Circus of doom book one: the...

By jester_burger

27 0 2

(I have to redraw the book cover so for now its a poster of the villian danial lol) knife is a boy with a lot... More

chapter two: a new friend

chapter one: a boy named knife.

19 0 1
By jester_burger

Hi, i know what your'e thinking: "jesus christ another story that starts at school? Why?" Becouse life is unfair. Now if you'll excuse me, im gonna tell you a story that indeed starts at a school, or: "the hellhole" how knife describes it....

Knife woke up from the sounds of birds singing they're morning songs, thats strange.... normaly he had to wake up to an annoying beeping sou... "fuck! Im late for school!" Knife yelled. He ran downstairs and grabbed his bag, normaly he went to school with the bus, but since the bus is already gone he had to ride his bike. Knife never understood why school whas even invented. But he could'nt not go, since his mom whas pretty strict. As knife rode to school he whas listening to music. He always puts it on full follume. His mom always tells him not to, since he wont be able to hear the cars that way. But knife ofcourse did'nt listen, i mean, who could blame him? "Bowser 8 world" whas to good to not listen to on full follume. Knife arived at school and emediatly saw his best (and only) friend: Xora. Xora whas a girl, she looked like she didnt realy care about what others said about her, since she looked like a collurful mess, she called it "scene." knife wasnt sure if you could call it that. But it did fit her personality. "Yoooo, knife! Dude!, how whas your christmas break?!" Xora said with an excited tone in her voice. "Good. Thanks for asking." Knife said. That whas a lie, ever since knifes father died he had'nt felt good. Especialy not this christmas. It whas the first without him. He tried to get over the fact that his father died, but that whas not easy. "Sooo, what'd ya got?" Xora asked. "You mean what i got for christmas? " knife asked. Xora always thought people whould just magicly understand her, but that mostly wasnt the case. "Yeah, what'd ya got?" She always talked in this weird "teenager language" knife never understood why. Maybey she just liked talking like it? It wasnt like he minded it at all though. Xora whas his best friend after all. "Um well, i did'nt got that mutch.. but i got a few books, and some t shirts of my faforite fandoms. oh, and i also got a New sketchbook! Im thinking of making a comic of my oc: twisty! Hes a robot clown!" Knife said exitedly. "What happened to your other oc?..." xora asked. She never heard knife talk about twisty before. "Oh yeah... i had to kill them off.... i wanted a new one heh..." knife said nervously. He only now realised how dark, and selfish that sounded. Xora wanted to say something but then the Bell went. They werent in any classes together so knife just pretty mutch sat alone all day. Although there whas this one dude who whas very nice nice to knife, actualy that wasnt even true, he just didnt bully knife. Even though he whas friends with jake. Knifes worst bully. But Jason never realy interacted much with knife, eccept that one time when he catched knife staring at him and just smiled ankwardly. Knife wafed xora goodbye and wanted to walk away untill xora grabbed his arm. "Yo, lets hang out after school today! I gotta surprise for ya!" She said. "Um okay, i guess im free today so sure.." knife said. He wasnt used to physical touch, even if it whas just xora grabbing his arm to quickly tell him something. He never realy knew how to act in those situations. Later they both waved goodbye and went to class. in class the teacher whas talking about random math problems knife didnt undertand shit about. So he grabbed his sketchbook and started sketching. However, as he whas sketching he realized something no, someone whas missing. Suddenly the classroom door opened: "hey! Sorry im late!" The boy said as he whiped the sweat from his forehead. It whas Jason, that whas the person who whas missing. Every seat in the classroom whas taken. Except for one. Knife didnt have any friends in his class, so he always sat alone. Jason whas very "populair" but knife didnt agree with that term since there where only a few people in their school. Jason walked toward knife "hey um... is it okay if i sit here? all the other seats are taken." Jason asked. For some reason nobody noticed this howl scene becouse luckily they where to busy with who knows what. Jason had this very sweet, (almost to sweet) smile on his face. Knife turned red and quickly looked away, "um, sure go ahead...." he said nervously. Knife continued drawing untill Jason noticed his drawing and smiled that same smile once again. "What a lovely drawing that is! Whats it supposed to be?" Jason asked for some reason very politely. "Why the fuck is this guy so nice to me? Am i dreaming??" Knife thought. But then he smiled back at Jason, "um- its not the best but... its a robot-clown... thingy? His name is twisty becouse he can spin his head 360°!" Knife said exitedly. Jason chuckled. "Why didnt you just call him spinny then?" He asked. "Twisty sounds better i guess heh." Knife said. "But seriously though, you draw very well! You have a very unique style!" Jason said. He seemed impressed. Knife looked behind Jason to see jake. "Your not just being nice to me becouse jake wanted you to right?" Knife asked. Jason looked at knife with surprise. "What? No! No ofcourse not! I dont even like jake that mutch... he can be a huge dick somethimes...." Jason replied. "Heh, no need to tell me.... i fucking hate that guy..." suddenly jake looked at the two and started laughing. "Uch speak of the devil..." Jason mumbled. "Yall look! Jason is sitting next to the faggot!" Jake jelled. Jake couldnt say that word, even knife could'nt say that word. Although he wasnt sure. like yeah, he had a crush on Jack Black. But thats normal right? He knew a lot of boys who thought Jack Black is hot. Although knife had been admiring Jason for quite a while. But thats not gay is it?.... he just likes Jason in a friend way.... yeah... he had been crushing on a girl last year, not anymore. Her name whas Jessica. She whas one of the populair girls, knife heard her and Jason where also a thing. That worried him a litlle. Almost every boy had a crush on her, even some girls. She whas very nice... untill she got a boyfriend. Her boyfriend is a huge dick, and now Jessica is too. Jason and knife just sat there ankwardly. Jason however jake kent making weird gay jokes. Like: "ha! Knife is gonna turn Jason into a faggot too!" Or: "no wait, this is so sad! Knife has a crush on Jason!" Thats it. Knife grabbed his books, while jake and the rest of the class where loughing. The teacher didnt get paid enough to care. Knife ran out of the classroom to the bathroom. He wasnt going to cry, but if he stayed in that classroom any longer he might whould. Jason felt terrible for knife. But he could'nt realy do mutch about it... if he did he might lose his friends but worse they might start picking on him! However Jason decided he'd do the best he could. He waited 5 minutes and asked the teacher if he could go to to the toilet. The teacher said yes. Jason purpously waited5 minutes, so that people whouldnt suspect that he tried to help knife. He heard knife crying in the bathroom once before, so he whas probably there right now too. "He must have a pretty bad life..." Jason thought "especialy since his father died in that car accident.." Jason knew about knifes dad becouse jake overheard a few teachers talk about it. Ofcourse being the jurk he is, he had to tell his friends about it so that they could use it to bully knife. Soon after that more and more people knew. It spread itself like a forest fire. Luckily the teacher punished jake before he could even bully knife with it, so now he wont use it against knife, luckily. When Jason arived in the boys bathroom he didnt hear crying sounds, but he did hear music coming from someones headphones. It sounded like.... Frank Sinatra? "Since when do people still listen to him?..." Jason asked hisself. He knocked on the door where he thought the music came from."um knife? You in here?" Jason asked. "Sigh" "yeah come in...."

[Creator's note]

Please remember that i [most likely] have dyslexia, so sorry for the spelling mistakes! And english is also not my first language so yeah...

This whas the first chapter of circus of doom. I hope you liked it! I know its very boring, but itll be very great once the story actualy starts! This whas basicly an introduction of the characters. Please leave a comment if you liked it! I Will try to make it interesting as fast as possible! See you in the next chapter!

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