This Love |2| Taylor Swift Fa...

Von 1swiftie13

77.6K 3K 1.6K

A sequel to paper rings! Freya and Taylor have been officially dating for a few months now. But without the s... Mehr

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Von 1swiftie13

Hey guys happy Sunday! Life's been a little hectic and I haven't been able to proof read and it is a little shorter than usual so apologies but enjoy!

22nd July 2017, Cornwall

"So I show up right, and keep in mind that Maddie had already told him what I looked like" Sam retells a story of her failed blind date last month "So I walk into the pub and he's full on chatting up another girl"

"Maybe he thought it was you?" Freya questioned as she stirred the curry sauce, while Taylor had gone to answer her mothers call. She gave Freya strict instructions to just stir and not let it burn at the bottom of the pan.

"She was blonde Fae and not blonde like Tay, like platinum white blonde, with green eyes" Sam responded with a slight eye roll "Mads had told him I was brunette with brown eyes he didn't make a mistake."

"Thats shitty" Freya sighs "what did you do?"

"I left and went to Cuban" She explains referring to one of the only night clubs in town "got drunk and went home with some guy called Luke who was here from Kent visiting family, kicked him out in the morning and never saw him again"

"I mean fair play to you girl but that was still shit of him...what was his name?" Freya asks "the one who was meant to meet you for your blind date?"

"Jake" Sam takes a sip from her wine glass.

"Never trust a guy named Jake" Taylor grimaces as she walks back into the kitchen "Maybe just stay away from J's actually, you know johns, jakes, joes" She lists off taking over from Freya at the stove.

Freya couldn't help but chuckle lightly as Taylor listed some of her exes.

"Noted" Sam chuckles

"How's Maddie anyway? I haven't heard that girls name come out of your mouth since what sixth form?" Freya quirks her brow at the mention of an old friend of Sams.

The girls never went to the same high school, Freya being raised in London and attending a private school there with Arthur whereas Sam and Evan were raised in the small town in Cornwall attending a small public school.

"Sixth form?" Taylor interjects trying to keep up with the conversation but still not understanding the British schooling system.

"Like senior year?" Freya thinks off the top of her head "Wherever you are when you're 17 or 18"

"Gotcha" Taylor nods.

"Maddie had a huge crush on Sam but Sam had a huge crush on Maddies twin Matthew" Freya explains. "And then Samantha here got invited to a party to celebrate the end of year at Maddies house by Maddie mind you-"

"Freya Louise please that was years ago don't remind me" Sam interrupted causing Freya to laugh.

Freya leaped over covering Sams mouth so she could finish the story "And she ended up losing her virginity to Matthew in the garden shed"

"In the shed?!" Taylor laughed

"Hey!" Freya crinkled her nose pulling her hand away from Sam's mouth "Don't lick me you animal" she eyed Sam as she wiped her hand on a tea towel.

"Thats what you get for digging up my skeletons" Sam sighed dramatically

"What happened after that?" Taylor asked fully invested in the story as she check on the rice in the rice cooker.

"Yeah Sam what happened after that?" Freya smirks trying to pull herself up to sit on the counter next to Taylor but struggling a little due to her injured hand.

Taylor noticed what Freya was trying to do and gently lifted her by the hips setting her on the counter, causing the brit to blush a little as Taylor went back to cooking, acting like it was nothing.

"That was sickly sweet" Sam made a face at the interaction.

"Stop avoiding or I'll tell the rest of the story" Freya called her brunette friend out.

Sam sighed playfull as if it were the worst thing in the world "We went back to the party after and I had a massive hickey on my next probably bigger than the ones Freya thinks she's hiding under that hoodie" She pointed to the brits neck causing the blonde to flush instantly.

"And Maddie asked who gave me that and I just brushed it off and didn't say it was her brother and she was all like I bet I can do better than that and then I ended up sleeping with her too?" Sam answered in more of a question.

"Damn girl" Taylor chuckled "I'm guessing she found out and you too fell out?"

"Uh no? She still doesn't know I'm taking that to the grave, she just went to uni up in Manchester and we just didn't really stay in touch but she's back now and well yea" Sam shrugged.

"What are you gonna do if she finds out?" Freya asked not realising that after all these years Maddie didn't know.

"She won't" Sam shot daggers at Freya, "Matthew doesn't know either so he won't tell her and anyway Matt lives in Australia now" Sam shrugged "And the only other people that know are you too and I may not have the opportunity or status to give you NDA forms but consider this my version of one"

"Noted" Freya nodded

"I don't know the girl so your secrets safe with me" Taylor nodded leaning back against the counter next to where Freya was sitting. Freya subconsciously draping her arm on the singers shoulder.

"Monopoly after dinner? For old time sakes?" Sam asked as Taylor began to plate up the chicken curry and rice.



Freya and Taylor spoke at the same time "Babe" Taylor pouted "why not it'll be fun"

"Because Sam cheats!" Freya excused.

"I do not!" Sam defended "You just lose and I just win"

Taylor chuckled "Maybe you'll be lucky this time baby"

"Fine but I wanna be the penguin" Freya mumbled

"Hat" Sam called dibs

Taylor nodded as she handed Sam her plate before helping Freya off the counter and carrying both their plates to the already set table. "I'll be the car" Taylor nodded

The trio sat and ate dinner while discussing monopoly tactics and what each girl thought buying what would give you the easier win.


"Babe, Sam do you want anything" Taylor called into the living room where the pair were setting up the board game.

"We're good thanks honey" Freya called back as she sorted the money into piles with her one hand, while Sam sorted the plastic houses into a pile of green ones and red ones.

10 minutes later the three girls were sat around the monopoly board each with their small stack of money.

"Pay up" Taylor stretched her hand out to Sam.

"You don't even own that?!" Sam shook her head.

"Liverpool Street station yes I do" Taylor smiled wickedly holding out the card for Sam to see "and I have kings cross too so that'll be 50 please" Taylor smiled innocently keeping her hand outstretched.

Sam grumbled unhappily but still handed Taylor the brightly coloured notes.

The game remained relatively calm until about an hour in when all the spots had been bought and some even had hotels, Freya was slowly loosing money as Sam and Taylor had bought the most expensive properties on the board.

"I don't want play anymore" Freya mumbled like a child after handing Taylor 1500 for landing on mayfair.

"Aww baby" Taylor frowned even though she was finding all of this amusing "I'm sorry" she giggled

"You're not!" Freya rolled her eyes as it was Sams turn to roll the dice.

"You're right I'm not" Taylor said wickedly as she watched Sam move the hat.

"And I own that so I am just relaxing my way through this" Sam smiled, content that she had landed on her own property.

"Fae your up" Sam nodded at the pouty brit who reluctantly took the dice.

She rolled a 6... which meant she had to pick up a a community chest card, picking up the card her eyes scanned over the writing before she flopped back onto the couch dramatically "thats it I quit I declare bankruptcy fight over my money!" She spoke to the ceiling.

"What?" Taylor chuckled picking up the card Freya had tossed back onto the board and reading it "Tax Cheat, go straight to jail, don't pass go, don't collect 200" she read her girlfriends card aloud.

"Are you sure darling?" Taylor asked wanting to be sure, "She turned her attention to the blonde still laying back on the couch who nodded.

"I'm done playing" Freya confirmed.

Meanwhile whilst Taylor had been to occupied ensuring Freya was sure about quitting the game, Sam had already taken all of Freya's money and properties.

"Hey hey hey thats cheating!" Taylor look pointedly at Sam who sat with a wicked grin.

"She did say take my money swift... it's not my fault you had to double check" Sam smirked.

"Fine but you can't just steal them off they have to be auctioned, and really the money should go back to the bank" Taylor mumbled the last of her sentence, all too familiar with the rules of monopoly form family games night at thanksgiving.

"Not in this house, first one out either lets people fight for it or chooses to give it to the bank, if I recall correctly Freya did say 'fight over my money' but honestly you didn't put up much of a fight I'm disappointed" Sam spoke all whilst having a calculated smirk on her face.

"She's-" Taylor started

"Right" Freya finished "but I will auction off the properties" Freya sat back up taking her cards back into her hand and beginning the auction process. "She had the last remaining pink property which Sam needed in order to start putting up hotels but she knew Taylor wouldn't let her get it without a fight"

"All my money" Taylor spoke after the bid had risen to 2000.

"All Taylors money plus 1" Sam shot back.

"That'll be 5783" Freya smiled at her friend as Taylor smirked.

"Takes one to know one Samantha" Taylor giggled as Sam handed over a large some of bills back to the bank, leaving her with 100.

Meanwhile Freya curled up on the corner of the couch Taylor pulling her feet into her lap. She wasn't really interested in the game anymore, she knew Sam would win, somehow she always did.

"Can you pass me" Freya spoke softly to Taylor while pointing at the blanket folded up next to the singer.

Placing her cards down momentarily Taylor unraveled the blanket and placed it over the tired brit "don't go falling asleep, I need you awake to celebrate my win baby"

"Mhm" Freya hummed still pulling the blanket up to her chin.

"Your go" Sam nervously looked at Taylor, she needed the singer to land on one of her properties. She needed the money, if Taylor didn't and it was Sams go then she was fucked, with 100 left to her name if she landed on anyone of Taylors properties it was game over. She had never lost a game of monopoly at the cottage and she wasn't about to start losing now.

The game went on for another hour, Freya fast asleep on the couch. Taylor trying her best to keep her excited movements every time Sam landed on her properties to a minimum.

The blonde and the brunette where in a tight race, both skimming by with money patiently waiting for the other to fold, except when Sam handed Taylor money and was left with practically nothing, Taylor then landed on Sams property and that same money would go back to her. They had been running that same circle for over half an hour now. Sam was loosing her patience her games never lasted this long people always quit and she would always win. She could see by the look in Taylor's eyes the blonde was not going to quit.

"You know if you gave up you could head up to bed I'm sure Fae would be much more comfortable sleeping in her own bed than on the couch" Sam tried to pull at Taylor.

Taylor hummed and glanced at Freya momentarily "She's fine, she naps down here all the time"

Sam sighed internally, she was going to have to work harder than that but luckily for her Freya began to shift in her sleep. Immediately stealing the singers attention who ran her hand up and down Freya's calf soothingly.

"Is it over?" Freya yawned, her eyes remaining closed.



The blonde and the brunette spoke simultaneously.

"Just let her win Tay" Freya grumbled rolling over so she was facing the back of the couch.

"You know I can't do that" Taylor spoke leaning over and placing a gentle kiss on Freya's head.

"But I want cuddles" Freya whispered only loud enough for Taylor to hear when she had leant over.

Taylor almost caved. Really she almost did but instead as she sat back up she gently tugged the brit with her and pulled her to sit on her lap.

"Better?" Taylor hummed tucking her hair behind her ear.

Meanwhile Sam faked a gag at the display of affection.

"Shut up Samantha this would be over if you just let Taylor win" Freya shot her a glare as she sifted on Taylors lap to straddle her instead, wrapping her legs around the singers waist, her arms around her neck and resting her head into the crook of her neck.

"Better" She then whispered to Taylor.

Brining the blanket up around Freya's shoulders once again, she wrapped a protective arm around her but kept her other hand free to continue playing.

"I have a proposition" Sam spoke

"I'm listening" Taylor nodded.

"At midnight we stop...whoever has the most money wins" Sam proposed.

Taylor glanced at the clock 2350.

"Deal" She agreed, as much as she wanted to win she also wanted to wrap this up and get the Brit into bed, she knew Freya would also need her pain meds soon for her hand.

And that's exactly what they did, as it got closer and closer to midnight they each picked up and rolled the dice faster hoping the game would end on the others turn.

Soon enough the alarm Sam had set on her phone rang quietly through the living room, both girls placing everything down and lifting their hands.

They had decided to count each others money instead to avoid cheating, swapping the stack of fake bills over they both got busy counting.

"5678" Sam spoke after counting Taylors

"5675" Taylor spoke with a wide smile... she won.

Sam laughed a little defeatedly "good game swift" She nodded.

The girls packed up which consisted of mostly Sam as Taylor tried to help as best as she could with a sleeping Freya in her arms.

"I'll see you in the morning?" Sam smiled

The girls bid their goodnights before Taylor gently stood from the couch with Freya in her arms causing the younger girl to stir a little.

"Is it over?" She asked sleepily as Taylor turned off the lights and started climbing the stairs.

"Its over" She hummed in reply.

"Did you win?" Freya followed up.

"Of course I won" Taylor chuckled lightly walking into their room.

"Good" Freya hummed, smiling up sleepily at Taylor as the singer gently set her down on the bed.


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