Meant to be together | ✔

By Chronicles_of_love

47.8K 4K 1.1K

Unedited! Wherein one is deeply in love while the other has vowed to never fall in love again. *************... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~

~Chapter 7~

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By Chronicles_of_love

Unedited chapter ahead!! You may find some errors. Feel free to correct me in comments.

<: Happy Reading :>



I'm finally in my room after all the drama downstairs. I so badly want to just go to bed and sleep, but since it's already seven right now, mom would call me within one hour for dinner.

So deciding to distract myself from sleep, I quickly freshened up and grabbed a book to read which was kept on my table.

It was some sort of romantic cliche, I'm sure Kriti has left it here.

Halfway through it, I felt that it has given me more headache just reading this.

How can someone fall in love with someone who literally tortures you? Don't you have a police complaint to make or even better just mix poison in his food?

Damn, some fictional women just make me lose faith in women too.

I guess I should just go and modify Kriti's library a little. She loves to read about people who are hopelessly in love.

But I don't. You don't belong anywhere without your self respect.
Because Love is not enough. It's never enough.

And as soon as you realize it, you automatically focus on something different which is more important for living a really great life.

I'm not saying that love is not important, it is, but it shouldn't be at the cost of your self esteem.

That's the reason why I didn't even had friends, because even though they were nice, still pointing out my mistakes and insecurities whenever possible didn't sit right for me.

So here I am, with almost zero friends, but still having a pretty great life.

Ok now, enough of all my theory, I should probably go down stairs to see if mum needs any help.

My Mumma, she would literally get the world's most caring women award if it would've been a thing. We have a nice number of workers, but still she does everything during dinner time by herself.

'Even though they work for, they too have their families. They work the whole day at least I could do some work for dinner time, so that all of them can reach home before seven and make time for their families. '

I quickly kept back the book from where I picked it and went down stairs to see mom talking to someone in a really overjoyed and excitement filled tone.

I went to the kitchen to see what is the status of dinner only to see, Dad cooking spaghetti for us.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Can't you see, I'm cooking spaghetti. Oh my god, you have a vision problem. We need to go to a doctor..." Dad said freaking out dramatically.

"Dad, calm down, I don't have a vision problem. I was just asking what are you doing here." I said, pointing at the whole kitchen.

"You forgot again. Now I think you have memory problem." He said dramatically, like before.

"Dad, I've got no problem, and why are you even saying like that to me?" I questioned, looking at him with accusing eyes.

"You forgot, it's Tuesday, and I cook food on Tuesday." He said and I finally realised the meaning of all the drama.

My mom and dad have this pact sort of thing, which says that every Tuesday and Friday, dad will cook the dinner and rest of the days mom and on Sunday, we're all in the kitchen.

"By the way, do you know who Mom is talking to?" I asked while helping him wrap up everything in the kitchen.

"No, but your mom and this much excitement, I'm pretty sure, things are not going to end good. That's why I'm already having the ice cream that was meant for dessert." He said pointing towards the bowl filled with chocolate ice cream.

"Don't you think you're kind of forgetting about our pact of ice cream?" I asked folding my hands ,trying to act upset.

"What pact?" He asked, innocently .

"Now who has memory problem?" I stated looking at him sarcastically. "Our pact, that we would never eat ice creams alone?" I questioned him.

"Oh, that, see I've got more, if you want you still have it with me." He said pointing and the ice cream box, and I just hugged him in response.

I was peacefully eating ice cream sitting on the kitchen counter, while dad continued with his cooking. We both were talking, but we suddenly stopped due to a huge gasp in background. We turned our head towards the voice to see Kriti looking at us angrily.

"How can you both betray me?" She said, and I never pick out on her dramatic habits because I know they're clearly genetic.

"You and mom make a team and do all the stuff I say not to. It costs you chocolate ice creams." I said putting the last ice cream filled spoon in my mouth.

"Not fair!" She cribbed stomping her feet.

"No problem, Kriti, I've got more in the fridge, but we'll eat later." Dad said to which he earned a glare from me and a hug from her.

"You're the best dad." Kriti said hugging him.

"Hey, include me too." I said and joined the hug. We were all lost in happiness when we heard a gasp. 

Not again.

"You all betrayed me. You had family hug without me. Not fair. " We looked at mom who was standing on the door of kitchen.

As I said, I live with people who can be literally casted in a soap opera without audition.

"Oh drama queen." I said and me and Kriti both opened our arms to which even mom joined us in the hug.

"Ok now, it's late, we should have food." I said breaking the hug.

Too much love for today.

"Yeah, you all sit I'll bring the food for all my lovely ladies." Dad said and we all smiled before we three went and sat on the dining table, soon after which he brought the food and we all started with our dinner.

"So mom, who was on a phone call with you?" I asked which for some reason made her choke on the food she was eating.

"Mom, here, drink water." Kriti forwarded her a glass of water, which she drank quickly and I asked her again the question, after she was back to normal.

"Oh... That phone call.." Mom said taking a long amount of pauses in between.

"Yes mom, that call which you had just before you came into the kitchen." I said and she looked really hesitant for some reason.

"Gayatri, what did you do?" Dad asked before I could do so.

"Uh.. It was just a friend's phone call, to ask for a marriage proposal for Krisha." She said in one breath and I was

and Clearly Confused

"What?" I asked, my voice suddenly reaching the top most pitch.

"She said that she had a phone call for your marriage proposal." Kriti said to me as if I didn't understand anything.

"I know that."

"So? Why you screamed out so loud? You scared me!" Mom said taking a deep breath.

"Leave all this. Don't tell me you said yes." I looked at her kind of warning her to say no.

"Maybe, I said yes." She said and quickly looked at her plate and started eating as if she just didn't blast a bomb on me.

"Mom? How could you? We just had that long discussion over it. How can you do this to me?" I asked her, furiously.

"Yes Gayatri, this time, even I'm on her side, you shouldn't have done that." Dad said and I was really glad that he sided with me and not mom.

"Remember what promise I made, I said I won't send you on dates, and  I'm not even sending you on one. They are coming at our place tomorrow." Mom said.

"Mom, don't play with words. And seriously, tomorrow? And you had this great excitement of meeting someone for my marriage?"

"No dear, he's a nice boy, I'm sure you'll like him, plus since they're coming home and you'll not say anything wrong about you and even then if it doesn't go well, I promise, I'll never interfere in your life." She said.

"Mom, you said that just a few hours ago and still you did what you wanted. How do you think I should believe you?" I asked looking at her with accusing eyes.

"I've invited them tomorrow, and now I want no questions regarding this." She literally commanded.

"Ok fine, do whatever you want, but it's the last time. Now if it doesn't go well and then too, you continue all your drama, then believe me, I'll definitely leave this house. It's my promise, and Krisha Mahajan never breaks promises. " I said and stormed off to my room.


Hey Readers,
Here goes Chapter 7.

Hope you all like it.

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