...

Finally found it. Hot Topic(one of my favorite stores, I had to add it), Horror's birthday is coming up, and Killer's is right after his.
(I'm not doing their canon birthdays)
I walked in and was greeted by a worker I knew fairly well.
"Whatcha looking for today?"
"Oh! Aubrey, I haven't seen you forever! I'm surprised you still work here" I said to them.
"Ah, I didn't recognize you straight away, you changed a LOT" They said to me
"Yeah, anyway I'm here to get something for Horror and Killer for their birthdays, since they're soon"
"I might have just the thing!" They told me
"Follow me"
I listened and followed them over to where the earrings are.
"Killer likes earrings, right?"
"Yes he does"
"Will these ones do?" They asked me grabbing a box and showing it to me.

"Yes! Those are perfect!" I said
"For Horror... Hm.. come over here" they said walking somewhere else
"Does he like Slipknot?"
"Yeah he does" I replied
"Then these should work, right?" They asked holding out a box of rings.

"You're great at choosing! Thank you" I said handing them $50
"Keep the change for helping out!" I yelled running off and out of the mall, I've been gone for a long time. Hm, maybe I should head back... Ugh, I'm not sure.. I heard a noise behind me and whipped around to see one of the people that knocked me out last time I seen him. Worked alongside Jack I believe.. I growled since he had a wicked smile.
"Don't you fucking dare touch me..." I said to him
"Oh, you scared?" He replied
"LEAVE ME AND EVERYONE ELSE ALONE" I yelled turning around quickly and running. I'm in track so I'm pretty good at jumping obstacles that get in my way.
After almost getting home I turned around to see he was pretty much caught up to me. I wasn't looking and ran into the door of the mansion, I sat up rubbing my head. I then heard the door open and Nightmare looked shocked at whoever was chasing me and Killer was shocked that I was on the ground, he reached down and grabbed my hands pulling me to my feet.
"Thanks, but now I have a massive headache, I'm going to go lay down..-"

I was stopped by Nightmare grabbing my sleeve.
"Ask Dream or Horror to check that you don't have a concussion." She said to me then let me go walking out the door and shoved whoever that was backwards.

I ignored it and started heading to Horror's room to find him and Blue watching videos together. I sat down and grabbed onto Horror tightly.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked me

"I got chased by some dude that knocked me out that one day during school. I looked back to see if he was still following, then ran into the door hitting my head and hit it on the concrete after I fell....."

Horror just sighed and gave me a hug and kiss
"Boss also wanted me to ask you or Dream to check if I have a concussion, but I want to sleep, it hurts.." I murmured

Horror rubbed my head and said "Some things you shouldn't or should be doing with a concussion. Don't be running for a while, rest, try to avoid loud noises and bright lights, and avoid unnecessary movement of your head and neck. If you ever get headaches just go to a quiet dark room and sleep, I'll let the others know about that so you can walk off whenever. If you ever need, I'll massage your neck and or shoulders to help. Also you won't have pain medicine, sorry."
He stopped rubbing my head.
"I should probably let you know of things you may experience. As you know, headaches, you could become nauseous and vomit, trouble balancing or become lightheaded, temporarily loss of consciousness, double and or blurry vision, sensitive to light and noise, then you can feel drowsy or tired. So please try to sit as much as possible" he asked me
(I know nothing about concussions, so if this information is wrong I got it from the internet so- correct me on anything XD)

"I'll try.. I want sleep." I said
"Then sleep, me and Blue will stay with you" He replied and I looked at Blue, she nodded. I then leaned against Horror and pretty much passed out on him.

Words: 3023, I'M SO HAPPY WITH HOW THIS TURNED OUT- sorry for it taking a long time and making this chapter extremely long, I would continue but I want to get it out so you don't need to wait longer :)

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