Letters From Pops

By 2129887Hb

37 4 2

Emails that my dad sent me while I was serving my mission. The first chapter is the last email. I did it back... More

Peace unto your soul
Fishers of Men
Final Chapter
You say that i am
lock 'em in
i and sway back
School of the ages
of rocks and braids
love unto you
lift up your voice
letting go
livin' the dream
hear am i, send me
birthday girl for a week
freedom is my name
take courage
believe in him
another day
just because
foreverness i say
higher heights
holding the key
"Are you a warrior ..... "
it's a mirage
sun is rising
interpretation thereof
chutes and ladders
of mice and mountain
of tomahawks and moccasins
of kings and queens
for all the marbles
jumping right in

immerse yourself

0 0 0
By 2129887Hb

August 23, 2022

Sister Burton,

Isn’t it quite interesting I say, how we learn the lessons in life. Lessons come in so many ways.
Ways I say simply because we don’t have control over how they happen only how we learn.
(one of the secrets in life)
When a baseball pitcher pitches to the batter there could be all kinds of styles of pitching being thrown at you. Yet is it not a split decision how one is to react to each pitch? Strike!! Or Ball.
A base hit. Walk to first ball four. Or home run!! Gussy my dear daughter, it may even be you’re out, strike three. You are out as to the moment. Regroup and you’re back at home plate ready to swing again. It is always better to have swung then to have only stood there having done nothing at all. You are swinging. Keep swinging!! :)

As you hear the crack of the bat hitting the ball you feel that thrill. So it is in life that the thrill also comes in the effort. That’s one of the secrets in life my Shoshone daughter. I’ll say it again…..
We have to feel the thrill in the effort as we do in the successes. Take the lessons learned and recognize where improvements are needed. Recognize where efforts were {rewarded.(that’s most important)} That will get you through the low moments just as it will get you up and up along the most dangerous crevices of the mountain slopes to finally reach the top where we’ll say, “Aren’t we glad that we didn’t give up. Aren’t we glad that we stayed the course to now enjoy what there is at the top. This view, isn’t it magnificent!”
“Yes”, l’d reply. “It is grand!”
So it is so, previous comps were slackers.
Not your problem.

[Live in today. Make goals now to know your way tomorrow that yesterdays always remember efforts still.
Tomorrow’s don’t know, yesterdays won’t forget,
yet in today’s we create]

I love you Gussy. I know of your goodness.
I know if your testimony. I know of your desires for righteousness. So does Heavenly Father.
I know of your well doings. It is for you to repent and the other to forgive when we’ve lost our way one to another.
How was it that Moroni knew of our doings?
Through the spirit we can know of things past, present, and future. There are seasons in life for a reason. Find that understanding and in so doing clarity will be yours.

Burn the boats Gussy. No looking back, only the vision forward!! Only take with you in your back pack the essentials. Unpack the extras that weigh you down or may cause you grief later.
When hiking you come to know all to well about the excesses and the difference it makes between what is most important and wise to keep.
That’s why for me I hike lightly. (like a feather!!) 🎯

Immerse yourself in the work. What does that mean? We say things like that. But do we really understand what the ramifications are?
Probably not!!
We’re baptized and are we not immersed?
Water all around. We’re renewed. We’re confirmed a member of the body of the Church of Christ, receive the Holy Ghost, and are we not encircled about by fire immersed in the spirit cleansed / purged of our sins? Is there no other way?
No I say, there is not.
When we are immersed we lay to the side all distractions. We make decisions that part the way and we walk in the light. We become one with “that” we are about. We cannot be one with heaven and receive higher blessings without being immersed in the effort. We’re all in Gussy.
The clarion call to everyone is to immerse yourself in the gospel. Put forth all effort into well doing.
Apply the principles taught. Find pease to your souls and walk the covenant path. Is it not said take my yoke upon you and learn of me; fore, my burden is light?

You can’t feel the situation out by tapping the water with your feet. You can’t bend down to try to peer into the depth of knowledge prior to learning. You act upon that, what is good and noteworthy [committing] one’s self by jumping in! Dive in! Cannonball in! Side kick in! Doesn't have to be pretty. Winning isn’t always pretty.
But win we must. The spiritual fight is out there.
You are in the battle. You have been called in to serve. You have abilities and talents the spiritual army of God needs. You are apart of a special forces group called to serve as missionaries.
Emissaries sent in to find the elect. The field is white ready to harvest. Go to Halle Ione.
Be not weary. Be not dismayed. You are not alone.
Think not of the world only concern yourself of what The Lord thinks. Use not a standard or measurement this world offers, but rather use the ruler of foreverness to gauge our whereabouts along the path as we hold firmly to The Iron Rod. This world shall pass away and all the iniquity too. All that is eternal even Him Lord & Creater of this earth Jesus Christ, shall stand as a testimony forever. You are forever. You are of Celestial worth.

You are a daughter of the most high and one day will return to the eternal courts of heaven to take your place to reign in the House of Israel forever.
Remember your heritage and where you come from. It’s impossible to fit into the future where we must be when we are ignorant to the past.
Elijah, would he not agree?
This is why you immerse yourself in what you’re about at this time in your life.
ie…… ie……………
Can you hear me Gussy?! 
ie……………………… ie…… ie…
I am the eagle in the sky. ie………………………
I am the wind upon your back.
Like unto the mountains of The Great Basin
I stand beside you, not moved.
Am I not with you always? Forever I am!

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