Chap2 ~ The accident

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~Once they got to the park~
Almost everyone sat down on the ground at the park except for Blue. She saw something in the distance.
I: Blue? What's up?
B: I saw something in the distance.. I'm going to check it out
Dream: I'll go with
B: Nods and starts walking

After they got there all they saw was rocks and water.
B: Maybe it was my imagination?
Dream: Yeah, let's go back
B: Alright!
Dream turned and started walking, when suddenly someone jumped out of a bush and pushed Blue into the water, she also sprained her ankle while falling.
B: Oh yeah Dre- AH!
Random splash noise (sHh, I'm so good at sound effects/onomatopoeias🤫)
Dream: Turns around quickly BLUE! I'M GOING TO GET HELP HOLD ON Quickly runs towards the others as fast as possible I need help ASAP!
Everyone quickly got up and ran toward where Dream came from without questions since they heard Blue yell. Without a moment of hesitation Nightmare jumped in not wanting her sister to be upset. She grabbed Blue by the hand and drug her up onto a rock and held onto it for a little bit of support.
N: Take her.
Dream and Ink pulled Blue up.
B: Starts coughing up water badly hurts... Looking at her leg
N: Ugh, I know how to wrap bandages since I used to get injured a lot when I was younger Finally gets out of the water Let's head to my house so I can get out of these clothes.

~At Dream and Nightmare's place~
Horror: Rubbing Blue's back to help her relax You alright..?
B: Mhm, it just hurts...
N: Walks in with bandages It'll hurt because of how many cuts you got, but try to stay still so it goes quicker.
B: I'll try..
N: After getting the bandages on don't go walking around for 4-6 weeks until it's healed.
Dust: I have spare crutches from when I broke my leg, I can get them for you
B: Please and thank you small smile
I: I'm going to head home
E: Same
B: Alright, goodbye Error and Ink!
I & E: Cya
~Around night~
Blue's POV:
It's late but I'm in to much pain to sleep. Horror and Cross took notice, looked at each other and nodded, I'm super confused about that, but it's none of my business.

Cross's POV:
Me and Horror noticed Blue's discomfort and how tired she seemed. Since me and the gang (besides Error) are staying at Night's house, I may as well help so Nightmare can have some rest as well, I'm used to staying up really late. But after seeing how tired Blue was I look at Horror and he looked back at me, we both nodded and I ran off to get a ice pack and Horror got a bunch of blankets and stuff for everyone. We decided we could watch a movie to try and help.

Horror's POV:
I went to get blankets and things when I found Dream and Nightmare chatting, both feeling like they were getting watched and looked at me. "What're you doing?" Nightmare asked me. "Getting blankets and stuff so we could watch a movie, Blue seems to not be able to sleep with the pain so me and Cross think it'll help." "Oh! Follow me!" Dream said. So I followed her and she opened a closet with tons of blankets and pillows. "We have these in case people stay over, take some" "Thank you Dream" She just nodded grabbed some pillows, and went downstairs.

Dust's POV:
I walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to Blue and rubbed her back, she ended up leaning into the comfort. "You alright?" I asked her "Yeah I guess, it's just painful" "Makes sense, I'll get the crutches tomorrow so you can actually go to school" She just smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. Adorable I think to myself... WAIT WHAT- I'VE ONLY KNOWN HER FOR ONE DAY AND I'M WITH HORROR, I can't just cheat on him (>:0) I'd rather get to know her better then ask Horror what he thinks if we could do a threesome? I'm not sure yet, I'll just do what I can to protect her and Horror. Because judging on her looks and personality, everyone may pick on her for being to 'girly' Then people just make fun of Horror for getting a bad injury on his head, he forgot how it happened so no one knows. Cross and Horror suddenly came over with supplies and what not, Cross handed Blue and icepack and gave her some pain killers to help, Horror threw a bunch of blankets and pillows next to Blue, she took one and cuddled up into it. They both sat down after and Horror sat on the other side of Blue while Cross laid on the floor to save room on the couch in case anyone goes to sleep. Then Dream came walking in with snacks and got Nightmare to bring drinks

(I skipped a little bit as Dream put the rest of the stuff down and things, in case you noticed and was confused ^^;)

Dream's POV:
After I set the pillows down, I went to the kitchen and seen Nightmare sitting there so I asked her "Could you bring drinks for everyone while I get the snacks, gotta make the guests comfortable y'know" "Yeah, sure" she responded and got up(was sitting on the counter), grabbing cups and got the drinks as I asked. I then started preparing the snacks, after a bit we brought the stuff out and Horror turned on a movie. Killer was sitting on a chair already and Nightmare told him to move, and he declined so she just sat on the arm rest of the chair instead. I sat on the floor next to Cross because I put down some beanbags to sit on.
(Idk many movies since I prefer animated ones like SpongeBob because it's my childhood XD, but just think like any movie)
~After it was over~
Blue fell asleep leaning on Dust, Nightmare was going to sleep but it was uncomfortable so she got up and went to her room, Killer and Cross fell asleep, Dust and Horror were still awake and chatting "Guys, I'm going to my room to sleep, if you're hungry or anything you can take whatever" They both looked toward me and nodded, then started chatting again.

OML, OVER A THOUSAND WORDS ALREADY- I hope whoever is reading this likes it and since it's starting to glitch out I'm ending it off here, anyone may suggest ideas they would like to see in this story, but anyway, Rainbow out!👋

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